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February 19, 2016 Source

The opening of the Kato Secondary School whose construction has been the subject of controversy has once again been delayed because major structural defects have been found.

This is according to Minister of Communities Ronald Bulkan. Bulkan was last evening in Parliament responding to questions about the budgeted estimates of Region 8: Potaro-Siparuni where Kato is located.

Asked by Opposition MP Nigel Dharamlall to say when the school would be opened, Bulkan told the house that the government is “awaiting the findings of a detailed assessment presently being conducted by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure” to make such a determination.

Then President Donald Ramotar [left), then Education Minister Priya Manickchand (second from left) and others inspecting the Kato building in November of 2014. (GINA photo)
Then President Donald Ramotar (left), then Education Minister Priya Manickchand (second from left) and others inspecting the Kato building in November of 2014. (GINA photo)

Minster of Public Infrastructure David Patterson said that the assessment has found severe structural defects in the complex.

He further explained that the concrete laid by the contractor has proven to be sound in only 10% of the tests conducted by an independent consultant while Bulkan said that the flaws went beyond the construction of the complex to its design.

“60% of tests done on the concrete failed while a further 30% were borderline. Only 10% proved sound,” Patterson said. He added that representatives of the Ministry of Education along with the contractor were at Kato right now with the consultant attempting to see what rectifications can be done.

Former PPP/C Minister of Education Priya Manickchand asked if the contractual period for the construction of the complex had expired and whether the government was still to take the necessary steps to recover what the state has lost if independent auditors were to find that contract stipulations were breached.

She stressed her party’s support whatever action, if it becomes necessary, against any defaulting party in the building and construction of the Kato secondary school as they are supportive of any action that will realize the vision for a secondary school in Region 8 which will allow for universal secondary education in that region.

Patterson noted that the contractual period comes to an end in June 2016 and that the government has already commenced taking the necessary steps to address contractual breaches that may have occurred.

He further stressed that the government will continue to ensure that residents of Kato will have a building they will feel safe to occupy.

Of note is the fact that Minister of State Joseph Harmon had said in November of last year that an evaluation of the school had been completed and it was scheduled to be opened in January of this year.

Harmon was at the time announcing cabinet’s approval of over $55M in contracts for the furnishing of the Kato Secondary School in Region Eight, including the student dormitories and the living quarters for teachers.

Kares Engineering had won the contract for the construction of the school with a bid of $691,972,139, although the original estimate had put construction at $500 million.

In April last year, the Government Information Agency had reported that the school was near completion. Former Regional Executive Officer for Region Eight Ronald Harsawack had previously said that the main structure would cost $780 million but the cost of furnishing, lighting, fencing, and security may take the final figure to around $1 billion.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Mitwah posted:

I don't think Aleana would accept a 60% failure.

Nobody should accept failure. Sometimes structural defects are detected as the building settles. However, this no excuse for substandard work.

skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:

I don't think Aleana would accept a 60% failure.

Nobody should accept failure. Sometimes structural defects are detected as the building settles. However, this no excuse for substandard work.

This project was clearly to line the pockets of PPP cronies. They allow the project to continue even when they knew that only 10% of the concrete proved sound for the foundation.

Gilbakka posted:

As my friend Drugb says, "you touch it, you own it."

Patterson touched Priya's structural defects at Kato school, so Patterson owns Priya's defects. Story done.

Who is owning up to Warrior's house structural defects.This government is doing detail inspection, so that wood shed/house built to house people has no foundation.

Nehru posted:

The current Govt is responsible for the completion of the Building.  If it is not up to standard then make the Contractor fix all problems!!!

That would be difficult to do. If the previous admin approved the various stages and paid progressively. All the contractor has to do is declare bankruptcy and walk away.

Gilbakka posted:

As my friend Drugb says, "you touch it, you own it."

Patterson touched Priya's structural defects at Kato school, so Patterson owns Priya's defects. Story done.

Like you gat you eye pun Priya heh? You prappa wutliss in you ole days.

baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
Nehru posted:

The current Govt is responsible for the completion of the Building.  If it is not up to standard then make the Contractor fix all problems!!!

That would be difficult to do. If the previous admin approved the various stages and paid progressively. All the contractor has to do is declare bankruptcy and walk away.

Not really.  There are the testers who signed off on the work, so not only the contractor on the hook, but go after all who signed off.  I'm sure they have liability and E&O insurance, and assets!!

Baseman will never support or excuse away this type of ripoff of the people regardless under whose watch it occurred.  Any and everyone need to be called to task, pay up, fined or jailed if necessary!!

This is now for the PNC to follow through.......... professionally!!

This is a PPP/C family and friends project. It started long before May 11, 2015. There is no money to feed them in jail.

Mitwah posted:
baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
Nehru posted:

The current Govt is responsible for the completion of the Building.  If it is not up to standard then make the Contractor fix all problems!!!

That would be difficult to do. If the previous admin approved the various stages and paid progressively. All the contractor has to do is declare bankruptcy and walk away.

Not really.  There are the testers who signed off on the work, so not only the contractor on the hook, but go after all who signed off.  I'm sure they have liability and E&O insurance, and assets!!

