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Min. Hughes warns against racial intolerance

─ “It will only lead to destruction”

Minister of Public Telecommunications, Catherine Hughes is urging Guyanese to rid themselves of the “racial intolerance” and “undertones” that have erupted primarily on social media since the December 21, 2018 vote in the National Assembly.

Minister Hughes, during an appearance on the National Communications Network’s (NCN) radio programme – ‘Let’s Gaff’, shared her take on this “period of uncertainty” which was precipitated by the December 21, 2018 vote in the National Assembly.

“One of the things I would urge Guyanese [to do] is to be patient. I am most distressed at the racial undertones that we are seeing especially on Facebook, on social media, where we are attacking people, personal attacks, and that, I find, is totally unacceptable… The racial slurs, the agenda that says ‘black people can’t run a government and they got to get out’; the similarly negative terms ‘coolie people behaving like that’, that’s not what we are as a people. I feel very strongly about that,” Minister Hughes stressed.

She added that the roots of her family, being one that is grounded in every race in Guyana, further compels her to speak up against such acts of “racial intolerance” which will forever be unbeneficial for the country. She is pleading with Guyanese to not let any political organisation lead them to ‘racial intolerance’ because “It will only lead to destruction.”

“As individual Guyanese, we have to stand tall and say ‘we must not, we will not go down that road. We have too much to offer this world and to offer ourselves’.”

Speaking on the government’s position moving forward, Minister Hughes said that she believes that Guyana needs to have a “legal position” regarding the December 21 vote since it is presently open to more than one interpretation.

She stated that any Guyanese has the right to go to the courts for an interpretation on the motion and although some are referring to this option as “undemocratic”, the court, nonetheless, remains the highest decision-making body.

“The opposition has made full use of the courts in the past to contest certain aspects of the constitution such as the third term matter which is why the coalition’s efforts now should not stupefy the opposition,” Minister Hughes stated.

The minister added that “the government should have the right to take it to the courts; the local courts and then to any other courts including the Caribbean Court of Justice if they want to do that. That actually is the fundamental of democracy.”

On Friday last, a court action challenging the legality of the December 21, vote was filed by Compton Herbert Reid, through Attorney-at-Law and Senior Counsel, Rex Mc Kay’s Chambers. The respondents in the case are Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Basil Williams SC., Speaker of the National Assembly, Dr. Barton Scotland and now-expelled Member of Parliament (MP), Charrandass Persaud.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The APNU, from the on set on entering office began a purge of positions held disproportionately by indians from the PPP only to repeat the reverse, Africans loyal to the PPP.

This party has shown no face of mediating our race problem which begins in a constitution that creates an elected dictatorship where one race or the other celebrates and demand to be on top. I take her admonitions with my tablespoon of salt. 

The grasping for this criteria of no dual citizen holding office is a trolling for the bottom and the unthinkable concoction of 33 not being greater than 32 when its mathematical soundness is irrefutable also galls me. The idea that you seek the middle by mentally chopping a human into two and then rounding up and adding one is jumbie mathematics.

If 33 was not 50 percent then neither is 34.  You don't do some shifty hand movement and end up in the same place and say voila it is fixed. Her husband obviously is trying to tell us what he did was smarts but it is in my view a master class in shysterism using  foux math.

Last edited by Former Member

Nothing wrong with what Kathy Hughes said. No patriotic citizen will promote racial intolerance. Gilbakka always places CLASS above Race. Always. In fact I'm pissed off when threads in this forum degenerate into race-based comments on both sides. I closed my Facebook account since mid-2017 so thankfully I'm spared the race fighting there.

D2 posted:

The APNU, from the on set on entering office began a purge of positions held disproportionately by indians from the PPP only to repeat the reverse, Africans loyal to the PPP.

who are these people?

please name a representative few

and why is there not a shyteload of lawsuits crawling up the asses of the coalition Gov't?

i challenged labba on this and he ran away

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

Nothing wrong with what Kathy Hughes said. No patriotic citizen will promote racial intolerance. Gilbakka always places CLASS above Race. Always. In fact I'm pissed off when threads in this forum degenerate into race-based comments on both sides. I closed my Facebook account since mid-2017 so thankfully I'm spared the race fighting there.

