I'm curious to hear what this Obama mid-east doctrine is. Please help a brother here. I'm all ears.
Hey Kari, how about Egypt, we threw long-time friend Mubarak under the bus, the Islamist takes over, the Military intervened and all the Mubarak henchmen and back in power. Obama was naive to the regional power play, as Bush was naive to the limits of military power. Leading from the back without a clear conviction is as dangerous as bamboozling your way through. He stirred up the Syrian Sunni's to rise up and could do nothing but watch a civil conflagration just as Bush Sr spurred the Shias in Iraq in 1991. You see Kari, Bush Jr was not that bad after all.
Obama is using US power no different than Bush did and he is realizing an unclenched fist is not as welcomed without something to offer.
Yes, tell me his doctrine, unclench your fist, throw friends and foes alike under the bus, pounce on Al Qaeda, but mum of the Israeli settlement and the Palestinian right to self determination. It's an unbalanced equation and Obama fell for it just as Bush did. So far, have you noticed, the Arabs and Muslim nations have been on the receiving end of Obama's "doctrine" of reconciliation. The Israelis are in full control.