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Bibi Haniffa posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Individuals have the right to keep their weddings in places of their desire.

His other weddings were in Guyana.  There is a reason why this one was in Grenada.

Indeed Bibi Haniffa, indeed.

Perhaps it was held in Grenada to avoid those from Guyana or simply ... the wife rules.


AFC silent on accusations of race-baiting by Trotman



-Ramjattan refused to comment; “write what you want”- Patterson
The leadership of the Alliance For Change (AFC), one of the political parties in the coalition government is mum as accusations of race baiting by its co-founder and Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman surfaced.
Political commentator and ardent supporter of the AFC Freddie Kissoon accused Trotman of allegedly playing the race card during a public meeting in Bartica, Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni), during the lead-up to just-concluded Local Government Elections.

President David Granger
President David Granger


 Kissoon alleges he is in possession of a tape with Trotman appealing to race while campaigning in Region 7.
According to Kissoon, Trotman’s speech was “hate-filled” and it “manifested the cruelties and sadism of old political culture.”Kissoon expressed that Trotman “does not belong to the future of politics in this tragic land and that goose bumps emerged on my body when Trotman went into his demagogic rage of ethnic loyalty.” Kissoon called on AFC to ensure disciplinary actions are taken against Trotman. Kissoon said he submitted a copy of the tape to the party but when contacted on Saturday, AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan refused to comment on the matter.


SEXUAL MOLESTATION ALLEGATION: Manickchand issues lie-detector test challenge to Trotman

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I have noted that in an affidavit to secure injunctive relief against allegations of sexual abuse made by Johnny Welshman, Raphael Trotman, Speaker of the National Assembly, Politician and Attorney-at-Law, has sworn to certain matters claiming that the allegations made against him are politically inspired. I also notice that he has made public statements about events related to the said allegations claiming much the same thing.

I also note that Stabroek News has written its story cleverly in a way that supports the claims being made by Trotman, to wit, that I am involved in some mysterious political plot to drag Trotman down. Their story highlights that I am the sister of Education Minister, Priya Manickchand, and that I was a former PPP GECOM commissioner, all facts, but positioned in such a way to lend credence to the claims made that this is a political plot.
I cannot fail to notice, either, that the propagandists of the AFC have gone to work on social media carrying and peddling the story of my being in some way involved in a political plot and all sorts of their usual nastiness. I have seen Trotman being very generous with offering comments on all and sundry, but he has failed to correct any of these propagandists, so one can only fairly assume they are acting on his behalf and according to his instruction.
I am open to being proven wrong by Raphael publicly correcting his compatriots on all of their misinformation. In fact, I plead with him to so do, so that this sense of crushing disappointment in him that I have could be lifted and I could actually see him as the leader he holds himself out to be.
Please allow me to state clearly for the benefit of the persons who have been contacting me and who are interested in the facts of this matter as far as my involvement is concerned.
I was never RETAINED by Johnny Welshman in the ongoing matter with allegations against Raphael Trotman. I am not retained by him and I do not (present tense) represent Mr. Welshman.
Welshman tried making contact with me on Friday September 19, 2014 in the afternoon by visiting my Chambers. I was out of Chambers at the time he visited. I subsequently returned a telephone call to Welshman, where he disclosed certain information to me. At the time, Welshman spoke with me on Friday, September 19, 2014, he told me he had made a report at the CID.

I never confirmed whether he made a report but I believed it to be true then. And I believed then, that given that a report was made, it would probably become a public matter soon.
I told Johnny Welshman that the proper Attorney-at-Law to address complaints of a criminal nature is the DPP and that he should seek Counsel with the Chambers of the DPP.
Based on certain information offered by Mr. Welshman, I offered to speak with Raphael Trotman to mediate between the parties about a likely “settlement” if it could have been met. I was still not retained by Welshman. However, if having spoken to Raphael Trotman, I felt a settlement could be reached, then I would have considered facilitating that settlement.
I thought it best to have Raphael deal with this matter privately because he has young daughters and I know allegations like the ones being made, can be hurtful to anyone, and particularly young, innocent girls. Further, given what Welshman told me and the manner in which he told me same, I felt that he too would best be served by the route he (Welshman) was proposing, that being a settlement.
I sent Raphael SMS messages regarding Johnny Welshman and he subsequently called me later that night. Raphael and I had one telephone conversation regarding this entire matter. Based on that telephone conversation, I formed the opinion that there was no way I could have assisted further and recused myself from the entire matter.
This information was communicated to Johnny Welshman via telephone. I have not met Johnny Welshman in person to date, save and except when he consulted with me at the Children’s legal aid clinic a few years ago. In fact, I can only assume that Welshman sought me out because the Children’s Legal Aid Clinic had represented him.
If the media or anyone says that I gave Raphael a heads up regarding this matter, that would be accurate. That heads up was in pursuit of what Welshman said he wanted and it may also have allowed Trotman to disclose this information to his family, to prepare them for the serious allegations which were about to hit the media, given that Welshman claimed reports had already been made at other agencies including the Police.
I have chosen not to disclose the content of conversations I had with Johnny Welshman or with Raphael Trotman. Raphael is a colleague of mine and I will still extend to him that courtesy, whilst Welshman’s conversation, I believe, is privileged.
I would have no problems, however, with Raphael disclosing IN FULL, the conversation we had, which to date he has failed to do, even in his affidavit for injunctive relief.
Please let me state clearly. The words, “I am not RETAINED,” which is what I said to the reporters, means that there is no contract between me and Johnny Welshman for me to provide legal services to him.
“I DO NOT REPRESENT JOHNNY WELSHMAN,” which is what I said to the reporters as far as my record indicates, is present tense. At the time I spoke with Gordon Moseley and Stabroek News Reporter ( the only two reporters I gave statements to) which was approximately 11: 30 am on Sunday, 21st September, 2014, I had completely recused myself from the matter because, as stated earlier, I would have only gone forward and possibly become the Attorney-at-Law for Welshman if a settlement was being considered by both parties.
As I could not provide further assistance in the matter, which I determined during and after the telephone conversation with Trotman, I had already recused myself from the matter when I spoke to the reporters and so there was nothing incorrect in that statement.
Further, let me state clearly, I never denied speaking to or contacting Raphael as is the impression created by the SN. I just gave as a response “no further comment” to the question posed by the Stabroek News reporter as to whether I had made contact with Raphael Trotman.
It baffles me that “no further comment” could be considered as a denial. Is that media-speak with which I am unfamiliar or is this just the Stabroek News, in their haste to defend Raphael being creative.

