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Orlando Nightclub Shooting

Shooting at Orlando Nightclub Kills About 20, Police Say

Police officers in Orlando, Fla., directing people away from a nightclub where they said a gunman opened fire early Sunday. Credit Phelan M. Ebenhack/Associated Press


About 20 people were killed and at least 42 people were wounded when a gunman armed with an assault rifle and a handgun opened fire inside a downtown Orlando nightclub about 2 a.m., Police Chief John Mina said.

The police said they had classified the attack as a “terror incident.” The gunman was not from the Orlando area and was organized and well-prepared, they said.

The gunman was found dead inside the Pulse nightclub, one of the largest in Orlando, about 5 a.m. after a shootout with the police, Chief Mina said.

The chief said it was difficult to assess the number of clubgoers who were killed because, as of 7:15 a.m., many of the bodies had not been removed.

The shooting began inside the club, the chief said, and continued outside when an officer working at Pulse attempted to confront him. The gunman then went back into the club, resumed shooting and took hostages.

At 5 a.m., Chief Mina said, the police decided to rescue the hostages, detonating a “controlled explosion” to help clear the club. At least nine officers were involved in the shooting with the gunman. One of them was slightly injured, the authorities said.

The police called it a “mass casualty” event. The wounded were taken to three area hospitals.

The police also said the gunman was carrying a “device,” and that officers were searching the club for possible explosives.

On its Twitter feed, the Police Department asked residents to “stay away from area” and said that it was seeking support from local state and federal agencies. Later, employees in the area were asked to stay home if possible.

The club itself posted a message on its Facebook page about 3 a.m.: “Everyone get out of pulse and keep running.”

Customers streamed out of the club into a chaotic situation with little idea of where to go. “Cops were saying, ‘Go, go, clear the area,’ ” Christopher Hansen told an Orlando television station. “You don’t know who’s what and who’s where.”

As the sun came up, helicopter-shot video showed a situation that seemed to be under control, although windows on one side of the club appeared to be shot out.

Phone camera videos shot at the scene show police cars, ambulances and other emergency vehicles outside the club on South Orange Avenue in downtown Orlando. Streets around the the club were shut down for several blocks.

In one video, shots could clearly be heard as men and women ran from Pulse. Some of the clubgoers told local television reporters that the music was so loud it was difficult, at first, to distinguish the shots from the pulsing beat.

More than 100 people were believed inside the club when the shooting began about 2 a.m.

Many of the wounded were taken to Orlando Regional Medical Center, about three blocks from the club, which was placed on lockdown after receiving several gunshot victims. “Only essential workers are being allowed access into the building,” the hospital said in a statement.

“Out of an abundance of caution, Arnold Palmer Hospital and Winnie Palmer Hospital have also been placed on lockdown,” the statement added.

On Pulse’s Facebook page, club officials promised to post updates as they came in: “As soon as we have any information, we will update everyone.”

“Please keep everyone in your prayers as we work through this tragic event,” the nightclub post said. “Thank you for your thoughts and love.”

Local television stations broadcast interviews with people outside the club and the Orlando Regional Medical Center, about three blocks away from the club, anxiously waiting to hear from people who they said were still inside.

WKMG and WESH broadcast interviews with the crowds milling outside the hospital. One woman said she rushed to the area after she got a call from her daughter, who said, “Please come get us and come get us now.”

One mother told CNN: “A girlfriend of my son called and said he got shot, he got shot and she was crying.”

She said could not find her son, or even get information on where he had been taken. Some of the victims had been transferred to other hospitals “because this hospital was full,” she said outside Orlando Regional Medical Center.

The club, which calls itself “Orlando’s Latin Hotspot,” hosts an “Upscale Latin Saturdays” party on Saturday night with three D.J.s and a midnight show.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Danyael posted:

US born Muslim, Omar Mateen...radicalized and previously looked as for beliefs.

