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Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Congress House Special Menu carries and everyday special: 

Soup De Jeur - Irresistible Hanging Mouth

Do me a favor, charge headfirst into a concrete wall. It would be a sensible act for you to do today.

Bend over and let me continue where APNU left off. I will offer you Billy Ram's Special "Ram In" Soup.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Congress House Special Menu carries and everyday special: 

Soup De Jeur - Irresistible Hanging Mouth

Do me a favor, charge headfirst into a concrete wall. It would be a sensible act for you to do today.

Bend over and let me continue where APNU left off. I will offer you Billy Ram's Special "Ram In" Soup.

Lord is all you PPP bhais love to bugga? Follow de leader.

Originally Posted by Observer:

Billy, when you heading to Buxton? Come help me sell this boat.  

I goin to Buxton when water shortage resumes in Guyana. It's gonna very soon according to most experts. Dem people use to carry water on makeshift scooters running on automobile wheel bearings from Lusignan and Annandale. Hoyte brought flour and Berbicians put him out of power.  He forget about the well pipes that were still empty and dried. No wonder he lost the elections. LOL. Well, them people gon use the boat to bring black water from the Lamaha Canal. Jagdeo cleared up the backlands and built all-weather roads for them.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

This Venezuela business has revealed the mentality of some Guyanese INdos. Imagine they are willing to support Venezuela because the PPP is not in power! One thing about Afro Guyanese, they never supported Venezuela's claim, no matter who in power.


What does this say about their love of their country??!! They only love it when their race is in power!


Sick SOBs!!

Ray, Ray - what is your analysis based on.   Never saw you made such an irresponsible statement.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

puts my sentiments about an ethnically/racially balanced Guyanese military thusly: "If its not that important as you say, then why do you care so much?"

Yes why do YOU raise that all the time, and then are unable to explain why Indians in 2005 refused to join?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

Bai, I don't think it got anything to do with that or the physical abilities or lack thereof of Indians in Guyana. They just not interested in army wuk because many if not most tend to be entrepreneurial. Even if its driving a hire car or working a fruit stand, it is their business and that's what drives them. That has been the history.


We need the historical numbers to get a better sense of Indians willingness to join the army.  From what I understand pre Burnham, Indians used to have higher numbers in the army.  Of the two major incursions we had (New River and Rupununi Uprising) Indians played major roles in defeating the enemy. 


It was Burnham who created the lie that Indians were weak and cannot serve well in the army because  he wanted the army to be dominated by Africans.  However, Burnham did admire and like Joe Singh and maybe others.  Burnham was only interested in protecting his own dictatorship.  Like Jagdeo, Burnham only cared about himself...Guyanese and Guyana took second place.


The entire PPP leadership post 1992 were weak and did not want to rock the boat in the GDF.  President Granger is not Burnham and he should encourage Indians to join the army.  Indians are no lesser patriots that Africans so they should be encouraged to serve in the army.


See the pictures in the link below that I got from Mr. Griffith for Indians in the army.

It has never been the position of the colonial power to encourage indians to join the security forces. The Volunteer force was culled from the african community to keep Indians in check. Also, Indians in general had a cultural reluctance to join the security forces and the requirements discouraged them from joining.


Our present dilemma has to transcend that legacy. The PPP had 2 and a half decades to facilitate some reform to the system and were too lazy to do  it. The security forces has to be seen as worthy professions but presently it is far from that. It has to be provided with institutional lures where people join up because they see worth in it.

1.  Africans were the bulk of the armed forces in Guyana since the 19th C.  This was NOT about only controlling Indians, and in fact Africans were more of a threat. 


Having an identity built around being British Guianese (no interest in any mythic homeland, as was true for the indentures, and demanding more involvement in the governance of the colony, it was the Africans and the coloreds who were more of a threat to the colonial powers. 


The powers wanted to ensure that the African/mixed remained separate from the Indians, and they did so by keeping them occupationally segregated.  African lands were flooded out and over taxed to ensure that African farmers failed. 


The notion that the Indian was too short, meek and weak to be an effective member of the armed forces was developed and standards based on height were instituted.  Indians (and Amerindians) were shorter and smaller built than Africans, so were effectively excluded.


So not it wasn't Burnham who told Indians that they were weak.  He told them that he wasn't going to give them training to "kill black people", part of his own strategy of stoking African insecurities.


