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Former Member

Several buildings were set on fire and attempts made to burn the Wismar-Mackenzie Bridge as protesters egged on by the APNU/AFC resist efforts by the security forces to clear blocked roads and bridges.
The latest round of destruction and violence commenced after the joint services conducted an exercise to clear blocked roads and bridges in the wee hours of this morning. It followed and earlier leaflet distribution exercise in which reassurances were given to residents about their safety and other concerns.
Ranks were forced to use tear smoke to prevent a mob from setting the Wismar-Mackenzie Bridge on fire. The protesters however succeeded in torching the toll booth as well as the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA) and Linmine Security huts. The Guyana Revenue Authority's (GRA) office and nearby buildings were stoned and rampaged. The GRA office is currently on fire.

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Corbin cannot make me a scapegoat

August 9, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 


Dear Editor,
At the end of his inglorious and disastrous period as Leader (sic) of the People’s National Congress Reform, Corbin needs to cover up and camouflage his disgraced and failed leadership of the party by scape-goating me and others.
His stint as leader of the PNC will go down as the darkest period in the history of the PNC. He reversed most of the gains achieved by Burnham and Hoyte, and he did it at the same time with alacrity and arrogance.
Apart from being a YSM Executive member in the early 70’s, I held no other position in the PNCâ€Ķ elected or otherwise.
Two YSM Congress elections were rigged to rob me of the positions of Chairman and then General Secretary. Since the 70’s, I have always operated on the fringes of the PNC recognizing since then that my God-given special superior ability was never going to be allowed to blossom and grow – that is why I organized the 2002 struggle in support of the Kwakwani people under the umbrella of the People’s  Solidarity movement.
The mistake I made at the time was to allow Corbin and others to be involved, but I was acting on the instructions of Mr. Desmond Hoyte.  However, my conscience is clear and my heart is pure, concerning the 2002 struggles and the tragic event of July 3, that saw two comrades losing their lives and many others being injured (Corbin said in his Congress address that eight persons lost their lives on that tragic day 10 years ago).
I have written about these events and will publish at a time of my choosing and no baiting by Corbin will preempt me.  Suffice to say that it was Corbin who was aggressively pushing me to give myself up.  It was Corbin who, on the night of July 3, 2002 first said to me, at the Square of the Revolution, that I will be charged with treason.
I have deliberately stayed out of this current Linden struggle, because I saw betrayal looming on the horizon.  Corbin, however, will not succeed in his attempt to direct the anger of the people of Linden against me.
I supported the PPP at the last elections purely for economic reasons. I felt we in Linden and Region 10 need a five year breathing space to bring real economic development to the region and Lindenâ€Ķ by any means necessary.  The people of Region 10 rejected my entreaties – so be it.
My first, my foremost, and my only political support is and always will be to and for the people of Linden and Region 10.  My record of achievements cannot and will not be erased by Corbin.
Phillip G. Bynoe


Originally Posted by albert:

Several buildings were set on fire and attempts made to burn the Wismar-Mackenzie Bridge as protesters egged on by the APNU/AFC resist efforts by the security forces to clear blocked roads and bridges.
The latest round of destruction and violence commenced after the joint services conducted an exercise to clear blocked roads and bridges in the wee hours of this morning. It followed and earlier leaflet distribution exercise in which reassurances were given to residents about their safety and other concerns.
Ranks were forced to use tear smoke to prevent a mob from setting the Wismar-Mackenzie Bridge on fire. The protesters however succeeded in torching the toll booth as well as the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA) and Linmine Security huts. The Guyana Revenue Authority's (GRA) office and nearby buildings were stoned and rampaged. The GRA office is currently on fire.

The police now has reason to shoot. What are they waiting for?
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by TI:
 The police now has reason to shoot. What are they waiting for?

your thirst for [more] blood has stripped away all veneers . . .  just can't restrain yourself, eh?

Dont you understand that they love to provoke violence so they can dwell in their paranoia that a Holocaust against them can happen in Guyana?


region 10 says they were going to work on weaning the protesters away from their actions, but this act has undermined their ability and now further talks might be in jeopardy.


Didnt Ramotar not confide in the Region 10 before ordering this?


Every attempt to restore normalcy to Linden will be deemed by the opposition apologists here and people like caribj who are ingrained racists. It means nothing to these people that the blockades, arson, violence, robberies that have been taking place over the past few weeks are hurting many others. How long must this be allowed to continue?

