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The PPP plans to build over 10,000 houses annually.

Other ventures:

Invest in support infrastructure in existing and new housing schemes. ● Reverse VAT on building materials.

● Facilitate affordable financing for homeownership. ● P

Promote homeownership, particularly among youths and young professionals through tax and other incentives.

● Promote partnerships and incentivize private sector involvement in the sector.


We are moving the country forward.

@Mitwah posted:

This is good news. We should not forget that after 23 years the PPP had given us Plastic City.

Plastic City residents cry out for housing relief - Stabroek News

Well the PNC didn’t jump on these low hanging fruits to show the people the cared. These are the missed opportunities for the PNC. Instead they got carried away with the good life and forgot the people. 

Now meh hear dem rocking and shaking with coolie people in Berbice!  Dem behind the 8 ball.

@Former Member posted:

Well the PNC didn’t jump on these low hanging fruits to show the people the cared. These are the missed opportunities for the PNC. Instead they got carried away with the good life and forgot the people. 

Now meh hear dem rocking and shaking with coolie people in Berbice!  Dem behind the 8 ball.

Yuh full of fraaf. What is your foundation doing with all that money you collected? You gat no shame referring to the poor as low hanging fruit.

Take a look in the mirror.


O rass Mitwah took over Moses role as AFC PNC bottle washer. 

Mitwah, please clean up those snake oil bottles while you're at it.  Granger is going out to bring out his slop can too, clean it carefully. 

Ow bai, look what Moses and Ramjattan's pitch forks did to you. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

O rass Mitwah took over Moses role as AFC PNC bottle washer. 

Mitwah, please clean up those snake oil bottles while you're at it.  Granger is going out to bring out his slop can too, clean it carefully. 

Ow bai, look what Moses and Ramjattan's pitch forks did to you. 

Because yuh mouth like a batty, yuh talking shit. 


These are some more projects that the PPP will be obligated to complete:

Expand main roads and other essential infrastructure to accommodate growth in population and traffic.

● Improve community roads and implement an Urban Improvement Programme in Georgetown and other urban areas.

● Provide better drainage to prevent flooding in our communities.

● Enhance drainage and irrigation systems to improve agricultural productivity and community health and welfare.

● Provide significant support from Central Government for garbage collection in our communities.

● Ensure regular maintenance of outfall channels and sluices and procure suitable dredging equipment for each affected region.

● Build a bypass road with connections to Mocha, Eccles and the Demerara Harbour Bridge.

● Build and maintain 2000 miles of hinterland roads.

● Maintain hinterland airstrips and develop Lethem to an international port of entry status.




Imagine how developed Guyana would have been and how many Guyanese would have already had decent housing if the AFC did not sabotage the PPP developments when they conspired with the PNC lead APNU since 2011. Nearly 10 years of potential development squandered by the APNU+AFC.

But the PPP is competent so they will ensure upward growth now. 


The people in Guyana are too afraid to say what an ass Ali was as housing minister.  His arrogant behaviour  left many people crying after visiting his office, including seniors. When will he correct his past deeds and apologise to the people ?   

How come so many PPP projects previously failed, including roads that did not last more than six months ? Skeldon, fibre, etc ?  Incompetence or cronyism ?   


Potential Investors Concerned; Norton Astonished; That Housing Minister Has Declared Intention To Refund Monies For House lots.

August 27 ,2020

Former PNCR Parliamentarian and Coalition member, Mr Aubrey Norton today expressed astonishment at the new Housing Minister’s declared intention to not honour hundreds of housing contracts signed with Guyanese citizens under a 50% discount program instituted by the former coalition government.

There has been wide concern that reneging on contractual agreements will mean an inability to trust any future Guyanese government.  Investors, whether they be local or foreign can only now plan on a five year cycle as demographics indicate that populations of supporters for both parties are very close in numbers.  If contracts are not honoured today, who is to say that a victorious coalition in 2020 will decide not to honour agreements signed by the current PPPC government.  This new development contributes a new risk to investing in Guyana.  Diaspora investors have voiced their concern.

In response to the announcement, Aubrey Norton stated, “I am astonished, though not surprised, that the Housing Minister, sworn in on the basis of fraudulent votes, has declared that he will refund monies to persons who paid the 50 percent downpayment for house lots because there is no infrastructure. This position borders on idiocy and is hypocritical.

It should be recalled that the PPPC issued house lots in Farm, Herstelling and other places without water, electricity or proper roads. It was the APNU-AFC government which delivered infrastructural facilities to those areas. It was the APNU-AFC government which strived to ensure that, as far as possible, development of house lots was accompanied by the development of community infrastructure. This was hampered by the lack of a national budget in recent months but that intention was always there. Conversely, it is the PPPC that is known for issuing house lots in areas with no accompanying infrastructure and it is the PPPC that is known for seeing no issue with this. It is therefore ridiculous for the PPPC to hide behind the claim that the absence of infrastructure is the driver for the decision to rescind these houselots. This argument is not only nonsensical but points to the discriminatory nature of this fraudulent regime.

But, let us assume that there is indeed no infrastructure. What prevents this fraudulent government from budgeting for it in the upcoming budget and providing the needed infrastructure like they did in Pradoville 1 and 2? Nothing! Why would the already issued houselots have to be rescinded for further infrastructural development to be undertaken? They don’t!

As always, the PPPC wants to be vindictive and do not care for the Guyanese people. This is a blatant and crass attempt to not give house lots to poor people, to young people, to the ordinary man and woman because they benefited under the APNU-AFC government. This is petty, childish and characteristic of this corrupt cabal that euphemistically calls itself government.

I encourage all Guyanese to resist this ridiculous act by the PPPC and to challenge it in the courts. Every citizen who was awarded a house lot and made the requisite downpayment should have received a receipt and agreement. Maintain those records and use them to challenge this illegal move the PPPC.

It is claimed that, in at least one case, the PPPC intends to sell swaths of the rescinded land to a big businessman who supports the PPPC, who will then sell it to the ordinary man at exorbitant prices and further enrich himself at the expense of poor Guyanese people. This move will be opposed at every turn.

The PPPC is already manifesting that it has no interest in the small man and the people of Guyana generally, regardless of race, gender, age, or any other demographic. Their interest is enriching the PPPC corrupt, fraudulent cabal and its cronies. This will not go unchallenged!

Guyana belongs to all Guyanese, no matter who they are, what they look like, which God they pray to or which political party they support. That is my belief. It is the position of the party that I support and so we will fight for equity, fairness and development that reaches and benefits Guyana and all of her peoples.”


Norton spreading fake news.

Housing puts pause on accepting payments for some house lots


Ignoring the PPP voters, have started with house lots. The agriculture minister has also been a failed state of his own from his past arrogance and vindictiveness. Lets see what other miracle they will create to improve PPP voters living conditions, before the PPP elite  start building more mansions.

When will the Indians in Guyana start seeing the true nature of the Jagdeo PPP ?  Vote for the PPP, then get kicked to the curb.    

@Former Member posted:

O rass Mitwah took over Moses role as AFC PNC bottle washer. 

Mitwah, please clean up those snake oil bottles while you're at it.  Granger is going out to bring out his slop can too, clean it carefully. 

Ow bai, look what Moses and Ramjattan's pitch forks did to you. 

Moses and Ramjattan never contributed anything to the Coalition. All they wanted to do is save the 'Sugar' industry. They failed.


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