But why don't we examine the PPP role in the "weak" Indian.  Every one over 55 y/o knows for a fact that in the 60s Indians and Africans attacked each other.  BOTH Indians and Africans became terrified of each other, and were forced to flee to areas populated almost exclusively by their own group. 


Clearly in the early 60s no one saw Indians as weak.  What they lacked in size they stereotypically made up for with hot tempers and adeptness with sharp objects.


It is the PPP which created the narrative of the poor weak Indian living in perpetual fear of the savage African.  BOTH Indians and Africans bought into that myth, and now that stereotype is firmly established.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Congress House Special Menu carries and everyday special: 

Soup De Jeur - Irresistible Hanging Mouth

Do me a favor, charge headfirst into a concrete wall. It would be a sensible act for you to do today.

Bend over and let me continue where APNU left off. I will offer you Billy Ram's Special "Ram In" Soup.

As noted, you are inclined to be a block head. Your wishes are not my desires. Maybe is you take my advice you may ram that in your head.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

puts my sentiments about an ethnically/racially balanced Guyanese military thusly: "If its not that important as you say, then why do you care so much?"

Yes why do YOU raise that all the time, and then are unable to explain why Indians in 2005 refused to join?

You know the answer to that....

Originally Posted by cain:

"Clearly in the early 60s no one saw Indians as weak.  What they lacked in size they stereotypically made up for with hot tempers and adeptness with sharp objects."



Iman really dig dis here part,...adaptness with sharp objects tarassss. hahahaha



Caribny learning some diplomacy...he doesn't want to say cutlass

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

This Venezuela business has revealed the mentality of some Guyanese INdos. Imagine they are willing to support Venezuela because the PPP is not in power! One thing about Afro Guyanese, they never supported Venezuela's claim, no matter who in power.


What does this say about their love of their country??!! They only love it when their race is in power!


Sick SOBs!!

Riffraff,  you are making irresponsible and reckless statements. You cannot conclude that Indians supported Venezuela's territorial claim when no Indo organization or political party has ever done so. On the contrary, the U.S. instigated General Marcus Jiminez, a CIA installed puppet, to raise up the border dispute that was settled in 1899 as an excuse to push the leftwing PPP gov't out of power. The PNC, which represented most Afros in Guyana was clandestinely supporting General Marcus Jiminez. Many PNC terrorists received training in Venezeula. The border dispute of 1962 suddenly cooled down after the PNC came to power in 1964 and then reared its ugly head in 1969.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

This Venezuela business has revealed the mentality of some Guyanese INdos. Imagine they are willing to support Venezuela because the PPP is not in power! One thing about Afro Guyanese, they never supported Venezuela's claim, no matter who in power.


What does this say about their love of their country??!! They only love it when their race is in power!


Sick SOBs!!


Even as a Potagee I would support Venezuela and will be taking a Venezuelan identity card when given to the people of Essequibo. Afro Guyanese must support Guyana because this mudland is the only place they know.They cant claim Africa as home because the Africans see them as children of slaves.They dont even know where they came from so the only home is Guyana.The negroes know nothing about africa and prefer not to know about this dark continent. The negro is a synthetic people made by the whites afterall they have taken every attribute of the whiteman except the color.They have gladly accepted the whiteman's religion and now claim as their own,they dress as the whiteman and eat the left over food of the white man. Indians can still say that they came from India and are willingly accepted in the towns and villages of the motherland.They feel proud and will stand to attention when the Indian national anthem is played. Guyana national anthem reminds the East Indian of the oppression,murders,rape and theft they had to endure under the Negro racist regime of Burnham and the PNC. Guyana is now reverting slowly to those days again .So no standing at attention when the Guyana anthem is played.However I am waiting to the day when "Gloria al Bravo Pueblo" is played in Essequibo so that I can salute and stand to attention once again. I am waiting for the day when I can make my wine,play my quatro and eat cakes that we brought from Madeira. I am a Potagee and I support we matty. East Indian ,Potagee and Amerindian should start preparing to move out of Berbice and Demerara and move to the promiseland of Essequibo. The Lord has heard our prayer to deliver us to the promise land.Leave the Guyanese in region 4.Let them continue eating cassava ball (without egg) and running snackette. Potagee East Indians and Amerindians have a brighter future under the Venezuelan government than under the APNU regime.The sun will rise again as it did when the PPP was in power,a sun that went down after the announcement of the election results in Guyana. Negromotoo is not an East Indian in the sense of the majority of them came from North India where his forbears came from South India (Madrasi) so he cannot represent the East Indians of Guyana.But they will not accept a nemakaram to represent them.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Observer bhai,


Our D2 was once a fine poster on GNI who commanded respect for his intellect and fairly unbiased views. However, one of Caribj's riot rock landed on his head and since then he has not been himself. He began liming around Congress house and started to become influenced. He is no longer the brother we knew.

