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  H Bibi Haniffa posted:

Reports are that Paul Ryan advised "The Donald" to pick Pence!

I watched that town hall with Ryan.  He is more active than many think.  I think he will be doing much more talking than previously as he is that reassuring voice for the followers! He is also very engaged with Trump regarding platform and agenda.

Expect a blitz Krieg after Summer!!

ba$eman posted:
  H Bibi Haniffa posted:

Reports are that Paul Ryan advised "The Donald" to pick Pence!

I watched that town hall with Ryan.  He is more active than many think.  I think he will be doing much more talking than previously as he is that reassuring voice for the followers! He is also very engaged with Trump regarding platform and agenda.

Expect a blitz Krieg after Summer!!

Ryan is a big loser. As Trump would say "take it from me folks, he's a yuuge loser. He tries to put failed Washington policies in front of me. He took the speaker job because he was guaranteed freedom from the TEA Party. Well let me tell ya - they're my people. I love the TEA Party. There's my TEA party friend (pointing to a guy with a dopey hat)." Ah. what the heck, the Donald was strangely downcast when Oabama said in his presence (after the birther nonsense was laid to rest) that he can now focus on the really important matter of the day - did we fake the moon landing?"

Kari posted:
ba$eman posted:
  H Bibi Haniffa posted:

Reports are that Paul Ryan advised "The Donald" to pick Pence!

I watched that town hall with Ryan.  He is more active than many think.  I think he will be doing much more talking than previously as he is that reassuring voice for the followers! He is also very engaged with Trump regarding platform and agenda.

Expect a blitz Krieg after Summer!!

Ryan is a big loser.

Ryan is in deep panic.  If Trump loses the Supremes will become more liberal that at any time in history as Ruth will go, and Scalia has gone, so Hillary will have two appointees.

Trump might also cause the Dems to take back the Senate.  He will have the House, but with the Senate, the executive arm, and the Supremes against him, what can he do?

So he will pretend to assist Trump, but its actually the down ticket, and the Supremes that concern him.

caribny posted:
Kari posted:
ba$eman posted:
  H Bibi Haniffa posted:

Reports are that Paul Ryan advised "The Donald" to pick Pence!

I watched that town hall with Ryan.  He is more active than many think.  I think he will be doing much more talking than previously as he is that reassuring voice for the followers! He is also very engaged with Trump regarding platform and agenda.

Expect a blitz Krieg after Summer!!

Ryan is a big loser.

Ryan is in deep panic.  If Trump loses the Supremes will become more liberal that at any time in history as Ruth will go, and Scalia has gone, so Hillary will have two appointees.

Trump might also cause the Dems to take back the Senate.  He will have the House, but with the Senate, the executive arm, and the Supremes against him, what can he do?

So he will pretend to assist Trump, but its actually the down ticket, and the Supremes that concern him.

Hiliary will win and put four justices on the court. She will also drag the down tickets with her so the Senate is hers for the first term. There is a need to pick up four but two is in the bag. She will make sure there is immigration with a path to citizenship which means by the end of her second term there will be another 6 million newly minted democrats.


Hillary has been a career politician and has done schitttt for her country.  And, She won't do anything for her country in the next four years either.  She called herself Senator of NY and did nothing for her people.  Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand carried the NY agenda on their shoulders.

When she was First Lady, she was shouting about Healthcare Reform. Well that blew up in her face in no time.

And we all know her Secretary of State Fiasco.  No need for me to touch on that!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Hillary has been a career politician and has done schitttt for her country.  And, She won't do anything for her country in the next four years either.  She called herself Senator of NY and did nothing for her people.  Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand carried the NY agenda on their shoulders.

When she was First Lady, she was shouting about Healthcare Reform. Well that blew up in her face in no time.

And we all know her Secretary of State Fiasco.  No need for me to touch on that!!

