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Originally Posted by warrior:

if Romney is elected and he decide to go to war with IRAN we canadians will have to close our border because the AMERICANS will try to make a living here.OBAMA is the best person to run AMERICA right now

Nah, Iran is a tough nut.  Americans want the USA taken care of.  I doubt whether Romney will want to focus outside, unless events overtake for him.  But you never know, Syria could be a big distraction.  We could be heading for a regional conflict which draws in the US.


If things gt bad, I coming up to Canada to live.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:






It will, indeed, be the end of an error---in 2008 Americans took a chance and put a lil pissing tail muslim born Kenyan in the white house---big, big mistake---Hussein turned out to be a grotesque disaster---never again will such an egregious mistake be made by the American people. Time for a genuine leader, a white mormon, to take over the leadership of our great country. That man is Mitt Romney.












Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:






It will, indeed, be the end of an error---in 2008 Americans took a chance and put a lil pissing tail muslim born Kenyan in the white house---big, big mistake---Hussein turned out to be a grotesque disaster---never again will such an egregious mistake be made by the American people. Time for a genuine leader, a white mormon, to take over the leadership of our great country. That man is Mitt Romney.













Rev Bhai


You were right all along. The Obama camp is in disarray. Obama's presidency is a complete failure.


46.2 million on food stamps, that is almost 1.25 times the population of Canada. Obama will go down in history as the food stamp president.


What is the current unemployment rate ?


Where does the national debt stand ?


How many have given up looking for work ?


Can America afford Obama care ?


This presidency is like an out of control computer virus.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


 Rev Bhai You were right all along. The Obama camp is in disarray. Obama's presidency is a complete failure. This presidency is like an out of control computer virus.




The winner of the 2012 election was decided back in 2010---in the mid term election.


Republicans won the popular vote for the House 52-45 back in 2010.


The winning candidate in the 2012 general election will have the same percentage of the vote, or within 1% of it, as his party won in the house popular vote two years before.


ROMNEY 52%----that will win him the electoral college.





Originally Posted by Kari:

Baseman, the question voters will be asked is not whether the economy sucks - everyone knows what was inherited in 2008. The question will be where is Obama taking us and what would Romney have done if he were President, and what ideas he has now.


There are many clues and facts at hand. But to ask whether anyone could have done better has to take a few realities into consideration. I will list some.


  • How can consumers regain $34 trillion of equity wealth destroyed in the 2008 financial meltdown?
  • How can we get homeowners to regain housing values so they can continue their normal path of demand and consumption?
  • How can the American economy be restructured to accommodate a growing entitlement population relative to the productive population?
  • How can the cost of the biggest spending item (outside the military) be reined in (health cost)?

We've seen how the relationship between Congress and Obama has been and you wonder if there a Parliamentary style governance and Obama had his way whether there would have been stimulus now to create jobs and demand and tackle deficits longer term. We know that Romney would have let the auto industry be gone (no private equity to sustain a managed bankruptcy and keep the 1 million jobs and their spending in other sectors of the economy). We know of Romney's plan to let the market squeeze out 30 million insured and put medicare in jeopardy. Those are just two examples.


Other than the economy Romney has the demographic (Hispanic) battle (remember voluntary deportation?) and the likability factor (Obama is wau ahead of him). In 2010 mid-terms you had a historic low turnout of the youth vote (20%). Also Romney will be faced in the debates with serious questions about handling Commander-in-chief stuff and foreign policy. We've seen how he fumbled in the primaries. Then Romney will be asked to justify his social positions on gay marriage, contraception, abortion, etc. It will be a fun Fall debate.


All well and good but what will influence the swing is what's happening in the economy.  Businesses are swayed more about Obamacare as many individuals dont even understand how they are impacted.


Much of that 34 trillion was monopoly money, people counted their wealth by a bubble house price.  I have relatives whose home prices went from 500k to 300k and claim the lost 200k in wealth, but they only paid 140k 12 years ago.  Don't look for home prices to come back to 2007 for at least 15 years.  This is like the Nasdaq crash of 2000.


Medical care costs is a function of too much socialization, regulation, specialization and law suits.  Specialization is out of control as that where the money is.  For every little thing, you are referred to a "specialist" many times who do little more than a GP.  No one cares as someone else pays.  The US has to re-look at their system, but the lobbyist will swing into gear.  Romney and Ron Paul has the practical ideas here.


Likability, well nice but it don't pay the bills.


