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Amy Morin - Forbes magazine


What mentally strong people do not do.


1. Waste Time Feeling Sorry for Themselves.
You don’t see mentally strong people feeling sorry for their circumstances or dwelling on the way they’ve been mistreated. They have learned to take responsibility for their actions and outcomes, and they have an inherent understanding of the fact that frequently life is not fair. They are able to emerge from trying circumstances with self-awareness and gratitude for the lessons learned. When a situation turns out badly, they respond with phrases such as “Oh, well.” Or perhaps simply, “Next!”

2. Give Away Their Power.
Mentally strong people avoid giving others the power to make them feel inferior or bad. They understand they are in control of their actions and emotions. They know their strength is in their ability to manage the way they respond.

3. Shy Away from Change.
Mentally strong people embrace change and they welcome challenge. Their biggest “fear,” if they have one, is not of the unknown, but of becoming complacent and stagnant. An environment of change and even uncertainty can energize a mentally strong person and bring out their best.

4. Waste Energy on Things They Can’t Control.
Mentally strong people don’t complain (much) about bad traffic, lost luggage, or especially about other people, as they recognize that all of these factors are generally beyond their control. In a bad situation, they recognize that the one thing they can always control is their own response and attitude, and they use these attributes well.

5. Worry About Pleasing Others.
Know any people pleasers? Or, conversely, people who go out of their way to dis-please others as a way of reinforcing an image of strength? Neither position is a good one. A mentally strong person strives to be kind and fair and to please others where appropriate, but is unafraid to speak up. They are able to withstand the possibility that someone will get upset and will navigate the situation, wherever possible, with grace.

6. Fear Taking Calculated Risks.
A mentally strong person is willing to take calculated risks. This is a different thing entirely than jumping headlong into foolish risks. But with mental strength, an individual can weigh the risks and benefits thoroughly, and will fully assess the potential downsides and even the worst-case scenarios before they take action.

7. Dwell on the Past.
There is strength in acknowledging the past and especially in acknowledging the things learned from past experiences—but a mentally strong person is able to avoid miring their mental energy in past disappointments or in fantasies of the “glory days” gone by. They invest the majority of their energy in creating an optimal present and future.

8. Make the Same Mistakes Over and Over.
We all know the definition of insanity, right? It’s when we take the same actions again and again while hoping for a different and better outcome than we’ve gotten before. A mentally strong person accepts full responsibility for past behavior and is willing to learn from mistakes. Research shows that the ability to be self-reflective in an accurate and productive way is one of the greatest strengths of spectacularly successful executives and entrepreneurs.

9. Resent Other People’s Success.
It takes strength of character to feel genuine joy and excitement for other people’s success. Mentally strong people have this ability. They don’t become jealous or resentful when others succeed (although they may take close notes on what the individual did well). They are willing to work hard for their own chances at success, without relying on shortcuts.

10. Give Up After Failure.
Every failure is a chance to improve. Even the greatest entrepreneurs are willing to admit that their early efforts invariably brought many failures. Mentally strong people are willing to fail again and again, if necessary, as long as the learning experience from every “failure” can bring them closer to their ultimate goals.

11. Fear Alone Time.
Mentally strong people enjoy and even treasure the time they spend alone. They use their downtime to reflect, to plan, and to be productive. Most importantly, they don’t depend on others to shore up their happiness and moods. They can be happy with others, and they can also be happy alone.

12. Feel the World Owes Them Anything.
Particularly in the current economy, executives and employees at every level are gaining the realization that the world does not owe them a salary, a benefits package and a comfortable life, regardless of their preparation and schooling. Mentally strong people enter the world prepared to work and succeed on their merits, at every stage of the game.

13. Expect Immediate Results.
Whether it’s a workout plan, a nutritional regimen, or starting a business, mentally strong people are “in it for the long haul”. They know better than to expect immediate results. They apply their energy and time in measured doses and they celebrate each milestone and increment of success on the way. They have “staying power.” And they understand that genuine changes take time. Do you have mental strength? Are there elements on this list you need more of? With thanks to Amy Morin, I would like to reinforce my own abilities further in each of these areas today. How about you?


Replies sorted oldest to newest

"Mentally strong people don't run with the pack---they create their own niche---they create the life they want to live---they see life as a big kick---their attitude is have fun---be curious---be adventurous---take risks---be a fool---be a moron----be dumb----it's your life---live it the way you want to---and never give a rat's ass what others think about you or say about you." Rev


THAT'S MENTALLY STRONG PEOPLE FOR YOU----a rare breed, indeed.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by chameli:

i love to walk barefoot on clean grass....

looking at the cottony softness of the snow, i wish i could walk bare-feet and feel it

Ohhhh! Chami waxin'


I absolutely discount the article as soft peddling pop psychological bull crap. Mentally strong people can be bone hard headed cretins. This entire article did not speak to any of the skills based portion that is involved in mental execution of task but simply lists the traits part. And we all should know the profiling of leaders or successful people ie in formal systems as Myers Briggs type indicators or or or similar tools is a big waste of time.