I lose respect for people whose practices and public claim are on tangents. I would have loved to hear her explanation as to why we have all 17 private secretaries of one race or why not a squeak came from her after Volga's racial tirade.

And then there is our main race wedge, the constitution. It is completely on the back burner for the APNU. You cannot do like Nancy Regan did,  create a nice slogan " Just say no" and imagine all the racists ( junkies in Nancy's case) disappear. 

You have to show you care by mediating racial issues socially, politically, culturally and systemically. Mouthing words is all we do when it is convenient to cover our own backsides. 

We have rules on this site that race baiting will not be tolerated. But it is Ugli et al do it daily. I get called buck daily and other epithets are leveled at others from both sides and each side cry woe is me, "look there is a racist". And the story continues. Words alone amount to nothing but moving the wind for a moment. Actions are necessary.

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
D2 posted:

The APNU, from the on set on entering office began a purge of positions held disproportionately by indians from the PPP only to repeat the reverse, Africans loyal to the PPP.

who are these people?

please name a representative few

and why is there not a shyteload of lawsuits crawling up the asses of the coalition Gov't?

i challenged labba on this and he ran away

Will not be pigeon holed to delineate what you missed. Check the permanent secretaries for example. Theron has a whole article comment on this among other things. It is posted here somewhere. 

D2 posted:
ronan posted:
D2 posted:

The APNU, from the on set on entering office began a purge of positions held disproportionately by indians from the PPP only to repeat the reverse, Africans loyal to the PPP.

who are these people?

please name a representative few

and why is there not a shyteload of lawsuits crawling up the asses of the coalition Gov't?

i challenged labba on this and he ran away

Will not be pigeon holed to delineate what you missed. Check the permanent secretaries for example. Theron has a whole article comment on this among other things. It is posted here somewhere. 

i participated in that debate

i also asked labba to point to those "Indian" permanent secretaries who were "purged" (before/after comparison) and he changed the subject

especially after i told him that Colin Croal didn't count . . . that is

ronan posted:
D2 posted:
ronan posted:
D2 posted:

The APNU, from the on set on entering office began a purge of positions held disproportionately by indians from the PPP only to repeat the reverse, Africans loyal to the PPP.

who are these people?

please name a representative few

and why is there not a shyteload of lawsuits crawling up the asses of the coalition Gov't?

i challenged labba on this and he ran away

Will not be pigeon holed to delineate what you missed. Check the permanent secretaries for example. Theron has a whole article comment on this among other things. It is posted here somewhere. 

i participated in that debate

i also asked labba to point to those "Indian" permanent secretaries who were "purged" (before/after comparison) and he changed the subject

especially after i told him that Colin Croal didn't count . . . that is

Well good for you. I cuss the PPP's racism here daily and pay the price for it by being the anti indian racist scape goat for here for those criticisms. I have no favorite among these parties.

I love my country and what the the permanent low level racial war between Indians and Africans has done to the nation is a disease to be addressed as a life long practice. It causes all to suffer but the worse is felt among my people, amerindians

D2 posted:
ronan posted:
D2 posted:
ronan posted:
D2 posted:

The APNU, from the on set on entering office began a purge of positions held disproportionately by indians from the PPP only to repeat the reverse, Africans loyal to the PPP.

who are these people?

please name a representative few

and why is there not a shyteload of lawsuits crawling up the asses of the coalition Gov't?

i challenged labba on this and he ran away

Will not be pigeon holed to delineate what you missed. Check the permanent secretaries for example. Theron has a whole article comment on this among other things. It is posted here somewhere. 

i participated in that debate

i also asked labba to point to those "Indian" permanent secretaries who were "purged" (before/after comparison) and he changed the subject

especially after i told him that Colin Croal didn't count . . . that is

Well good for you. I cuss the PPP's racism here daily and pay the price for it by being the anti indian racist scape goat for here for those criticisms. I have no favorite among these parties.

