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President predicts ‘a very exciting’ year ahead --with economic growth at usual all-time highPDFPrintE-mail
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Tuesday, 01 January 2013 01:51

PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar was his usual buoyant self last evening as he joined the nation in bidding farewell to 2012 with its mixed fortunes, and ringing in a new year pregnant with expectations and a certain joie de vivre in his traditional New Year’s address.

‘This new year, 2013, promises to be a very exciting year for us.  We hope to carry forward the major projects, all of which have the potential to accelerate our growth rate.  We intend to continue to invest in our people’



President Donald Ramotar

In his message, the President promised that 2013 will be “very exciting” in spite of the opposition’s diversionary tactics, what with the coming on stream of equally exciting new projects which will see the nation “make steady advances towards a modern economy and society.” Following is the full text of his message:


“Fellow Guyanese,

A Happy New Year to you all, wherever you are in Guyana and in the Diaspora.  I hope that this New Year will bring more prosperity to you in all of your personal and professional endeavours.  I urge you to re-commit yourselves to achieving all of your goals.

“As we bid goodbye to the year 2012, it is customary to reflect on the year gone by.  For us, it has been a year of challenges and also positive developments.  In the face of a very serious economic crisis that has gripped the world, Guyana has performed well on the economic front.  We have managed the economy very well, and have made progress in continuing to expand our economic base.

“For 2012, we expect to record a GDP growth of about four (4) per cent, making this the seventh straight year that our economy has recorded growth.  Our sustained, strong economic performance is an impressive achievement in light of the prevailing international economic situation.  It shows that although we are a small, vulnerable economy, the policies we implemented have allowed our economy to be resilient to the external challenges that we face.

“Let me express our thanks to all our people who have laboured to make this a reality.

Looking to the social sectors, I want to particularly mention education.  We have achieved universal primary education; we are well on our way to achieving universal secondary education, and more of our young people are accessing tertiary and university education than ever before.

“Our children who wrote the CXC examinations have once more captured most of the awards given by the Caribbean Examination and Certification Board.  Investing in the education of our young people is important for progress in our country to continue, and in this case, what we see is that our investment is paying off.  I congratulate all our successful children, their parents, and, more importantly, their teachers.

“The same positive results we see in education can be seen in other social sectors as health, housing and other areas which impact heavily on the lives of our people.  In fact, we will begin the construction of a new specialty hospital that will provide tertiary health care of a high standard to our citizens.

“Our housing programme has helped to fulfil the dreams of many to have their own homes.  We will continue to seek more innovative ways to help more of our people to experience the security of having their own roof over their heads.

“All of these achievements that I mentioned above were made in the face of a domestically difficult political environment.  I had hoped that with the new configuration in Parliament, we would have had more cooperation and engagement.  In fact, I was quite hopeful, and had mentioned in my swearing-in speech my willingness to work with the other political parties in parliament.

“Unfortunately, this was not to be.  Instead, what all of us have observed is that the National Assembly has been transformed into an arena where the main objective and obsession of the opposition are to score partisan political points counter to our national interests.  It is now in such a state, that unconstitutional motions are being regularly taken to Parliament.

“In defence of the rule of law and the Constitution, we have had to resort to going to the courts.  In fact, it is these same misguided positions and actions that led to some citizens being harassed and abused in Agricola, and the unfortunate loss of lives in Linden.

“Clearly, we need more dialogue and discussions in our society.  History has shown that a nation’s all-round progress is always enhanced when honest debates, dialogue and compromise are the tools used in the body politic.

“While the government has been willing, and has moved even more than halfway to meet the opposition and compromise, we have not seen that same willingness from the other sides.

“I urge the collective opposition to reconsider its positions, and recommit itself to the betterment of our country and the lives of the citizens of our Guyana.

“Again, I wish to state that this government’s position has not changed.  I am willing to work with those who are serious and interested in the socio-economic development of this our land.