American Muslims have to excuse in believing the nonsense advocated by ISIS because we have different experiences/exposures here. The time can't get here sooner when Muslims will stop this nonsense.

ksazma posted:
Danyael posted:

US born Muslim, Omar Mateen...radicalized and previously looked as for beliefs.

American Muslims have to excuse in believing the nonsense advocated by ISIS because we have different experiences/exposures here. The time can't get here sooner when Muslims will stop this nonsense.

Playing right into Trump's hand. His parents are Afghans. Over fifty dead and as many injured. This bastard had to be known for his ideas in his community

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:
ksazma posted:
Danyael posted:

US born Muslim, Omar Mateen...radicalized and previously looked as for beliefs.

American Muslims have to excuse in believing the nonsense advocated by ISIS because we have different experiences/exposures here. The time can't get here sooner when Muslims will stop this nonsense.

Playing right into Trump's hand. His parents are Afghans.

Because of Trump's haplessness, he would need much more than this one tragedy to help him prevail. Sadly the number of fatalities is up to 50.

VishMahabir posted:

If this is proven to be terrorist related, this this going to be working for Trump.

Makes brown people come under further profiling and more inconveniences in negotiation airports, trains, busses or even entering official buildings or public places in general....this is a nightmare scenario...shooting innocent people in an enclosed area...we will suffer because of this hateful bitch. It is why I will not tolerate any of the bizarre  religious statements by anyone.

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:
VishMahabir posted:

If this is proven to be terrorist related, this this going to be working for Trump.

Makes brown people come under further profiling and more inconveniences in negotiation airports, trains, busses or even entering official buildings or public places in general....this is a nightmare scenario...shooting innocent people in an enclosed area...we will suffer because of this hateful bitch. It is why I will not tolerate any of the bizarre  religious statements by anyone.

This is the largest mass shooting in America so it will have lots of repercussions. While it wouldn't eventually help Trump, it will certainly put us under even further suspicions. That is why I maintain that these terrorists are the rest of us Muslims' worst enemy. I agree that it affects much more than just Muslims. We Muslims have to keep our ears open and confront this threat whenever we see it. We should take it as an honor to report these bastards if/when we recognize them. As the prophet stated that if a Muslim see a wrong, he should try to change it, if he cannot change it himself, he should report it...

ba$eman posted:

Unbelievable!  This is not good for decent peaceful Muslims.  Baseman hopes Trump does not overplay.

Trump will overplay but that is beside the point.

Gov. Scott just said that our law enforcement will enforce justice for anyone else planning another attack. Trouble is that those people couldn't care any less about his threat because they seem to have already placed the death sentence on themselves. The key is for other Muslims to report anything that looks like shenanigans.


Omar's father said that his son mentioned seeing two men kissing in Miami a few months ago and became enraged.

The FBI will not confirm that Omar was involved in Islamic radicalism, but NBC is reporting that he may have een under FBI watch tangentially. Lots of people who are not radicals but are under FBI surveillance because they happen to have some incidental contact with the real bad guy(s) the FBI was looking at.

It comes down to this:

  • Hate crime against gays and how will the Christian right respond? Will it be a killer with a Muslim name and religion or "good for the gays"?
  • Islamic terrorism? The early reports are not giving credence to Omar being radicalized.
  • Gun laws in America - will we go through the same song and dance with the NRA and its Congressional allies?
  • Politics - is it clear that Donald Trump, being the voice of the lunatic right in this country, will benefit from this? I think not. IF anything his inflamed rhetoric against minorities (though he never came out against gays).

I await the comments of President Obama who would have had briefings from the Orlando police, the FBI, the CIA and National Intelligence.


So far we don't know that it is religious related.  But bear in mind that homosexuality is condoned in the Muslim community. The promise of young virgin boys in the afterlife as well as the bacha bazi boy in Afghanistan. 

Kari posted:

Omar's father said that his son mentioned seeing two men kissing in Miami a few months ago and became enraged.

The FBI will not confirm that Omar was involved in Islamic radicalism, but NBC is reporting that he may have een under FBI watch tangentially. Lots of people who are not radicals but are under FBI surveillance because they happen to have some incidental contact with the real bad guy(s) the FBI was looking at.