Baseman will never support or excuse away this type of ripoff of the people regardless under whose watch it occurred.  Any and everyone need to be called to task, pay up, fined or jailed if necessary!!

This is now for the PNC to follow through.......... professionally!!

This is a PPP/C family and friends project. It started long before May 11, 2015. There is no money to feed them in jail.

I can buy that. With 50% raises and 300 million for celebrations, we are heading for chewing dry coconut and eating wood in Guyana.

baseman posted:
Gilbakka posted:

As my friend Drugb says, "you touch it, you own it."

Patterson touched Priya's structural defects at Kato school, so Patterson owns Priya's defects. Story done.

Come on, you can do better than that!!

Gill is taking over where Jalil left off.

Django posted:

Then President Donald Ramotar [left), then Education Minister Priya Manickchand [second from left) and others inspecting the Kato building in November of 2014. [GINA photo)

Recognize any one... Experts Bibi boosting about.

Sitira GYAL who cuss down the US Ambassador mek GOOD KICK BACK from this project.

She laughing now.  Them PPP front benchers are all hundred millionaires.

Gilbakka posted:

As my friend Drugb says, "you touch it, you own it."

Patterson touched Priya's structural defects at Kato school, so Patterson owns Priya's defects. Story done.

DrugB wrong as two left shoes. Remember the HeadMaster who touched the lil boys penis? He own the lil dickey now?

baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
baseman posted:

Not really.  There are the testers who signed off on the work, so not only the contractor on the hook, but go after all who signed off.  I'm sure they have liability and E&O insurance, and assets!!

Baseman will never support or excuse away this type of ripoff of the people regardless under whose watch it occurred.  Any and everyone need to be called to task, pay up, fined or jailed if necessary!!

This is now for the PNC to follow through.......... professionally!!

This is a PPP/C family and friends project. It started long before May 11, 2015. There is no money to feed them in jail.

Fool, in 1992, the PPP had to clean up the 28 years of macro and micro mess left behind by the PNC.  That's the job of a sitting Govt!!

All dem PPP front benchers are multi millionaires. Look how you still hustling for a raise in the NJ bars. Have a great baseless day.

alena06 posted:

So the PNC'ites have some work to do...maybe it is time they streamline the process for inspection by 'professionals'  in phases rather than waiting for the project to be completed.

And if sub contracted, they should ensure that they have adequate insurance for E&OE.

Mitwah posted:
Nehru posted:

The current Govt is responsible for the completion of the Building.  If it is not up to standard then make the Contractor fix all problems!!!

That would be difficult to do. If the previous admin approved the various stages and paid progressively. All the contractor has to do is declare bankruptcy and walk away.

Then HANG the BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cain posted:
Gilbakka posted:

As my friend Drugb says, "you touch it, you own it."

Patterson touched Priya's structural defects at Kato school, so Patterson owns Priya's defects. Story done.

DrugB wrong as two left shoes. Remember the HeadMaster who touched the lil boys penis? He own the lil dickey now?

Sounds like you jealous. You want the "lil dickey"?

skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:
Gilbakka posted:

As my friend Drugb says, "you touch it, you own it."

Patterson touched Priya's structural defects at Kato school, so Patterson owns Priya's defects. Story done.

DrugB wrong as two left shoes. Remember the HeadMaster who touched the lil boys penis? He own the lil dickey now?

Sounds like you jealous. You want the "lil dickey"?

You ole rass readin an' seein things not there?


Contractors to face penalties for delayed work
- $1B Kato school cited

In the wake of underbidding by contractors to ensure that they win contracts, following which they would apply for increases amounting to millions of dollars, government yesterday said that new tender guidelines will be created that will see penalties for works delivered late.

“Some persons deliberately bid low and the contracts were awarded to the lowest bidder, knowing fully well that they will come back for variations which eventually took the contract sum beyond what was the engineer’s estimate,” Minister of State Joseph Harmon told a post-cabinet media briefing yesterday.

Harmon singled out the Kato Secondary School which started off with an estimate pegged at $500 million but now costs over $1 billion and the works are still not completed. Kares Engineering had won the contract for the construction of the school with a bid of $691,972,139.

Harmon related that the matter of delinquent contractors was raised when the contract for an extension of consultancy services for the consultant overseeing the building of the school was put forward for Cabinet’s ‘No Objection.’ That sum for the extension was over $4 million.

“Cabinet had some very firm words to say to the manner in which the contracts were executed under the previous administration and the fact that contract sums were being extended, extended, extended beyond a sum that was actually catered for in the award of the contract but it would appear to cabinet that some of these contracts were deliberately underbid,” Harmon asserted.

He disclosed that Cabinet gave clear directions to the Minister of Education under whose ministry the matter falls, to call in the contractor and have “some strong words with him” as they will not tolerate any further extensions. He said government was fed-up of bidders who set the stage for winning the award because their bids were lowest but could not produce. “People were bidding low and knowing fully well that they were going to come later on for variations, so that in a process like that, tenderers who were bona fide, who could have done the work, they were actually cheated out of the contracts because some persons bid low,” Harmon stressed.