“Looking ahead, this government remains committed to building a Guyana that is modern and prosperous, and provides opportunities for each and every one of our citizens to realise their legitimate aspirations.

“This New Year, 2013, promises to be a very exciting year for us.  We hope to carry forward the major projects, all of which have the potential to accelerate our growth rate.  We intend to continue investing in our people.  We are working to construct new schools in the interior to ensure that all of our children, no matter where they are, have a chance at secondary education.

“This year, too, we expect our new fibre-optic cable to be operational, and that we would be able to extend its services right across our coastland and through our interior.  It is our expectation that this will create IT jobs not only in the centre at Georgetown, but from Charity to Moleson Creek and into our interior.  All of these initiatives will steadily advance towards a modern economy and society.

“Sooner, rather than later in this year, we will complete the building in Region 5 to accommodate many persons who, for one reason or another, fell on difficult times and now are living on the streets.  We hope that the new facility will give them back their dignity.  We believe that everyone in our society, irrespective of their backgrounds, deserve another chance at building a successful life.  After all, protecting the vulnerable is an important aspect of the humane and democratic society we are constructing.

“This year, we will also be observing some important anniversaries in the history of our country.  We will be observing the 250th anniversary of the Berbice Slave Uprising; the 175th anniversary of the arrival of Indians in Guyana; and the 175th anniversary of the abolition of slavery.

“These anniversaries are significant to all Guyanese; they must be used to allow us to foster a greater understanding of ourselves, and a deeper appreciation for each other.  These anniversaries can help us promote our uniqueness as a Guyanese people, and promote our Guyanese culture that has emerged and is enriched by all of our ethnicities, and the collective experiences of our people who have made this land their home.

“My fellow Guyanese, we have a bright future to look forward to.  On this New Year, I ask you to join with me on the journey of realising our common Guyanese dream of making this country of ours a peaceful, modern and prosperous society in which we realise fully our motto of ONE PEOPLE, ONE NATION, WITH ONE DESTINY.

“Once more, A Happy New Year to you all!”

Last Updated on Tuesday, 01 January 2013 01:51

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This new year, 2013, promises to be a very exciting year for us.  We hope to carry forward the major projects, all of which have the potential to accelerate our growth rate.  We intend to continue to invest in our people’




Jabba the Hut is as stale as last year's stale bread. There is nothing in his tone that is conciliatory or promising to look forward to. But that is understood since he brought in enmass the entire incompetent and corrupt Jagdeo cabal. I bet he has strings attached to his arms and legs and Jagdeo is pulling on them.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Jabba the Hut is as stale as last year's stale bread. There is nothing in his tone that is conciliatory or promising to look forward to. But that is understood since he brought in enmass the entire incompetent and corrupt Jagdeo cabal. I bet he has strings attached to his arms and legs and Jagdeo is pulling on them.

Jabba the Hut is as stale as last year's stale cassava bread and piwari

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Jabba the Hut is as stale as last year's stale bread. There is nothing in his tone that is conciliatory or promising to look forward to. But that is understood since he brought in enmass the entire incompetent and corrupt Jagdeo cabal. I bet he has strings attached to his arms and legs and Jagdeo is pulling on them.

Jabba the Hut is as stale as last year's stale cassava bread and piwari


As a temporarily Fat-American, I object to this degradation of honourable fat people everywhere.


Racist bastard!

Originally Posted by Henry:

Whatever problems Mr. Ramotar may have, I would be very disappointed were he to be "conciliatory" toward the present opposition.


You obviously like Blacks rioting in the streets as a form of protest and Indians emigrating en masse, eh moron?

Originally Posted by Henry:



I like how expats like you safely in Merica and Canadia love to cheer on our low level civil war safely behind your computer screen.


Why don't you go live in Buxton or Linden if you support the status quo?


"This new year, 2013, promises to be a very exciting year for us.  We hope to carry forward the major projects, all of which have the potential to accelerate our growth rate.  We intend to continue to invest in our people." President Donald Ramotar


The Rev started a thread recently titled: GUYANA: A Most Exciting Year Ahead.


