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Letter: Many GOPIO members do not want Nagamootoo at its awards dinner

THE Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO), headquartered in New York, is having its annual general meeting and awards dinner on Saturday, June 25, 2016 in Queens, New York.

Several of the organization’s members are Guyanese from Guyana as well as from around the diaspora.

The organization has reportedly invited Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo as its guest of honour at the awards ceremony that is mired in controversy.

It is noted that the organization is experiencing internal conflict and controversy over several issues that may adversely impact on the Prime Minister – place his reputation into disrepute.

GOPIO should be applauded for engaging the government of Guyana and the Prime Minister to assist with developmental objectives. It is indisputable that GOPIO has access to countless resources that would be beneficial to Guyana. However, while GOPIO wants to be helpful and it is good for Guyana’s Prime Minister to be profiled on a global platform, Nagamootoo should not be caught up in the internal controversy of organizations no matter how noble the intentions as GOPIO’s are.

It is understood that GOPIO members are split over the Nagamootoo’s attendance saying the internal conflict should be resolved before the Nagamootoo graced the event as members don’t want him to appear to support any side in a conflict – the Prime Minister must be above controversy.

There have been many back and forth correspondences among GOPIO members on the internet about the organizing of the event and exclusion of certain members and matters pertaining to the composition of its executive.

It is the feeling among several members that the PM should consider gracefully declining the invitation at this time while the organization works on resolving its internal issues and challenges.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Under the previous government of Guyana, the role of the Prime Minister has been one of power with really no authority. Granger has further belittled the Office of the Prime Minister. Nagamoottoo has become a sham, even worst than Sam Hinds. Basically, both of these men decided to enjoy life on the job and forget about the upliftment of the nation of Guyana.

Nagamootoo has no voice, not in the Granger government and certainly not in the Indo community, home and abroad. He has no interest for Indians.

He should do the right thing and offer an excuse for not attending. He has become like all the Indians who ran off and join Burnham. Not one of them had a voice that spoke up against Forbes treatment in Guyana.


Seignet my brother Hinds had more power than Nagamootoo. Granjer should send him on a permanent vacation to North America and just carry around a life size cardboard cut out of him.

Last edited by Prashad
Mr.T posted:

PPP coolies who fled Guyana to escape justice, and built up a drugs and money laundering business telling decent Indians from around the world who they can and can't invite.

You were looking in the mirror when you wrote that. Dont feel so guilty.

Vish M posted:

 Please be advised Moses Nagamootoo was not personally invited

Suh the "hoity toighty" Indoes did not invite Nagamootoo because he is deemed a sell out.

Was he not awarded by the GOPIO,what a shame some Educated Guyanese are acting like kindergardners

Django posted:
Vish M posted:

 Please be advised Moses Nagamootoo was not personally invited

Suh the "hoity toighty" Indoes did not invite Nagamootoo because he is deemed a sell out.

Was he not awarded by the GOPIO,what a shame some Educated Guyanese are acting like kindergardners

Did you forget this NEEMAKHARAM said he is not Indian? Why the hell would they want to invite a non Indian to their awards dinner? He should only be invited to negro functions.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Vish M posted:

 Please be advised Moses Nagamootoo was not personally invited

Suh the "hoity toighty" Indoes did not invite Nagamootoo because he is deemed a sell out.

Was he not awarded by the GOPIO,what a shame some Educated Guyanese are acting like kindergardners

Did you forget this NEEMAKHARAM said he is not Indian? Why the hell would they want to invite a non Indian to their awards dinner? He should only be invited to negro functions.

Most have taken Nagamootoo statement out of context,all he was trying to portray is he is "Guyanese"

His statement was good fodder for predominantly Indian base political party the PPP.

Nehru posted:

Django, 4 years ago he did not show his true colors: Parasite and NEE NEE NEE MAKARAM!!!!!!!!!!!

That's what i like about me matee Indians,they day you cross the line "you are done finished"

Last edited by Django

I think the post elections happenings is more the issue.  People feel he misled them as to what he can and cannot do.  Had there been more positive developments on the race relations front and had Nagamootoo had real power and able to effect balance, it might be different.  He railed against the PPP boys, now he is buried under PNC cow dung so people feel betrayed and tricked!

Django posted:
Vish M posted:

He was awarded by GOPIO 4 or 5 years ago.

Many things have changed since.


What saying bhai,awards got time line and it's not worthy,come on villager i know you can do better.

I am echoing statements from the GOPIO administrators


Vish M
Vish M posted:
Django posted:
Vish M posted:

He was awarded by GOPIO 4 or 5 years ago.

Many things have changed since.


What saying bhai,awards got time line and it's not worthy,come on villager i know you can do better.

I am echoing statements from the GOPIO administrators


cool Vish.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Django, 4 years ago he did not show his true colors: Parasite and NEE NEE NEE MAKARAM!!!!!!!!!!!

That's what i like about me matee Indians,they day you cross the line "you are done finished"

But you are still standing tall and beating your drums every day so that statement is not true.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Django, 4 years ago he did not show his true colors: Parasite and NEE NEE NEE MAKARAM!!!!!!!!!!!