Originally Posted by albert:

Every attempt to restore normalcy to Linden will be deemed by the opposition apologists here and people like caribj who are ingrained racists. It means nothing to these people that the blockades, arson, violence, robberies that have been taking place over the past few weeks are hurting many others. How long must this be allowed to continue?

Its a real pity that you cant tell the difference between robbers and protesters.  So you shot down protesters whoi up to then had done nothing to the police and now have undermined the ability of the Region 10 administration to convince the protesters to stop.



Of course you report banditry in places where there are no protesters but fail to ask why the police dont seem interested in stopping this.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by albert:

Every attempt to restore normalcy to Linden will be deemed by the opposition apologists here and people like caribj who are ingrained racists. It means nothing to these people that the blockades, arson, violence, robberies that have been taking place over the past few weeks are hurting many others. How long must this be allowed to continue?

Its a real pity that you cant tell the difference between robbers and protesters.  So you shot down protesters whoi up to then had done nothing to the police and now have undermined the ability of the Region 10 administration to convince the protesters to stop.



Of course you report banditry in places where there are no protesters but fail to ask why the police dont seem interested in stopping this.

Its funny that you came to this conclusion from many miles away ......... funny that you who profess to be in the know form and opinion from hear-say. Funny also that you chose to accuse the government of  undermining the ability of the Region 10 administration to convince the protesters to stop when in fact the robberies, blockades, violence have gone on unabated for almost 3 weeks now with the region 10 administration seem to be having no control over the situation. Its funny that you would like the democratically elected government to sit idly by doing nothing whist you and your colleagues encourage the Lindeners to continue with their mayhem and blockades.



Its funny that you came to this conclusion from many miles away ......... funny that you who profess to be in the know form and opinion from hear-say. Funny also that you chose to accuse the government of  undermining the ability of the Region 10 administration to convince the protesters to stop when in fact the robberies, blockades, violence have gone on unabated for almost 3 weeks now with the region 10 administration seem to be having no control over the situation. Its funny that you would like the democratically elected government to sit idly by doing nothing whist you and your colleagues encourage the Lindeners to continue with their mayhem and blockades.

Funny that you think that you are the only source of news in Guyana.  WE have other sources and we know that the PPP has made bad worse.



I wonder why you want Region 10 to arrest criminals....that is the job of the police so why dont they do their work.  Instead they tear gassed the protesters and riled them up again and now the Region 10 Admin are angry because you all have now made it more difficult for them to get the protesters to move.  They finally had a deliverable to the protesters, a technical analysis of the electricity situation that might have caused a mtually agreeable solution.  You know this but you prefer to invent lies. Like claiming that the police were defending themselves when this was clearly not the case.



I told you that the PPP would lose Linden when you screamed that they would win.


I told you that the PPP would lose control of parliament when you wailed that they would get 60% of the votes.


I told you that AfroGuyanese and mixed voters would turn out in large numbers to register their disgust for the PPP.  You insisted that the PPP was making big inroads into this bloc.


Funny for a man who accuses me of knowing nothing about Guyana you really dont know too much.



Now return to your efforts to try to have the Chronicle restore that editorial that you wrote about about savage black people.


Had your govt had a brain they would have had a plan as soon as plans for the protest were so loudly announced that we heard all about it here in NY. As soon as I heard it first thought was that they were going to block that bridge. So deaf was your brilliant govt that they couldnt figure out that blocking the bridge was an obvious move and that the GDF/GPF should ahve immediately gone to secure that site and blocked any group from entering, allowing only vehicles and small groups of people whose intent.  How come thes epeople were able to place logs on the bridge......meaning that they had lots of time to do so.


albert there are clearly better things for you to do instead of spreading lies and getting people even angrier than they are.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

He lives abroad and rather than get involved to stamp out discrimination there he comes here with his ramblings that are designed to stoke the fires with hatred. 

ASugrim go chat with baseman.  He agrees with me that Guyana;s biggest problem is our ethnically based polarized politics.


Yes sugrim the same topic that you arent intelligent enough to talk about, but clearly an issue which is responsible for this situation developing.


So go find a brain or run off and play in some kids play ground.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

He lives abroad and rather than get involved to stamp out discrimination there he comes here with his ramblings that are designed to stoke the fires with hatred. 