Regarding the Congress and Obama, well it's also part of his making.  He did no play ball like Clinton did.  Obama operated like the PPP and PNC operate in Guyana.  Americans want leadership not brinkmanship.


In the end, the minutia will not matter, and the buck stop with the president.  Many of us are still in the perennial generation-long excuse making mindset like we have grown accustomed to in Guyana.  Fortunately, that mindset is not pervasive here.


majority republicans are evangelical yet, they voted Mitt to get Obama out of office. Religion and Race is not really a big issue with liberals since they look at the bigger picture however , many are very upset with Obama. Yet, more and more americans on all sides of the political camps fear religious interference in the white house as we saw with GWB. At the moment both Romney and Obama own a 48% approval rating bouying once in a while to Obama with maybe a 1-2% advantage however , bottom line, employment will be the determing factor. American voters are not the same as pre-Nixon. They have become shallow and empty.


It will come down to who has (a) the better ideas, (b) can Obama get the Hispanics interested more than Romney take back some whites Obama picked up in 2008; (c) how people feel about their chances in the coming 4 years (outside of each candidate's posturing). The latter is important as I believe America's voting pattern has changed in the sense that they will allow events outside of the President in their calculus. How much so, will help Obama as they know where the economy came from and what he's trying to do.

Originally Posted by Kari:

It will come down to who has (a) the better ideas, (b) can Obama get the Hispanics interested more than Romney take back some whites Obama picked up in 2008; (c) how people feel about their chances in the coming 4 years (outside of each candidate's posturing). The latter is important as I believe America's voting pattern has changed in the sense that they will allow events outside of the President in their calculus. How much so, will help Obama as they know where the economy came from and what he's trying to do.

Trying is one thing, getting things done is another.  In the end, results is what matters.

Originally Posted by baseman:

All well and good but what will influence the swing is what's happening in the economy.  Businesses are swayed more about Obamacare as many individuals dont even understand how they are impacted.


Much of that 34 trillion was monopoly money, people counted their wealth by a bubble house price.  I have relatives whose home prices went from 500k to 300k and claim the lost 200k in wealth, but they only paid 140k 12 years ago.  Don't look for home prices to come back to 2007 for at least 15 years.  This is like the Nasdaq crash of 2000.


Medical care costs is a function of too much socialization, regulation, specialization and law suits.  Specialization is out of control as that where the money is.  For every little thing, you are referred to a "specialist" many times who do little more than a GP.  No one cares as someone else pays.  The US has to re-look at their system, but the lobbyist will swing into gear.  Romney and Ron Paul has the practical ideas here.


Likability, well nice but it don't pay the bills.


Regarding the Congress and Obama, well it's also part of his making.  He did no play ball like Clinton did.  Obama operated like the PPP and PNC operate in Guyana.  Americans want leadership not brinkmanship.


In the end, the minutia will not matter, and the buck stop with the president.  Many of us are still in the perennial generation-long excuse making mindset like we have grown accustomed to in Guyana.  Fortunately, that mindset is not pervasive here.


Baseman, I appreciate your honest response.


I would not subscribe to the notion though that (a) $344 trillion wiped out in 2008 was monopoly money; and (b) that the wealth effect (whether monopoly money or not) is insignificant in spending decisions. The point about this though is to show how aggregate demand dropped off a cliff and how the two parties differ in accepting this. The Dems want to fill the gap and the Republicans want to let the economy shrink and the devil may care after that.


If you had a child who's 23, not yet found a job and is just finishing College, you would be glad for the relief (and it doesn't cost as it is an employee benefit). If you had an uncle with a pre-existing condition you would be glad for that the Insurance companies are not allowed to turn him away. You would be glad too to know that doctors and hospitals are not charging pay for fee but pay for service - that is a certain amount to cure something and not pay each time the doctor or hospital string out useless visits and procedures. You will be happy to know that the $50 billion spent each year on Medicare patients last 4 to 8 months (and at time uselessly) because doctors and hospitals can milk the government, is being addressed. You will also applaud the sensible economic plan (a Republican one at that) to have more healthy people in the pool so that the actuarial values of costs and benefits can be on a sound economic footing. That is, instead of just having old and sick people in the pool, you have healthy and young ones who do not necessary need care who contribute to premiums too. All that is in Obama care Baseman. Understand it before ideology and dislike for a man takes over.


