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From today's KN: "The Head of State, along with Minister of Education, Dr. Priya Manickchand, visited the parents of the dead children who perished after the vehicle that their teacher was driving, ended up in a canal […]"


Why are they calling this "glamour picture" lady, "Doctor."  Do they have any idea how someone gets an accredited doctorate?


Jagan had coined the term, "square pegs in round holes," when PNC Burnhamite was in power.  Today, that will be people like Dr. Priya, with no background in education whatsoever.


She does not even have a Bachelor of Education, now they are pushing the "Doctor" propaganda.


But then what do you expect.  They say this lady sent some "glamour" pictures to the press that should be used whenever they write about her.


However, I must say, she does look like she is losing weight from recent pictures.


To KN and SN and other Press, please stop using the term loosely and only use it for people who have earned the degree.  50% of people who start a doctorate, never finish because it takes hard work.  To call someone like a Manickchand a "Doctor" cheapens the real accomplishments of people who earned the designation.



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I guess any jackass can become wan dacta in GY

On Saturday May 17, 2014 Guyana’s Minister of Education, Ms. Priya Manickchand was conferred an honorary doctoral degree by Lesley University for her outstanding work in advocating for social justice and gender equality. This comes in the wake of the Honorable Minister being honored by Lesley University alongside South African Jazz Musician and Social Activist, Hugh Masekela in 2010, for their demonstrated commitment and leadership to advancing gender and racial equality around the world.
   A citation from Lesley University stated that: “Priya Manickchand, your life has been dedicated to improving the lives of women, children, and families within your country.  You have been a tireless advocate for the victims of violence and a spokesperson addressing the cultural and human conditions that give rise to the pervasive problem of gender-based violence….”
   It further stated that: “As Guyana’s Minister of Human Services and Social Security, you were devoted to ending the scourge of violence against women and children.  Toward this end, you published a National Policy on Domestic Violence, presented to Parliament for passage into law a series of bills relating to the care, development and protection of children, and initiated a countrywide campaign to stamp out sexual violence. That campaign realized a revolutionary Sex Offences Law being piloted by you and passed by the Parliament. You established your country’s only Childcare and Protection Agency and you expanded Legal Aid services from the capital city alone to 6 of Guyana’s 10 regions, making access to justice for Guyana’s vulnerable a reality. You also collaborated with the private sector to establish the Women of Worth economic initiative; a loan program that provides low interest and collateral free loans to single parent women from lower income brackets who wish to start up or expand their businesses.”

From KN, October 13, 2013, Manickchand featured as special person.  Look how she became Minister:


Finally, the Minister was asked what inspired her to get into politics.
“I dont know that I was inspired to get actively involved in politics. All I ever wanted to do after graduating was law. But the election of 1997 was around the corner and for me as a young person looking on, after listening to everyone, there was simply no option but the PPP/C. So I felt compelled to play my small part in helping out Guyana by making sure the best party won. My friend Renuka and I just sort of walked into Freedom House and volunteered and were asked to help prepare kits for the election scrutineers. My “job” was to wrap scotch tape around pencils and I felt like I was doing my bit and was quite happy with that. And then someone learnt that I was a law student and asked me to do some research and one thing lead to the next.
I had also met Feroze Mohamed and Rannie Nawbatt and some other folks who were sound, solid citizens with extremely interesting lives and views on matters, and we stayed friends and in touch even after the ’97 elections. In 2006, I still held the view that the PPP/C was the only party that could deliver to Guyanese on the promise for a better country and in the run-up to the elections,I again took some time off to help out with more mundane things, figuring I would do my bit and then resume my regular life.
After the election, the dynamic President Bharrat Jagdeo invited me to be a part of his cabinet and given all the effort he and others were personally putting into making our country a better, more developed place and giving people from all brackets a better life, I felt selfish to say no and here I am today.”

Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
Oh geez I shudda know she and Renuka de wh0re were frens

Wonder if our resident imam knows Renuka also. He seems to know a lot of these folks going back tuh his Corriverton days.


Unless one feels the need to dedicate himself/herself to research there is no need to get a PhD. Honorary doctorates are not research degrees nor do they train any particular skill. It takes 6 years on average to get a research PhD in North America.

Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
in GY you're jus handed one for merely supporting a cause


Or having a friend who wuks at a last class American university who can't get a real Commencement Speaker


What does she mean by:


My “job” was to wrap scotch tape around pencils and I felt like I was doing my bit and was quite happy with that.


Was she speaking metaphorically?


At least that man earned it.


The fat one thinks she is a Presidential/PM candidate based on her big mouth.


Her performance at the US Ambassador's residence sealed her fate as any serious candidate for anything, unless she is running g for a fish market position (and that's been g unkind to those hardworking working g class people).


From what I remember, she had contested for an Exec Committee position but even Kwame beat her.  Can somebody confirm that?


 The degree is not recognized by employers as having the same stature as a corresponding earned doctorate degree and should not be represented as such. It is sometimes recommended that such degrees be listed in one's CV as an award and not in their education section.[4] With regard to the use of this honorific, the policies of institutions of higher education generally ask that recipients "refrain from adopting the misleading title"[5] and that a recipient of an honorary doctorate's use of the title "Dr" before his or her name should be restricted to engagement with the institution of higher education in question and not within the broader community.[6]

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

 The degree is not recognized by employers as having the same stature as a corresponding earned doctorate degree and should not be represented as such. It is sometimes recommended that such degrees be listed in one's CV as an award and not in their education section.[4] With regard to the use of this honorific, the policies of institutions of higher education generally ask that recipients "refrain from adopting the misleading title"[5] and that a recipient of an honorary doctorate's use of the title "Dr" before his or her name should be restricted to engagement with the institution of higher education in question and not within the broader community.[6]

Thanks for that. It is pretty standard.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
I know a man from Kitty. It took him 20 years to get his PhD. He said Bhai me a do am Guyana style. He graduated with no student loans.

Interesting! Most universities have a 10 year clock. If it is not done within that time they may offer an MPhil.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

MPhil is a British thing. Isn't it?

It is mainly British. But some American schools offer it when people don't get the doctorate.

Some people has to work hard for their doctorate.


50% of doctoral students never finished the degree. Here you have someone without as much as a 2-year associate degree in education, having the press refer to her as "Dr. Manickchand."


What a travesty and shamelessness.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

50% of doctoral students never finished the degree. Here you have someone without as much as a 2-year associate degree in education, having the press refer to her as "Dr. Manickchand."


What a travesty and shamelessness.

There is nothing shameful about that.  Prince Charles received one and you pricks rejoiced..

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

50% of doctoral students never finished the degree. Here you have someone without as much as a 2-year associate degree in education, having the press refer to her as "Dr. Manickchand."


What a travesty and shamelessness.

There is nothing shameful about that.  Prince Charles received one and you pricks rejoiced..

These frauds.  OH Priya Priya  


Manickchand works toward deepening relations on eco-conservation


Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Priya Manickchand, during her recent trip to the United States met with two leading professors with a view of promoting local eco-conservation.

She held meetings with Lesley University professors David Morimoto and Mike Schindlinger who are biologists.


Hand wash hand....


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