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Originally Posted by Kari:

I'm curious to hear what this Obama mid-east doctrine is. Please help a brother here. I'm all ears.

Hey Kari, how about Egypt, we threw long-time friend Mubarak under the bus, the Islamist takes over, the Military intervened and all the Mubarak henchmen and back in power.  Obama was naive to the regional power play, as Bush was naive to the limits of military power.  Leading from the back without a clear conviction is as dangerous as bamboozling your way through.  He stirred up the Syrian Sunni's to rise up and could do nothing but watch a civil conflagration just as Bush Sr spurred the Shias in Iraq in 1991.  You see Kari, Bush Jr was not that bad after all.


Obama is using US power no different than Bush did and he is realizing an unclenched fist is not as welcomed without something to offer.


Yes, tell me his doctrine, unclench your fist, throw friends and foes alike under the bus, pounce on Al Qaeda, but mum of the Israeli settlement and the Palestinian right to self determination.  It's an unbalanced equation and Obama fell for it just as Bush did.  So far, have you noticed, the Arabs and Muslim nations have been on the receiving end of Obama's "doctrine" of reconciliation.  The Israelis are in full control.

Obama is the first (and last) black man to the white house. I voted for the man but people claim he is toothless because of congress. Nothing has changed under his rule. If anything, life has gotten harder. Maybe he is unlucky to be there in this time of economic crisis, but maybe now is the time to differentiate between reality and fantasy. The fairy tale is over. On the other hand, Rommey is a bigot and racist, a true Republican. I have faith in neither. Frankly, I believe the great US is dying a slow death.
Originally Posted by TI:
Obama is the first (and last) black man to the white house. I voted for the man but people claim he is toothless because of congress. Nothing has changed under his rule. If anything, life has gotten harder. Maybe he is unlucky to be there in this time of economic crisis, but maybe now is the time to differentiate between reality and fantasy. The fairy tale is over. On the other hand, Rommey is a bigot and racist, a true Republican. I have faith in neither. Frankly, I believe the great US is dying a slow death. say he's toothless because of Congress. Understand this - when a President does not get Bills from Congress that goes with his legislative agenda (for example Obama's DREAM Act for immigration or the closing of Guantanamo) he goes to the people and the mid-terms or re-election changes the dynamic of Congress. In his first two terms Obama has a Democratic majority in the House of Representatives and 59 seats in the Senate. In the 2nd term the people elected over 40 Republican Freshmen under the TEA Party banner, most of whom never held elective office before, and mostly because of the debate over Health Care.


Look at the Senate. It took Al Franken of Minnesota over 6 months to get his seat, after a recount procedure and other challenges. Ted Kennedy was away most of the time because of sickness and couldn't vote. Joe Leiberman basically caucussed with the GOP as an Independent (remember he was defeated in the Connecticut Democratic Primary). Now with less than 60 votes the GOP used a rarely-use procedure called the filibuster to make Democratic Bills passed in the House of Representatives go away.


Since John Boehner became the Speaker in 2010 you know what the deal was. Obama will be put in jail if he takes a gun to Boehner's head. Ditto for him doing so with Mitch McConnel in the Senate.


When Obama uses his Presidential powers, guess what? Congressional reprimand and contempt proceedings,  and challenges in the Supreme Court. Tell me when a US President was bushwacked like Obama. You got a Congressman in the State of the Union shout "you lie"- unprecedented. You got this looney guy from one of Fox News host website hollering at Obama in a Press Conference before question time. You got an explicit "we'll make him a one-term President".


I can go on and on to show why statements like yours on Obama being a whining ***** is just sheer baloney.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

I'm curious to hear what this Obama mid-east doctrine is. Please help a brother here. I'm all ears.

Hey Kari, how about Egypt, we threw long-time friend Mubarak under the bus, the Islamist takes over, the Military intervened and all the Mubarak henchmen and back in power.  Obama was naive to the regional power play, as Bush was naive to the limits of military power.  Leading from the back without a clear conviction is as dangerous as bamboozling your way through.  He stirred up the Syrian Sunni's to rise up and could do nothing but watch a civil conflagration just as Bush Sr spurred the Shias in Iraq in 1991.  You see Kari, Bush Jr was not that bad after all.


Obama is using US power no different than Bush did and he is realizing an unclenched fist is not as welcomed without something to offer.


Yes, tell me his doctrine, unclench your fist, throw friends and foes alike under the bus, pounce on Al Qaeda, but mum of the Israeli settlement and the Palestinian right to self determination.  It's an unbalanced equation and Obama fell for it just as Bush did.  So far, have you noticed, the Arabs and Muslim nations have been on the receiving end of Obama's "doctrine" of reconciliation.  The Israelis are in full control. to like like you're an adult.


Be specific about what "leading from behind is".


Tell me what you mean by throwing long-time friend Mubarak under the bus.


What do you mean by "regional power play"?


"He stirred up the Syrian Sunni's to riseup"WTF are you talking about?

"It's an unbalanced equation and Obama fell for it just as Bush did." Do you ever listen to yourself talk?