It's good to see President Ramotar wholeheartedly agree with the Rev.


* The PPP is extremely proud of its achievements in the education sector---education is key to alleviating poverty


* The PPP has made great strides in the health care sector---a healthy population equals greater productivity.


* The PPP is building a facility in region 5 to accomodate those who are mentally challenged---a caring nation must provide for those who are unable to help themselves.


* The PPP is very supportive of the private sector---it is the private sector and foreign investments that will be engine of growth for Guyana.









Moses opened his Chronicle and saw the headline, "President predicts a very exciting year ahead..."


Moses sucked his teeth, yelled at his grandson and ordered his wife to cook him another roti---poor Moses---he can't stand the success his bitter enemy Ramo is having as






Thats so funny but it is true. Moses is a reject and oil roti is what he has reduced himself to. You forgot to mention Moses cuss down language. He publicly admitted using them on his grandchildren.


Happy New Year. Wishes for your good health and continued great insight into Guyana's political events.


Dem boys seh…Donald got to shine in de New Year

January 1, 2013 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 


Bar Rat was, is, and will always be a scamp in dem boys book and in nuff, nuff people eyes. De fuss thing that mek dem boys know fuh sure was when he surround heself wid scamps like heself. He meet Bob Bee, Brazzy, and de rest of de kavakamites.
When all of dem meet at de drinking hole dem does put Bar Rat to stand in de middle of a circle and dem does praise Bar Rat as de Scamp of de Highest Order.
He and Bob Bee done tell Donald that dem got to get a National Award. Dem boys seh that Donald got to create a new award just like how Jagdeo did create one fuh Papa Cheddi. Donald got to give Bar Rat de O.O.S.—Order of Scampishness. Brazzy and Bob Bee got to get M.O.S.—Medal of Scampishness.
But in de New Year Donald got to mek some serious change and a serious turnaround from how Bar Rat use to run de country. He got to come out shining. He got to sound good and look good, feel good and even smell good. This can only happen when he get rid of de Rat smell.
People like shine things. Dem like shine gold and shine silver. Donald got to shine up he government. He already shine he head and he wearing shine shirt. He got to shine some other things.
De people want he to shine up he government. And de only way he can do that is to get rid of de garbage wha de Rat lef in Ohh Pee.
Then he got to shine up he Cabinet  and not de one at he house or at State House. He got to shine de one that does assemble at Ohh Pee. Then he got to bring in polished people—dem professionals  and not dem yes man wha de Rat use to like deh round. In this way de whole country gun shine and Donald will be de shining light that people did expect him to be when dem vote de last time.
Talk half and enjoy de New Year

To de whole country, Donald look like gold because dem see how he got sheen.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:

"This new year, 2013, promises to be a very exciting year for us.  We hope to carry forward the major projects, all of which have the potential to accelerate our growth rate.  We intend to continue to invest in our people." President Donald Ramotar


The Rev started a thread recently titled: GUYANA: A Most Exciting Year Ahead.


It's good to see President Ramotar wholeheartedly agree with the Rev.


* The PPP is extremely proud of its achievements in the education sector---education is key to alleviating poverty


* The PPP has made great strides in the health care sector---a healthy population equals greater productivity.


* The PPP is building a facility in region 5 to accomodate those who are mentally challenged---a caring nation must provide for those who are unable to help themselves.


* The PPP is very supportive of the private sector---it is the private sector and foreign investments that will be engine of growth for Guyana.









Moses opened his Chronicle and saw the headline, "President predicts a very exciting year ahead..."


Moses sucked his teeth, yelled at his grandson and ordered his wife to cook him another roti---poor Moses---he can't stand the success his bitter enemy Ramo is having as




Where is the success? You mean Ramo is responding to the string Jagdeo pulls? 

Originally Posted by TK:

Where is the success?



What kind of question is that ?


