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GOVERNMENT has designated tourism as a priority sector, influenced by the National Development Strategy’s conclusion that tourism as a sector can contribute to the sustainable development of Guyana; earn foreign exchange and provide job opportunities while conserving the natural environment. And so, with an allocation of $200M, the Ministry of Tourism continued the

expansion and development of the tourism sector in 2012.



Much interest in Guyana’s booth at London birdwatchers fair

The ministry and its arm the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) have been responsible for initiatives towards the growth and development of this industry. The GTA is responsible for designing and marketing tourism strategies on behalf of the government, in addition to regulating standards for all industry participants. In this regard, a look back at tourism activities for this the year just gone by show that Guyana continues to make in-roads into new tourism territories, locally, regionally and internationally.

The thrust of 2012 was, undisputedly, reigniting a desire for the natural beauty of Guyana-stirring up an interest in “Re-discovering home”.
Still Soaring


President Donald Ramotar, Housing Minister Irfaan Ali, Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee and other Government Officials looking at the map of Guyana inlaid in Parliament Square

While 2012 had its share of challenges, the Tourism Ministry kept the bigger picture in focus, that of increasing tourist arrivals and improving domestic tourism. Guyana, more often than not, is referred to as the country with vast hinterlands and natural beauty; the famous Kaieteur Falls its number one visitors’ attraction.

It was in 2012 that Guyana hosted the Caribbean Conference on Sustainable Tourism Development, which showcased the local tourism product to 250 delegates and over 30 international journalists. The delegations were treated to a number of documentaries made by international television networks such as Discovery Channel and the British Broadcasting Corporation.

The Rupununi Region again justified the resources poured into its development as it took the regional spotlight by winning the 2012 Caribbean Excellence in Sustainable Tourism Award and the Caribbean Tourism Organisation and Travelmole (CTO/Travelmole) award for improving the quality of life of the district’s inhabitants. Additionally, Guyana won a


President Donald Ramotar at one of the booths at Berbice Expo

wards covering all aspects of sustainability, from overall excellence, to accommodation, community, heritage and biodiversity.
Domestic Tourism
The government made significant strides in continuing to provide support to Amerindian villages to preserve their cultural relics, symbolic of life during pre-colonial days. The intention of the government was to expand tourism to other Amerindian communities across Guyana; transforming them into irresistible tourism destinations, increasing investment in training and education, and developing small businesses. In Orealla, the Tourism Ministry in association with Cortours began putting together a committee to manage and expand the Orealla Regatta.


A section of the gathering at the 13th Annual Caribbean Conference on Sustainable Tourism Development

New Amsterdam Town Day, Region 6 was held on October 26 under the theme “Collaboration and Unity for the restoration of New Amsterdam.” Meanwhile in Region 9, a number of private sector businesses and the ministry pulled together the 11th Rupununi Expo. The annual event was successfully held under the theme “Uniting Our Resources for a Secured Future”.

In March, 25 vehicles began their nine-day, 529-mile Annual Pakaraima Mountain Safari. The convoy explored 14 Amerindian communities during the trip, partaking of the taste of the distinct, rich flavour of the indigenous peoples and their cultures.

Between January and November, the GTA recorded an overall increase of 17.2% in visitor arrivals. The ministry uses the


Media personnel taking in the beauty of the Essequibo River in 2012

best technology to record arrivals to Guyana. The GTA Director, Indranauth Haralsingh said that the Management information system for tourism-the MIST software-was implemented to adequately record and analyse data.
In every great story there are some great people; The Ministry of Tourism expressed its gratitude to persons who made immeasurable contributions to the tourism sector.



