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Originally posted by Mad Max:
Imagine if someone is breaking up with you and send you a dear John letter, and the letter show up 1 month later! Meanwhile you busy trying to tattoo his name on your body.
Would you kill him and keep the tattoo when the letter finally arrive?
why not,just find someone with the same name,I call all my sweeten, sweetheart,that way I don't get the names mix up
Originally posted by Villagebelle:
some of them are also pre-authorized these ones i don't have to worry about.

I avoid these because they are difficult to stop when you want to. I pay all my bills online except my utility bill since they only accept direct debit. So I pay them with a check. I also pay for my landscaping with checks. I am almost all paperless and get my reminders through emails except I don't really need it since I have a schedule set up since I only deal with paying bills on Sundays.

Cher, Macy's do have an online service where you can pay your bills although I get the impression that you really aren't loosing sleep on it. Smile

I don't use my bank's online pay system. I use the creditors' online service instead.

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