You are sensible enough to know that the use of the filibuster maneuver by this Republican minority Senate has blocked even appointments to important jobs at time that were crucial - like just after taking over and the financial crisis needed high-level Treasury staff denied to Obama. You are sensible enough to know also that Obama and the Republican House Republican majority leader John Boehner HAD a $4 trillion agreement ($3 trillion in cuts in government expenditure and only $1 trillion ion tax revenues - largely on the upper income bracket). Then the TEA party caucus (freshmen and those who never held public or executive office) who all signed allegiance to Grover Norquist and thus pushing allegiance to the Constitution further down, slapped Boehner around. And you know how ambitious Eric Cantor is and boy did he ever use the TEA party people.


I will be glad to let you know that none of my thoughts on politics have anything to do with any perceived Guyana political mindset. And you know what? The buck always stop with the President. Obama embraces that like all American Presidents, but the Congressional House Republicans think the country voted them President in 2008.

Originally Posted by Kari:

It will come down to who has (a) the better ideas,




Obama kool aid drinkers like you will be in a state of shock on November 6th.


Listen up! The American people dont believe Obama any longer---his teleprompter speeches are deemed to be empty and meaningless---they are no longer magical. The majority of Americans are now disgusted by a president they now perceive to have no clue as to how to restart the economy.






Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Kari:

It will come down to who has (a) the better ideas,




Obama kool aid drinkers like you will be in a state of shock on November 6th.


Listen up! The American people dont believe Obama any longer---his teleprompter speeches are deemed to be empty and meaningless---they are no longer magical. The majority of Americans are now disgusted by a president they now perceive to have no clue as to how to restart the economy.







Is that all you got? Go have this conversation with people of your IQ level? I won't waste time with you. This shows how empty you are and bereft of understanding of how the world works. Go play with some crayons.

Originally Posted by Kari:


 Is that all you got? Go have this conversation with people of your IQ level?



I believe you have an undergraduate degree in economics from a glorified high school---one of the CUNY colleges. You karimullah ought not be questioning the IQ of your fellow posters.




Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Kari:


 Is that all you got? Go have this conversation with people of your IQ level?



I believe you have an undergraduate degree in economics from a glorified high school---one of the CUNY colleges. You karimullah ought not be questioning the IQ of your fellow posters.




Nuff Al Yuh Stupid People does go to high paying Universities and does use the same Text CUNY uses, tougher Exams at CUNY thus a far better deal for yuh money. But this is America and to each his own. If yuh gat money to blow, go ahead and blow it. In Guyana, we would call such people STUPIDEE.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Nuff Al Yuh Stupid People does go to high paying Universities and does use the same Text CUNY uses, tougher Exams at CUNY thus a far better deal for yuh money. But this is America and to each his own. If yuh gat money to blow, go ahead and blow it. In Guyana, we would call such people STUPIDEE.


Nehru bhai:


Don't get yourself riled up unnecessarily!


Karimullah likes to take cheap shots at fellow posters--questioning their IQ-- and bragging about his so-called intelligence---the Rev just chose to rattle his false pride and ego.








Mitt Romney now leads President Obama for the first time in Wisconsin where the president's support has fallen to its lowest level to date. 


The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely Voters shows Romney with 47% of the vote to Obama’s 44%. Five percent (5%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Kari:


 Is that all you got? Go have this conversation with people of your IQ level?



I believe you have an undergraduate degree in economics from a glorified high school---one of the CUNY colleges. You karimullah ought not be questioning the IQ of your fellow posters.





This uneducated guy saw my public profile (it's all over all the social media sites) and saw City University, London. He then used the little pea brain of his to think its CUNY. Worse, he then denigrates the Colleges of CUNY (City University of New York) by calling it a glorified high school.


Now Kunumoonoo Rev, for the record I have a BSC (Hons) from City University in 1980. It's an honors program from City University of London, England.


Gwan guh play with some crayons, you little bwoy....

Originally Posted by Kari:

Rev, for the record I have a BSC (Hons) from City University in 1980. It's an honors program from City University of London, England.

City University, London---City University(CUNY system)---same thing---they are both 2nd rate academic institutions. The Rev notices you Guyanese with 2nd rate degrees---undergraduate and graduate---love to parade your 2nd rate intellect.





This is very funny. He is still hoping that the American people are willing to drink more cool aid.

Drive to places like Albany and  Schenectady,  New York and you will suffering beyond comprehension. I am sure that others can add to the list of the most depressed areas which are a direct result of a failed presidency and lack of leadership.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Rev, for the record I have a BSC (Hons) from City University in 1980. It's an honors program from City University of London, England.