Several industries were also recognised for placing Guyana in the international spotlight. Awards were presented to the top 11 persons in the sector for their excellence in tourism development; awards fell under several categories – Tourism Pioneers – Correia Group of Companies – Tourism;


A large catch for this man at the Rockstone Fish Festival

Community-based Tourism- Conservation International, Destination Guyana Promotion- Blue Paw Promotion, Pillar of Tourism Industry Award- Mr. Lennox John, Best Marketing Campaign- Wilderness Explorers, Tourism Recognition- Mr. Richard Ousman – Wonderland Tours, Tour Guide of the Year- Mr. Paul Waldron, Tourism Entrepreneur- Mr. Colin Edwards, Best Tourism Ambassador- Mr. John  ‘Slingshot’ Drepaul ‘Slingshot’, Most Out-standing Community Tourism Project- Aranaputa Processors Friendly Society, and Tourism Recognition for Best Supporting Hotel- Princess Hotel.
Meanwhile, 17 lucky persons were given the opportunity to bask in the unmatched beauty of their country as they journeyed to the Majestic Kaieteur falls and navigated the waters of the mighty Essequibo. In addition, during the year


Prime Minister Samuel Hinds flanked by GTA board member, Captain Gerald Gouveia, THAG Executive Member, Kit Nascimento, GTA Director Indranauth Haralsingh (front row) and the awardees at the Tourism Awards ceremony

as well, the ministry continued to support cultural and other significant local observances among which are Amerindian Heritage Month, Arrival Month, Emancipation Month, Diwali, Christmas, and Eid-ul-Adha.
Private/ Public Partnerships
Much work was also undertaken to improve the aesthetics of the city environs, and the Tourism Ministry and the GTA focused significantly, during the year, on the implementation of urban renewal plans.
In December, the Parliament Square was commissioned on Brickdam, a project that stemmed from several proposals put forward during the first annual Building Expo and is part of the Brickdam Renewal Plan. The square is an initiative to counter-balance the loss of green space within Georgetown, complement surrounding historical structures and add vitality to a unique recreational tourism place of value.

Local service providers continued to be offered opportunities to promote what they offer. Apart from the annual GuyExpo, the ministry made arrangements for businesses to advertise at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport. Furthermore a special group consisting of representatives from both sectors was tasked with the responsibility of consulting with all tourism service providers towards establishing regulations for the sector. In 2013, the ministry will continue and has sketched plans to regularise service providers.

Government has remained committed to acknowledging the people who have shared its vision, and, have committed to work along with the government to ensure that Guyana’s little secret is talked about at every end of the globe. To this end, the ministry expressed appreciation to persons who have made immeasurable contributions to the tourism sector. Several industries were also recognised for placing Guyana in the international spot light. Among the awardees were: Conservation International, Blue Paw Artists, Lennox John owner of Splashmins Resort, Aranaputa Processors’ Friendly Society, and Princess Hotel.
According to Tourism Minister (ag) Irfaan Ali, the stable economic environment has fostered a dynamic and growing tourism industry in Guyana. In this regard, 2012 also provided an opportunity through the ministry and the GTA to tighten partnerships between the public and the private sectors. The annual exposition, GuyExpo, saw participation from approximately 400 exhibitors from the Caribbean, North America and Asia. Representatives from 18 countries were in Guyana at that time.

Investments from the private sector grew, while infrastructure to support the sector has expanded with the establishment of more road links, bridges, an Olympic-sized swimming pool, and in the pipeline an athletic track, renewable energy, solar panels in rural communities, and a new airport among other things.

Looking to 2013

The Tourism Ministry has had several meetings with members of the private sector towards ensuring that the 2013 budget allocation is adequate to move the sector forward. Consultations offered service providers the opportunity to raise concerns, make suggestions and offer solutions to challenges facing the local tourism sector.

The ministry plans to expand its current training programmes and regularise services towards improving the quality of service provided in every Administrative Region.


New Investments

Within the first quarter of 2013, the ministry hopes to initiate discussions with WestJet, Air Canada, and Jet Blue air carriers to stimulate and motivate interests in investing in the Guyana.

Meanwhile, several new investments were approved during the later portion of 2012 which will definitely embellish existing services to meet certain international expectations. In 2013, all being equal, one can expect to start seeing noteworthy additions to the booming tourism sector. Minister Ali announced that collectively 14 new local investment interests totalling more than $25B will be implemented and one of the spin-offs would be employment created for more than 800 persons.

While in 2013 investments in the sector will soar, the minister mentioned that it is hoped that the private sector would also invest in keeping the city clean. He said that through the urban development plan he hopes that the private sector will adopt sections of the city.
Improving Services

Considerable emphasis will be placed on regularising the service providers in this sector. The ministry will continue what it had started in 2012 as it is determined to ensure that the quality of service is improved across the board. There are 199 operators, guides, and properties registered so far, 87 hotels, 64 tour guides, 30 tour operators and 18 lodges and resorts.