I love my country and what the the permanent low level racial war between Indians and Africans has done to the nation is a disease to be addressed as a life long practice. It causes all to suffer but the worse is felt among my people, amerindians


D2 posted:
ronan posted:
D2 posted:
ronan posted:
D2 posted:

The APNU, from the on set on entering office began a purge of positions held disproportionately by indians from the PPP only to repeat the reverse, Africans loyal to the PPP.

who are these people?

please name a representative few

and why is there not a shyteload of lawsuits crawling up the asses of the coalition Gov't?

i challenged labba on this and he ran away

Will not be pigeon holed to delineate what you missed. Check the permanent secretaries for example. Theron has a whole article comment on this among other things. It is posted here somewhere. 

i participated in that debate

i also asked labba to point to those "Indian" permanent secretaries who were "purged" (before/after comparison) and he changed the subject

especially after i told him that Colin Croal didn't count . . . that is

Well good for you. I cuss the PPP's racism here daily and pay the price for it by being the anti indian racist scape goat for here for those criticisms. I have no favorite among these parties.

I love my country and what the the permanent low level racial war between Indians and Africans has done to the nation is a disease to be addressed as a life long practice. It causes all to suffer but the worse is felt among my people, amerindians

Had D' Aguiar stayed out, Indians and blacks would have had a working arrangement by now. Peter D made a pact wth the CIA which inflicted pains among the Indians and Blacks. Not to mention those who craft insensitive words and practices towards the Indian race in Guyana.

seignet posted:

Had D' Aguiar stayed out, Indians and blacks would have had a working arrangement by now. Peter D made a pact wth the CIA which inflicted pains among the Indians and Blacks. Not to mention those who craft insensitive words and practices towards the Indian race in Guyana.

I am as Indian as you are as the culture is endemic in me and I can move in or out of it with fluidity.  The idea that one practices evil against Indians and they are saints is a farce. It is both ways, action and reaction. 

Remember I have your manifesto for Guyana somewhere. It was purely an ignorant racist tract, your Mein Kampf if I am to be truthful.  I cannot imagine you ever thinking that you could use that to form your party. You have not grown much in thinking since. 

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
seignet posted:

Had D' Aguiar stayed out, Indians and blacks would have had a working arrangement by now. Peter D made a pact wth the CIA which inflicted pains among the Indians and Blacks. Not to mention those who craft insensitive words and practices towards the Indian race in Guyana.

I am as Indian as you are as the culture is endemic in me and I can move in or out of it with fluidity.  The idea that one practices evil against Indians and they are saints is a farce. It is both ways, action and reaction. 

Remember I have your manifesto for Guyana somewhere. It was purely an ignorant racist tract, your Mein Kampf if I am to be truthful.  I cannot imagine you ever thinking that you could use that to form your party. You have not grown much in thinking since. 

If u still have my views stored somewhere, then it would be easy to retrieve.

Post it. Let me read it back.

I can't even remember what I wrote, been over 20 years. We all had views back then how to solve the race issue and what type of government would be beneficial to the Guyanese ppl.


seignet posted:

If u still have my views stored somewhere, then it would be easy to retrieve.

Post it. Let me read it back.

I can't even remember what I wrote, been over 20 years. We all had views back then how to solve the race issue and what type of government would be beneficial to the Guyanese ppl.


If you cannot remember it and it should not be remembered per my assessment then it should stay unremembered. I will not post it. 


Siggy, recall you posted a paragraph or two less than 2 years ago and called it your manifesto. I was both amused and bemused and just shirked it off, saying "Siggy is Ziggy, what the heck!"

