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Former Member

Read this:


Money allows you the choices to do what you want, when you want, wherever you want, so that you can live on your own terms.  It also gives you one of the most important aspects of a world class life---FREEDOM.




* The quote above points out that Money alone is not enough to make you live a world class life---it is just one of the aspects of a world class life.


* Arrite! This thread is about money and living a world class life---let's see where it goes.



Replies sorted oldest to newest




* For those of you who believe in God, if you want to know what God thinks about money, take a look at the people who have been blessed with money making skills.




* How many of those people would you change places with ? Would you change your life for their life ?


* Absolutely not!






* There are over 2000 billionaires on planet earth. How many of those billionaires do you believe live a world class life ?


* You'd be surprised how many billionaires are trapped by their net worth and live miserable, unhappy lives.



* You all recognize Ted Turner---he is the billionaire founder of CNN.


* Ted was once married to Jane Fonda.


* Anyway, Jane divorced his ass and billionaire Ted came close to committing suicide.


* You see, Money alone is not sufficient to live an exceptional, world class life.


* How many of you are now asking what are the necessary ingredients of a world class life ?





* Good to know you are curious.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:


* How many of you are now asking what are the necessary ingredients of a world class life ?


* That's why you click on a Rev's thread. You become



Rev, your confidence can by cocky at times

Suh enlighten us nah? What are those ingredients?

We're all ears - me and the 200+ guests on GNI


* Arrite! I have to go out and perform some important duties. 


* If anyone cares to add to this thread feel free to do so.


* Miraver is curious to know what constitutes an exceptional, world class life, a life with no regrets.


* Maybe Mira can share her personal experiences with us---she seems to be living a life with no regrets.


* Will be back later.



Originally Posted by Rev:

* Lemme make sure I weed out all the folks who have negative comments about money.




* Arrite! So only posters who have respect for money and the power of money will post on this thread.








Having Wealth and balancing it with a spiritual component is important for me and my family.


My children seem to think a lot differently that I do.


I usually perform an annual Dival ceremony at home with my family. At the conclusion I asked my children to make a request from Laxmi (goddess of wealth).


They later revealed that they requested an abundance of wealth so that they can advance their spiritual lives. They see money as the stepping stone to their spiritual lives !


I had a good laugh and told them that will prosper since they have a positive attitude towards wealth.


Money is very very important and balancing it with a spiritual component works best for me.


I like your thread, it is always a treat to read them.



Last edited by Former Member

Arrite! Just got back from dinner! I think my wife is becoming a Pescetarian-----that's a big word for somebody who is nuts about their figure and feasts on seafood and veggies---I think that's what it is----anyway, I'm a meat guy---but she's getting me to like fish and seafood.



* I still wish I could have  dhall and rice and coconut choka. Maybe when I visit Guyana next year.



Last edited by Former Member

OK! There was a big article on Billy Joel in both the New York Post and NY Daily News today---he has written a TELL ALL book---see link below.



HERE IS WHAT BILLY HAD TO SAY ABOUT MONEY---he has been married and divorced 3 times.


"You can have all the money in the world, you can have mansions, you can have properties, you can have yachts, you can have limousines, you can have motorcycles, but without love, it doesn't mean a goddamn thing." Billy Joel


* Billy is right---lots of people have money but live shitty lives----it takes more than money to live an exceptional, world class life, a life with no regrets.





Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The love of money is the root of all evil.




* You are absolutely correct---"it is the love of money that is the root of all evil.


* Mark Twain also said, "the lack of money is the root of all evil."


* But go back and read the quote in the lead post gilly:


Money allows you the choices to do what you want, when you want, wherever you want, so that you can live on your own terms.  It also gives you one of the most important aspects of a world class life---FREEDOM.


* Read and comprehend that comment Gilbakka.


* By the way,  this is not a rich man thread---this is a thread that gets people thinking.


* Listen! Money is extremely important---it makes the world go around---and like that quote says above, "it gives you one of the most important aspects of a world class life---FREEDOM.



Originally Posted by yuji22:


 Having Wealth and balancing it with a spiritual component is important for me and my family. My children seem to think a lot differently that I do.



yuji Bhai:


* As usual you have dropped some serious wisdom with post above. Threads become interesting when posters like you choose to post intelligently. On the other hand, threads deteriorate into a mess when posters choose to be sarcastic and silly.


* Your comment about balancing wealth with a spiritual component is rather profound.


* You comment reminds me of a book I read years ago by Rabbi Menachem Schneerson. Here it is:



* In his introduction Rabbi Schneerson wrote this:


No matter how accomplished we may be, no matter how happy or wealthy or talented, at some point we all find ourselves seeking a deeper meaning in life.


* Rabbi Schneerson went on to make the point you made yuji---the key to a meaningful life is having a balance between materialism and spirituality.



Originally Posted by Chameli:

Rev, it is my opinion that everyone has at least one tiny regret...i know i have a few...i am's life

i would give up all i have  to be loved again by my B...i would live in a vinegar jug if it is living with him (our first place together was a bachelor apt ) was small yet filled with lots of love and happiness 


My dear chameli:


* You notice how the Rev brings out the best in his fellow posters.LOL


* Arrite! Arrite! Arrite! My ego is getting carried away---the Rev has his flaws too. No man is perfect or infallible---we all have our flaws.


* But seriously chams, you brought up the subject of "regrets."


* Here is the Rev's take.


* When it comes to regrets, at the end of our lives the only regrets we must have are the chances we did not take.


* Other than that, we should never harbor any regrets. We must never look back. Regret is a waste of oxygen, a waste of energy, a waste of time.


