Once again carib, you are free to keep talking--but the DOERS in the business sector are hard at work---they are doing and taking action---and they are fully aware of the PPP success formula(Patience + Persistence + Perspiration).
You should have read what I wrote before trying to score some cheap points kari.
Kari and I both read what you wrote. You praise the PPP fr tourism in Guyana.
1. Aside from overseas Guyanese, it doesnt exist.
2. Even if non Caribbean people are interested, Guyana is too difficult and frustrating for them to develop a travel package, so they do elsewhere.
3. Guyanese return HOME because it is HOME. Not because of its eco attractions, nor because of any initiatives by the PPP.
4. The only investment in "tourism" is by terrofied PPP cronies who want taxpayers to protect their investment, if it fails, by GUARANTEEING a return of their capital. CLEARLY THEY DO NOT BELIEVE IN THIS PROJECT!!!! No business person jumps into bed with ANY govt, unless they consider the venture too risky.