The article is pretending to deal with mentally strong while telling us what they think are leadership qualities and doing a piss poor job of it by creating a list of negative do not resist change, do not be inflexible do not waste times on things you do not control etc.... It creates the illusion that these are the routes to follow and Viola, you are on the way to great success!


I absolutely am pissed off with these presumptions of understanding the psychological profile of a leader. In so doing it a fictional being who does or does not do curtain things and is doomed to fail do to intervening contingencies that will cause the person to fail if they are barnacle like with these precepts.I notice this story is picked up by every periodical needing a sappy story and is willing to dumb down America.


Now that I have been my usual contrary self...the ball court is yours...

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by chameli:

i love to walk barefoot on clean grass....

looking at the cottony softness of the snow, i wish i could walk bare-feet and feel it

try it be adventurous  

Originally Posted by Danyael:

I absolutely discount the article as soft peddling pop psychological bull crap.Mentally strong people can be bone hard headed cretins.


ha ha ha ha


* Something is just not right! The Rev is agreeing with danyael a lot these days.




I like the article.

These are merely 9 simple steps that you put on your wall to motivate you and remind you what you should not do.

It is not a Harvard Case Study Guide nor psychological profile of business leaders. Go to business school if you want practice of mental task execution and leadership skills. 


Originally Posted by TI:

I like the article.

These are merely 9 simple steps that you put on your wall to motivate you and remind you what you should not do.

It is not a Harvard Case Study Guide nor psychological profile of business leaders. Go to business school if you want practice of mental task execution and leadership skills. 


You can put them on your wall. I am just pointing out the can lead to truly wrong headed beliefs. And this is about leadership skills more than decision making for the normal person who do not meet these circumscribe models of mental strength.They face the contingencies of life all the time and know when to push or pull or give because they know absolutely the world function best on fuzzy logic. People believing in the  above as hard and fast rules end up being as neurotic as hell.


They work for me! And now in that frame of mind, I am off for my daily 3mile jogging round!


As Herodotus said, and adopted by our great USPS:

"Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night stays these courageous couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds"



Originally Posted by TI:

They work for me! And now in that frame of mind, I am off for my daily 3mile jogging round!


As Herodotus said, and adopted by our great USPS:

"Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night stays these courageous couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds"



woop ti posted it I response work for me.

Originally Posted by TI:

I like the article.

These are merely 9 simple steps that you put on your wall to motivate you and remind you what you should not do.


* No question the article was full of good insight and wisdom.


* But listen! The Bible is also filled with wisdom---and so is the Koran---and the gita--and the kama sutra.


* But how many people put into practice the insight or the wisdom they come across in life---whether it be from a book or from an article like the one in the lead post ?


* Very, very, very, very few---maybe 1%---maybe one tenth of 1%.


* You see! Most people---maybe 98%---maybe more---are mentally enslaved---they have jobs they hate----many are "play-it-safers"---they are afraid to create their own path---they actually feel trapped---actually a lot of people who fancy themselves to be go-getters----they are not---what they do is chase after the dreams of others---such people are slaves----they are mentally enslaved---and no amount of insight or wisdom they encounter will get them out of their mental enslavement.




Nice article---nice read---but very few will benefit from the wisdom---most will remain creatures of the common place---slaves of the ordinary---mentally enslaved.


But here is the good news---if you enjoy your lot in life---whether you are a grave digger or a hedge fund manager---then that is a gift from god---so even the mentally enslaved can be happy.




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by TI:



* You see! Most people---maybe 98%---maybe more---are mentally enslaved---they have jobs they hate----many are "play-it-safers"---they are afraid to create their own path---they actually feel trapped---actually a lot of people who fancy themselves to be go-getters----they are not---what they do is chase after the dreams of others---such people are slaves----they are mentally enslaved---and no amount of insight or wisdom they encounter will get them out of their mental enslavement.




Nice article---nice read---but very few will benefit from the wisdom---most will remain creatures of the common place---slaves of the ordinary---mentally enslaved.


But here is the good news---if you enjoy your lot in life---whether you are a grave digger or a hedge fund manager---then that is a gift from god---so even the mentally enslaved can be happy.




