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Mayor cancels City Hall meeting after being left out of agenda planning

—says this was third such occurrence

Georgetown’s Mayor, Ubraj Narine, has cancelled the council’s fortnightly statutory meeting, after he was unable to peruse and approve the meeting’s agenda.

Councillors were informed of the cancellation on Sunday via a message he posted in the Councillors’ WhatsApp group.


Ubraj Narine

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:

I agree. The Neemakaram Crabdaag would have said " How deep in yuh kakahole yuh want me Granger"???

Dude, you have to improve your writing if you want to be taken seriously. 


How dare Pandit stand up to massa?  His days are numbered if he wants to exercise his right as Mayor.  That said, I salute his courage.  Bet Hammie has his boys keeping a close eye on him now.  

Bibi Haniffa

Pupped pandit is now the new Sooba.  More evidence that indos are subjugated. What else evidence does the slop can crew want as they daily peddle their propaganda of what a wonderful govt pnc has been over the past 4 years.  

Last edited by Former Member
Demerara_Guy posted:

Eh-eh, ee still nah kno dat ee ah jus wan likkle likkle likkle bay deh.

Did they resume the meeting after he left?   The man seems to have some dignity and he demands respect.  Pity that they don't understand that its people like him who will get them votes whenever the election is held.

yuji22 posted:

O rass, dem PNC bais pull out the Puppet Pandit Dhoti leaving him naked.  He better stay quiet before the PNC gives him the usual Vincent Teekha treatment. 

Funny how tribal we are.  You need to discuss the PPP House Negroes as they do NOT stand up for their rights as this goodly man does. What ever he is PNC House Indo isn't his name.

Drugb posted:

Pupped pandit is now the new Sooba.  More evidence that indos are subjugated.

The question of course being whether he is being subjugated or whether he is putting people in their place.

Please discuss any occasion where any PPP House Negro stood up to the Indo Masters on the PPP plantation.  They can usually be found groveling and trembling in silence in fear that their milk be stopped so their mouth only run when its time to insult black people.

Sam Hinds should have had the integrity of this man when he allowed the PPP to demote him, simply because they couldn't stand a PPP president.  those PNC who don't like an Indo mayor of GT are learning to accept that fact.  If they thought they selected a stooge, someone like Sam Hinds, they have learned that he isn't that at all.

But continue to condone the bashing of an Indian merely because he had the integrity to not to be on the PPP plantation.


ksazma posted:

Narine was made Mayor after the LGE shellacking. He is no more than window dressing. 😀

Well that window is showing that he isn't a stooge like the PPP House Negroes who you so like. 

I look forward to Sam Hinds telling us why he allowed the PPP to contradict the constitution which states that in the event that a president cannot complete their term of office the PM will do so.

You can call the man whatever name that you wish because he isn't a racist like you, but he demands respect.

Nehru posted:

I agree. The Neemakaram Crabdaag would have said " How deep in yuh kakahole yuh want me Granger"???

Naah.  That's Sam Hinds, Edghill, Lumumba and Luncheon begging Jagdeo to allow them to live in his colon.  The Indo Nazi/PPP will immediately terminate their milk allowance and they cannot run that risk, so they grovel and scream "yes massa, how you want me to cuss down black people massa".

This man just told the PNC racists that he will give them blows if they disrespect him and think that he should become a House Indo. I look forward to you telling me that this man told Indos that they are stupid to vote PPP when all the PPP blacks can do is to call black people stupid.

yuji22 posted:

Tek time. Jagdeo will be President again and you will have to take heart surgery ! , i will have Ifraan mopping the floor, while i will roll up my sleeve and get to work, i have to make Guyana great again.During my tenure the country was doing great, the best growth rate ever seen in the history of the country, we had top notch Drug dealers, me talk about crime had crime under control just a few bodies scattering around the place. ..let's move on to corruption.. the record for curtailing was the best in the entire region, the record is there for every one to see,Flip only flip away a few million US dollors,  them bhais at rice board had a field day, they try to out do each other stashing away dollors. let me tell what we do for to give them we give Alexi... the job to set up one of the fastest internet Alexi...did a fine job he only blow away couple million US dollors. the sugar workers was happy we built the Skeldon Sugar Factory state of the art for around $200 million US dollors, every thing was fine until we had to bail them out with a few billion dollors per a problem we still looking out for them, they are our supporters. that all for today... i will present more at my next press conference...

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Tek time. Jagdeo will be President again and you will have to take heart surgery ! , i will have Ifraan mopping the floor, while i will roll up my sleeve and get to work, i have to make Guyana great again.During my tenure the country was doing great, the best growth rate ever seen in the history of the country, we had top notch Drug dealers, me talk about crime had crime under control just a few bodies scattering around the place. ..let's move on to corruption.. the record for curtailing was the best in the entire region, the record is there for every one to see,Flip only flip away a few million US dollors,  them bhais at rice board had a field day, they try to out do each other stashing away dollors. let me tell what we do for to give them we give Alexi... the job to set up one of the fastest internet Alexi...did a fine job he only blow away couple million US dollors. the sugar workers was happy we built the Skeldon Sugar Factory state of the art for around $200 million US dollors, every thing was fine until we had to bail them out with a few billion dollors per month. that all for today... i will present more at my next press conference...

Waw wrang deh bhai DJ, never see you in that condition, next time must tek lil chasser, don't drink that ting straight.

I can see all them thing built up in your mind, drink some more Courage and let it loose. As Frank would sing, "And now the end in near" for the PNC/AFC.


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