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It wasn't discovered by Indiana Jones and it isn't crystal, but an elongated skull that is as long as the 20-inch body it belongs to is raising interest after it was discovered in Peru.

According to a report from The Sideshow, the remains of the unidentified "creature" was described as having a "triangle-shaped" skull and was at first believed to have been a child with a misshapen head, but according to a news report, anonymous Russian and Spanish scientists claim the remains belong to an extraterrestrial being.

While the discovery of the skull seems to be a somewhat real-life version of the popular movie "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" in which archaeologist-adventurer Indiana Jones sets off to solve the mystery of similar triangular-shaped skulls in South America, the end result in the movie is that the crystal skulls are indeed not of this world.

As far as the most recent bone skull in Peru? No word yet on its origins.

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