Rev, I think that even people who LOOOVVVEE their jobs sometimes feel trapped. Shift happens  Life is filled with dual experiences. I love my job, my calling. There are days when I am a woman in love...bubbling over and radiating with happiness and there are there days when I lift my eyes unto the heavens and cry out, "senor padre, dame tu paz"!! 


I have dreams. Am I chasing after them? Perhaps not enough. Am I chasing after the dreams of others? Most certainly not. 


If you are mentally strong, you can have the most crappy job and still succeed. i have seen messengers leverage their way to success. One messenger guy who I helped into getting a step up, was laid off eventually. Today, he owns 45 condos.  It's not the job, it's the mind.


This is indeed one of the best article that I have read and how I wish that I should have read such articles much early on in my life then this would have brought such a positive influence in my life,

 I would have become a optimist instead of being a pessimist. But hey never too late to learn.

Originally Posted by Miraver:

Rev, I forgot to add that sometimes I want to be a tomato picker






There is something about tomatoes and tomato picking that intrigues women---don't know what it is---but I'm curious---I'd like to find out.



Originally Posted by Radha:

This is indeed one of the best article that I have read and how I wish that I should have read such articles much early on in my life then this would have brought such a positive influence in my life,

 I would have become a optimist instead of being a pessimist. But hey never too late to learn.

I have no objection to what is said but the manner in which it is framed. For example, number one speaks to not feeling sorry for where one is at. Of course one must feel remorse for ones predicament because that is the basis of the human empathetic and affective mechanism to change things. Also if one is being abused one cannot "take reprehensibility" for that outcome. It is never the fault of the abused but the fault of the abuser. 


Ones responsibility is beyond the view where ones shirt skirt elicited a rape but the fact that there was a bloody deviant and evil creature that committed the act. Ones responsibility is to one's self to take appropriate action to heal ones circumstance and not mull over what one supposedly did to bring it on as the article implies.


The point is one does not have hard and fast rules as what actions is strong minded does as opposed to weak minded.  One has to meet what an emotive being encounters and deal with each contingencies as the occur. Some philosopher said reason with out passion/empathy is sterile and that is a fact. We have to involve the emotions.


Each and everyone of those points have contingencies  so to frame it as this is what mentally strong people does and weak people does otherwise is false. A good cuss to the driver cutting you off is not a bad thing. It is how you feel. If you feel like killing him or her then you need to think you have a problem. Will get back to the rest. Going for a run.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Miraver:


I have dreams. Am I chasing after them? Perhaps not enough. Am I chasing after the dreams of others? Most certainly not. 



* Very few people in life create their own path---live the life they want to live---do the things they want to do--- the people who are doing what they want to do---they have SUCCESSFUL LIVES.





* These are the ones who lead ORDINARY LIVES.


* These are the people who don't create their own path---they don't do what they really want to do----they trade hours for dollars----when you work for a salary---you chase after the dreams of others.


* For example---someone may have a dream to sell ice cream----they put that dream into action---build a factory---and hire people----pay them a salary to work for them----those salary workers are helping the factory owner chase his ice cream dream.




Take your pick---the choice is yours---you create your own path and do what you want to do(successful life) or you stroll along the path of others and help them achieve their dreams(ordinary life).


It's that SIMPLE.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:



Take your pick---the choice is yours---you create your own path and do what you want to do(successful life) or you stroll along the path of others and help them achieve their dreams(ordinary life).


It's that SIMPLE.



What an unbelievably one-dimensional view of a complex, very subjective issue.

Originally Posted by antabanta:

What an unbelievably one-dimensional view of a complex, very subjective issue.

anta bai:


* Yuh sound vexed and peeved.


* It looks like you want to beat up the Rev.


* Get in the Christmas spirit anta bai---borrow a page from Danyael's book---Danny is in rare good spirit these days---go listen to those lovely Christmas carols he has been posting.


* Anyway, hope your boss gives you a raise and a bonus.






Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by antabanta:

What an unbelievably one-dimensional view of a complex, very subjective issue.

anta bai:


* Yuh sound vexed and peeved.


* It looks like you want to beat up the Rev.


* Get in the Christmas spirit anta bai---borrow a page from Danyael's book---Danny is in rare good spirit these days---go listen to those lovely Christmas carols he has been posting.


* Anyway, hope your boss gives you a raise and a bonus.






parnah!! I suh glad you respond to yuh idrine. To tell you de truth I am thought you done wid me again. I really like your transference technique but rest assured your idrine Anta can never get vexed and peeved at you.
You see.... here's is wah happen.... I man couldn't sit idly by and let a learned person as yourself post such a silly opinion... out of concern for your character of course.

Bonus is good every year and the raises are even better.



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