It comes down to this:

  • Hate crime against gays and how will the Christian right respond? Will it be a killer with a Muslim name and religion or "good for the gays"?
  • Islamic terrorism? The early reports are not giving credence to Omar being radicalized.
  • Gun laws in America - will we go through the same song and dance with the NRA and its Congressional allies?
  • Politics - is it clear that Donald Trump, being the voice of the lunatic right in this country, will benefit from this? I think not. IF anything his inflamed rhetoric against minorities (though he never came out against gays).

I await the comments of President Obama who would have had briefings from the Orlando police, the FBI, the CIA and National Intelligence.

The problem is [if true] this call to 911 claiming allegiance to Al Bhagdadi!!  From how it sounds, he was a nut case!

Chameli posted:
Kari posted:

Omar's father said that his son mentioned seeing two men kissing in Miami a few months ago and became enraged.


 sooooooooo, does this justify his act?

One has to regret when they let opportunities slip by. This father cannot say anymore that he couldn't do anything to prevent this because he could have done something whether it prevented this or not is out of his control. If I was with my son and he became enraged by seeing two men kissing, I would very clearly tell him that it is not our business what they are doing. Maybe the boy would say ok. So as parents and members of the community, we must always do everything when we see something that doesn't look right.

Chameli posted:
Kari posted:

Omar's father said that his son mentioned seeing two men kissing in Miami a few months ago and became enraged.


sooooooooo, does this justify his act?


Whatever makes you say that?

ba$eman posted:
Kari posted:

Omar's father said that his son mentioned seeing two men kissing in Miami a few months ago and became enraged.

The FBI will not confirm that Omar was involved in Islamic radicalism, but NBC is reporting that he may have een under FBI watch tangentially. Lots of people who are not radicals but are under FBI surveillance because they happen to have some incidental contact with the real bad guy(s) the FBI was looking at.

It comes down to this:

  • Hate crime against gays and how will the Christian right respond? Will it be a killer with a Muslim name and religion or "good for the gays"?
  • Islamic terrorism? The early reports are not giving credence to Omar being radicalized.
  • Gun laws in America - will we go through the same song and dance with the NRA and its Congressional allies?
  • Politics - is it clear that Donald Trump, being the voice of the lunatic right in this country, will benefit from this? I think not. IF anything his inflamed rhetoric against minorities (though he never came out against gays).

I await the comments of President Obama who would have had briefings from the Orlando police, the FBI, the CIA and National Intelligence.

The problem is [if true] this call to 911 claiming allegiance to Al Bhagdadi!!  From how it sounds, he was a nut case!

The authorities reported that Omar called in just prior to the shooting pledging his allegiance to ISIS; and the Islamic State is claiming credit and that Omar was one of its soldiers. President Obama called this terrorism and said the FBI is looking into overseas connections.

Omar was a security guard with a license to carry a firearm. His divorced wife had to be rescued by her family after he began beating her up. She said he was not religious.

So let’s hold off on judging for now.

Chameli posted:
Kari posted:
Chameli posted:

sooooooooo, does this justify his act?


Whatever makes you say that?

Not at you Kari but my take is that the father justifies his son's actions

This is why you cannot trust a fullahman!! Trump is ahead of the curve!

Nehru posted:

I will not comment in fear of getting Chief MAD!!!

At least I have got your respect.

Firstly my condolences goes out the families who lost their loved ones in this terrible tragedy, another hate filled mass shooting. This is indeed very very sad.

As a muslim , this is our worse nightmare, that a person with a Muslim name has committed such a crime. As in Paris and Belgium , the murderers were not even close to being religious , but have only one thing on their mind , evil.

As this investigation unfolds, we will definitely learn more about the  murderer Omar. 

The LGBT community in NY  has always been supportive of causes that are raised by Muslims. So today, it is my duty to tell them that I am really saddened by this massacre  on their community.

Kari posted:

Omar's father said that his son mentioned seeing two men kissing in Miami a few months ago and became enraged.