When that Tunisian street vendor set himself on fire in the Spring of 2010 (the famed "Arab Spring"), no politician outside of the Arab countries were involved. This was an expression of being fed up with over 40 years of crushing elitist rule by minority Arab leaders over the population. In Tunisia it was corruption and lack of economic opportunities. Obama helped by letting the Arab people there know he wants their leader to go. In Egypt a corrupt military dictator for 40 years or so was being asked by his own people to leave. There was the military in Egypt who held the balance of power and whom the US had influence. Obama helped Mubarak on his way and prevented a bloodshed and you say he threw Mubarak under the bus? Do you know the schisms in the Muslin Brotherhood enough to proclaim some hideous governance by the Muslim Brotherhood? Or you're farting through your mouth? Know this Egyptians wants econ9mic growth, not another war with Israel and both Mubarak (who ensured this) and the Muslim Brotherhood will have this at the back of their mind.

You have no clue as to what's happening in Syria and what caused it. You do not know of geopolitical accommodation with the Russians' only naval base outside Russia. Yet Obama wants to ease them ion his camp. Do you know of the Turks' relationship with the Kurds who started the demonstration against Assad? Do you know why Assad tuned on the majority Sunnis.

You should just read and do not comment on the Middle East. You know not what shyte would come out of your mouth.





Not even a miracle will save Odinga Hussein Obambi from being a one term President!

* 97% of blacks will vote for Obama---with a name like Odinga---blacks will line up blindly behind their brother---30% of blacks may be unemployed---but Odinga is a brother.


* 100% of muslims will vote for Hussein---muslim brotherhood---they are happy to see Hussein destroy America.


* 67% of hispanics will vote for Obama---they still believe his immigration lies---what a gullible people.




Hopefully the Republicans will put a stop to these people coming to predominantly white America.




They will not be duped by the muslim born Kenyan tyrant Odinga Hussein Obambi  in 2012.







Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

I'm curious to hear what this Obama mid-east doctrine is. Please help a brother here. I'm all ears.

Hey Kari, how about Egypt, we threw long-time friend Mubarak under the bus, the Islamist takes over, the Military intervened and all the Mubarak henchmen and back in power.  Obama was naive to the regional power play, as Bush was naive to the limits of military power.  Leading from the back without a clear conviction is as dangerous as bamboozling your way through.  He stirred up the Syrian Sunni's to rise up and could do nothing but watch a civil conflagration just as Bush Sr spurred the Shias in Iraq in 1991.  You see Kari, Bush Jr was not that bad after all.


Obama is using US power no different than Bush did and he is realizing an unclenched fist is not as welcomed without something to offer.


Yes, tell me his doctrine, unclench your fist, throw friends and foes alike under the bus, pounce on Al Qaeda, but mum of the Israeli settlement and the Palestinian right to self determination.  It's an unbalanced equation and Obama fell for it just as Bush did.  So far, have you noticed, the Arabs and Muslim nations have been on the receiving end of Obama's "doctrine" of reconciliation.  The Israelis are in full control. to like like you're an adult.


Be specific about what "leading from behind is".


Tell me what you mean by throwing long-time friend Mubarak under the bus.


What do you mean by "regional power play"?


"He stirred up the Syrian Sunni's to riseup"WTF are you talking about?

"It's an unbalanced equation and Obama fell for it just as Bush did." Do you ever listen to yourself talk?


When that Tunisian street vendor set himself on fire in the Spring of 2010 (the famed "Arab Spring"), no politician outside of the Arab countries were involved. This was an expression of being fed up with over 40 years of crushing elitist rule by minority Arab leaders over the population. In Tunisia it was corruption and lack of economic opportunities. Obama helped by letting the Arab people there know he wants their leader to go. In Egypt a corrupt military dictator for 40 years or so was being asked by his own people to leave. There was the military in Egypt who held the balance of power and whom the US had influence. Obama helped Mubarak on his way and prevented a bloodshed and you say he threw Mubarak under the bus? Do you know the schisms in the Muslin Brotherhood enough to proclaim some hideous governance by the Muslim Brotherhood? Or you're farting through your mouth? Know this Egyptians wants econ9mic growth, not another war with Israel and both Mubarak (who ensured this) and the Muslim Brotherhood will have this at the back of their mind.

You have no clue as to what's happening in Syria and what caused it. You do not know of geopolitical accommodation with the Russians' only naval base outside Russia. Yet Obama wants to ease them ion his camp. Do you know of the Turks' relationship with the Kurds who started the demonstration against Assad? Do you know why Assad tuned on the majority Sunnis.

You should just read and do not comment on the Middle East. You know not what shyte would come out of your mouth.

Ok Mr Know it all, where are Palestinian rights today.  You talk pure sh1t Kari, pure sh1t.  Yes, I know what I'm saying.  But as expected, you get into minutia and never see the "product" delivered.  You are sold on everything Obama so you will go through contortions to make anything and everything fit with your logic.  Now, go run on with your "runnings".


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