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Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The last report of the CARICOM Commission on Youth Development, "Eye on the Future: Invest in Youth Now for the Community Tomorrow", noted that the primary education dropout rate was β€œat a staggering height” in Guyana.

The Ministry of Education itself also reported that nearly 7,000 children drop out of our primary and secondary schools every year.

These are the things Minister Manickchand will avoid mentioning in her elections campaign.

Gilly, the last time I was there in June 2014, there were patrols stopping any kid anywhere that looks young to be in school(in hire cars also) and arrest them. Their parents had to go to station to answer the questions and bring them home. However, that said, some parents deliberately keep their kids out of school. Their excuse: "dis bai head nah mek fuh tek education". Should the government force the children to send their kids to school? Some of this blame should be placed on the parents' shoulders.  

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The last report of the CARICOM Commission on Youth Development, "Eye on the Future: Invest in Youth Now for the Community Tomorrow", noted that the primary education dropout rate was β€œat a staggering height” in Guyana.

The Ministry of Education itself also reported that nearly 7,000 children drop out of our primary and secondary schools every year.

These are the things Minister Manickchand will avoid mentioning in her elections campaign.

Gilly, the last time I was there in June 2014, there were patrols stopping any kid anywhere that looks young to be in school(in hire cars also) and arrest them. Their parents had to go to station to answer the questions and bring them home. However, that said, some parents deliberately keep their kids out of school. Their excuse: "dis bai head nah mek fuh tek education". Should the government force the children to send their kids to school? Some of this blame should be placed on the parents' shoulders.  



The Racist Afrocentric Nationalist PNC can no longer fool Indo Guyanese.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Govt should force parents to send kids to school...

In in the US, it is illegal to keep your kids out of school, unless they are home schooled

Riff, the government provides them with books, shoes and clothes and require them to be in school until they are at least 16. In Corriverton, there is a technical school for the kids who is more comfortable with hands on projects. Some parents just don't care. They still call their kids a a "big dunce" if the kid is unable to comprehend certain subjects.


from around 1994 education in guyana delcined. Before that children coming from GY was upgraded to a class higher than their counterparts in NY. Agter 1994 they were demoted in most cases and they were also put in a ESL class.


Under fatboy Education was a priority. Many including myself benefited from FREE education from Nursery to UG


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Anyone knows Granger's credentials - resume, anything?

A few items:

Queen's College Alumnus.

Diploma in International Relations, University of the West Indies.

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship, University of Maryland.

Lecturer, Army Command and Staff College, Nigeria.

Graduate, Mons Officer Cadet School, UK.

Graduate, University of Guyana, History major.

Adjunct Professor, National Defence University, Washington DC, USA.

Brigadier, Guyana Defence Force.


How does Rummouthar's UG High School Education and Gimpex work experience compare to Granger's?


David Granger retired from military service with the rank of a Brigadier in 1994 after serving as National Security Adviser to the President (1990-94), and as Commander of the Guyana Defence Force (1979-90).


After leaving Queen’s College, where he was a member of the Queen’s College Cadet Corps, Brigadier Granger joined the GDF as an officer cadet in 1965, and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in 1966. He received his professional military training at the Army Command and Staff College in Nigeria; the Jungle Warfare Instruction Centre in Brazil; and the School of Infantry and the Mons Officer Cadet School, respectively, in the United Kingdom.

During Brigadier Granger's military service, he held a variety of appointments including planning officer for the establishment of the Guyana National Service (1973-74), and the Guyana People’s Militia (1976-77). Brigadier Granger also led military delegations to Brazil, Cuba, Germany, Guinea, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Somalia and Yugoslavia.

Brigadier Granger graduated with the Master of Social Science Degree in Political Science, and the Bachelor of Arts Degree in History, from the University of Guyana, and the post-graduate diploma in International Relations from the University of the West Indies. He was also an International Fellow on the Defence Planning and Resource Management Seminar at the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies of the National Defense University and attended the Counterterrorism Educators’ Workshop at the Joint Special Operations University, Florida, USA.


Brigadier Granger has presented several papers on defence and security topics to international and national academic conferences including: β€œCivil Violence, Domestic Terrorism and Internal Security in Guyana, 1953-2003”; β€œConvention and Convenience: A Preliminary Study of Women Soldiers in the Anglophone Caribbean with Special Reference to the Women’s Army Corps of the Guyana Defence Force, 1967-2002”; and, "Defence and Diplomacy in the Subordinate System: The Experience of Guyana”.