ASugrim go chat with baseman.  He agrees with me that Guyana;s biggest problem is our ethnically based polarized politics.


Yes sugrim the same topic that you arent intelligent enough to talk about, but clearly an issue which is responsible for this situation developing.


So go find a brain or run off and play in some kids play ground.

The kids in the playground tell me to tell you that hate gets us nowhere. We in Guyana will have to come up with the solutions and we are capable of doing that. We don't need you to stoke the fires of hatred from behind your computer.  

Originally Posted by caribny:


Its funny that you came to this conclusion from many miles away ......... funny that you who profess to be in the know form and opinion from hear-say. Funny also that you chose to accuse the government of  undermining the ability of the Region 10 administration to convince the protesters to stop when in fact the robberies, blockades, violence have gone on unabated for almost 3 weeks now with the region 10 administration seem to be having no control over the situation. Its funny that you would like the democratically elected government to sit idly by doing nothing whist you and your colleagues encourage the Lindeners to continue with their mayhem and blockades.

Funny that you think that you are the only source of news in Guyana.  WE have other sources and we know that the PPP has made bad worse.



I wonder why you want Region 10 to arrest criminals....that is the job of the police so why dont they do their work.  Instead they tear gassed the protesters and riled them up again and now the Region 10 Admin are angry because you all have now made it more difficult for them to get the protesters to move.  They finally had a deliverable to the protesters, a technical analysis of the electricity situation that might have caused a mtually agreeable solution.  You know this but you prefer to invent lies. Like claiming that the police were defending themselves when this was clearly not the case.



I told you that the PPP would lose Linden when you screamed that they would win.


I told you that the PPP would lose control of parliament when you wailed that they would get 60% of the votes.


I told you that AfroGuyanese and mixed voters would turn out in large numbers to register their disgust for the PPP.  You insisted that the PPP was making big inroads into this bloc.


Funny for a man who accuses me of knowing nothing about Guyana you really dont know too much.



Now return to your efforts to try to have the Chronicle restore that editorial that you wrote about about savage black people.


Had your govt had a brain they would have had a plan as soon as plans for the protest were so loudly announced that we heard all about it here in NY. As soon as I heard it first thought was that they were going to block that bridge. So deaf was your brilliant govt that they couldnt figure out that blocking the bridge was an obvious move and that the GDF/GPF should ahve immediately gone to secure that site and blocked any group from entering, allowing only vehicles and small groups of people whose intent.  How come thes epeople were able to place logs on the bridge......meaning that they had lots of time to do so.


albert there are clearly better things for you to do instead of spreading lies and getting people even angrier than they are.

This whole long post to say what? The same set of racist nonsense you have been spreading here from since dunno when. This however doesn't change the fact that racists like yourselves and the AFC stooges incited what was once a peaceful protest and it became violent when they confronted security officials with bricks and sticks. 3 persons lost their lives unfortunately and instead of calling for good sense to prevail your colleagues from Congress Place were busy inciting while you donated freely from the US so that the mayhem and terror could continue. It has now reached the point where PPP supporters are being targeted and roads, bridges and building destroyed. This makes the contention of Linden being in a deprived state comical given that the current actions will result in more economic decline........


Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

The kids in the playground tell me to tell you that hate gets us nowhere. We in Guyana will have to come up with the solutions and we are capable of doing that. We don't need you to stoke the fires of hatred from behind your computer.  

Excellent point Ronald as this is precisely what this racist has been doing. No doubt he must be having feelings of glee even as the Lindeners dig themselves into poverty.

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by caribny:







I told you that the PPP would lose Linden when you screamed that they would win.


I told you that the PPP would lose control of parliament when you wailed that they would get 60% of the votes.


I told you that AfroGuyanese and mixed voters would turn out in large numbers to register their disgust for the PPP.  You insisted that the PPP was making big inroads into this bloc.


Funny for a man who accuses me of knowing nothing about Guyana you really dont know too much.





This whole long post to say what? The same set of racist nonsense you have been spreading here from since dunno when. This however doesn't change the fact that racists like yourselves and the AFC stooges incited what was once a peaceful protest and it became violent when they confronted security officials with bricks and sticks. 3 persons lost their lives unfortunately and instead of calling for good sense to prevail your colleagues from Congress Place were busy inciting while you donated freely from the US so that the mayhem and terror could continue. It has now reached the point where PPP supporters are being targeted and roads, bridges and building destroyed. This makes the contention of Linden being in a deprived state comical given that the current actions will result in more economic decline........