The Kato Secondary School was built as one of the pre-conditions for a proposed investment by the European Union of €1.8 million for the Kato Hydropower Project. However, the funds expired in February without the project getting off the ground.


Kares Engineering is this a local company???

skeldon_man posted:

Contractors to face penalties for delayed work
- $1B Kato school cited

More pocket change for the PNC thieves. Uninterrupted supply of honey and milk.


You think dem bhais go splurge on $$$

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Contractors to face penalties for delayed work
- $1B Kato school cited

More pocket change for the PNC thieves. Uninterrupted supply of honey and milk.


You think dem bhais go splurge on $$$

I know this is going to happen. They splurged when they were begging other nations for money and they were starving the nation. PNC used the police and the GDF(Granger with Forbes) to suppress the people.

cain posted:

Oi Skeldon banna, is it time for your meds yet?

I should try some of your home grown "erb" heh? Maybe not. I don't have a bong or a hookah. My wife lets me know when it's time for me to take my meds and go to bed. You rass happy now?

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Contractors to face penalties for delayed work
- $1B Kato school cited

More pocket change for the PNC thieves. Uninterrupted supply of honey and milk.


You think dem bhais go splurge on $$$

I know this is going to happen. They splurged when they were begging other nations for money and they were starving the nation. PNC used the police and the GDF(Granger with Forbes) to suppress the people.

Bhai things was a bit ok a few years prior to 1980,then Kabaka take a u turn,uncle sam was propping him up,they didn't want his friend to rule,from then on everyone started to book flight.

skeldon_man posted:

Contractors to face penalties for delayed work
- $1B Kato school cited

More pocket change for the PNC thieves. Uninterrupted supply of honey and milk.


And I guess your are upset the PPP no longer has access to the soup ladle?

skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:

As my friend Drugb says, "you touch it, you own it."

Patterson touched Priya's structural defects at Kato school, so Patterson owns Priya's defects. Story done.

Like you gat you eye pun Priya heh? You prappa wutliss in you ole days.

Hey you, Skeldon_Man, what is "prappa wutliss" about my comment? That Kato school was constructed under ex-Education Minister Priya Manickchand's watch. I merely applied Drugb's idea to Minister David Patterson's assessment of the building's "structural defects". YOU are prappa wutliss, ascribing to me the slant of your own mind. 

Furthermore, Skeldon_Man, I never had  my "eye pun Priya". Her type doesn't appeal to me. I've always been attracted to Muslim women. But, why am I telling you this? Just haul yuh .....


Gilbakka posted:

As my friend Drugb says, "you touch it, you own it."

Patterson touched Priya's structural defects at Kato school, so Patterson owns Priya's defects. Story done.

You see, you found a use for an IT slang.  No one want to remedy substandard work, but this is what the afc/apnu signed up for when they stole the elections. 

Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

As my friend Drugb says, "you touch it, you own it."

Patterson touched Priya's structural defects at Kato school, so Patterson owns Priya's defects. Story done.

You see, you found a use for an IT slang.  No one want to remedy substandard work, but this is what the afc/apnu signed up for when they stole the elections. 

Drugy, I can't find the dancing cow and the barn.

Brian Teekah posted:
Django posted:

Then President Donald Ramotar [left), then Education Minister Priya Manickchand [second from left) and others inspecting the Kato building in November of 2014. [GINA photo)

Recognize any one... Experts Bibi boosting about.

Sitira GYAL who cuss down the US Ambassador mek GOOD KICK BACK from this project.

She laughing now.  Them PPP front benchers are all hundred millionaires.

You need to harmonize with yourself!!

Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

As my friend Drugb says, "you touch it, you own it."

Patterson touched Priya's structural defects at Kato school, so Patterson owns Priya's defects. Story done.

You see, you found a use for an IT slang.  No one want to remedy substandard work, but this is what the afc/apnu signed up for when they stole the elections. 

Drugy, I can't find the dancing cow and the barn.

They sure let you get away with a lot of cyber bullying on this site previously. People who resort to personal attacks like yourself normally are ignorant and compensate for their lack of articulation by resorting to childish taunting.


With such severe structural defects, similar but granted on a much larger scale to the property erected by warrior, one would think that the only recourse would be to demolish the structure and start over again.

alena06 posted:

So the PNC'ites have some work to do...maybe it is time they streamline the process for inspection by 'professionals'  in phases rather than waiting for the project to be completed.

This building was commissioned by the PPP and deemed complete by them before the election.

But you are right. There should be and established protocols where and inspector needs to oversee and approve each area of build out. When the foundation was laid, it ough to have passed inspection to see it met compliance with the existing plans before they proceeded. Plumbing and electricity also need to be inspected etc along the way. Sloppy contractors are taking advantage of the system. The new lab was all screwed up and was delayed a year after completion because it was wired badly. A list of bad contractors should be kept and they should be banned from contracting or sub contracting on government works if the failed once.

Drugb posted:

With such severe structural defects, similar but granted on a much larger scale to the property erected by warrior, one would think that the only recourse would be to demolish the structure and start over again.

You are being Assinine. Why is it that you claimed to be so educated and posting so much crap that comes for the bovine's behind?


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