David Granger is a former member of the Disciplined Forces Commission; Co-Chairman of the Border and National Security Committee; Member of the National Security Strategy Planning Committee; Chairman of the Central Intelligence Committee; Member of the National Drug Law Enforcement Committee; and Member of the Guyana Defence Board.

Brigadier Granger received the Military Service Star; Military Service Medal; Efficiency Medal; Border Defence Medal; and other service awards.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by TK:

Is this a joke? Please tell me it is.

TK, did the level of education in Guyana improve from where it was in 1992 or not? 

Tell me something don't you think that the better question should be whether Guyana's ranking in the Caribbean has improved within the intervening years?


In 22 years education has improved, as it has EVERY WHERE ELSE IN THE CARIBBEAN.  This using criteria of primary and secondary enrollment as a criteria.  QUALITY remains POOR as measured by the abominable performance in English and Math in the CXC where most Guyanese kids FAIL!  FEWER Guyanese kids complete secondary school when compared to most other Caribbean nations.



Guyana still ranks LAST, using most measures of educational performance and the PPP has had 22 years to fix this problem.


The best Caribbean kids are educated by higher caliber teachers, MANY of whom are GUYANESE!  Guyanese kids are educated by the dregs who remain there.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Govt should force parents to send kids to school...

In in the US, it is illegal to keep your kids out of school, unless they are home schooled

Riff, the government provides them with books, shoes and clothes and require them to be in school until they are at least 16. In Corriverton, there is a technical school for the kids who is more comfortable with hands on projects. Some parents just don't care. They still call their kids a a "big dunce" if the kid is unable to comprehend certain subjects.

Most employers and UG complain that the average Guyanese kid is semi literate, lacking the literacy or numeracy needed to do most jobs.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Govt should force parents to send kids to school...

In in the US, it is illegal to keep your kids out of school, unless they are home schooled

Riff, the government provides them with books, shoes and clothes and require them to be in school until they are at least 16. In Corriverton, there is a technical school for the kids who is more comfortable with hands on projects. Some parents just don't care. They still call their kids a a "big dunce" if the kid is unable to comprehend certain subjects.

Most employers and UG complain that the average Guyanese kid is semi literate, lacking the literacy or numeracy needed to do most jobs.

I totally agree. You see some of these kids who passed CXC working in places like GPL or GUYWA and they seem to unable to handle a simple query. They always ask you to come back at a later day or time. Last year I had some problems with these individuals. They need to work on repetitive tasks. 

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Conditions are the same as under the PNC.


You can't put a square peg Bully to run education.  


Education needs a qualified technocrat, not a jackass.


The fat one can only speak in terms of how many pieces of furniture they put in.  She does not have the educators language of: curriculum, instruction, assessments, teacher quality, professional learning communities, blended learning, differentiated supervision, technology integration in instruction, etc.


Some schools do not have phones still.

Bottom line the success rate of our children is much higher now at the CSEC examinations and that is THE MEASURE.. not phones and all that crap.  Our children have been kicking asses and topping the Caribbean recently at these exams.  . 

How have Guyanese kids being "kicking ass" when the pass rates for Ebglish and Math are way lower than other CXC countries.  Jamaica has better results and yet their government is DISMAYED.


The PPP instead boasts about how 20 kids perform.  They do well DESPITE. not BECAUSE of the system.  Because of this many have a resentment to Guyana and seek to LEAVE, never to return!  Just walk around QC and ask those kids what their plans are.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Anyone knows Granger's credentials - resume, anything?

A few items:

Queen's College Alumnus.

Diploma in International Relations, University of the West Indies.

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship, University of Maryland.

Lecturer, Army Command and Staff College, Nigeria.

Graduate, Mons Officer Cadet School, UK.

Graduate, University of Guyana, History major.

Adjunct Professor, National Defence University, Washington DC, USA.

Brigadier, Guyana Defence Force.


What's impressive about a lil diploma and a History Major from UG.  Lord even the Education Minister make him look like a dunce.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Govt should force parents to send kids to school...

In in the US, it is illegal to keep your kids out of school, unless they are home schooled

The issue is when people don't see the relevance of education, because the standards are so poor, work becomes to be seen as a better alternative.


The average secondary school kid is graduating with levels of literacy equivalent to, or below that which one would expect of a primary school graduate.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Anyone knows Granger's credentials - resume, anything?

A few items:

Queen's College Alumnus.

Diploma in International Relations, University of the West Indies.

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship, University of Maryland.

