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Another Christmas is here upon us and for many of us we are away from the motherland. I have spent more Christmases here in Canada than I have in Guyana. But as any true Guyanese will tell you, nothing beats the old time Christmas that we had as small kids growing up.


These days you cannot even buy a toy gun in the stores anymore, the world has certainly change. Our kids are growing up without any real imagination of the games that we played as children. They are stuck playing video games, no new games are created that use imagination and creativity.


Our parents use to tell us that their generation was the best, we tell our kids that ours is the best. Who knows maybe one day our kids will tell their kids that their time was better.


Anyways from all of us at GNI,  Myself,  Amb, Ishmael and Safraz I extend the very very best for the holiday season. Enjoy the ginger beer, blackcake, pepper pot and drink in moderation please.


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Merry Christmas to all my friends here at GNI.


I love Christmas---everyone seems to be in a festive mood.


Maybe it's because it's the end of the year---and everyone's looking forward to presents and year end bonuses.


If Christmas were in July, for example, it won't be as heart warming as it is in December.


Once again, Merry Xmas to all.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:



Merry Christmas to all my friends here at GNI.


I love Christmas---everyone seems to be in a festive mood.


Maybe it's because it's the end of the year---and everyone's looking forward to presents and year end bonuses.


If Christmas were in July, for example, it won't be as heart warming as it is in December.


Once again, Merry Xmas to all.



I hope you choke on some black cake!

Originally Posted by Amral:

Another Christmas is here upon us and for many of us we are away from the motherland. I have spent more Christmases here in Canada than I have in Guyana. But as any true Guyanese will tell you, nothing beats the old time Christmas that we had as small kids growing up.


These days you cannot even buy a toy gun in the stores anymore, the world has certainly change. Our kids are growing up without any real imagination of the games that we played as children. They are stuck playing video games, no new games are created that use imagination and creativity.


Our parents use to tell us that their generation was the best, we tell our kids that ours is the best. Who knows maybe one day our kids will tell their kids that their time was better.


Anyways from all of us at GNI,  Myself,  Amb, Ishmael and Safraz I extend the very very best for the holiday season. Enjoy the ginger beer, blackcake, pepper pot and drink in moderation please.


Merry Christmas to You and your family too Amral and say hello to Uncle Odeen for me.  I wish him the best of health in the new year.


Originally Posted by Rev Al:



Merry Christmas to all my friends here at GNI.


I love Christmas---everyone seems to be in a festive mood.


Maybe it's because it's the end of the year---and everyone's looking forward to presents and year end bonuses.


If Christmas were in July, for example, it won't be as heart warming as it is in December.


Once again, Merry Xmas to all.



Hey Rev,

How you doing buddy? Missed you on the board. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family. Hope to see you soon on the board again.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:



Merry Christmas to all my friends here at GNI.


I love Christmas---everyone seems to be in a festive mood.


Maybe it's because it's the end of the year---and everyone's looking forward to presents and year end bonuses.


If Christmas were in July, for example, it won't be as heart warming as it is in December.


Once again, Merry Xmas to all.



Merry Christmas Rev, Good to see you back.


And Merry Christmas to all. May you enjoy this special day with your friends and family and may your wishes come true. Thanks to lord Jesus Christ, we are all able to enjoy this very special day.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:



Merry Christmas to all my friends here at GNI.


I love Christmas---everyone seems to be in a festive mood.


Maybe it's because it's the end of the year---and everyone's looking forward to presents and year end bonuses.


If Christmas were in July, for example, it won't be as heart warming as it is in December.


Once again, Merry Xmas to all.



I hope you choke on some black cake!

Meh a hope he choke pun some black cake and rum too.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Happy Holidays to all on GNI; and yes Warria and PRK to you too. Hope the next year brings prosperity to all on this board.

Skeldon Bhai


Merry Christmas. Remember dem good old days when Skeldon had thousands and thousands out on Christmas eve ? I miss those days.


Yuji Bhai,

It was a sight to see all the vendors at Xmas Eve night by the roadside selling all their goodies. There was no vehicle allowd on the road. I fondly remember those days.


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