Listen! It's a new year--you need to be more open minded. It will allow you to see the remarkable progress being made in Guyana:


Check this:


* Rice production is at the highest level ever in Guyana---and production will increase in 2013


* Gold production---416,000 ounces declared by small and medium sized miners---2 major gold mines will come on line in 2013/14


* Fiber optics---that cable from Brazil will be completed in 2013---the IT sector in Guyana will continue to grow


* Guyana's education sector is doing remarkably well---Guyanese school kids are the best performers in the caribbean.


* There are numerous other developments!



It is true that a lot of projects were initiated under the Jagdeo regime---but Ramo is now president---he gets the praises.


By the way, the marriot, CJIA expansion, amaila falls---they will all contribute to Guyana's development.


Anyway TK--all the best with yuh lil teaching job---keep up the good work publishing papers---have a productive New year----open your mind---you'll see the progress being made in Guyana.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

Where is the success?



What kind of question is that ?


Listen! It's a new year--you need to be more open minded. It will allow you to see the remarkable progress being made in Guyana:


Check this:


* Rice production is at the highest level ever in Guyana---and production will increase in 2013


* Gold production---416,000 ounces declared by small and medium sized miners---2 major gold mines will come on line in 2013/14


* Fiber optics---that cable from Brazil will be completed in 2013---the IT sector in Guyana will continue to grow


* Guyana's education sector is doing remarkably well---Guyanese school kids are the best performers in the caribbean.


* There are numerous other developments!



It is true that a lot of projects were initiated under the Jagdeo regime---but Ramo is now president---he gets the praises.


By the way, the marriot, CJIA expansion, amaila falls---they will all contribute to Guyana's development.


Anyway TK--all the best with yuh lil teaching job---keep up the good work publishing papers---have a productive New year----open your mind---you'll see the progress being made in Guyana.





These are much deeper issues that you possibly cannot grasp. Rice production moving back to historical highs is progress? Rice being bartered for oil is progress? If Marriott crowds out other hotels then the net gain is ZERO. If the new airport don't bring in new flights then NO PROGRESS. too have a good year. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is call Planning for the Future. Yuh is a professor, really?????!!!


Since when do people build monumental white elephant hotels in the HOPE that tourists will come. You have the business acumen of a civil servant. Don't even understand the fundamentals of running a cake shap

Originally Posted by TK:

 These are much deeper issues that you possibly cannot grasp.


The Rev cannot grasp the issues ?


Listen youngman! You need to keep your ego in check---don't forget--you are a 3rd rate intellect who graduated from 3rd rate schools and currently teaches at a 3rd rate college in Florida.


You might delude yourself into believing that because you have earned a 3rd rate Phd you understand the issues---but you are dead wrong. You academics---bookworms--are among the least productive professionals in the real world.


The fact is Guyana is progressing remarkably well---and all your writings TK--that's what you are good at--copying and pasting---all your writings cannot deny the fact that Guyana is on the road to greater success.


Once again TK--control that ego of yours---you are only a 3rd rate intellect---don't get carried away youngman.









Originally Posted by TK:
 Rice production moving back to historical highs is progress?



Did you say rice production has moved back to historical highs ?


Let's examine the numbers:


* In 2012 Guyana's rice production was 422,057 tons---highest annual production ever.


* In 1984 rice production reached a high of 180,000 tons but declined to 130,000 tons in 1988



Did you say rice production has moved back to historical highs ?


When in Guyana's history did the rice sector previously produce 400,000+ tons of rice ?









Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

 These are much deeper issues that you possibly cannot grasp.


The Rev cannot grasp the issues ?


Listen youngman! You need to keep your ego in check---don't forget--you are a 3rd rate intellect who graduated from 3rd rate schools and currently teaches at a 3rd rate college in Florida.


You might delude yourself into believing that because you have earned a 3rd rate Phd you understand the issues---but you are dead wrong. You academics---bookworms--are among the least productive professionals in the real world.


The fact is Guyana is progressing remarkably well---and all your writings TK--that's what you are good at--copying and pasting---all your writings cannot deny the fact that Guyana is on the road to greater success.