Lecturer, Army Command and Staff College, Nigeria.

Graduate, Mons Officer Cadet School, UK.

Graduate, University of Guyana, History major.

Adjunct Professor, National Defence University, Washington DC, USA.

Brigadier, Guyana Defence Force.


What's impressive about a lil diploma and a History Major from UG.  Lord even the Education Minister make him look like a dunce.

In 1970's a guy from Mahicony came to the US and presented hsi UG diploma at a junior college. He was asked if he has his GCE certificate. They would not take his UG diploma. 

Originally Posted by Pointblank:

from around 1994 education in guyana delcined. Before that children coming from GY was upgraded to a class higher than their counterparts in NY. Agter 1994 they were demoted in most cases and they were also put in a ESL class.


Under fatboy Education was a priority. Many including myself benefited from FREE education from Nursery to UG


Quit the nonsense.  I met Una Clarke in 1984.  She told me that Guyanese kids were experiencing serious difficulties in the NYC public schools.  Traditionally it was the Jamaican kids who were the laggards among the Caribbean kids.


She asked why because Guyana was always connected to a high standard of education equivalent to that of Barbados.  Education began to collapse in the late 70s when Burnham had kids wasting time with Mass Games and Guyanese teachers began to flee to the Islands, or engage in trading because it was more lucrative.


The problem with the PPP is that they think that QUANTITY is more important and have paid no attention to QUALITY.  Yes more kids are entering the secondary school system but the standards are abominable because Guyana has lost its best teachers. 


When a Guyanese teacher can flee to Barbados and become a baby sitter and earn more then we know that there is a problem.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Anyone knows Granger's credentials - resume, anything?

A few items:

Queen's College Alumnus.

Diploma in International Relations, University of the West Indies.

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship, University of Maryland.

Lecturer, Army Command and Staff College, Nigeria.

Graduate, Mons Officer Cadet School, UK.

Graduate, University of Guyana, History major.

Adjunct Professor, National Defence University, Washington DC, USA.

Brigadier, Guyana Defence Force.


What's impressive about a lil diploma and a History Major from UG.  Lord even the Education Minister make him look like a dunce.

I posted only a few bones. Mars provided the meat. Here:

David Granger retired from military service with the rank of a Brigadier in 1994 after serving as National Security Adviser to the President (1990-94), and as Commander of the Guyana Defence Force (1979-90).


After leaving Queen’s College, where he was a member of the Queen’s College Cadet Corps, Brigadier Granger joined the GDF as an officer cadet in 1965, and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in 1966. He received his professional military training at the Army Command and Staff College in Nigeria; the Jungle Warfare Instruction Centre in Brazil; and the School of Infantry and the Mons Officer Cadet School, respectively, in the United Kingdom.During Brigadier Granger's military service, he held a variety of appointments including planning officer for the establishment of the Guyana National Service (1973-74), and the Guyana People’s Militia (1976-77). Brigadier Granger also led military delegations to Brazil, Cuba, Germany, Guinea, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Somalia and Yugoslavia.

Brigadier Granger graduated with the Master of Social Science Degree in Political Science, and the Bachelor of Arts Degree in History, from the University of Guyana, and the post-graduate diploma in International Relations from the University of the West Indies. He was also an International Fellow on the Defence Planning and Resource Management Seminar at the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies of the National Defense University and attended the Counterterrorism Educators’ Workshop at the Joint Special Operations University, Florida, USA.

Brigadier Granger has presented several papers on defence and security topics to international and national academic conferences including: β€œCivil Violence, Domestic Terrorism and Internal Security in Guyana, 1953-2003”; β€œConvention and Convenience: A Preliminary Study of Women Soldiers in the Anglophone Caribbean with Special Reference to the Women’s Army Corps of the Guyana Defence Force, 1967-2002”; and, "Defence and Diplomacy in the Subordinate System: The Experience of Guyana”.

David Granger is a former member of the Disciplined Forces Commission; Co-Chairman of the Border and National Security Committee; Member of the National Security Strategy Planning Committee; Chairman of the Central Intelligence Committee; Member of the National Drug Law Enforcement Committee; and Member of the Guyana Defence Board.
Brigadier Granger received the Military Service Star; Military Service Medal; Efficiency Medal; Border Defence Medal; and other service awards.


David Granger has better academic and professional credentials than Donald Ramotar or Bharrat Jagdeo.

Donald has a Bachelors degree. Bharrat has a Masters. Both started their presidency with that level of education.