My views remain consistent. It is never about sucking up to any one but to pursuing truths where they exist. The PPP was corrupt so that truth was explored to the dismay of sycophants like you. Is that not why you believe I would be "hanging" around Congress Place?

Originally Posted by george dasilva:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

This Venezuela business has revealed the mentality of some Guyanese INdos. Imagine they are willing to support Venezuela because the PPP is not in power! One thing about Afro Guyanese, they never supported Venezuela's claim, no matter who in power.


What does this say about their love of their country??!! They only love it when their race is in power!


Sick SOBs!!


Even as a Potagee I would support Venezuela and will be taking a Venezuelan identity card when given to the people of Essequibo. Afro Guyanese must support Guyana because this mudland is the only place they know.They cant claim Africa as home because the Africans see them as children of slaves.They dont even know where they came from so the only home is Guyana.


The negroes know nothing about africa and prefer not to know about this dark continent. The negro is a synthetic people made by the whites afterall they have taken every attribute of the whiteman except the color.They have gladly accepted the whiteman's religion and now claim as their own,they dress as the whiteman and eat the left over food of the white man. Indians can still say that they came from India and are willingly accepted in the towns and villages of the motherland.They feel proud and will stand to attention when the Indian national anthem is played.


Guyana national anthem reminds the East Indian of the oppression,murders,rape and theft they had to endure under the Negro racist regime of Burnham and the PNC. Guyana is now reverting slowly to those days again .So no standing at attention when the Guyana anthem is played.However I am waiting to the day when "Gloria al Bravo Pueblo" is played in Essequibo so that I can salute and stand to attention once again. I am waiting for the day when I can make my wine,play my quatro and eat cakes that we brought from Madeira.


I am a Potagee and I support we matty. East Indian ,Potagee and Amerindian should start preparing to move out of Berbice and Demerara and move to the promiseland of Essequibo. The Lord has heard our prayer to deliver us to the promise land.Leave the Guyanese in region 4.Let them continue eating cassava ball (without egg) and running snackette. Potagee East Indians and Amerindians have a brighter future under the Venezuelan government than under the APNU regime.The sun will rise again as it did when the PPP was in power,a sun that went down after the announcement of the election results in Guyana. Negromotoo is not an East Indian in the sense of the majority of them came from North India where his forbears came from South India (Madrasi) so he cannot represent the East Indians of Guyana.But they will not accept a nemakaram to represent them.

You are an idiot if you seek a self identification label. Everytime you presume to write your mind you detail out in broad scope the pervasive ignorance that is your reality.


Your ancestors fled Madeira   for deprivations in their home world that for all intents and purpose forced them into indentureship to other Europeans who considered them less than. Maybe you need to reflect on that differential class/caste status afforded your ancestors and grasp Blacks in Guyana have nothing to be ashamed of. They like you were at one time on account of pervasive greed and a need to rationalize plantation slavery, were made the footstools of whites. We are in a different era.


I am Amerindian so do not purport to speak for us. I doubt Portuguese folks want you to speak for them since it would only cast a bad light on them since you apparently came from the bottom of the barrel in smarts from among their ranks.


Venezuela has its own native people that it ignores. Even with Chavez claim to indigeneity no native groups benefits. Only recently they were murdering Yanamomo by the hundreds. The Yanamomo are us...a linguistically Lucono people so no, we do not want to be Under Venezuelan rule. And my mother's people are from Kaikan a walk from the border. We do not self identify with Venezuelans and like our British heritage.


You are a royal nut case if you think your vitriolic racism is sufficient to make a case for giving up our identity and our national territory. People like you are not of us.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

One thing about Afro Guyanese, they never supported Venezuela's claim, no matter who in power.


So when did Afro Guyanese support the Venezuelan claim.


You see we aren't Guyanese, only when "we" are in power.  We are Guyanese PERIOD!


Now run off and join the PPP in goading Maduro to invade, as he promised Jagdeo that he will be Governor of the Essequibo province, should Venezuela prevail.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

One thing about Afro Guyanese, they never supported Venezuela's claim, no matter who in power.


So when did Afro Guyanese support the Venezuelan claim.