Once again TK--control that ego of yours---you are only a 3rd rate intellect---don't get carried away youngman.










If only you had a 3rd rate intellect you would have been better with numbers and would have seen Romney was going down. Your prediction no doubt places you at a 3^n rate intellect (where n > 2). No wonder why you see progress in a donkey cart economic structure. You possibly cannot understand these deep issues...just not clever enough and exposed in life...old man. 

Originally Posted by TK:
If only you had a 3rd rate intellect you would have been better with numbers and would have seen Romney was going down.


Like Romney, the Rev is a businessman--owns his business---24 years and counting--same finance sector like Romney was in---and like Romney, the Rev is pi$$ poor at politics and predicting political outcomes.hahaha


The Rev does not engage in writing papers--but based on his business experience---the Rev is highly confident that Guyana is on the right track economically.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:
If only you had a 3rd rate intellect you would have been better with numbers and would have seen Romney was going down.


Like Romney, the Rev is a businessman--owns his business---24 years and counting--same finance sector like Romney was in---and like Romney, the Rev is pi$$ poor at politics and predicting political outcomes.hahaha


The Rev does not engage in writing papers--but based on his business experience---the Rev is highly confident that Guyana is on the right track economically.





Paul, the drug lords and barons are often referred to as businessmen in Guyana. With the way you work with numbers, you must be an inept businessman. Are you better than FIP?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev With the way you work with numbers, you must be a inept businessman.



Mitts--it's been 24 years and counting since the Rev has been paddling his own canoe---hopefully the Rev's numbers skills will improve in the next 24





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:
If only you had a 3rd rate intellect you would have been better with numbers and would have seen Romney was going down.


Like Romney, the Rev is a businessman--owns his business---24 years and counting--same finance sector like Romney was in---and like Romney, the Rev is pi$$ poor at politics and predicting political outcomes.hahaha


The Rev does not engage in writing papers--but based on his business experience---the Rev is highly confident that Guyana is on the right track economically.





The problem you face silly old man is I can run a business and trade financial asset portfolios but you can't do what I do. Perhaps in two or three births Bhagwan may grant you that ability if only you drop your prejudiced and racist views. 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev With the way you work with numbers, you must be a inept businessman.



Mitts--it's been 24 years and counting since the Rev has been paddling his own canoe---hopefully the Rev's numbers skills will improve in the next 24






You are not even good at what you do. 24 years paddling canoes and you can't take your company public or be good enough for some Romneyite private equity guys to make an equity investment to grow you bigger. 

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by TK:
If Marriott crowds out other hotels then the net gain is ZERO.

And for the AFC, a net loss. There go dem Pegasus dollars.

Henny I know conspiracies are your thing. AFC is really a volunteer group. They get small donations in cash and kind. They don't have kick back contractors to fund them. People took their own money to campaign. Everybody doing their little piece to bring democracy to Guyana. 

Originally Posted by TK:

The problem you face silly old man is I can run a business and trade financial asset portfolios but you can't do what I do. 

I wish there were fewer people doing what you do. All dem young fellas trading financial asset portfolios put us in a global, systemic financial collapse.

Originally Posted by TK:
The problem you face silly old man is I can run a business and trade financial asset portfolios but you can't do what I do.
 = TK



You are nothing but a braggart!


"I can run a business and trade financial asset portfolio but you can't do what I do." Tarron Khemraj


Yep! You are a braggart TK!


Braggarts feel a need to self aggrandize---they are deeply insecure people.




By the way, that's how a lot 3rd rate intellects who graduated from 3rd rate schools and teach at 3rd rate colleges are---they are deeply insecure folks--and so they resort to bragging to hide their insecurities.hahahaha









Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by TK:

The problem you face silly old man is I can run a business and trade financial asset portfolios but you can't do what I do. 

I wish there were fewer people doing what you do. All dem young fellas trading financial asset portfolios put us in a global, systemic financial collapse.