Originally Posted by Mars:
Brigadier Granger graduated with the Master of Social Science Degree in Political Science, and the Bachelor of Arts Degree in History, from the University of Guyana, and the post-graduate diploma in International Relations from the University of the West Indies. He was also an International Fellow on the Defence Planning and Resource Management Seminar at the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies of the National Defense University and attended the Counterterrorism Educators’ Workshop at the Joint Special Operations University, Florida, USA.


That seems to me like a good academic background. 


Note also that Mons Cadet school was integrated into Sandhurst after Granger graduated, and we all know that Sandhurst is a world class school for officer training.  After all Granger is an army man.


Now what exposure OUTSIDE of Guyana has Priya had?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Brigadier Granger graduated with the Master of Social Science Degree in Political Science, and the Bachelor of Arts Degree in History, from the University of Guyana, and the post-graduate diploma in International Relations from the University of the West Indies. He was also an International Fellow on the Defence Planning and Resource Management Seminar at the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies of the National Defense University and attended the Counterterrorism Educators’ Workshop at the Joint Special Operations University, Florida, USA.


That seems to me like a good academic background. 


Note also that Mons Cadet school was integrated into Sandhurst after Granger graduated, and we all know that Sandhurst is a world class school for officer training.  After all Granger is an army man.


Now what exposure OUTSIDE of Guyana has Priya had?

That's a good question. I've always said young people like Priya needs to show they can make a living outside a political party before they get involved in active politics.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Anyone knows Granger's credentials - resume, anything?

A few items:

Queen's College Alumnus.

Diploma in International Relations, University of the West Indies.

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship, University of Maryland.

Lecturer, Army Command and Staff College, Nigeria.

Graduate, Mons Officer Cadet School, UK.

Graduate, University of Guyana, History major.

Adjunct Professor, National Defence University, Washington DC, USA.

Brigadier, Guyana Defence Force.


What's impressive about a lil diploma and a History Major from UG.  Lord even the Education Minister make him look like a dunce.

In 1970's a guy from Mahicony came to the US and presented hsi UG diploma at a junior college. He was asked if he has his GCE certificate. They would not take his UG diploma. 

All overseas credentials go through the World Education Services to be screened and a decision is then made as to what is accepted or not for US Coleges.  I got 6 college credits for each of my 'A' levels.  I don't know about UG and how the World Educational Services deem them.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Anyone knows Granger's credentials - resume, anything?

A few items:

Queen's College Alumnus.

Diploma in International Relations, University of the West Indies.

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship, University of Maryland.

Lecturer, Army Command and Staff College, Nigeria.

Graduate, Mons Officer Cadet School, UK.

Graduate, University of Guyana, History major.

Adjunct Professor, National Defence University, Washington DC, USA.

Brigadier, Guyana Defence Force.


What's impressive about a lil diploma and a History Major from UG.  Lord even the Education Minister make him look like a dunce.

You do not teach at at the defense university and be a dunce. Manickchand is expressly a dunce. She is bench warmer everywhere she is.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Anyone knows Granger's credentials - resume, anything?

A few items:

Queen's College Alumnus.

Diploma in International Relations, University of the West Indies.

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship, University of Maryland.

Lecturer, Army Command and Staff College, Nigeria.

Graduate, Mons Officer Cadet School, UK.

Graduate, University of Guyana, History major.

Adjunct Professor, National Defence University, Washington DC, USA.

Brigadier, Guyana Defence Force.


What's impressive about a lil diploma and a History Major from UG.  Lord even the Education Minister make him look like a dunce.

In 1970's a guy from Mahicony came to the US and presented hsi UG diploma at a junior college. He was asked if he has his GCE certificate. They would not take his UG diploma. 

All overseas credentials go through the World Education Services to be screened and a decision is then made as to what is accepted or not for US Coleges.  I got 6 college credits for each of my 'A' levels.  I don't know about UG and how the World Educational Services deem them.

That's a good question to ask President Ramotar who received a bachelor's in econ in 1994 from UG.

Originally Posted by alena06:

Since 1992, there has been a marked increase in the number of Guyanese students achieving top grades at the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) and secondary school placement exam, and access to increased subsidies for meals, uniforms, the β€œBecause We Care” grant and transportation for children living in remote communities. At the tertiary level, over 30,000 students have graduated from the University of Guyana post 1992, compared to 9391 pre-1992.