The FBI will not confirm that Omar was involved in Islamic radicalism, but NBC is reporting that he may have een under FBI watch tangentially. Lots of people who are not radicals but are under FBI surveillance because they happen to have some incidental contact with the real bad guy(s) the FBI was looking at.

It comes down to this:

  • Hate crime against gays and how will the Christian right respond? Will it be a killer with a Muslim name and religion or "good for the gays"?
  • Islamic terrorism? The early reports are not giving credence to Omar being radicalized.
  • Gun laws in America - will we go through the same song and dance with the NRA and its Congressional allies?
  • Politics - is it clear that Donald Trump, being the voice of the lunatic right in this country, will benefit from this? I think not. IF anything his inflamed rhetoric against minorities (though he never came out against gays).

I await the comments of President Obama who would have had briefings from the Orlando police, the FBI, the CIA and National Intelligence.

I hope the family of the killer hires Kari as their defense attorney!!!!  

Bibi Haniffa
Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

I will not comment in fear of getting Chief MAD!!!

At least I have got your respect.

Firstly my condolences goes out the families who lost their loved ones in this terrible tragedy, another hate filled mass shooting. This is indeed very very sad.

As a muslim , this is our worse nightmare, that a person with a Muslim name has committed such a crime. As in Paris and Belgium , the murderers were not even close to being religious , but have only one thing on their mind , evil.

As this investigation unfolds, we will definitely learn more about the  murderer Omar. 

The LGBT community in NY  has always been supportive of causes that are raised by Muslims. So today, it is my duty to tell them that I am really saddened by this massacre  on their community.

Hatred is hot turned off and on as you wish.  You should think about it when you cussing down Hindus, "coolies", Chammars and PPP at your mosque in Queens.  Racist Blacks cuss down "coolies" in Guyana then say they had no part in Lusignan/Bartica!!

Mars posted:

These MFs should be rounded up and deported to the Caliphate or sent to Gitmo for 100 years.  And when Trump is president, we will get the Saudis to pay for Gitmo!!

ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

I will not comment in fear of getting Chief MAD!!!

At least I have got your respect.

Firstly my condolences goes out the families who lost their loved ones in this terrible tragedy, another hate filled mass shooting. This is indeed very very sad.

As a muslim , this is our worse nightmare, that a person with a Muslim name has committed such a crime. As in Paris and Belgium , the murderers were not even close to being religious , but have only one thing on their mind , evil.

As this investigation unfolds, we will definitely learn more about the  murderer Omar. 

The LGBT community in NY  has always been supportive of causes that are raised by Muslims. So today, it is my duty to tell them that I am really saddened by this massacre  on their community.

Hatred is hot turned off and on as you wish.  You should think about it when you cussing down Hindus, "coolies", Chammars and PPP at your mosque in Queens.  Racist Blacks cuss down "coolies" in Guyana then say they had no part in Lusignan/Bartica!!

I will continue to cuss you racist, chammar bigot.

Danyael posted:
VishMahabir posted:

If this is proven to be terrorist related, this this going to be working for Trump.

Makes brown people come under further profiling and more inconveniences in negotiation airports, trains, busses or even entering official buildings or public places in general....this is a nightmare scenario...shooting innocent people in an enclosed area...we will suffer because of this hateful bitch. It is why I will not tolerate any of the bizarre  religious statements by anyone.

I am glad some Muslim brothers came out and condemn this. Trump is going to use this to stir up the natives.

You boys better watch your backs...there is going to be some backlash! 

ba$eman posted:
Chameli posted:
Kari posted:
Chameli posted:

sooooooooo, does this justify his act?


Whatever makes you say that?

Not at you Kari but my take is that the father justifies his son's actions

This is why you cannot trust a fullahman!! Trump is ahead of the curve!


<where is that scratching-my-head gremlin?>


After Sandy Hook we said never again. And then we let 1,001 mass shootings happen.