The ministry and the GTA will also continue to focus on training as they plan to approach the Carnegie School of Home Economics to conceptualise special training for persons working in this growing sector


Replies sorted oldest to newest



The talkers in the AFC/PNC were bawling and screaming that the Marriot will destroy other hotels in Guyana.


The DOERS disagree---they are investing in the tourism sector in Guyana.






My cousin in Suriname was into tourism since the 80's. Since then Suriname has had massive growth in that sector.

But Guyana has a long way to go before the tourists will dare venturing out in numbers. They'll get robbed if they are outside the safety of their hotels after 6PM. They'll get robbed the moment they pull out their fat wallet to pay for something in the market or a bar. And they'll get robbed and killed if they got jewellery on them.It does not matter if you are an innocent tourist or a hardcore criminal visiting Guyana for business. You'll still get robbed and killed if the chance arises. The locals are that poor.

Originally Posted by TK:

20 years and the tourism sector lags...more hot methane from Rev AL. 



You are a talker not a doer--you therefore lack the vision and the foresight to see where the Guyana tourism sector is headed---keep your head buried in the sand while the doers are taking Guyana forward.


Now, check out this video of a tourist to Guyana:







Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

20 years and the tourism sector lags...more hot methane from Rev AL. 



You are a talker not a doer--you therefore lack the vision and the foresight to see where the Guyana tourism sector is headed---keep your head buried in the sand while the doers are taking Guyana forward.


Now, check out this video of a tourist to Guyana:








My vision tells me there is nothing substantial for us to even say tourism is at the take off stage.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

My cousin in Suriname was into tourism since the 80's. Since then Suriname has had massive growth in that sector. But Guyana has a long way to go before the tourists will dare venturing out in numbers.

Mr. T:


Surely Guyana has a long way to go--but you must commend the effort that is being made by the doers in Guyana today---the effort is being made to grow the tourism sector---and foreign adventurers are starting to notice Guyana---bird watchers, eco tourists---folks who crave unique adventures.



Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

20 years and the tourism sector lags...more hot methane from Rev AL. 



You are a talker not a doer--you therefore lack the vision and the foresight to see where the Guyana tourism sector is headed---keep your head buried in the sand while the doers are taking Guyana forward.


Now, check out this video of a tourist to Guyana:








My vision tells me there is nothing substantial for us to even say tourism is at the take off stage.

Why is there a guard hut in front every house? it looks like a rich elete PPP neighbourhood so why guard against each it because they believe someone gona take it from them the same way they took it from the poor...

Originally Posted by TK:

20 years and the tourism sector lags...more hot methane from Rev AL. 

Rev Al needs to let us know how many "tourists" actually visit the tourist destinations that he boast of.  Really....Rupununi!!!!!! The Guyanese are too busy taking care of their relatives to have the time and the money for that!!


This is why tourism will never develop beyond the narrow overseas Guyanese segment...which over time might start declining a sthe migrants age, and their kids lose interest.  No honest assessment of the fact that Guyana has yet to develop its full tourism potential....heritage tourism aimed at the 2nd and 3rd generations...and eco/adventure aimed at non Guyanese.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:




Adventurers are longing to visit the new tourism hot spot--Guyana.





Let me help you out. Christian missionaries are NOT tourists!


BTW let more of these into Guyana and Hinduism will be a thing of the past.  Guess who these guys are targeting?

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

My cousin in Suriname was into tourism since the 80's. Since then Suriname has had massive growth in that sector. But Guyana has a long way to go before the tourists will dare venturing out in numbers.

Mr. T:


Surely Guyana has a long way to go--but you must commend the effort that is being made by the doers in Guyana today---the effort is being made to grow the tourism sector---



I can assure you that whatever the "doers" are doing, attracting non Caribbean people to Guyana, other than missionaries and business people and foreign aid workers, isnt it.


