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Mark Benschop asks Anil Nandlall a question

Dear Editor;
I read with utter disgust the hypocrisy by Mohabir Anil Nandlall, in his statement in which he stated PPP/C government took no to compulsorily acquire Carmichael Street lots. Putting aside his efforts to convince citizens that the PPP/C never took such action.
It’s interesting to note what, Mr. Nandlall said: “that all I did in relation thereto, was to make contact with the owners of the two plots of land and enquire from them whether the lands were for sale.”
Could Nandlall say, on whose behalf did he make contact with the owners to seek information on whether said lots were for sale? After all, he did admit that: “I wish to make it unequivocally clear, that as Attorney-General, I had no intention whatsoever of compulsorily acquiring the said two lots of land and that no step whatsoever was ever taken by the PPP/Civic government to compulsorily acquire the said two lots of land.”
It seems to me, that Mr. Nandlall used his position as Attorney General in an attempt to purchase said lots for either his personal use, or on behalf of his friends.
Mark A. Benschop

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cain posted:

Mark Benschop asks Anil Nandlall a question

Dear Editor;
I read with utter disgust the hypocrisy by Mohabir Anil Nandlall, in his statement in which he stated PPP/C government took no to compulsorily acquire Carmichael Street lots. Putting aside his efforts to convince citizens that the PPP/C never took such action.
It’s interesting to note what, Mr. Nandlall said: “that all I did in relation thereto, was to make contact with the owners of the two plots of land and enquire from them whether the lands were for sale.”
Could Nandlall say, on whose behalf did he make contact with the owners to seek information on whether said lots were for sale? After all, he did admit that: “I wish to make it unequivocally clear, that as Attorney-General, I had no intention whatsoever of compulsorily acquiring the said two lots of land and that no step whatsoever was ever taken by the PPP/Civic government to compulsorily acquire the said two lots of land.”
It seems to me, that Mr. Nandlall used his position as Attorney General in an attempt to purchase said lots for either his personal use, or on behalf of his friends.
Mark A. Benschop

Mr Benschop, you make no sense.  If the Govt wanted to use eminent domain laws [or its equivalent], then they needed to go through the courts for a ruling.  If Mr Nandlall wanted to acquire the plots privately, then he has no more power than any ordinary citizen.  He being AG is of no consequence.

You are talking as these are defenseless citizens.  Ms Riehl is a person of certain stature and the Beharry group are a power local family.  This is not like the PNC trying to seize little house plots given to ordinary citizens under the PPP.

So Mr Benschop, go put a sock in it!

Mr.T posted:

Mark is making a very valid point. Anil is being economical with the truth.

And exactly what's he "valid" point?  I'm sure Mr Nandlall is perfectly aware that both Ms Riehl and Beharry could out him on the facts.  So it seems like Mr Benschop is the only one with sh1t swirling in his head.  And of course, he has his sh1t head followers in tow!

ba$eman posted:
Mr.T posted:

Mark is making a very valid point. Anil is being economical with the truth.

And exactly what's he "valid" point?  I'm sure Mr Nandlall is perfectly aware that both Ms Riehl and Beharry could out him on the facts.  So it seems like Mr Benschop is the only one with sh1t swirling in his head.  And of course, he has his sh1t head followers in tow!

Bhai, dont waste energy is SHIT HEAD T.

cain posted:
Mr.T posted:

Nehru must have been raped by some of his drinking buddies last nite. He enjoyed the shit that came out of his ass,

his ass = his mouth.

As acertified SHIT HEAD, it means yuor head is always up yuh Kakahole, thus you smell and eat SHIT daily.  I dont expect you to understand.  In fact, how can you.

Mr.T posted:

Nehru must have been raped by some of his drinking buddies last nite. He enjoyed the shit that came out of his ass,

Was it Blair who Buss yuh Cherry????? You once had Elton John over, how that went????


You guys don't hold back, you just let loose with foul language. Students check this site for Guyana info. for their term papers. I'll alert Dr. Ishmael what's going on on his site.  

Last edited by Former Member
alena06 posted:
cain posted:

Why don't yu go fk yrslf and stop with the SHIT talk you fkin arsehole.

Spoken like a real PNC champ.

It seems the only language the fool knows and if this is what it takes to stop his bullshit, so be it.

Where do you get the nonsense about PNC champ from?   

Last edited by cain
Leonora posted:

You guys don't hold back, you just let loose with foul language. Students check this site for Guyana info. for their term papers. I'll alert Dr. Ishmael what's going on on his site.  

Hey hey hey, them also listening to the Trump tapes for term papers on the US elections!!

cain posted:

Why don't yu go fk yrslf and stop with the SHIT talk you fkin arsehole.

Cain bro, we can express ourselves without the implied F word. Is it really necessary to use the implied "F" word?

skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Why don't yu go fk yrslf and stop with the SHIT talk you fkin arsehole.