Now, whatever may have been Trotman’s motive for disclosing my text to him, that disclosure only supports what I have said in relation to my involvement in this matter. It clearly shows:
1. that I made contact with him;
2. that I indicated that I could only be useful to Johnny Welshman regarding his allegation if a settlement could be reached and, if not, that I would not be in the matter further; and
3. that I had, and still do have, a deep and abiding concern for the impact of the revelations on his family, particularly his young daughters.

As for my opinion on the matter: I do not know whether Raphael Trotman sexually assaulted Johnny Welshman. If the allegation is false, then Welshman is one sick person and deserves urgent medical attention. BUT, if Welshman is telling the truth or even parts of the truth, doesn’t he deserve the opportunity to be heard fairly without Trotman’s interference and might and the interference of his friends?
Give the justice system an opportunity to work. If it does, Trotman would have his chance to defend himself fully with all the might and considerable resources he enjoys. Stop trying to influence the system by trying to frighten lawyers who may listen to, hear and be willing to mediate for a complainant.
Stop trying to deflect from the allegation of sexual assault/buggery by making up that my involvement was political. Stop trying to take the spotlight off of you by trying to throw me under the bus and making me the issue. Do not deflect from the sex assault allegations. Defend them. Surely there is more in your defence than hanging onto and misusing my surname.
Frankly, for myself, now that I have seen Trotman’s affidavit and the deliberate attempts by his social media and other buddies to sully me, I am left with all sorts of questions in my head.
I would be happy to take a lie detector test as to whether my involvement in this matter was in any way sinister and/or meant to distract from the AFC’s no confidence motion and/or to bring down the Speaker of the House or the AFC and/or in any way politically motivated, inspired, directed or driven if Raphael is also going to take a lie detector test to clear, what he insists is, his good name.
As I do not believe I can add any more to this that would help anyone interested in the truth as far as my involvement is concerned, this will be my last statement on the matter.



alena06 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Individuals have the right to keep their weddings in places of their desire.

His other weddings were in Guyana.  There is a reason why this one was in Grenada.

How many weddings he had?

So this man is a child father for several women ? Looks like the Burger King wants to break Trump's record for several wives.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
alena06 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Individuals have the right to keep their weddings in places of their desire.

His other weddings were in Guyana.  There is a reason why this one was in Grenada.

How many weddings he had?

His daughter from his first wedding is not too far in age from this bride.

Envy and jealousy are incurable diseases. 


Are we expected to believe that suddenly Trotman lost his taste for anti man bamsie and now like women?

Trotman sodomy accuser pickets Parliament


Johnny Welshman, the young man who alleged he was sodomized as a minor by House Speaker Raphael Trotman braved intimidation and a plethora of insults by PNC/APNU supporters yesterday as he staged a picket outside parliament. Despite being prevented from revealing his ordeal by a High Court order obtained by Trotman which the court today reaffirmed, the young Welshman withstood a series of verbal abuse dished out by supporters of the PNC/APNU during the exercise of his democratic right outside Parliament yesterday.


Drugb posted:

Are we expected to believe that suddenly Trotman lost his taste for anti man bamsie and now like women?

Trotman sodomy accuser pickets Parliament


Johnny Welshman, the young man who alleged he was sodomized as a minor by House Speaker Raphael Trotman braved intimidation and a plethora of insults by PNC/APNU supporters yesterday as he staged a picket outside parliament. Despite being prevented from revealing his ordeal by a High Court order obtained by Trotman which the court today reaffirmed, the young Welshman withstood a series of verbal abuse dished out by supporters of the PNC/APNU during the exercise of his democratic right outside Parliament yesterday.


Bibi Haniffa posted:
alena06 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Individuals have the right to keep their weddings in places of their desire.

His other weddings were in Guyana.  There is a reason why this one was in Grenada.

How many weddings he had?

His daughter from his first wedding is not too far in age from this bride.

Looks like Trotwoman is trying to break Trump's record.


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