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Mingo refusing to use SOPs for total Reg. 4 votes – GECOM Commissioner says

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Commissioner of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Sase Gunraj has reported that the Returning Officer of Region Four, Clairmont Mingo is refusing to present the Statements of Poll (SOPs) to ascertain the total number of votes cast at the March 2 general and regional elections.

The Chief Justice Roxane George on Wednesday ordered the RO to return to the credible and transparent tabulation of ballots in Guyana’s largest voting district, Region 4 following an injunction filed by a private citizen last week.

“The RO, Mingo, is refusing to use or present Statements of Poll to ascertain the total number of votes cast in favor of each contesting party. He is instead attempting to use a spreadsheet, which is a clear breach of the tenets of Sec 84(1) of the Representation of the People Act, Cap 3:01,” PPP nominated GECOM Commissioner Gunraj posted on Facebook from inside the building.

He said the use of his phone is restricted as he accused the RO of “approaching criminal behavior.”

The News Room understands that only one observer from each mission and two-party agents from each political party are allowed inside the GECOM Command Centre on High and Hadfield Street, Georgetown.

Ambassadors from the United States, Canada, and the EU were seen approaching the Command Centre earlier.

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This is exactly what I warned when I was with the AFC. As long as PNC gets power, they will not give up democratically. 

I see worse to come. Expect covert military involvement, if not already. 


This is a bloodless coup. 
PNC ain’t giving up power come hell or high water. 
It wouldn’t be long before the Police and Military are called in to GECOM to “restore” order. 
Claudette Singh is deep in the PNC belly to assist with their master plan. 

Last edited by Former Member

Mingo is under orders. The PNC either will be the government with military help or they will only demonstrate inclusiveness with token Indians and avoid the army full participation. In any case, the PPP is done for.

Granger's role model has been Burnham and Green, and he has an authority to enforce his vision for a Black Guyana. He is willing to endure a blocade. Afroes will grow their own food with pride and feed themselves with pride. Granger will tell dem, dey have their country back.

Indians will have to choose another representations. I believe dem current PPP men and women are Indoes and not Guyanese.

This is a conspiracy to save the country from two crooks, an indian population who fails to see reason against crooks and could for decades continue to foster balkman against cooolies.

The writing was on the wall since 1955. 


@ SEIGNET ,the political turmoil falls on the lap of the the kingmaker , he is no smart ass ,many here said i am a hater. Read some commentary on this post ,some thinks the country will be invaded.

The Caricom heads who visited asked the kingmaker "what's the big deal " apparently he didn't understand what they meant ,went off on a different tangent.



@ SEIGNET ,the political turmoil falls on the lap of the the kingmaker , he is no smart ass ,many here said i am a hater. Read some commentary on this post ,some thinks the country will be invaded. The Caricom heads who visited asked the kingmaker "what's the big deal " apparently he didn't understand what they meant ,went off on a different tangent.

The elephant in the room here is a proper, transparent count per the rules. There are no other big deals


Granger would argue his point to Caricom and the International Community. All world governments is against Corruption and as dayclean, both Jagdeo and Ali has been branded thiefing. Which country would want to give them the country. Indians are some stupidazz ppl siding wid crookishness. 

Even the CJ muss be in on it. Granger gat their support, Black Power. 

Tell me Indian ppl, what really do Indians have in Guyana, no substantial judges and magistrates, not in the army or the police force. Are indians citizens or immigrants with limitations. 

The PPP from since CBJ was only to have power. The core of a nation is to be fully involved.




@alena06You think ABC will invade? Well you have another think coming.

They do not have to invade. Sanctions will cripple our society and sent us back to the middle ages in short order. We do not want such an outcome. It is clear that lacking a fair outcome agreeable to all we are screwed.


Perhaps, Justice (ret’d) Claudette Singh is following an established process to have the actual official written decision by the Honourable Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire to read and always have in her possession for future reference.


BREAKING NEWS! GECOM Chair suspends tabulation of Reg. 4 votes

Mar 12, 2020 News, Source -- https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...tion-of-reg-4-votes/

Chair of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Justice (ret’d) Claudette Singh has suspended the tabulation of votes from the Region 4 district. This suspension has occurred in an effort to clarify the ruling by Chief Justice, Roxane George-Wiltshire.

On Wednesday, the Chief Justice issued an order for the Returning Officer (RO) for District Four, Clairmont Mingo, to return to the legally prescribed procedure for tabulating the votes for region four after she deemed the previously declaration to be unlawful on the grounds that the tabulation used to arrive at it was in breach of the law.

However when the process restarted on Thursday morning, the RO sought out to use a spreadsheet, which was objected to by all political parties, except the APNU+AFC coalition.

Opposition- appointed commissioner, Sase Gunraj, said that, “The RO, Mingo, is refusing to use or present Statements of Poll to ascertain the total number of votes cast in favour of each contesting party. He is instead attempting to use a spreadsheet, which is a clear breach of the tenets of Sec 84(1) of the Representation of the People Act, Cap 3:01.

Notably, the Chief Justice said in her ruling that it is Mingo’s authority to determine the method he will use.


The Caricom heads who visited asked the kingmaker "what's the big deal " apparently he didn't understand what they meant ,went off on a different tangent 

So now you take “ what’s the big deal” to your own interpretation. 

No wonder Guyana is so Fck up . Them say the Boat left India with the left over and from this “left over”, the Best was drop of in Trinidad and Guyana was left with the garbage. 

Unfortunately, I see you hasn’t evolved... as a second generation. 



We are aware transparency is utmost important  for Democracy to prevail. GECOM made up of Political Hacks from both sides . In  early 2000 ,Carter Center and OAS  advised the kingmaker ,gave them a paper to make the Commission independent ,decade plus later ,same old..same old.

Last edited by Django

@Dave ,

Please don't equate Django with what ever left overs you talking about. I know the pedigree of my ancestors ,they were not leftovers. By the way i am 5 th generation on my maternal side. My great great grandfather migrated with his pregnant wife and children.

Last edited by Django

Claudette requested the court order from her captors and they refused to give it to her.   The court does not know her location to give it to her.  Wherever she is being held, she has little communication with the outside world.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

Method for conducting the tabulation of votes for Region 4 must follow the Laws of Guyana and be consistent with the process done for the other nine (9) Regions.

Representation of the People Act, 25th September, 1964, Electoral Law.


@Rochelle I have been trying to tell these folks this for a while.  The CJ made it clear that Mr. Mingo will decide how to do the tabulation.  PPP lawyers have not been honest in telling their supporters the real implications of court rulings.  


DUMMY etal, the Judge also said that he MUST be Transparent, legal and do it in a way so not to have any suspicion of fraud!!!!! Hinglis is OK but English reading AND comprehension is required!!!


since I have your attention. 
a) do you think we should have a total recount of Region 4 

b) in the interest of transparency, do you agree of having the overseas observers witness the recount. 

Just so you know, PPP has extend the olive branch to have any of the 9 Region recount if APNU request, although the statue of limitation has expired. 

Don’t run again from my question. If you do, then you don’t believe in democracy. 


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Guyana is always about race. Look how Lewis and Hinds who people brag are not racist but when push comes to shove, they bunker down with the mostly black PNC. Meanwhile there are Indian GNI posters who hate their race so much that they are willing to support the PNC theft of the recent elections. Which black GNI poster is supporting the PPP. Stand up and be counted. You don’t have to worry that you will outnumber the many Indian posters who hate their race and people from their race.


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