Cain bro, we can express ourselves without the implied F word. Is it really necessary to use the implied "F" word?

HEHEHE  He nah bin ah school far. He got kicked out at Kindergarten.  Plus SHIT tek ova his brain.

skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Why don't yu go fk yrslf and stop with the SHIT talk you fkin arsehole.

Cain bro, we can express ourselves without the implied F word. Is it really necessary to use the implied "F" word?

We can also disagree with each other and not talk about shit all day. But I guess you haven't noticed that and the Admin turns a blind eye too.

Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Why don't yu go fk yrslf and stop with the SHIT talk you fkin arsehole.

Cain bro, we can express ourselves without the implied F word. Is it really necessary to use the implied "F" word?

We can also disagree with each other and not talk about shit all day. But I guess you haven't noticed that and the Admin turns a blind eye too.

Mars, this board is full of shit. The admin does not want to impose dictatorial controls here(PNC). He gives the boys and girls freedom to express themselves. However, there are at times, he has to take control. If you watch football you will hear that announcers saying "the officials are letting the boys play".

skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Why don't yu go fk yrslf and stop with the SHIT talk you fkin arsehole.

Cain bro, we can express ourselves without the implied F word. Is it really necessary to use the implied "F" word?

We can also disagree with each other and not talk about shit all day. But I guess you haven't noticed that and the Admin turns a blind eye too.

Mars, this board is full of shit. The admin does not want to impose dictatorial controls here(PNC). He gives the boys and girls freedom to express themselves. However, there are at times, he has to take control. If you watch football you will hear that announcers saying "the officials are letting the boys play".

All the SHIT HEADS as they were certified has to lash out since they were proven beyond reasonable doubt to be naive, dumb, stupid and slave like. They gave their hears and souls to the devil despite all the warnings given by Uncle Nehru and others. Now that reality is stepping in the SHAME and DISGRACE is taking over and hence the outbursts. The good thing is Uncle Nehru can handle them ten at a time.!!!!!!!!!!!

Nehru posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:

We can also disagree with each other and not talk about shit all day. But I guess you haven't noticed that and the Admin turns a blind eye too.

Mars, this board is full of shit. The admin does not want to impose dictatorial controls here(PNC). He gives the boys and girls freedom to express themselves. However, there are at times, he has to take control. If you watch football you will hear that announcers saying "the officials are letting the boys play".

All the SHIT HEADS as they were certified has to lash out since they were proven beyond reasonable doubt to be naive, dumb, stupid and slave like. They gave their hears and souls to the devil despite all the warnings given by Uncle Nehru and others. Now that reality is stepping in the SHAME and DISGRACE is taking over and hence the outbursts. The good thing is Uncle Nehru can handle them ten at a time.!!!!!!!!!!!

That's because uncle Nehru is like an octopus.

That Mars suddenly want to talk with a clean tongue yet when they were cussing out the PPP boys, it was bacanal time, anything goes.  These clown cannot bear the shyte of the PNC!

ba$eman posted:
Nehru posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:

We can also disagree with each other and not talk about shit all day. But I guess you haven't noticed that and the Admin turns a blind eye too.

Mars, this board is full of shit. The admin does not want to impose dictatorial controls here(PNC). He gives the boys and girls freedom to express themselves. However, there are at times, he has to take control. If you watch football you will hear that announcers saying "the officials are letting the boys play".

All the SHIT HEADS as they were certified has to lash out since they were proven beyond reasonable doubt to be naive, dumb, stupid and slave like. They gave their hears and souls to the devil despite all the warnings given by Uncle Nehru and others. Now that reality is stepping in the SHAME and DISGRACE is taking over and hence the outbursts. The good thing is Uncle Nehru can handle them ten at a time.!!!!!!!!!!!

That's because uncle Nehru is like an octopus.

That Mars suddenly want to talk with a clean tongue yet when they were cussing out the PPP boys, it was bacanal time, anything goes.  These clown cannot bear the shyte of the PNC!

Dude, I do not curse anyone on this forum unless they attack me first and then it's anything goes. I can write properly without having to resort to low life cuss out behavior like some of the degenerates who carry on here on a daily basis. 

skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Why don't yu go fk yrslf and stop with the SHIT talk you fkin arsehole.

Cain bro, we can express ourselves without the implied F word. Is it really necessary to use the implied "F" word?

Tell your idiot buddy who is constantly speaking in caps about SHIT, people read the forum and that s what they see in about every dam thread yes I will use whatever word I wish until the idiot ceases, until then fk it.

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

Why don't yu go fk yrslf and stop with the SHIT talk you fkin arsehole.

Cain bro, we can express ourselves without the implied F word. Is it really necessary to use the implied "F" word?

Tell your idiot buddy who is constantly speaking in caps about SHIT, people read the forum and that s what they see in about every dam thread yes I will use whatever word I wish until the idiot ceases, until then fk it.

You are a SHIT HEAD so how else can I describe you???????????

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