Education Minister Priya Manickchand

Education Minister Priya Manickchand


By Michael Younge, Manickchand educates Granger on education, … says PPP/C revolutionised sector after PNC’s destruction, March 28, 2015  By

Others, not knowing the issues, will consider it a joke.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Since 1992, there has been a marked increase in the number of Guyanese students achieving top grades at the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) and secondary school placement exam, and access to increased subsidies for meals, uniforms, the β€œBecause We Care” grant and transportation for children living in remote communities. At the tertiary level, over 30,000 students have graduated from the University of Guyana post 1992, compared to 9391 pre-1992.


Education Minister Priya Manickchand

Education Minister Priya Manickchand


By Michael Younge, Manickchand educates Granger on education, … says PPP/C revolutionised sector after PNC’s destruction, March 28, 2015  By

Others, not knowing the issues, will consider it a joke.


Quantity...tell us about quality. Tell us how the these numbers compare will all the countries in CARICOM.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Since 1992, there has been a marked increase in the number of Guyanese students achieving top grades at the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) and secondary school placement exam, and access to increased subsidies for meals, uniforms, the β€œBecause We Care” grant and transportation for children living in remote communities. At the tertiary level, over 30,000 students have graduated from the University of Guyana post 1992, compared to 9391 pre-1992.


Education Minister Priya Manickchand

Education Minister Priya Manickchand


By Michael Younge, Manickchand educates Granger on education, … says PPP/C revolutionised sector after PNC’s destruction, March 28, 2015  By

Others, not knowing the issues, will consider it a joke.

Quantity...tell us about quality. Tell us how the these numbers compare will all the countries in CARICOM.

Do your personal research to find the pertinent information.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Since 1992, there has been a marked increase in the number of Guyanese students achieving top grades at the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) and secondary school placement exam, and access to increased subsidies for meals, uniforms, the β€œBecause We Care” grant and transportation for children living in remote communities. At the tertiary level, over 30,000 students have graduated from the University of Guyana post 1992, compared to 9391 pre-1992.


Education Minister Priya Manickchand

Education Minister Priya Manickchand


By Michael Younge, Manickchand educates Granger on education, … says PPP/C revolutionised sector after PNC’s destruction, March 28, 2015  By

Others, not knowing the issues, will consider it a joke.

Quantity...tell us about quality. Tell us how the these numbers compare will all the countries in CARICOM.

Do your personal research to find the pertinent information.

LOL! I have the data. Was trying to see if you know your stuff.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Since 1992, there has been a marked increase in the number of Guyanese students achieving top grades at the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) and secondary school placement exam, and access to increased subsidies for meals, uniforms, the β€œBecause We Care” grant and transportation for children living in remote communities. At the tertiary level, over 30,000 students have graduated from the University of Guyana post 1992, compared to 9391 pre-1992.


Education Minister Priya Manickchand

Education Minister Priya Manickchand


By Michael Younge, Manickchand educates Granger on education, … says PPP/C revolutionised sector after PNC’s destruction, March 28, 2015  By

Others, not knowing the issues, will consider it a joke.


Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Since 1992, there has been a marked increase in the number of Guyanese students achieving top grades at the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) and secondary school placement exam, and access to increased subsidies for meals, uniforms, the β€œBecause We Care” grant and transportation for children living in remote communities. At the tertiary level, over 30,000 students have graduated from the University of Guyana post 1992, compared to 9391 pre-1992.


Education Minister Priya Manickchand

Education Minister Priya Manickchand


By Michael Younge, Manickchand educates Granger on education, … says PPP/C revolutionised sector after PNC’s destruction, March 28, 2015  By

Others, not knowing the issues, will consider it a joke.

Quantity...tell us about quality. Tell us how the these numbers compare will all the countries in CARICOM.

Do your personal research to find the pertinent information.

LOL! I have the data. Was trying to see if you know your stuff.

You should give DG the info, he doan have it.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Since 1992, there has been a marked increase in the number of Guyanese students achieving top grades at the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) and secondary school placement exam, and access to increased subsidies for meals, uniforms, the β€œBecause We Care” grant and transportation for children living in remote communities. At the tertiary level, over 30,000 students have graduated from the University of Guyana post 1992, compared to 9391 pre-1992.


Education Minister Priya Manickchand

Education Minister Priya Manickchand


By Michael Younge, Manickchand educates Granger on education, … says PPP/C revolutionised sector after PNC’s destruction, March 28, 2015  By

Others, not knowing the issues, will consider it a joke.

Quantity...tell us about quality. Tell us how the these numbers compare will all the countries in CARICOM.

