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Former Member



OK Folks!


For the married men here, how many of you help around the house with household chores--the cooking, the bathroom cleaning, the dishes, the laundry, etc, etc ?


How about the women here---how many of you share the household chores with your husbands---I'm talking about the cooking, the cleaning, doing the wishes, the laundry etc ---not the yard work---or fixing the car or the roof, etc, etc?





Did the intimacy frequency increase or decrease after you started doing the household chores ?


No need to answer here---just be honest with yourself.


Listen guys!


Every woman craves a man she perceives to be strong, secure, powerful, manly.


And get this---women won't tell you---but they are not fired up, turned on, and excited  by men they perceive as as wimps, sissies, wusses, and pushovers.


Anyway folks, click on the link---then come back here and report your findings:


Careful boys!


Don't be a nasty slob at home--pick up after yourself--but be warned--excessive household chores is dangerous to intimacy and in a lot of instances leads to you being a cuckold man.












Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I don't believe in this nonsense. America is a different society where both men and women work and it's nice when a man help to cook and clean or wash dishes. I don't feel less of a man when I do household chores.


BTW, Nehru is a excellent cook and he became the master of cook-up-rice.

I just past by Good Hope, Dem Chap ah tear tail deh.  Hag pun the dance floor.

Originally Posted by chameli:

anyman whose testerone level drops du to helpin out nEed som sErious psychothErapy

i love and appreciat my man more for the what hE does for the family ...not just for me




Married women rightfully resent lazy, messy, sloppy, thoughtless husbands--they want their husbands to pick up after themselves--not leave their clothes, shoes , underwear, etc thrown around the house or dirty dishes in the sink, etc, etc--women dont want to be treated like slaves by their husbands---and yes many married women appreciate a clean, tidy, thoughtful husband who helps around the home.





"Couples in which men participate more in housework typically done by women report having sex less frequently. Similarly, couples in which men participate more in traditionally masculine tasks -- such as yard work, paying bills, and auto maintenance -- report higher sexual frequency."






Are the findings in that study correct ?


* Do men who participate more in housework typically done by women have sex less frequently whereas men who do the more "manly" stuff have more frequent sex ?





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I don't believe in this nonsense. America is a different society where both men and women work and it's nice when a man help to cook and clean or wash dishes. I don't feel less of a man when I do household chores.




You are clearly a thoughtful and caring husband and I am sure your wife is extremely proud of you.


But this is what the study in the link says:


"Couples in which men participate more in housework typically done by women report having sex less frequently. Similarly, couples in which men participate more in traditionally masculine tasks -- such as yard work, paying bills, and auto maintenance -- report higher sexual frequency."







Are the findings in that study hogwash and baloney, or do men who participate more in housework typically done by women have sex less frequently ?


By the way, if this subject is too racy for this forum--the moderator is free to lock the thread---lots of folks are offended and intimidated by mature subjects--like men who help around the house and the consequences of their thoughtfulness.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Observer:

Bossman Amral is a firm believer in men doing macho chores, and women doing housework, cooking and having babies!  He never helps wifey!       



You are a wicked man. Looks like you are tempting Mr. Amral to lock this very interesting thread.


How about you Observer--do you help with the housework--and what are your thoughts on the findings of that study:


Here it is again:


"Couples in which men participate more in housework typically done by women report having sex less frequently. Similarly, couples in which men participate more in traditionally masculine tasks -- such as yard work, paying bills, and auto maintenance -- report higher sexual frequency."





Originally Posted by Nehru:

I dont do Housework and I want it very frequently, so I would say the study's conclusion is very accurate.



Pandit Nehru:


So you do the macho, manly stuff, right ? You pay the bills, shovel the snow, rake the leaves, fix the car, etc, etc and you can attest that the frequency is higher, right ?hahahahahaha


By the way, your friend Abidha might not return to this thread to discuss frequency.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I dont do Housework and I want it very frequently, so I would say the study's conclusion is very accurate.



Pandit Nehru:


So you do the macho, manly stuff, right ? You pay the bills, shovel the snow, rake the leaves, fix the car, etc, etc and you can attest that the frequency is higher, right ?hahahahahaha


By the way, your friend Abidha might not return to this thread to discuss frequency.



MAYBE IS THE Lil Punjabi blood I man gat. I want it in the morning, I want it in the Evening, I want it daily.

Originally Posted by Nehru:


MAYBE IS THE Lil Punjabi blood I man gat. I want it in the morning, I want it in the Evening, I want it daily.