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

Siggy, recall you posted a paragraph or two less than 2 years ago and called it your manifesto. I was both amused and bemused and just shirked it off, saying "Siggy is Ziggy, what the heck!"

This was 20 years ago. He was up and runing his org from his Timehri  website. He posted a long version here that I certainly have since I have everything up to 2005

D2 posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Siggy, recall you posted a paragraph or two less than 2 years ago and called it your manifesto. I was both amused and bemused and just shirked it off, saying "Siggy is Ziggy, what the heck!"

This was 20 years ago. He was up and runing his org from his Timehri  website. He posted a long version here that I certainly have since I have everything up to 2005

OK. I don't know about that one.

D2 posted:
seignet posted:

If u still have my views stored somewhere, then it would be easy to retrieve.

Post it. Let me read it back.

I can't even remember what I wrote, been over 20 years. We all had views back then how to solve the race issue and what type of government would be beneficial to the Guyanese ppl.


If you cannot remember it and it should not be remembered per my assessment then it should stay unremembered. I will not post it. 

Thank you, it might be embarassing to read it after 20 years. Why you keeping it?

D2 posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Siggy, recall you posted a paragraph or two less than 2 years ago and called it your manifesto. I was both amused and bemused and just shirked it off, saying "Siggy is Ziggy, what the heck!"

This was 20 years ago. He was up and runing his org from his Timehri  website. He posted a long version here that I certainly have since I have everything up to 2005

That is true, I did have some strong views of making a workable Guyana. In the absense of solutions, even the ridiculous is plausible. Dey still looking for solutions, elusive. And we still talking about the same problem, race.

Never called it a Maifesto. I juss gave my opinions in written words, ink on paper of which Leslie has a copy.


Gilbakka posted:
D2 posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Siggy, recall you posted a paragraph or two less than 2 years ago and called it your manifesto. I was both amused and bemused and just shirked it off, saying "Siggy is Ziggy, what the heck!"

This was 20 years ago. He was up and runing his org from his Timehri  website. He posted a long version here that I certainly have since I have everything up to 2005

OK. I don't know about that one.

He has a good memory I must have wriiten something, but not a Manifesto. Never referred to my points of view as Manifesto.

I pretty well say the sametings on my Timehri Blog, especially at election times. It becomes active.

Last edited by seignet
seignet posted:

Had D' Aguiar stayed out, Indians and blacks would have had a working arrangement by now. Peter D made a pact wth the CIA which inflicted pains among the Indians and Blacks. Not to mention those who craft insensitive words and practices towards the Indian race in Guyana.


Siegnet, this documentary was made some time after the 1968 Elections, it's about the 1968 rigged Elections.

I was mid teenager then.Having viewed this video, Peter D'Aguiar had class.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
seignet posted:

Had D' Aguiar stayed out, Indians and blacks would have had a working arrangement by now. Peter D made a pact wth the CIA which inflicted pains among the Indians and Blacks. Not to mention those who craft insensitive words and practices towards the Indian race in Guyana.


Siegnet, this documentary was made some time after the 1968 Elections, it's about the 1968 rigged Elections.

I was mid teenager then.Having viewed this video, Peter D'Aguiar had class.

You should check Peter D'Aguiar body language when ever he spoke with Cheddie. Definitely, there was no respect. CBJ was always cordial, I think he sense the resentment.

seignet posted:

Had D' Aguiar stayed out, Indians and blacks would have had a working arrangement by now. Peter D made a pact wth the CIA which inflicted pains among the Indians and Blacks. Not to mention those who craft insensitive words and practices towards the Indian race in Guyana.

Your hatred for the Portuguese makes you spin all kinds of tall tales to discredit them. Did a Portuguese man deflower the virgin you were hoping to marry?

First D'Aguiar was responsible for the riots at Wismar, now he's the cause for all the disagreements between Indians and Blacks. You really talk sheer scvnt sometimes. Unbecoming for one who claims to be a Christian. 