She has a life of work and the fact that ungrateful cretins like you do not appreciate it is not surprising. There is no secretary of state fiasco except as the republicans would shout it from the roof. The fact remains that every one of those congress people use unsecured phones and other devices and emails as well. No data was compromized and that is the reality


Funny watching these guys hope and wish for the demise of Trump.  They have been doing it for over six months!  Trump will more likely be the next president.   Obama will not help Hillary.  People say he is a nice guy, etc but they want him gone and Hillary is just too "married" to his agenda and now infected with the Socialist doctrine of Sanders.  One can hardly decipher her agenda from Obama's and Sanders!!

ba$eman posted:

Funny watching these guys hope and wish for the demise of Trump.  They have been doing it for over six months!  Trump will more likely be the next president.   Obama will not help Hillary.  People say he is a nice guy, etc but they want him gone and Hillary is just too "married" to his agenda and now infected with the Socialist doctrine of Sanders.  One can hardly decipher her agenda from Obama's and Sanders!!

Bai, whah wrang wid yuh. Two out of two times when people had a chance to elect his agenda, they did. Why would they do otherwise if/when given a third chance?

ba$eman posted:

Funny watching these guys hope and wish for the demise of Trump.  They have been doing it for over six months!  Trump will more likely be the next president.   Obama will not help Hillary.  People say he is a nice guy, etc but they want him gone and Hillary is just too "married" to his agenda and now infected with the Socialist doctrine of Sanders.  One can hardly decipher her agenda from Obama's and Sanders!!

Trump cannot win.....unless someone comes and sprinkle some fairy dust on him  and  gift him his personal unicorn his goose is cooked.

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:

Funny watching these guys hope and wish for the demise of Trump.  They have been doing it for over six months!  Trump will more likely be the next president.   Obama will not help Hillary.  People say he is a nice guy, etc but they want him gone and Hillary is just too "married" to his agenda and now infected with the Socialist doctrine of Sanders.  One can hardly decipher her agenda from Obama's and Sanders!!

Trump cannot win.....unless someone comes and sprinkle some fairy dust on him  and  gift him his personal unicorn his goose is cooked.

He will win for good reasons. Hillary will continue Obama's failed legacy. They would need to put a mirror in the Oval Office so she can look at her wrinkles. 

Cobra posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:

Funny watching these guys hope and wish for the demise of Trump.  They have been doing it for over six months!  Trump will more likely be the next president.   Obama will not help Hillary.  People say he is a nice guy, etc but they want him gone and Hillary is just too "married" to his agenda and now infected with the Socialist doctrine of Sanders.  One can hardly decipher her agenda from Obama's and Sanders!!

Trump cannot win.....unless someone comes and sprinkle some fairy dust on him  and  gift him his personal unicorn his goose is cooked.

He will win for good reasons. Hillary will continue Obama's failed legacy. They would need to put a mirror in the Oval Office so she can look at her wrinkles. 

Obama has failed only because you morons are blind to  the reality you are not in a depression because of him.  Whatever wrinkles she has she earn and I am sure she will wear proudly.

Stormborn posted:
. She will make sure there is immigration with a path to citizenship which means by the end of her second term there will be another 6 million newly minted democrats.

That she cannot do. A pathway to citizenship is NOT going to be accomplished in 4 years.  The best scenario will be work permits and they then have to initiate applications for permanent residency.  So that is a 10 year process at best, and you don't even know how many Mexicans actually want citizenship.

Don't under estimate the fact that many in the Dem base aren't that open to unrestricted immigration of the undocumented.  While US citizens and LEGAL permanent residents don't want to pick grapes they definitely want construction jobs, but cannot get them as Mexicans will settle for less.

Also factor in the fact that many of these Mexicans have no interest in permanent residence in the USA.  What they want is the right to work, send money back to their families, and ultimately to return home.

There are tensions between Dominicans and Mexicans in NY.  Dominicans are less likely to be illegals as it is harder for them to sneak in, and they resent the job competition which these Mexicans provide. They live in the USA, not work in the USA, but de facto live outside, as is the case with Mexicans, so they cannot accept the low wages that Mexicans will work for.

Cobra posted:

He will win for good reasons. Hillary will continue Obama's failed legacy. They would need to put a mirror in the Oval Office so she can look at her wrinkles. 

I will be the first to admit that Obama isn't a ringing success story, but he is a good deal better than either of the Bushes.

The reality is that this country is a good deal better off than it was in 2008 when Bush drove the USA with all the deadly impact of the truck driver in Nice.  

Most people thought that we would see the Great Depression II.  Thankfully we ended up with the Great Recession, with the USA recovering more rapidly than did other rich nations, thanks to the fact that Obama didn't stop the Feds from doing their work.


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