Damn! You're like the energizer bunny




By the way Nehru--that guy above says he envies you--he says his frequency is waaaay down.hahahahaha





Originally Posted by alena06:

My husband does not do housework 



Well alena, your husband is just like nehru--Nehru says he does not do housework--read his comments--he seems to be wildly


Anyway alena, based on the findings of the study(it was a study not an article), there is a high probability that you and your husband(who does not do housework) enjoy a HIGH FREQUENCY. CONGRATS.




"Couples in which men participate more in housework typically done by women report having sex less frequently. Similarly, couples in which men participate more in traditionally masculine tasks -- such as yard work, paying bills, and auto maintenance -- report higher sexual frequency."







I help out in and around the house a lot and let us say that it pays big dividends.


When I first came to Canada, I was a hardcore Berbcie, Guyana man who did little around the house but when the wife started working and was earning the big bucks in the home, I had to take a back seat and compensated by doing more in and around the home.


But it paid big dividends and to this day I still maintain the bulk of the chores and I do so with a big smile on my face.  


I must say my husband do help out cooking and sweeping the kitchen and grocery .

Well we both work and our shifts are not the same . He is very happy to do for his family . It all come down to how your parents train you at home before you get married , No wife is your maid .

I know some one when his wife die he did not even know how to make a cup of tea for his family . That's why the Guyanese girl  like the Canadian and American Men they do help their wife with every thing . lol Guess the men who do not help do not have sisters.Or they just like to see woman works more lol while they sit .

Originally Posted by yuji22:


 When I first came to Canada, I was a hardcore Berbice, Guyana man who did little around the house but when the wife started working and was earning the big bucks in the home, I had to take a back seat and compensated by doing more in and around the home.



That reminds me of my uncle. Years ago when he and his wife came to America--they both worked but he came home an hour earlier---he used to sit and watch TV and wait for his wife to come home and start cooking---he told his mother(my grandmother)---"I dont turn pot spoon."


Well, my grandmother gave his a$$ a stern lecture---she said this is America---both you and your wife work---and you have to help.


Guess what ? The man started cooking---and by the time wifey came home---food was hot and ready---she was a happy woman.


Listen! The Rev believe men and women ought to share the responsibilities---it makes for a healthier marriage.


Now yuji, this thread is not about men helping around the house---they ought to----this thread is about that study in the link in the lead post.





Originally Posted by yuji22:

But Rev, I noticed that frequency went up when I started doing more around the home. I am considering myself one of the lucky ones. 



You are, indeed, blessed yuji.


But seriously, there may be something wrong with that study!


If a man helps with the housework--there is less inner resentment on part of the wife---she is apt to be more loving and affectionate--more in the mood.



You know what yuji ?


The problem may lie with the husbands--it looks like their endorphins(dopamine) stop flowing once they do excess housework---and that may account for the drop in FREQUENCY.


If as the study concludes FREQUENCY drops---then  clearly the fault is with the husbands---the wives are happy and contented and raring to go---they are relaxed, refreshed and in the mood---but it's the husbands who are not energized and excited---it must be the chemicals in cleaning liquids husbands use doing the housework that hinder the flow of the FREQUENCY hormones.hahahahaha







Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

But Rev, I noticed that frequency went up when I started doing more around the home. I am considering myself one of the lucky ones. 



You are, indeed, blessed yuji.


But seriously, there may be something wrong with that study!


If a man helps with the housework--there is less inner resentment on part of the wife---she is apt to be more loving and affectionate--more in the mood.



You know what yuji ?


The problem may lie with the husbands--it looks like their endorphins(dopamine) stop flowing once they do excess housework---and that may account for the drop in FREQUENCY.


If as the study concludes FREQUENCY drops---then  clearly the fault is with the husbands---the wives are happy and contented and raring to go---they are relaxed, refreshed and in the mood---but it's the husbands who are not energized and excited---it must be the chemicals in cleaning liquids husbands use doing the housework that hinder the flow of the FREQUENCY hormones.hahahahaha









Once you perform the housework with a smile on your face then it paves the way for better things.. if you know what I mean. It can be a bit stressful with all the chores but you soon forget after it pays off in the end. If you catch my drift.


The study did not sample men like myself otherwise they would have added another dimension to the findings. 


Did the study provide any information on the relationship between frequency and aging ? The reason I ask is that I feel like 18 and look like 25 despite turning 46. Mind you, I exercise on a daily basis and walk for an hour most days. I also ride my bike a lot during the summer months.


I received a very nice compliment from the wife on Valentine's night. 


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