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How many inventors have Phds ? Folks who are DOERS don't waste time accumulating academic credentials---they make things happen---they take action---they do. Success as stated below isn't really about what you know. It never has been. It's what you do that matters.





One time or another, you’ve had the thought running through your head that if you only knew more you would be more successful in life.


It’s only natural to think that. Most of the first 20 years of your life are completely focused on how much you know. And who you know more than.


So it’s only natural that you think knowing more will make you more successful.  Perhaps another degree, a conference, or a DVD business series is what you need to turn your situation around.


It’s frustrating.


Because the more you learn, the less you feel like you’re becoming successful.


That’s because, despite what you hear about success, it has very little to do with formal education. How much you know doesn’t really matter. It never has.


Some of the most successful people of all time did it without all the education you think you need:


John Glenn was a dropout from the science program at Muskingum College.  He went on to become one of the most important astronauts in American history.


Steve Jobs stayed in college for only six months.  His breakthrough inventions in mobile technology and movie animation are perhaps the greatest business marvel of the last fifty years.


Henry Ford had no college education at all and few years of formal education at all.  He went on to reinvent the manufacturing process and the entire automobile industry.


William Shakespeare dropped out of middle school.  He would later create almost 2,000 English words and write the most famous literary works of all time.


John D. Rockefeller left school as a young teenager to get a job.  He would build Standard Oil into a massive petroleum monopoly, ultimately becoming the richest man of all time (considering current inflation).


Mark Twain only had a 5th grade education. His Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is considered the greatest American novel of all time.


Horace Greeley had no schooling at all.  He would later become a Congressman, found the Republican Party, and today is considered one the most influential journalists in American history.


Albert Einstein was a high school dropout and failed his university entrance exams.  He came up with the Theory of Relativity, published 300 scientific papers, won a Nobel Prize, and is considered the greatest mind of the twentieth century.


Success isn’t really about how much you know.


What matters is what you do.


How hard you work.  What you are willing to do without until you realize your dreams.  That is what matters.


That is what has always mattered.  Then.  Now.  And forever.


One of the greatest inventors the world has ever know explained success this way: “Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration.”  Thomas Edison didn’t just say that;  he lived it.  


He would attempt over 10,000 separate tries in creating the light bulb.


Some people probably thought he was crazy.  And some will think you are too.


Maybe you’re just on your way to doing something mind-blowingly amazing.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I was a drop out in High School, worked Hard in College...dropped out of that too. Eventually worked diligently at it , made my way to University, I was so perfect in what I did..I dropped out of University also.

I'm now working toward my BIG ABC.


In Guyana is not what you know instead it is who you know.


Creative ideas in Guyana is stagnated. Not if yuh into casino, hotel, restaurants, crime and extortion in all levels of the society.

Originally Posted by seignet:

In Guyana is not what you know instead it is who you know.


Creative ideas in Guyana is stagnated. Not if yuh into casino, hotel, restaurants, crime and extortion in all levels of the society.



This is the social club of gni--more lighthearted stuff posted here---go complaining about Guyana in the political club.




Both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs said that they had a solid High School education particularly in math and science.  Both men had one thing in common.  They were very very good at Math.  Both were the smartest students in math in their neighbourhoods. Gates favors students staying in college and finishing their degrees because not everyone would have an ability to do math like he had. Jobs on the other hand could not handle the structure of college programs.

Originally Posted by Wally:

It was only after I went to Brown in my early 20s that I started to dig up and got good marks.  So I guess I was a late starter.




Is that the IVY Brown University you attended ?


What was tuition back in your days  compared to today ?



Originally Posted by seignet:

In Guyana is not what you know instead it is who you know.


I man heard something and started saying the same until I realized what I was saying. It was something like, "Is not who you know but who you blow"

I never said it again nor typed it out.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Wally:

It was only after I went to Brown in my early 20s that I started to dig up and got good marks.  So I guess I was a late starter.




Is that the IVY Brown University you attended ?


What was tuition back in your days  compared to today ?



The tuition was around 10 thousand US per year plus living etc which was around 4 thousand US. So around 14 thousand in total per year. Now it is way more than that

Originally Posted by Wally:


The tuition was around 10 thousand US per year plus living etc which was around 4 thousand US. So around 14 thousand in total per year. Now it is way more than that



It looks like you went to school around the same time as the Rev.


Tuition/Board at the IVYs was in that range 80-84!


Today its probably 55K+





Originally Posted by Wally:

Both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs said that they had a solid High School education particularly in math and science.  Both men had one thing in common.  They were very very good at Math. 



You are 100% correct!


I can tell you--A'level graduates in the math and sciences could excel in the competitive analyst training programs of any Wall Street investment bank.


How do I know that ?


After college I worked in Investment banking---mergers & acquisition!


After A levels I could have handled the stuff I did after college--easy peasey!


Actually, first two years of college is a breeze for any A level grad in math and science.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:

You are 100% correct!



After college I worked in Investment banking---mergers & acquisition!


After A levels I could have handled the stuff I did after college--easy peasey!


Actually, first two years of college is a breeze for any A level grad in math and science.



My college actually gave me credits for my 'A' Levels. You know us Guyanese always look for the easy/cheap way out.

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Wally:

It was only after I went to Brown in my early 20s that I started to dig up and got good marks.  So I guess I was a late starter.




Is that the IVY Brown University you attended ?


What was tuition back in your days  compared to today ?



The tuition was around 10 thousand US per year plus living etc which was around 4 thousand US. So around 14 thousand in total per year. Now it is way more than that

Rev in those days that was a lot of money. It made me take my education seriously.  The A level students told me that A  levels is like the second year of University.  I think they are right.  But I met some English students with A levels and I know some of our Guyanese o level students can wrap them up with intelligence.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:



Perhaps... but the ratio of unsuccessful college dropouts to successful ones is massively disproportionate... depending on how you measure success of course. I think it is quite misleading to look a the few successful people and think it's ok to be a college dropout or to not get a college education.

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Wally:

It was only after I went to Brown in my early 20s that I started to dig up and got good marks.  So I guess I was a late starter.




Is that the IVY Brown University you attended ?


What was tuition back in your days  compared to today ?



The tuition was around 10 thousand US per year plus living etc which was around 4 thousand US. So around 14 thousand in total per year. Now it is way more than that

Rev in those days that was a lot of money. It made me take my education seriously.  The A level students told me that A  levels is like the second year of University.  I think they are right.  But I met some English students with A levels and I know some of our Guyanese o level students can wrap them up with intelligence.

Is what kinda cyar or cart yall had back in dem ole daze? Did it come with stereo?


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