In December 2012, a gunman walked into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, and killed 20 children, six adults, and himself. Since then, there have been at least 1,001 mass shootings, with shooters killing at least 1,141 people and wounding 3,943 more.

The counts come from the Gun Violence Archive, a database that tracks events since 2013 in which four or more people (not counting the shooter) were shot at the same general time and location. The database’s researchers comb through hundreds of news stories, police reports, and other sources each day and individually verify the reports. Still, since some shootings aren't reported, the database is likely missing some shootings, and some are missing details.

Vox’s Soo Oh created an interactive map with this database. It shows the mass shootings that have been verified since the Sandy Hook shooting:


Are mass shootings increasing? It depends on which definition you use.

Using one common definition — shootings at a public place in which the shooter murdered four or more people, excluding domestic, gang, and drug violence — they appear to be getting more common, according to an analysis from Harvard School of Public Health researchers.

But not everyone agrees with this definition. Northeastern University criminologist James Alan Fox, for example, defines mass shootings more widely, as any shooting in which at least four people were murdered. Under those terms, mass shootings don’t appear to be increasing.

Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health call the definition Fox uses too broad, since it catches domestic, gang, and drug-related shootings that aren’t usually considered mass shootings in layman’s terms.

The Gun Violence Archive is even broader — counting not just murders but injuries, too.

Even under this definition, it’s worth noting that mass shootings make up a tiny portion of America’s firearm deaths, which total more than 32,000 each year.

And the US has way more gun violence than its developed peers: According to United Nations data compiled by Simon Rogers while at the Guardian, the US had 29.7 firearm homicides per 1 million people in 2012, while Switzerland had 7.7, Canada had 5.1, and Germany had 1.9.

But why does the US have so many more gun homicides than other developed countries? One possible explanation: Americans are generally much more likely to own guns.

The US makes up about 4.4 percent of the global population but possesses 42 percent of the world’s civilian-owned guns. And the empirical research shows that places with more guns have more homicides.

Criminal justice experts widely recognize that America’s unusually high levels of gun violence are a result of cultural and policy decisions that have made firearms far more available in America than in most of the world. For the US, that means not just more mass shootings, but more gun violence in general.

Update on February 18, 2016: Vox’s map originally used the Mass Shooting Tracker, which began contributing its data to the Gun Violence Archive in 2016. The newer Gun Violence Archive database uses a slightly narrower definition of a mass shooting, not counting the shooter as one of the four-plus victims needed to qualify as a mass shooting.


Baseman and Cobra are truly a couple of ignars.  Trump is being opportunistic and acting against our interest. His nativism is almost fascistic and the worse kind of politics we can participate in.

This fellow was clearly afflicted with serious mental problems. He hated women, gay people and other religions. There is little to show he was faith conscious with Islam ans that is consequential of  this evil act.

If someone says  his congregation were anti west and his Imam was anti west I would then and only then say it is and example of one of those abhorrent interpretations of Islam that is being expressed.


Kari posted:

Trump is trying to cash in on this tragedy and hopes for more - just like the casino bankruptcies that he caused illegally and lost millions for investors.

And you are suppose to be an educated Chap. What hogwash, apples vs oranges Bullshit!!!!

Nehru posted:
Kari posted:

Trump is trying to cash in on this tragedy and hopes for more - just like the casino bankruptcies that he caused illegally and lost millions for investors.

And you are suppose to be an educated Chap. What hogwash, apples vs oranges Bullshit!!!!

Kari is right. Trump reached so far into his conspiracy toolkit and piled on so much of his narcissistic comments, he ended up trying to gild the lily.  He is never going to president. What he said is repulsive enough to harden the opposition to him.

Last edited by Former Member
Kari posted:

Trump is trying to cash in on this tragedy and hopes for more - just like the casino bankruptcies that he caused illegally and lost millions for investors.

Wrong sir.  What transpired in Orlando proves that Trump was right.  We are too soft on terrorists.  It is a problem that has been ignored for too long.  America opens its doors to people who go there to cause destruction.  Trump was right from day one.

Bibi Haniffa

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