That's what i like about me matee Indians,they day you cross the line "you are done finished"

If that is what you intelligence allows you to comprehend then it is not your fault. Try understanding the meaning of being a Parasite and a NEEMAKARAM and MAYBE you will come to some understanding.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Vish M posted:

 Please be advised Moses Nagamootoo was not personally invited

Suh the "hoity toighty" Indoes did not invite Nagamootoo because he is deemed a sell out.

Was he not awarded by the GOPIO,what a shame some Educated Guyanese are acting like kindergardners

Did you forget this NEEMAKHARAM said he is not Indian? Why the hell would they want to invite a non Indian to their awards dinner? He should only be invited to negro functions.

Most have taken Nagamootoo statement out of context,all he was trying to portray is he is "Guyanese"

His statement was good fodder for predominantly Indian base political party the PPP.

Go ahead and try to spin his "hoof in mouth disease" as out of context. Birds of a feather.

Django posted:

Letter: Many GOPIO members do not want Nagamootoo at its awards dinner

THE Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO), headquartered in New York, is having its annual general meeting and awards dinner on Saturday, June 25, 2016 in Queens, New York.

Several of the organization’s members are Guyanese from Guyana as well as from around the diaspora.

The organization has reportedly invited Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo as its guest of honour at the awards ceremony that is mired in controversy.

It is noted that the organization is experiencing internal conflict and controversy over several issues that may adversely impact on the Prime Minister – place his reputation into disrepute.

GOPIO should be applauded for engaging the government of Guyana and the Prime Minister to assist with developmental objectives. It is indisputable that GOPIO has access to countless resources that would be beneficial to Guyana. However, while GOPIO wants to be helpful and it is good for Guyana’s Prime Minister to be profiled on a global platform, Nagamootoo should not be caught up in the internal controversy of organizations no matter how noble the intentions as GOPIO’s are.

It is understood that GOPIO members are split over the Nagamootoo’s attendance saying the internal conflict should be resolved before the Nagamootoo graced the event as members don’t want him to appear to support any side in a conflict – the Prime Minister must be above controversy.

There have been many back and forth correspondences among GOPIO members on the internet about the organizing of the event and exclusion of certain members and matters pertaining to the composition of its executive.

It is the feeling among several members that the PM should consider gracefully declining the invitation at this time while the organization works on resolving its internal issues and challenges.

What a moron! This is not an exclusive club. Membership is dependent on one being of indian origin not on being of the same mindset of some clique in the organization. This is the purulent nature of the Guyanese indian trying to introduce a disease in this organization.

Note, one president of this organization is on record of stating that Guyanese are culturally backward, prone to violence, not inclined to send their children to school and are in general lesser than Indians form Indian.

The furor in the community at his statement should be the backdrop of this simpleminded bigoted appeal to exclude Nagamootoo. He presence is not dependent on anything else than his fore parents happen to be Indians.

These shallow minded morons organizing this protest need to reflect on who they are. They are children of outcastes made so by a socially exclusionary category in the the Indian culture that facilitated oppression, denigration and four millennia of pain to entire most Indians.

Some 600 million are still fighting this oppressive exclusion on presumption of ourcaste status. I guess this morbid expression of casteism is habit black people need to look out for since his association with them is Nagamootoo's only sin!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Who from GOPIO invited him to the dinner in the first place?  That was the mistake right there.  

So what are you, a member of the sisterhood of brahamins that you decide you can implement casteism and separate Nagamootoo as a member of the unclean?

Vish M posted:

 Please be advised Moses Nagamootoo was not personally invited

Vish, are you part of this crew revoking Nagamootoo's credential as a proper indian? I know  you  were fully aware  when the head of this organization leveled horrible charges of outcaste status to Guyanese in general.

I would hope you learn that the organization is not dedicated to the identifying the proper indian but the indian in general. There are no rules suggesting that anyone can exclude another on grounds they do not meet the criteria if they can demonstrate they are of indian heritage.

This is not only stupid and small minded. It is an example of why we still have caste undercurrents in our society.

Vish M posted:

He was awarded by GOPIO 4 or 5 years ago.

Many things have changed since.


What has changed ther Bahamians? You folks are an obnoxious lot and if this organization is in the prectice of deciding who are worthy indians thatn the are a diseased infestation in the society and not a cure to burdens of the diaspora.Quite being a bloody grund and always carrying water for others and think for your damn self. How could this be right? What if the come for you for some manufactured infraction as is hurled your way constantly despite your work?


When Granger had his big gala recently, Indos were excluded from everything.  The Awards Event was exclusively Afro.  Naga is part of Granger's team, so if he is excluded, why are you so upset? 

Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Who from GOPIO invited him to the dinner in the first place?  That was the mistake right there.  

So what are you, a member of the sisterhood of brahamins that you decide you can implement casteism and separate Nagamootoo as a member of the unclean?

What gave it away?

