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Glass bottles have been around for centuries. The first attempt to make glass in the U.S.A. was in 1608. I started collecting bottles about 20 years ago, buying from dealers, auctions and yard sales. My interest in bottles, goes back to childhood, growing up in Guyana.
At that time, “drinks” bottles were common. These were called “soft drinks” as against hard liquor. If a guest was arriving, my father sent me to run from our King Street home in New Amsterdam, around the Backdam Road to the shop on

Essex Lane to buy “a soft drink”. These carbonated drinks went by different names and makes: Pepsi Cola, Coca Cola, Juicee, Ju-c, 7 UP, Russian Bear Lemonade, D’Aguiar I-Cee Puma (a milky coloured drink in a small bottle), LBW (Lemon Barley Water), Vimto imported from England, and Portello – a purple coloured sweet drink made at the Aerated Water Factory in Georgetown. Vimto is still around today. Flavours included cream soda, grape, banana, orange, and lime.


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"If a guest was arriving, my father sent me to run from our King Street home in New Amsterdam, around the Backdam Road to the shop"


I bet we all have memories of the "cake shops"

Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:

i'm fascinated by ole bottles, Dutch Bottles



Nic pic of the Dutch bottles.

I suppose many of us a fondness to certain types of bottles. Mine is toward a particular plastic bottle that I acquired in 2007.


* Everyone has his own quirkiness and eccentricity. That bloke is intrigued by glass bottles. Good for him. Whatever makes you happy do it.



* By the way, the next time you folks walk into a liquor store, take some time and admire the different bottles.







Originally Posted by cain:

Bernard's quite an eccentric the banna drives an MGB with his scarf blowing in the wind. His brother is married to a cous of mine.

Damn, your cous is tough on Bernie. Drove him nuts heh?

Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:

i'm fascinated by ole bottles, Dutch Bottles


I have dozens of all of the above plus others. I picked them up as a kid never knowing their worth. I found a lot on an old property of ours where the previous owners stamped them in the ground upside down as pavement stones.

Originally Posted by Chameli:

ammm, skelly, cain cuz is married to BH brother who is sane...not saying BH is not sane, he is most old rich guys 

got few up the street where i live...old like night and they drive in thse fancy thunderbirds, old time chevy etc...all convertible

His bro was a psychology prof at U of T then at McMaster in Hamilton.


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