Cant blame them though because the PPP has no clue about developing tourism and no interest in listening to those who do (thsi is why I maintain that Guyana needs a break from the PPP and their lack of ideas)....and this includes Guyanese who have been trying to tell them possible strategies, like working with Bajan tourism interests to broaden their product by ading Guyana to an itinerary for those Europeans who spend two weeks in Bdos and are bored by the 4th day on the beach.


Mr T you are indeed correct.  The big problem that Suriname has in attracting US visitors is the perception that it is hard to get to, which it no longer is.  I will not be surprised if they soon start attarcting more eco/adventure tourists from the USA than does Guyana, even though Guyana is more US oriented and is English speaking, and enjoys nonstop service from JFK.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:



Rev Al, given that you love to hurl around statistics, will apprecaite you telling us how many of these tourists visit Guyana.  500...1,000?  This is what a NY Times review suggested a few years ago.


Before we can talk about sensible tourism we have to put in place the comfort zone that tourists expect. Like a high class tourist hotel in Linden for instance. It is no use having all them high class hotels in Georgetown. That is many days away as far as tourism is concerned.

You also need to identify and improve the facilities in the interior. Tourists expect water closets even in the deep jungle. And they want to be entertained at night with cold beers, barbecues, and music.

Originally Posted by caribny:
This is why tourism will never develop beyond the narrow overseas Guyanese segment




There is quite an apt phrase to describe PNC groupies like you and AFC groupies like TK---nattering nabobs of negativity.


That is what you folks are---nattering nabobs of negativity---you so despise the PPP that you wish destruction for Guyana and Guyanese.


It deeply pains you people to see progress being made in Guyana---hopefully the PPP will keep you mentally tortured for decades to come.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:


GOVERNMENT has designated tourism as a priority sector, influenced by the National Development Strategy’s conclusion that tourism as a sector can contribute to the sustainable development of Guyana; earn foreign exchange and provide job opportunities while conserving the natural environment. 

I despise that expression "sustainable development," which translates to dankey cart/colonial economy. And a big emphasis on tourism as a source of income leads down that same road. Guyana should be planning to develop its capactiy to produce useful things for local use and export.

Originally Posted by Henry:
I despise that expression "sustainable development," which translates to dankey cart/colonial economy. And a big emphasis on tourism as a source of income leads down that same road. Guyana should be planning to develop its capactiy to produce useful things for local use and export.



Don't get too caught up by expressions like "sustainable development".


What's taking place right now in Guyana is a multi prong approach to developing the country's resources is being pursued.


* More land is being made available for expanding the agri sector.


* Gold will soon be mined on a large scale industrial scale---2 big canadian owned mines will come on line soon---400,000 ounces were produced last year mainly by small and medium sized operators in Guyana---much bigger amounts soon.


* The Russians are planning to double bauxite production


* You have read about the efforts being laid out in the tourism sector


* The country's infrastructure is being improved and expanded---road to lethem--Berbice deep water port, etc---those will become a reality in the future


* A new energy source is being pursued---hydro will take Guyana to a higher plateau economically.


* New industries will gravitate towards Guyana once a cheaper source of energy is in place---and better infrastructure.


* Large Agro processing has a big future in Guyana---but better infrastructure need to be in place---that is being worked on.





There are exciting times ahead for Guyana---the nattering nabobs of negativity---like caribJ, TK/redux, stormborn, Ronald Narain, warrior, joker, jalil, cain, Mr.T, Mitwah, Moses, Gerard, Ramjattan, Nigel, Kissoon, etc, etc----they can complain, condemn, and criticize all they want---but Guyana is on the move.




Originally Posted by Rev Al:



There are exciting times ahead for Guyana---the nattering nabobs of negativity---like caribJ, TK/redux, stormborn, Ronald Narain, warrior, joker, jalil, cain, Mr.T, Mitwah, Moses, Gerard, Ramjattan, Nigel, Kissoon, etc, etc----they can complain, condemn, and criticize all they want---but Guyana is on the move.




Rev, I hope you are right, but my main criticism of the PPP and specifically of Jagdeo was that they are a little too willing to snuggle up to the "green" agenda and neo-colonial begging schemes like the Norway business. If you are right, and more prosperous times are ahead, I hope to see a little less desperation and a bit more dignity and insistence upon national sovereignty in our relations with the Atlantic powers.


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