And what part of this post is racist?   I know that you by telling lies are catering to every stereotype that the PPP has of AfroGuyanese, as printed in its news rag The Chronicle.  Yes that one which you never condemned.  And you continue to do so even now with your rant ablout PNC supporters in Brooklyn.


You see every time the PPP messes up they try to blame the opposition.


This is your mess as you all had no business attacking a peaceful protest.


So who are you to call me racist when you and your ilk promote every stereotype of AfroGuyanese that you are able to.  I know that you have deep rage towards me because I told you that the PPP would not win Linden and that what ever limited support that it began to get from blacks under Cheddi it lost under Jagdeo.



The loss of lives was not an accident.  Some body pulled the trigger and instead of telling us why you all meander between lying that the police were under attack, when your own videos show otherwise, or insinuating that the PNC deliberately ensured these deaths to create instability.


The protest was PEACFUL until the police attacked the crowds....Did the AFC tell the police to do so? NO!!!!!!  Even the police admit that it was policemen who fired bullets and that these guns arent from the police arsenal.  You can show no evidence that the police were under attack because if you had this evidence it would have been plastered all over GNI.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

The kids in the playground tell me to tell you

Why does it surprise me that your intellectual limitations allows you to draw ideas only from kids.


Now baseman says that Guyana has a serious ethnically based political polarization, even though he is clearly pro PPP.


So it does appear as if only fools like albert who are being paid to spread lies will support you on that.


As Linden gets worse and worse it will do you good to figure out that if Guyana's politics werent so ethnically fractured this wouldnt have happened.  If you want to cure a disease you must first diagnose it and then discuss a cure.  You refuse to admit that there is a disease.  Worse yet you call me a racist who spreads hate because I tell you of this problem. Baseman says the same so take it up with him if you refuse to with me.


But then you are at teh same intellectual level as those kids playing in the park so hey.....go sing ABCD with them.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You said that the PPP would not win Linden, so why would that lead us to have 'deep rage' against you? Does that make any sense? You are all about hate. Most of your posts are about how Indians hate blacks. We don't need that. We need peace and love that you are incapable of  providing.

Ingrained racism what else do you expect

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

The kids in the playground tell me to tell you that hate gets us nowhere. We in Guyana will have to come up with the solutions and we are capable of doing that. We don't need you to stoke the fires of hatred from behind your computer.  

Excellent point Ronald as this is precisely what this racist has been doing. No doubt he must be having feelings of glee even as the Lindeners dig themselves into poverty.

ronald albert is being paid to spread PPP lies.  I suspect that you ought to demand the same as you are doing the same thing.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You said that the PPP would not win Linden, so why would that lead us to have 'deep rage' against you? Does that make any sense? You are all about hate. Most of your posts are about how Indians hate blacks. We don't need that. We need peace and love that you are incapable of  providing.


You will get peace and love when you respect others. Dont disrespect them and expect anything other than the same back to you in return.



When one party can only win 5% support from a particular group that is indeed startling, especially given Guyana's history.  Guyana's politics is serious ethnically polarized and you are a fraud if you dont understand this.  So a srong turnout by African/mixed voters against the PPP was to be predicted......and that fiasco when Nigel Hughes outlined PPP racism and the PPP was too befuddled to properly respond just set the stage for this.


The reaction of Linden is no surprise to any who knows this and the clumsiness of the PPP in handling this shows their refusal to admit their role in creating this ethnic polarization.  They are no more liked by AfroGuyanese than is the PNC by IndoGuyanese and for teh SAME reasons. 


Please do not pretend that the PNC isnt reviled by most Indians who can cite very specific reasons why they felt the PNC in its day was anti Indian.  Today Africans feel the same sting from the PPP and have been quite vocal about this.  Unless you completely are deaf to their  comments you would know this.



There is no sign that albert understands that there is any need for peace and love.  His role is to divide and demonize.  yet here you are becoming his cheering section.  You are either a hypocrite or very stupid, or maybe both.  The APNU/AFC control parliament together and the PPP will get no where until it learns to work with them.  Creating havoc in an attempt to force another election is clearly their goal.