You see we aren't Guyanese, only when "we" are in power.  We are Guyanese PERIOD!


Now run off and join the PPP in goading Maduro to invade, as he promised Jagdeo that he will be Governor of the Essequibo province, should Venezuela prevail.

Do your personal research on Afro-Guyanese supporting the Venezuelan claim, as the information is available to all.


Your other comments are, as usual ... irrelevant.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

One thing about Afro Guyanese, they never supported Venezuela's claim, no matter who in power.


So when did Afro Guyanese support the Venezuelan claim.


You see we aren't Guyanese, only when "we" are in power.  We are Guyanese PERIOD!


Now run off and join the PPP in goading Maduro to invade, as he promised Jagdeo that he will be Governor of the Essequibo province, should Venezuela prevail.

Do your personal research on Afro-Guyanese supporting the Venezuelan claim, as the information is available to all.


Your other comments are, as usual ... irrelevant.

For 22 years dem Daag was calling on Venezuela to take Guyana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

One thing about Afro Guyanese, they never supported Venezuela's claim, no matter who in power.


So when did Afro Guyanese support the Venezuelan claim.


You see we aren't Guyanese, only when "we" are in power.  We are Guyanese PERIOD!


Now run off and join the PPP in goading Maduro to invade, as he promised Jagdeo that he will be Governor of the Essequibo province, should Venezuela prevail.

An interesting excerpt from Odeen's History of Guyana:


The two day Geneva conference on the Guyana-Venezuela border issue was held on the 16 and 17 February 1966.The Guyana team at the conference, which joined up with the British delegation, included Burnham, Minister of State Shridath Ramphal and a group of advisers. On the first day of the conference, opening speeches were delivered by the British Foreign Secretary Michael Stewart and Venezuelan Foreign Minister Ignacio Iribarren Borges. Following them, Burnham delivered an exceptionally strong speech in which he told the delegates that colonial Guyana (and ultimately the new independent state of Guyana) was not prepared to yield even a square inch of soil to Venezuela.

Further discussions continued on the following day with speeches made by the Foreign Ministers of both Great Britain and Venezuela who exchanged numerous suggestions for solving the controversy. Intense discussions took place on a draft agreement, which a team of British and Venezuelan officials, as well as Ramphal, had drawn up in the days preceding the conference, and by late afternoon, a consensus was reached. Shortly after, the British and Venezuelan Foreign Ministers, Michael Stewart and Ignacio Iribarren Borges, as well as Burnham, signed the document which became known as the Geneva Agreement.

The Agreement specified that a “Mixed Commission” of Guyanese and Venezuelan representatives would be established to seeking “satisfactory solutions for the practical settlement of the controversy between Venezuela and the United Kingdom which has arisen as the result of the Venezuelan contention that the Arbitral Award of 1899 about the frontier between British Guiana and Venezuela is null and void”.

The Agreement also provided that “no new claim or enlargement of an existing claim to territorial sovereignty in these territories (of Venezuela and British Guiana) shall be asserted while this Agreement is in force, nor shall any claim whatsoever be asserted otherwise than in the Mixed Commission while that Commission is in being”.

The British Government, as stipulated in the Agreement, would remain as a party to it even after Guyana achieved independence.

In the days after the conference concluded, there were intense discussions in the media in Venezuela, the United Kingdom and Guyana on the significance of the Geneva Agreement. Venezuela, for its part, saw the Geneva Agreement as the “reopening” of the border dispute, and Foreign Minister Iribarren Borges said that the agreement actually meant that the 1899 decision would be reconsidered. This position was rebutted by both the British and Guyana Governments who insisted that the controversy was really over the Venezuelan contention that the 1899 Award was null and void, and the Agreement was not aimed at cancelling the Award or revising the boundary.

In Guyana, the PPP was critical of the agreement claiming that it provided Venezuela with a legal base to continue to press its claim to Guyana’s territory. It stated that the Guyana Government yielded ground at the conference on vital issues with the result that Guyana was committed to joint action with Venezuela in seeking a solution to a dispute which had no legal basis but which was now given international status. In addition to this, the Party claimed that Venezuela appeared to have been given special consideration with regard to the exploitation of the natural resources of what that country calls Guyana Essequibo.

The PNC UF coalition Government, on the other hand, welcomed the Agreement, and on the 5 March 1966, Prime Minister Burnham insisted that there was no question of the Geneva Agreement being regarded by his Government as a compromise on Guyana’s territorial integrity. Interestingly, in a separate comment, Attorney General Shridath Ramphal admitted that the Agreement became a pre-requisite for Guyana achieving its independence.