Do your personal research to find the pertinent information.

LOL! I have the data. Was trying to see if you know your stuff.

3 hours ago
Is this a joke? Please tell me it is.

Your post was made about three hours ago; immediately after the original post.
Your statement is irrelevant to know my knowledge of the issues since I just posted a comment on the thread.
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Since 1992, there has been a marked increase in the number of Guyanese students achieving top grades at the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) and secondary school placement exam, and access to increased subsidies for meals, uniforms, the β€œBecause We Care” grant and transportation for children living in remote communities. At the tertiary level, over 30,000 students have graduated from the University of Guyana post 1992, compared to 9391 pre-1992.


Education Minister Priya Manickchand

Education Minister Priya Manickchand


By Michael Younge, Manickchand educates Granger on education, … says PPP/C revolutionised sector after PNC’s destruction, March 28, 2015  By

Others, not knowing the issues, will consider it a joke.


the man is a monumental dickhead.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

What can this fat dunce teach anyone about education.  She is the govt's squarest peg.  She flaunts an honorary doctorate but does not have as much as an associate degree in education.


Is that her glamour picture? She said she became Minister after helping to wrap scotch tape on pencils at Freedom House.


Guyana is at least 3 decades behind in education.  They can't even provide furniture in schools, keep the grass cut, or powerwash the fungus off school buildings. When your system is staffed largely by teachers with 2 years of training, that's a sign of backwardness.  In some states in the USA, you have to have 2 years of college just to be a teacher assistant. In Guyana, you have many principals with 2-years teacher's training.


Two years ago, I tried to use my influence to get textbooks for a child whose father was killed and left 4 girl children behind, and my friends in the Ministry could not help because they simply did not have the books for everyone.

You have more education that Manik? How many degrees you have? I know that you have a 360 degrees.  Scan and post them on GNI or else shut  you damn mouth.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Since 1992, there has been a marked increase in the number of Guyanese students achieving top grades at the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) and secondary school placement exam, and access to increased subsidies for meals, uniforms, the β€œBecause We Care” grant and transportation for children living in remote communities. At the tertiary level, over 30,000 students have graduated from the University of Guyana post 1992, compared to 9391 pre-1992.


Education Minister Priya Manickchand

Education Minister Priya Manickchand


By Michael Younge, Manickchand educates Granger on education, … says PPP/C revolutionised sector after PNC’s destruction, March 28, 2015  By

Others, not knowing the issues, will consider it a joke.

Quantity...tell us about quality. Tell us how the these numbers compare will all the countries in CARICOM.

Do your personal research to find the pertinent information.

LOL! I have the data. Was trying to see if you know your stuff.

3 hours ago
Is this a joke? Please tell me it is.

Your post was made about three hours ago; immediately after the original post.
Your statement is irrelevant to know my knowledge of the issues since I just posted a comment on the thread.


Can you all please not repeat her picture.  That is jarring to one's sensibilities.


Enormous work will have to be done to overhaul the education system when the Coalition takes over.  The good thing is that the Coalition will be able to attract overseas people to come and help. I will be willing to go and help.


Mr. Skeldon Man, in your narrative Guyana is a paradise under the PPP Kleptos.  The working stiff from all races know better because Every Race Punishing.  In education, we have a bully who is govt's squarest peg pretending to be a Minister.


Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Can you all please not repeat her picture.  That is jarring to one's sensibilities.


Enormous work will have to be done to overhaul the education system when the Coalition takes over.  The good thing is that the Coalition will be able to attract overseas people to come and help. I will be willing to go and help.


Mr. Skeldon Man, in your narrative Guyana is a paradise under the PPP Kleptos.  The working stiff from all races know better because Every Race Punishing.  In education, we have a bully who is govt's squarest peg pretending to be a Minister.


Laad Ah Mercy!! You gun help, well I feel sorry for Guyanese Children. Please Lord let the PPP win cause I do not want to see the destruction of our beautiful Guyana!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:


Laad Ah Mercy!! You gun help, well I feel sorry for Guyanese Children. Please Lord let the PPP win cause I do not want to see the destruction of our beautiful Guyana!!!

You say you feel sorry for Guyanese children and at the same time you ask for them to suffer a bit more under the PPP. Are you deranged? 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Manikchand just won the election for the PPP.

You do not win with lies. The people knows the immediacy of their problems and the macro statistics of how much you spent is not going to matter.  She is a waste of time and is only in her post because he PPP think she is a marquee draw. I do not know why


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