Mars posted:
seignet posted:

Had D' Aguiar stayed out, Indians and blacks would have had a working arrangement by now. Peter D made a pact wth the CIA which inflicted pains among the Indians and Blacks. Not to mention those who craft insensitive words and practices towards the Indian race in Guyana.

Your hatred for the Portuguese makes you spin all kinds of tall tales to discredit them. Did a Portuguese man deflower the virgin you were hoping to marry?

First D'Aguiar was responsible for the riots at Wismar, now he's the cause for all the disagreements between Indians and Blacks. You really talk sheer scvnt sometimes. Unbecoming for one who claims to be a Christian. 

Like yuh pretending foh be putagee now? Me hope we bai Sir Cain give yuh wan quiz 

Labba posted:
Mars posted:
seignet posted:

Had D' Aguiar stayed out, Indians and blacks would have had a working arrangement by now. Peter D made a pact wth the CIA which inflicted pains among the Indians and Blacks. Not to mention those who craft insensitive words and practices towards the Indian race in Guyana.

Your hatred for the Portuguese makes you spin all kinds of tall tales to discredit them. Did a Portuguese man deflower the virgin you were hoping to marry?

First D'Aguiar was responsible for the riots at Wismar, now he's the cause for all the disagreements between Indians and Blacks. You really talk sheer scvnt sometimes. Unbecoming for one who claims to be a Christian. 

Like yuh pretending foh be putagee now? Me hope we bai Sir Cain give yuh wan quiz 

I don't profess to be anything I'm not. I'm proud and very satisfied with what I am.

Django posted:

Min. Hughes warns against racial intolerance

─ “It will only lead to destruction”

Minister of Public Telecommunications, Catherine Hughes is urging Guyanese to rid themselves of the “racial intolerance” and “undertones” that have erupted primarily on social media since the December 21, 2018 vote in the National Assembly.

Speaking on the government’s position moving forward, Minister Hughes said that she believes that Guyana needs to have a “legal position” regarding the December 21 vote since it is presently open to more than one interpretation.

She stated that any Guyanese has the right to go to the courts for an interpretation on the motion and although some are referring to this option as “undemocratic”, the court, nonetheless, remains the highest decision-making body.

There is no legal position to determine that 33 is greater than 32.

Perhaps then, if 34 is the majority, then why is the PNCR/APNU/AFC in power with 33 votes for the 3 years approving laws in the legislature?

It is a simple matter ... 33 is greater than 32.

Last edited by Former Member
Mars posted:
seignet posted:

Had D' Aguiar stayed out, Indians and blacks would have had a working arrangement by now. Peter D made a pact wth the CIA which inflicted pains among the Indians and Blacks. Not to mention those who craft insensitive words and practices towards the Indian race in Guyana.

Your hatred for the Portuguese makes you spin all kinds of tall tales to discredit them. Did a Portuguese man deflower the virgin you were hoping to marry?

First D'Aguiar was responsible for the riots at Wismar, now he's the cause for all the disagreements between Indians and Blacks. You really talk sheer scvnt sometimes. Unbecoming for one who claims to be a Christian. 

Did your priest gave u the exam papers before the day of the exams. 

seignet posted:
Mars posted:
seignet posted:

Had D' Aguiar stayed out, Indians and blacks would have had a working arrangement by now. Peter D made a pact wth the CIA which inflicted pains among the Indians and Blacks. Not to mention those who craft insensitive words and practices towards the Indian race in Guyana.

Your hatred for the Portuguese makes you spin all kinds of tall tales to discredit them. Did a Portuguese man deflower the virgin you were hoping to marry?

First D'Aguiar was responsible for the riots at Wismar, now he's the cause for all the disagreements between Indians and Blacks. You really talk sheer scvnt sometimes. Unbecoming for one who claims to be a Christian. 

Did your priest gave u the exam papers before the day of the exams. 