City University, London---City University(CUNY system)---same thing---they are both 2nd rate academic institutions. The Rev notices you Guyanese with 2nd rate degrees---undergraduate and graduate---love to parade your 2nd rate intellect.




Tell it like it is Rev. These second grade graduates deserve to reminded as to who they really are .......... Cool Aid drinkers.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

No other American President did more to harm the interests of people of color and American minorities since Reagan than Obama did. I cannot wait to stand outside the Whitehouse and wave him good bye when he gets kicked out of office.

So what did Obama do that was worse than Bush.  Now I am no Obama fan but my problem with him is his inability to FIX the GOP mess.


Please dont sit down and tell me that you think that the USA was in a great place in November 2008 and implementing the same policies, only even more aggressively, will not soon push us back there.


BTW Kari Obama is OUT OF TOUCH with ordinary Americans who care more about $ in their pockets than about wind or solar energy, or his speed rail, which is what Obama cares about.














Rev Bhai


You were right all along. The Obama camp is in disarray. Obama's presidency is a complete failure.


46.2 million on food stamps, that is almost 1.25 times the population of Canada. Obama will go down in history as the food stamp president.


What is the current unemployment rate ?


Where does the national debt stand ?


How many have given up looking for work ?


Can America afford Obama care ?


This presidency is like an out of control computer virus.

And if Bush ran for a third term what would these stats be. Note that the problems stem from an economuc collapse whic h occurred under Bush.


Presidnet Romney is Bush on steroids so we will have instead complete economci meltdown instead of a mere Great Recession.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

The economy is still staggering.





This do-nothing Republican Congress refuses to pass the President's Jobs bill.

Think how silly you look.  You expect the GOP to vote for a bill that might stimulate the economy, guarantee Obama's victory and dash their plans to restructure the USA?


Now why will they do this? Why doesnt Obama have a plan B the way Clinton did against an equally hostile GOP in his second term?


Instead every day he goes and tells the American people how ewak and powerless he is that he can do nothing while his ENEMIES thwart his plans.  Funny that Reagan, Bush and Clinton never seemed as weak even though they presided over divided govt during portions of their time in office. Indeed Obama had a huge advantage over Clinton in that he won with a significant mandate, winning states that the Democracts never thought that they could win.  He squandered it and now whines that the "big kids arent allowing me to play".

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

No other American President did more to harm the interests of people of color and American minorities since Reagan than Obama did. I cannot wait to stand outside the Whitehouse and wave him good bye when he gets kicked out of office.

So what did Obama do that was worse than Bush.  Now I am no Obama fan but my problem with him is his inability to FIX the GOP mess.


Please dont sit down and tell me that you think that the USA was in a great place in November 2008 and implementing the same policies, only even more aggressively, will not soon push us back there.


BTW Kari Obama is OUT OF TOUCH with ordinary Americans who care more about $ in their pockets than about wind or solar energy, or his speed rail, which is what Obama cares about.

I have to agree with you, except the mess was not only a GOP making, the Democrats had a hand in it also.


Obama "is" out of touch, and given the fact that he never actually held a real job, it's easy to understand.  Rather than wasting time and money on wind, solar etc, he should have focused on the underlying economy.  When that gets going, then  focus on alternative energy as a strategic alternative.  Today Obama's chances of re-election is the same as Romney's chances of winning.

Originally Posted by Kari:


Baseman, I appreciate your honest response.


. You will be happy to know that the $50 billion spent each year on Medicare patients last 4 to 8 months (and at time uselessly) because doctors and hospitals can milk the government, is being addressed. You will also applaud the sensible economic plan (a Republican one at that



Kari Obama care has done nothing to deal with the fcat that most Americans who lack acess to healthcare are so impacted because they cant afford health insurance.  It ha s also done nothing to deal with the underlying causes of the high cost of delivering healthcare in the USA.


When the mandates kick in expect to hear squealing. The states cant afford additional UNFUNDED Medicare expenditures to pay for those who qualify for subsidies. Many small business cant afford to insure their employees who in turn cant afford to buy it if they have families.  And by the way more and more health care providers are refusing to accept Medicare/Medicaid patients.  The reimbursements that they receive arent enough to cover their costs.




There are some good things about Obamacare, but it didnt address the biggest problem which is run away health care costs.