Originally Posted by baseman:

So, the PNC (now APNU) sold Guyana out so they can gain an advantage in post-independence Guyana?  These people, and their supporters have the nerve to insinuate the PPP, and by extension Indians, are less that patriots. 

ahmmm antiman. . . dat muss sound rale nice to alyuh beleaguered ears


but, show me exactly where . . . arite?


and, btw, when did seditious "PPP" tiefman = "Indians" as in 40+% of the Guyanese population?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by george dasilva:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

This Venezuela business has revealed the mentality of some Guyanese INdos. Imagine they are willing to support Venezuela because the PPP is not in power! One thing about Afro Guyanese, they never supported Venezuela's claim, no matter who in power.


What does this say about their love of their country??!! They only love it when their race is in power!


Sick SOBs!!


Even as a Potagee I would support Venezuela and will be taking a Venezuelan identity card when given to the people of Essequibo. Afro Guyanese must support Guyana because this mudland is the only place they know.They cant claim Africa as home because the Africans see them as children of slaves.They dont even know where they came from so the only home is Guyana.The negroes know nothing about africa and prefer not to know about this dark continent. The negro is a synthetic people made by the whites afterall they have taken every attribute of the whiteman except the color.They have gladly accepted the whiteman's religion and now claim as their own,they dress as the whiteman and eat the left over food of the white man. Indians can still say that they came from India and are willingly accepted in the towns and villages of the motherland.They feel proud and will stand to attention when the Indian national anthem is played. Guyana national anthem reminds the East Indian of the oppression,murders,rape and theft they had to endure under the Negro racist regime of Burnham and the PNC. Guyana is now reverting slowly to those days again .So no standing at attention when the Guyana anthem is played.However I am waiting to the day when "Gloria al Bravo Pueblo" is played in Essequibo so that I can salute and stand to attention once again. I am waiting for the day when I can make my wine,play my quatro and eat cakes that we brought from Madeira. I am a Potagee and I support we matty. East Indian ,Potagee and Amerindian should start preparing to move out of Berbice and Demerara and move to the promiseland of Essequibo. The Lord has heard our prayer to deliver us to the promise land.Leave the Guyanese in region 4.Let them continue eating cassava ball (without egg) and running snackette. Potagee East Indians and Amerindians have a brighter future under the Venezuelan government than under the APNU regime.The sun will rise again as it did when the PPP was in power,a sun that went down after the announcement of the election results in Guyana. Negromotoo is not an East Indian in the sense of the majority of them came from North India where his forbears came from South India (Madrasi) so he cannot represent the East Indians of Guyana.But they will not accept a nemakaram to represent them.

Oi Bumbaclath, speak for yourself, not for others.Go play with your quatro or yourself, whichever thrills ya.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

So, the PNC (now APNU) sold Guyana out so they can gain an advantage in post-independence Guyana?  These people, and their supporters have the nerve to insinuate the PPP, and by extension Indians, are less that patriots. 

ahmmm antiman. . . dat muss sound rale nice to alyuh beleaguered ears


but, show me exactly where . . . arite?


and, btw, when did seditious "PPP" tiefman = "Indians" as in 40+% of the Guyanese population?

We talking PPP in 1966, that was the sell-out of Guyana by the PNC.  And yes, the PPP represents 95%+ of Indians, same for Amerindians and many other groups.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

So, the PNC (now APNU) sold Guyana out so they can gain an advantage in post-independence Guyana?  These people, and their supporters have the nerve to insinuate the PPP, and by extension Indians, are less that patriots. 

ahmmm antiman. . . dat muss sound rale nice to alyuh beleaguered ears


but, show me exactly where . . . arite?


and, btw, when did seditious "PPP" tiefman = "Indians" as in 40+% of the Guyanese population?

We talking PPP in 1966, that was the sell-out of Guyana by the PNC.  And yes, the PPP represents 95%+ of Indians, same for Amerindians and many other groups.

please cite to where in the article u find support to conclude there was a "PNC" sellout to gain "advantage in post-independence Guyana" . . . whatever that means


and, the fact that "95%" of Indians voted for the PPP party does not mean that criticism of wicked acts perpetrated by the party leadership is an indictment of Indo-Guyanese


surely u know the difference

Last edited by Former Member

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