I never attended any school that was run by priests. My education was earned through many years of diligent work and paying earnest attention to my teachers and parents. Where did you get your dumbassery from?

Demerara_Guy posted:
Django posted:

Min. Hughes warns against racial intolerance

─ “It will only lead to destruction”

Minister of Public Telecommunications, Catherine Hughes is urging Guyanese to rid themselves of the “racial intolerance” and “undertones” that have erupted primarily on social media since the December 21, 2018 vote in the National Assembly.

Speaking on the government’s position moving forward, Minister Hughes said that she believes that Guyana needs to have a “legal position” regarding the December 21 vote since it is presently open to more than one interpretation.

She stated that any Guyanese has the right to go to the courts for an interpretation on the motion and although some are referring to this option as “undemocratic”, the court, nonetheless, remains the highest decision-making body.

There is no legal position to determine that 33 is greater than 32.

Perhaps then, if 34 is the majority, then why is the PNCR/APNU/AFC in power with 33 votes for the 3 years approving laws in the legislature?

It is a simple matter ... 33 is greater than 32.

Dem nah lurn numerologics!

Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Django posted:

Min. Hughes warns against racial intolerance

─ “It will only lead to destruction”

Minister of Public Telecommunications, Catherine Hughes is urging Guyanese to rid themselves of the “racial intolerance” and “undertones” that have erupted primarily on social media since the December 21, 2018 vote in the National Assembly.

Speaking on the government’s position moving forward, Minister Hughes said that she believes that Guyana needs to have a “legal position” regarding the December 21 vote since it is presently open to more than one interpretation.

She stated that any Guyanese has the right to go to the courts for an interpretation on the motion and although some are referring to this option as “undemocratic”, the court, nonetheless, remains the highest decision-making body.

There is no legal position to determine that 33 is greater than 32.

Perhaps then, if 34 is the majority, then why is the PNCR/APNU/AFC in power with 33 votes for the 3 years approving laws in the legislature?

It is a simple matter ... 33 is greater than 32.

Dem nah lurn numerologics!

You rass wrag bai. Dem peeple only lurn shart division wid even numbas and can only divide by 2. Dem nah no fuh round up or remaindah.

Mars posted:
seignet posted:
Mars posted:
seignet posted:

Had D' Aguiar stayed out, Indians and blacks would have had a working arrangement by now. Peter D made a pact wth the CIA which inflicted pains among the Indians and Blacks. Not to mention those who craft insensitive words and practices towards the Indian race in Guyana.

Your hatred for the Portuguese makes you spin all kinds of tall tales to discredit them. Did a Portuguese man deflower the virgin you were hoping to marry?

First D'Aguiar was responsible for the riots at Wismar, now he's the cause for all the disagreements between Indians and Blacks. You really talk sheer scvnt sometimes. Unbecoming for one who claims to be a Christian. 

Did your priest gave u the exam papers before the day of the exams. 

I never attended any school that was run by priests. My education was earned through many years of diligent work and paying earnest attention to my teachers and parents. Where did you get your dumbassery from?

Your parents and teachers mentored a fine specimen. Examine yuhself, u r not wan to speak. The extent of your education, place a man pan wan cobra. You should get nightmares just for that.

seignet posted:
Django posted:
seignet posted:

Had D' Aguiar stayed out, Indians and blacks would have had a working arrangement by now. Peter D made a pact wth the CIA which inflicted pains among the Indians and Blacks. Not to mention those who craft insensitive words and practices towards the Indian race in Guyana.


Siegnet, this documentary was made some time after the 1968 Elections, it's about the 1968 rigged Elections.

I was mid teenager then.Having viewed this video, Peter D'Aguiar had class.

You should check Peter D'Aguiar body language when ever he spoke with Cheddie. Definitely, there was no respect. CBJ was always cordial, I think he sense the resentment.

I would agree Peter D'Aguiar, doesn't seem to like Cheddi Jagan.