Now quit whining about the GOP. They were elected to further an ideological agenda which aimed at making Obama look weak and confused, in order for him tio be booted out and replaced by some one who they can control.  They are doing quite well.  Mostly because Obama thinks that whining and crying will win him sympathy.  What it is instead doing is convincing many moderate Americans that Obama has no clue about how to turn this country around, and is a noce guy who lacks thye ability to head a large and complex organization.  That he is a professor who expresses ideals and not a leader who finds ways to implement them.


You do him no service by rushing to his defense when every poll shows his support as being much weaker than it was 3 years ago.


As of now many Americans are coming to the conclsuion that we have to weak and flawed candidates so will be willing to take the risk of getting a new guy to do what the existing one seems unable to, anmd that is revitalizaing the economy. That being the ONLY thing that matters, not attempts to race bait by implying that Romney is a member of a racist church.  Obama has done little for blacks and his administration is teh WHITEST that we have seen for a you gain nothing by waving that flag.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

No other American President did more to harm the interests of people of color and American minorities since Reagan than Obama did. I cannot wait to stand outside the Whitehouse and wave him good bye when he gets kicked out of office.

So what did Obama do that was worse than Bush.  Now I am no Obama fan but my problem with him is his inability to FIX the GOP mess.


Please dont sit down and tell me that you think that the USA was in a great place in November 2008 and implementing the same policies, only even more aggressively, will not soon push us back there.


BTW Kari Obama is OUT OF TOUCH with ordinary Americans who care more about $ in their pockets than about wind or solar energy, or his speed rail, which is what Obama cares about.

I have to agree with you, except the mess was not only a GOP making, the Democrats had a hand in it also.


Obama "is" out of touch, and given the fact that he never actually held a real job, it's easy to understand.  Rather than wasting time and money on wind, solar etc, he should have focused on the underlying economy.  When that gets going, then  focus on alternative energy as a strategic alternative.  Today Obama's chances of re-election is the same as Romney's chances of winning.

I agree with you. Deregulation of the financial sector ACCELERATED under Clinton and the lies of Schumer, Dodd and Frank were loud in attempts to regulate derivatives.  They all drank from the cup of Wall Street donations.


Obama I suspect will be like Carter. More respected for what he will do AFTER his one term than what he does today.  Neither have the politicdal skills to be president.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
actually can count black folks at the republican convention. Besides him and Herman Cain plus a couple of Indians there is a severe lack of color on the other side. They do not seem to care since they do not campaign in minority districts and are instrumental in every strategy to put up roadblocks to minority voting.

It might shock you to know how many blacks are leaving the Democratic party, disgusted with being taken for granted.  At GOP annual state dinners in NY up to 20% of those attending are blacks.  If Romney wins expect even more.


Obama daily shows his disdain for balcks. In fact when he talks about minorities its about women and Hispanics.  This is being noted by many.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Kari:


 Is that all you got? Go have this conversation with people of your IQ level?



I believe you have an undergraduate degree in economics from a glorified high school---one of the CUNY colleges. You karimullah ought not be questioning the IQ of your fellow posters.




Nuff Al Yuh Stupid People does go to high paying Universities and does use the same Text CUNY uses, tougher Exams at CUNY thus a far better deal for yuh money. But this is America and to each his own. If yuh gat money to blow, go ahead and blow it. In Guyana, we would call such people STUPIDEE.



Pavi me and you agree on something. Hunter, Brooklyn College and City College are way up there with the so-called Ivy schools. Students who did not get financial aid from the Ivy and elite private colleges usually prefer to go to CUNY. These three along with Queens College are very competitive now to get in. When you adjust for value they are very high up in ranking. And the CUNY Graduate Center now has the BEST health economics program in the US. Rev Al would is not too discerning to know these things. I personally will never send my son to an Ivy if he gets zero financial aid. My niece went to UPenn and paid thousands. She is now a young doctor. But her sister who went to a state school is now down the same road much less. BTW, Pavi New College pip you guys at CUNY by a few places .

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I have to stand up for this GREAT University we have here in NYC. Mayor Koch, Cuomo, Hershfeld, Colin Powell and many more like them attended CUNY FREE, YES FREE and look what they become.



Add to that several Nobel Prize winners and many many very successful CEOs from Baruch. It is very good education for almost free if you have high SAT and are a city resident.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I have to stand up for this GREAT University we have here in NYC. Mayor Koch, Cuomo, Hershfeld, Colin Powell and many more like them attended CUNY FREE, YES FREE and look what they become.



Add to that several Nobel Prize winners and many many very successful CEOs from Baruch. It is very good education for almost free if you have high SAT and are a city resident.