Bibi Haniffa
Lennox posted:

When Granger had his big gala recently, Indos were excluded from everything.  The Awards Event was exclusively Afro.  Naga is part of Granger's team, so if he is excluded, why are you so upset? 

Where did you morons go to school? We are arguing an improper exclusion rule in GOPIO that selects an Indian based of clique consciousness from admittance to a function given by the Organization. It is an open organization for all people of indian origins. I do not give a damn about Granger. Start a thread than demonstrate that Granger did such a thing and then we will argue it.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Who from GOPIO invited him to the dinner in the first place?  That was the mistake right there.  

So what are you, a member of the sisterhood of brahamins that you decide you can implement casteism and separate Nagamootoo as a member of the unclean?

What gave it away?


Bibi Haniffa posted:

Who from GOPIO invited him to the dinner in the first place?  That was the mistake right there.  

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Who from GOPIO invited him to the dinner in the first place?  That was the mistake right there.  

Moses said repeatedly that he is not "Indian". The award that was given to him by GOPIO should be returned. GOPIO's first BIG MISTAKE was to give this vagabond an award. I agree he should not be invited as a guest because he is a pest.

Danyael posted:
Django posted:

Letter: Many GOPIO members do not want Nagamootoo at its awards dinner

THE Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO), headquartered in New York, is having its annual general meeting and awards dinner on Saturday, June 25, 2016 in Queens, New York.

Several of the organization’s members are Guyanese from Guyana as well as from around the diaspora.

The organization has reportedly invited Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo as its guest of honour at the awards ceremony that is mired in controversy.

It is noted that the organization is experiencing internal conflict and controversy over several issues that may adversely impact on the Prime Minister – place his reputation into disrepute.

GOPIO should be applauded for engaging the government of Guyana and the Prime Minister to assist with developmental objectives. It is indisputable that GOPIO has access to countless resources that would be beneficial to Guyana. However, while GOPIO wants to be helpful and it is good for Guyana’s Prime Minister to be profiled on a global platform, Nagamootoo should not be caught up in the internal controversy of organizations no matter how noble the intentions as GOPIO’s are.

It is understood that GOPIO members are split over the Nagamootoo’s attendance saying the internal conflict should be resolved before the Nagamootoo graced the event as members don’t want him to appear to support any side in a conflict – the Prime Minister must be above controversy.

There have been many back and forth correspondences among GOPIO members on the internet about the organizing of the event and exclusion of certain members and matters pertaining to the composition of its executive.

It is the feeling among several members that the PM should consider gracefully declining the invitation at this time while the organization works on resolving its internal issues and challenges.

What a moron! This is not an exclusive club. Membership is dependent on one being of indian origin not on being of the same mindset of some clique in the organization. This is the purulent nature of the Guyanese indian trying to introduce a disease in this organization.

Note, one president of this organization is on record of stating that Guyanese are culturally backward, prone to violence, not inclined to send their children to school and are in general lesser than Indians form Indian.

The furor in the community at his statement should be the backdrop of this simpleminded bigoted appeal to exclude Nagamootoo. He presence is not dependent on anything else than his fore parents happen to be Indians.

These shallow minded morons organizing this protest need to reflect on who they are. They are children of outcastes made so by a socially exclusionary category in the the Indian culture that facilitated oppression, denigration and four millennia of pain to entire most Indians.

Some 600 million are still fighting this oppressive exclusion on presumption of ourcaste status. I guess this morbid expression of casteism is habit black people need to look out for since his association with them is Nagamootoo's only sin!

Note, one president of this organization is on record of stating that Guyanese are culturally backward, prone to violence, not inclined to send their children to school and are in general lesser than Indians form Indian.


RiffRaff posted:

typical Indian caste system....

Caste system starts anytime any place. Like u weren't reading Caribj posts on how backward Indians are in Guyana in comparison to blacks in Guyana. Eating with fingers instead of cutleries and squatting instead of sitting on a potty.  


I was never more aware of how backward the Indians in Guyana are with regards to the caste system than now. Seems Prashad is correct when he said Indians are more racial to their own.

What a shame even in this age where mankind has become more tolerant of each others uniqueness.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:

I was never more aware of how backward the Indians in Guyana are with regards to the caste system than now. Seems Prashad is correct when he said Indians are more racial to their own.

What a shame even in this age where mankind has become more tolerant of each others uniqueness.

In Guyana, u were part of the elite. Ur parents made sure of that. Only when u come to Canada, then u realized u were like everybody else.

Tolerant! My ass.

U and Caribj are bigot buddies. U doan know about Indian uniqueness?  


You doan know me but know I was part of the elite,I'm glad you have me way up there and if Indian uniqueness is what makes Indians so intolerant to each other, I doan care to know anymore about it.


If Moses Nagamootoo is invited in his capacity as the Prime Minister of Guyana, he can delegate someone to represent him at the GOPIO event. If he cannot do that, he should decline the invitation. It is clear from comments in this thread that Mr Nagamootoo's presence there would cause an explosion. GOPIO may be a big thing for some Indians, but for many Indians it has no meaning in their lives. GOPIO's actions have no impact on their lives. 


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