Django posted:
seignet posted:
Django posted:
seignet posted:

Had D' Aguiar stayed out, Indians and blacks would have had a working arrangement by now. Peter D made a pact wth the CIA which inflicted pains among the Indians and Blacks. Not to mention those who craft insensitive words and practices towards the Indian race in Guyana.


Siegnet, this documentary was made some time after the 1968 Elections, it's about the 1968 rigged Elections.

I was mid teenager then.Having viewed this video, Peter D'Aguiar had class.

You should check Peter D'Aguiar body language when ever he spoke with Cheddie. Definitely, there was no respect. CBJ was always cordial, I think he sense the resentment.

I would agree Peter D'Aguiar, doesn't seem to like Cheddi Jagan.

At the time Jagan leaned toward Communism, no one in their right mind wanted that for Guyana. Had Peter disliked someone for their colour he would never have hired the various races in DIH, paying them well.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
Django posted:
seignet posted:
Django posted:
seignet posted:

Had D' Aguiar stayed out, Indians and blacks would have had a working arrangement by now. Peter D made a pact wth the CIA which inflicted pains among the Indians and Blacks. Not to mention those who craft insensitive words and practices towards the Indian race in Guyana.


Siegnet, this documentary was made some time after the 1968 Elections, it's about the 1968 rigged Elections.

I was mid teenager then.Having viewed this video, Peter D'Aguiar had class.

You should check Peter D'Aguiar body language when ever he spoke with Cheddie. Definitely, there was no respect. CBJ was always cordial, I think he sense the resentment.

I would agree Peter D'Aguiar, doesn't seem to like Cheddi Jagan.

At the time Jagan leaned toward Communism, no one in their right mind wanted that for Guyana. Had Peter disliked someone for their colour he would never have hired the various races in DIH, paying them well.

Cain, nothing to do with dislike for other races, he probably didn't liked CBJ.

Mars posted:
Labba posted:
Mars posted:
seignet posted:

Had D' Aguiar stayed out, Indians and blacks would have had a working arrangement by now. Peter D made a pact wth the CIA which inflicted pains among the Indians and Blacks. Not to mention those who craft insensitive words and practices towards the Indian race in Guyana.

Your hatred for the Portuguese makes you spin all kinds of tall tales to discredit them. Did a Portuguese man deflower the virgin you were hoping to marry?

First D'Aguiar was responsible for the riots at Wismar, now he's the cause for all the disagreements between Indians and Blacks. You really talk sheer scvnt sometimes. Unbecoming for one who claims to be a Christian. 

Like yuh pretending foh be putagee now? Me hope we bai Sir Cain give yuh wan quiz 

I don't profess to be anything I'm not. I'm proud and very satisfied with what I am.

You are not like me. I lead them down every dark alley I can with creative character construction.


Oi Labbaman I doan care what colour Mars is as long as he pulls up dem dam ignoramus people and that dam chuch goin God fearin liared, he aright in my books.

Last edited by cain
Django posted:
cain posted:
Django posted:

I would agree Peter D'Aguiar, doesn't seem to like Cheddi Jagan.

At the time Jagan leaned toward Communism, no one in their right mind wanted that for Guyana. Had Peter disliked someone for their colour he would never have hired the various races in DIH, paying them well.

Cain, nothing to do with dislike for other races, he probably didn't liked CBJ.

That may be correct. "At the time Jagan leaned toward Communism, no one in their right mind wanted that for Guyana." that and the fact Jagan had a Communist bitch for a wife, who took him down that crooked course.


Cathy Hughes want her 15 minutes of fame just like her husband Nigel. He started this 34 against 32 vote NC that makes all educated minds looks like jackasses, as a matter of fact the legal profession don't know to add and count. 

 Mrs. Hughes is also agreeing with Caribj, that" Blackman can't run a country", as she stated it is all over on Facebook, so the  whole wide world knows.


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