My question to you will be how many RECENT CEOs come from Baruch.. Whether they deserve it or not Ivy grads are seen as being brighter and often have a broader network to draw on.  They are also more adept at the language of "power" as their training is to be leaders andnot technicians who do as they are told.


Obama wouldnt have been as successful as he has been w/o that Harvard law degree.  It "whitens" him in the eyes of many that wouldnt have happened if he had a law degree from CUNY.


I do agree that it is pure folly to go to an Ivy grad school without substantial financial aid and it makes no sense to do Ivy undergrad unless the school is paying for it...though I will warn you that a non Ivy will need stronger GPA performance to get into a good grad school than one from an Ivy undergrad.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I have to stand up for this GREAT University we have here in NYC. Mayor Koch, Cuomo, Hershfeld, Colin Powell and many more like them attended CUNY FREE, YES FREE and look what they become.



Add to that several Nobel Prize winners and many many very successful CEOs from Baruch. It is very good education for almost free if you have high SAT and are a city resident.

My question to you will be how many RECENT CEOs come from Baruch.. Whether they deserve it or not Ivy grads are seen as being brighter and often have a broader network to draw on.  They are also more adept at the language of "power" as their training is to be leaders andnot technicians who do as they are told.


Obama wouldnt have been as successful as he has been w/o that Harvard law degree.  It "whitens" him in the eyes of many that wouldnt have happened if he had a law degree from CUNY.


I do agree that it is pure folly to go to an Ivy grad school without substantial financial aid and it makes no sense to do Ivy undergrad unless the school is paying for it...though I will warn you that a non Ivy will need stronger GPA performance to get into a good grad school than one from an Ivy undergrad.



The only advantage the Ivy has is the network it provides after graduation. Harvard and these places are meant for promoting clubs. There is no difference between a bright CUNY vs Harvard student...this is well known among educators. Human resource managers are taking note. Economists have done studies that show that the lifetime income differential adjusting for debt is not significant.


Bobby Jindal on Obama



It is of course well understood by now that I’m not a fan of the Obama Administration. Let me take just a moment to be very clear on why this is. The Obama Administration is the nexus of Liberalism and Incompetenceâ€Ķand this is a deadly combination.


The liberalism part is widely understood and easily documented. After running a clever campaign in 2008 where he positioned himself as a centrist, President Obama has been the most liberal president since Jimmy Carter. He jammed through a government takeover of health care that has never enjoyed the support of a majority of Americans, not on even one single day. It is bad policy and it is unpopular and he jammed it through anyway. It cost the Democrats control of the House, but President Obama considers that a small price to pay.


This Administration lurches America every day toward a model of government that is patterned after European style socialist policies. Here’s the real problem – I suspect that many in the Obama Administration don’t really believe in private enterprise. At best, they see business as something to be endured so that it can provide tax money for government programs.

Indeed, the President had to quickly retract his recent comment that the private sector was doing fine, despite lagging economic growth, stagnant wages and continued record high unemployment rates. The problem is that the private sector is so foreign to our President that he would need a passport to go there and a translator to understand what is happening.


We scoff at the notion of redistribution of wealth as if it is a nutty and discredited socialist notion. But that’s not the way they see it. They see “redistribution of wealth” as a pejorative term for exactly what they believe in. They of course don’t call it “redistribution of wealth,” they call it “taking care of people,” they call it “progress,” they call it “government.”

While the liberalism of the Obama Administration is widely understood, the incompetence of it remains a bit of an untold story. A few weeks back, I made the comment that prior to being President, Obama had never run anything, that in fact he had never even run a lemonade stand. That’s a fun line, and folks were entertained by it. But, here’s the problem: it’s not a joke, it’s the truth.


We put a guy in the White House who has no experience running anything. In that sense, the joke’s on us. But again, it’s not a joke. America simply cannot afford another four years of on-the-job training. There may have been times in our country’s history where having an untested leader in the White House would have been fine, but this is certainly not one of those times. Yes, President Obama needs to go because his liberal policies are wrong and bad for America. But it’s worse than that; it’s basic incompetence. He is also the most incompetent president since Jimmy Carter.


Politicians are like the boy who cried wolf; they always say the sky is falling, a wolf is coming, the end is near, etc. It’s been said so much that people don’t believe it. But the truth is that America is the proverbial frog in the pot, it’s coming to a boil, but we think it’s cozy and relaxing. This time, however, the sky IS falling, and the wolf of debt and bankruptcy really IS at the door. We simply have to win this election.


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