* Can human beings gain anything from regrets or build anything from regrets ? Absolutely not! Regrets are only good for wallowing in.




* Sweet and touching!


* You are obviously a "once in a lifetime kind of woman" chams and Big B was the one who captured your heart, soul and every other being in you.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Honor before money.


The love of money is the root of all evil.


Gilbakka is contented with his little pocketbook, and his books.


Just my two cents to this rich man's thread.




Nothing is wrong in living humble lifestyle but money is very important in living a lavish lifestyle. To each his own.


Love and spirituality are two independent components which can be combined with money that can also lead to a happy life.


I can assure you that I will one day walk away from the financial component of my life and live a very humble lifestyle. 

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The love of money is the root of all evil.




* You are absolutely correct---"it is the love of money that is the root of all evil.


* Mark Twain also said, "the lack of money is the root of all evil."


* But go back and read the quote in the lead post gilly:


Money allows you the choices to do what you want, when you want, wherever you want, so that you can live on your own terms.  It also gives you one of the most important aspects of a world class life---FREEDOM.


* Read and comprehend that comment Gilbakka.


* By the way,  this is not a rich man thread---this is a thread that gets people thinking.


* Listen! Money is extremely important---it makes the world go around---and like that quote says above, "it gives you one of the most important aspects of a world class life---FREEDOM.



Okay, Rev, let's continue this interesting discussion. I read and understand your viewpoint but I don't have to agree. FREEDOM means different things to different people.

A rich man is free to go as far as his money takes him, to buy as much as his money permits, etc. However, he is not FREE from these things, his mind is fettered to them and he often worries if he will lose them through theft, fire, stock market crash, etc.

A poor man like Gilbakka is FREE from those worries. He has other values to enrich his life.

One more thing, I have attended a good number of funerals of both moneyed people and poor people. In all instances the dead lay in a box, cheap or expensive but a box. Never did I see a rich man enjoying the FREEDOM to carry his mansion, limousine, toys or cash with him in that box.



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The love of money is the root of all evil.




* You are absolutely correct---"it is the love of money that is the root of all evil.


* Mark Twain also said, "the lack of money is the root of all evil."


* But go back and read the quote in the lead post gilly:


Money allows you the choices to do what you want, when you want, wherever you want, so that you can live on your own terms.  It also gives you one of the most important aspects of a world class life---FREEDOM.


* Read and comprehend that comment Gilbakka.


* By the way,  this is not a rich man thread---this is a thread that gets people thinking.


* Listen! Money is extremely important---it makes the world go around---and like that quote says above, "it gives you one of the most important aspects of a world class life---FREEDOM.



Okay, Rev, let's continue this interesting discussion. I read and understand your viewpoint but I don't have to agree. FREEDOM means different things to different people.

A rich man is free to go as far as his money takes him, to buy as much as his money permits, etc. However, he is not FREE from these things, his mind is fettered to them and he often worries if he will lose them through theft, fire, stock market crash, etc.

A poor man like Gilbakka is FREE from those worries. He has other values to enrich his life.

One more thing, I have attended a good number of funerals of both moneyed people and poor people. In all instances the dead lay in a box, cheap or expensive but a box. Never did I see a rich man enjoying the FREEDOM to carry his mansion, limousine, toys or cash with him in that box.



A rich man is always obsessed about how to accumulate more riches; probably never gets a good night's rest.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

A poor man like Gilbakka is FREE from those worries. He has other values to enrich his life.




* There is an old saying I know you would agree with 100%


The poorest man is he whose only wealth is money.


* I know both of us agree with this:



* But gilbakka, in this thread we'll eventually get around to discussing what it means to live an exceptional, world class life, a life with no regrets.


* Listen! Money facilitates FREEDOM, which is one of the aspects of living a world class life, but there much more to living a world class life than freedom.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

A poor man like Gilbakka is FREE from those worries. He has other values to enrich his life.




* There is an old saying I know you would agree with 100%


The poorest man is he whose only wealth is money.


* I know both of us agree with this:








People who live an exceptional,  world class life, a life with no regrets enjoy:




* It is a fact that our outer world, who we are and the quality of our life, is 100% determined by our inner world.


* Our inner world consists of peace of mind, the quality of our thinking, and living authentically.


* People who don't have peace of mind,  people whose thinking is warped and confused, people who live fake lives, such people can never enjoy a world class life.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:

People who live an exceptional,  world class life, a life with no regrets enjoy:




* It is a fact that our outer world, who we are and the quality of our life, is 100% determined by our inner world.


* Our inner world consists of peace of mind, the quality of our thinking, and living authentically.



Rev, I don't believe that rich folks have an inner world.


Another element of living a world class life is





* You can make all the billions in the world, but if you short change your family you will never live a world class life.


*Having loved ones around you, and being able to see your family whenever you choose, is a crucial part of success.


* The greatest support system in the world is good family and friends. You can't be careless here, you need great relationships and those who make you better.


* Remember, you can't change your family, and trying to do so will cause you endless stress and frustration. Love them and appreciate them for who they are.


* Anyone still reading this thread or is this stuff boring the hell out of you ?



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:

Another element of living a world class life is





* You can make all the billions in the world, but if you short change your family you will never live a world class life.


*Having loved ones around you, and being able to see your family whenever you choose, is a crucial part of success.


* The greatest support system in the world is good family and friends. You can't be careless here, you need great relationships and those who make you better.


* Remember, you can't change your family, and trying to do so will cause you endless stress and frustration. Love them and appreciate them for who they are.


* Anyone still reading this thread or is this stuff boring the hell out of you ?



get a life fool


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