Development has to be financed with equity or debt. They have to be traded to discover price. Development can never be financed by cocaine, aid, remittances and gold smuggling. 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:
The problem you face silly old man is I can run a business and trade financial asset portfolios but you can't do what I do.



You are nothing but a braggart!


"I can run a business and trade financial asset portfolio but you can't do what I do." Tarron Khemraj


Yep! You are a braggart TK!


Braggarts feel a need to self aggrandize---they are deeply insecure people.




By the way, that's how a lot 3rd rate intellects who graduated from 3rd rate schools and teach at 3rd rate colleges are---they are deeply insecure folks--and so they resort to bragging to hide their insecurities.hahahaha






 can be much better than calling names. At best that's a very trite response. 

Originally Posted by TK: can be much better than calling names. At best that's a very trite response. 


The Rev is not engaging in name calling!


You are the one engaging in self-aggrandizing---"I this and I that"


All the Rev did was call you out.


You are a:



There is nothing trite about labelling you a braggart!





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK: can be much better than calling names. At best that's a very trite response. 


The Rev is not engaging in name calling!


You are the one engaging in self-aggrandizing---"I this and I that"


All the Rev did was call you out.


You are a:



There is nothing trite about labelling you a braggart!






Changing the coloring and size of the font don't make your contribution more imaginative. The picture, mined from the internet, also don't add much. Try again. Thank you. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by TK:

The problem you face silly old man is I can run a business and trade financial asset portfolios but you can't do what I do. 

I wish there were fewer people doing what you do. All dem young fellas trading financial asset portfolios put us in a global, systemic financial collapse.


Development has to be financed with equity or debt. 

Which demonstrates anew that you have no understanding of Alexander Hamilton whatsoever.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by TK:

The problem you face silly old man is I can run a business and trade financial asset portfolios but you can't do what I do. 

I wish there were fewer people doing what you do. All dem young fellas trading financial asset portfolios put us in a global, systemic financial collapse.


Development has to be financed with equity or debt. 

Which demonstrates anew that you have no understanding of Alexander Hamilton whatsoever.


Hamilton made the first proposal for a central bank in the US and a consolidation of debt at the federal level. 


Hamilton promoted a National Bank, which is altogether different than a Bank of England-style central bank. Credit that is created by a sovereign nation state does not "have to be traded to discover price." It cuts financial parasites such as yourself out of the action altogether.

Originally Posted by TK:

Changing the coloring and size of the font don't make your contribution more imaginative. The picture, mined from the internet, also don't add much. Try again. Thank you. 



Let me remind you of the old cliche, "a picture is worth a thousand words."


That picture TK depicts who you are: a braggart!


And if you are not comfortable with the picture---let's turn to the dictionary:


"A braggart(Tarron Khamraj) is a person who talks boastingly--he is a bigtalker--a blowhard--a grandstander--a swell headed, insecure self aggrandizer."





Originally Posted by Henry:

Hamilton promoted a National Bank, which is altogether different than a Bank of England-style central bank. Credit that is created by a sovereign nation state does not "have to be traded to discover price." It cuts financial parasites such as yourself out of the action altogether.

Bank credit is not traded typically - never will be in our type economies. There is tremendous importance to have equities, corporate bonds, Treasury bills and long-term govt bonds traded. Sorry Henry you missed the forest and saw the trees - perhaps looking for another conspiracy story. 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

Changing the coloring and size of the font don't make your contribution more imaginative. The picture, mined from the internet, also don't add much. Try again. Thank you. 



Let me remind you of the old cliche, "a picture is worth a thousand words."


That picture TK depicts who you are: a braggart!


And if you are not comfortable with the picture---let's turn to the dictionary:


"A braggart(Tarron Khamraj) is a person who talks boastingly--he is a bigtalker--a blowhard--a grandstander--a swell headed, insecure self aggrandizer."






Mr Racist...that is simplistic. The different font colors and style is still not helpful. Try again. Thank you. 


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