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skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:

And the stinking PNC and their stinking Chronicle spreading LIES that PPP bringing Soca Artists!! I guess by nature they are LYING DOGS!!

It is in their DNA. Have they ever been honest with the Guyanese people? Have they ever win a fair election? Have they robbed the people and lied to their faces?

What happened in 1964 and 2015 ?

In 1964 they teamed up with UF. In 2015 they teamed up with AFC. We are discussing the PNC winning a free and fair election gaining a majority.

It is distressing  how little some know their history. The PR system was instituted to ensure thwart the ppp did not form the govt. it achieved its aim and the UF and PNC together formed the government that produced 28 years of PNC dictatorship. Now they want to return to the first past the post system, holding that it will solve the country’s problems. 

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Was that fair? Was it not the right of us Guyanese voters to elect our own government? The US has a sordid history of interfering in other countries' affairs throughout the world. And the US has been consistently condemned in the United Nations for its actions worldwide.

Bhai , you are aware ,it was the influence of Communism in the Capitalist backyard. On to today supporters of the PPP ,can't comprehend "Marxist Ideology"

Where in the current and post-1991 PPP/C manifestos do you see any reference to Marxist ideology? Jagdeo, Irfaan, Mark Phillips, Nandlall etc aren't Marxists. 

Is that so ? how about the party constitution ?

You need to differentiate between the party and the government. Once a  party wins and forms the government, they govern based on the basis of the objective reality for all the people, not just the interest of the party. The programme the candidate and the party puts forward a program applicable to the developmental needs of the whole nation. There is nothing in that programme that you will not find in a programme put forward by a social democrat party.

Nehru posted:

Socialism ROCKS!! Ask Bernie

Every society has an element of socialism. It’s not a bad word. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid are all Socialists principles.  Obamacare/Trumpcare all the latest. 

The differentiating factor is how much of the economy will be centrally planned and private. 

I don’t think you can draw a line and define. 

America’s issue with countries like Guyana is not so much domestic politics, but geopolitical. Will the Government offer it’s rivals a beachheads under its nose.

Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Socialism ROCKS!! Ask Bernie

Every society has an element of socialism. It’s not a bad word. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid are all Socialists principles.  Obamacare/Trumpcare all the latest. 

The differentiating factor is how much of the economy will be centrally planned and private. 

I don’t think you can draw a line and define. 

America’s issue with countries like Guyana is not so much domestic politics, but geopolitical. Will the Government offer it’s rivals a beachheads under its nose.

Jesus was a socialist and he only had 12 followers. So I don't think socialism was popular since the time of Jesus.


Good Job Dave. Keep up the good work. 
This is a fight to keep Guyana Democratic and their future cannot be entrusted to the AFC PNC who promised Guyanese A Good Lie. 
I am convinced that the PPP will win one of its biggest victory with those kinds of crowds in PNC strongholds. 

Looks like the PNC campaign fell apart. Base give them five seconds of hope by posting that “Missive” crowd in Jamaica. 

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

Dave ,will be waiting for the video link on Irfaan address at Tarla Dam ,Meten-Meer-Zorg. I want to view the crowd reaction, we on WCD aren't walkover by any political party in Guyana.The supporters of the PPP may stay home or vote for another party.

Sorry, thought you was asking about Bartica. You have me confused here with especially - " We" on WCD. 

Irfaan, was not @ Metem - Meer- Zorg, he was at Industry. 

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