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@ All on this thread. 

The person on the video that DJ posted had it back to front. He posted the video on his FB page then decided to go later and find out if it was true. Much sense there, I guess!

regardless of whether it was true or not, I, living here prefer to at least know that the rumor or what ever it is is out there, whether it is true or not so that my loved ones, family, friends etc can be told to be cautious. This is not the US or Canada where election violence does not occur. This is Guyana, land of slow fire, more fire, where people got beaten, women raped and people killed during election violence. It is not theoretical or in people’s imagination. DJ can sit in his home safe and sound in the US and hypocritically talk about mischief because of someone posting the video when he fails to recognize that it is better to be safe than sorry, better to err on the side of safety. Yes, there is a real fear out there. See how many business closed yesterday afternoon. Think they liked doing that, that they were creating mischief? No, they were being prudent and realistic.


We have business in GT and around Guyana, I have very close family members from Enmore, Annandale, including LBI and surrounding areas. It was a taxi driver that alerts my family in Enmore, I was on the phone and can hear the sounds in the background. The marchers was passing infront of our home. 
I alert every family via what’s up group chat . I wish I can share that screenshot, but it has my family names.  

They block of the road at golden grove and started the march from Haslinton. 

Further to all of this my cousin is a journalist. 


It seems that some of you object to Dave because he provides information that troubles you. Who the fvck cares what Dave posts when nearly two days after the polls have closed GECOM can’t provide the official results? Y’all should be directing y’all anger at GECOM and not Dave. But y’all ain’t interested in doing that because y’all also looking for ways to deny the majority of the electorate of their choice.


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