Yet you support his work.  And joined the racists in their lie that blacks killed and raped 3,000 Indians....How come if you want peace and love?




Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mrs. Gerhard Ramsaroop:

I hope this is not what Harry Gill meant by appropriate actions?


Surita Ramlakhan they should have burn down Gerhard ramsaroop house stupid fool he is been used ................he forget he also have a home with a family..............ass

Is Harry Gill Surita??? Man yuh Baan fuh lie and talk shit!!!

Please note this is NOT Gerhard Ramsaroop. 


My point is that Harry Gill's comment sparked this comment.  Hence my comment.


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mrs. Gerhard Ramsaroop:

I hope this is not what Harry Gill meant by appropriate actions?


Surita Ramlakhan they should have burn down Gerhard ramsaroop house stupid fool he is been used ................he forget he also have a home with a family..............ass

Is Harry Gill Surita??? Man yuh Baan fuh lie and talk shit!!!



Harry Gill is hoping get something from the PPP. I wonder if they are also giving him the Joey/Peter treatment. Surita is most likely a made up name by a PPP insider. This is how they instigate violence against people. This is how they instigated the killings ROAR activists back in the days. Gerhard is strong. They led a peaceful protest in Linden. The police under Rohee first opened fire and killed innocent people.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mrs. Gerhard Ramsaroop:

I hope this is not what Harry Gill meant by appropriate actions?


Surita Ramlakhan they should have burn down Gerhard ramsaroop house stupid fool he is been used ................he forget he also have a home with a family..............ass

Is Harry Gill Surita??? Man yuh Baan fuh lie and talk shit!!!



Harry Gill is hoping get something from the PPP. I wonder if they are also giving him the Joey/Peter treatment. Surita is most likely a made up name by a PPP insider. This is how they instigate violence against people. This is how they instigated the killings ROAR activists back in the days. Gerhard is strong. They led a peaceful protest in Linden. The police under Rohee first opened fire and killed innocent people.

so why mrs ramsaroop don't address the issue where it took place, why does it has to be spill over here.


who really cares about the loser roar and tk, you are a reject face it loser.


I can understand the crap afc and anpu has injected into people.


ramjattan and tk eyes are both are slanted and so are their brains.


Kepp in mind, the people of Guyana rejected ROAR,  they had a fair trial moment in the political area, Ravi dev who is currently unhealty and cannot run for presidential candidates had given the leader position to Paul. who changed it over to GUP/GAP. Even gap dissolved. SAD case


so once again tk failed and is beging for sympathy like a cheap ho from Guarmount.

Originally Posted by criminal#1:

Kepp in mind, the people of Guyana rejected ROAR,  they had a fair trial moment in the political area, Ravi dev who is currently unhealty and cannot run for presidential candidates had given the leader position to Paul. who changed it over to GUP/GAP. Even gap dissolved. SAD case


so once again tk failed and is beging for sympathy like a cheap ho from Guarmount.

Originally Posted by Mrs. Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mrs. Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Please note this is NOT Gerhard Ramsaroop. 


My point is that Harry Gill's comment sparked this comment.  Hence my comment.


Mrs Ramsaroop i've said it already and i'll say it again if the violence your husband and his colleagues instigated in Linden spills over to georgetown then i'll be the first to descend on 3rd st alexander village

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Mrs. Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mrs. Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Please note this is NOT Gerhard Ramsaroop. 


My point is that Harry Gill's comment sparked this comment.  Hence my comment.


Mrs Ramsaroop i've said it already and i'll say it again if the violence your husband and his colleagues instigated in Linden spills over to georgetown then i'll be the first to descend on 3rd st alexander village

Is there a like button or a thumbs up on this forum?



Originally Posted by Mrs. Gerhard Ramsaroop:

I hope this is not what Harry Gill meant by appropriate actions?


Surita Ramlakhan they should have burn down Gerhard ramsaroop house stupid fool he is been used ................he forget he also have a home with a family..............ass


Dear me! which one of these is the tantaria wanting to burn people out of their homes?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Mrs. Gerhard Ramsaroop:

I hope this is not what Harry Gill meant by appropriate actions?


Surita Ramlakhan they should have burn down Gerhard ramsaroop house stupid fool he is been used ................he forget he also have a home with a family..............ass


Dear me! which one of these is the tantaria wanting to burn people out of their homes?

You think by posting a picture of this woman you or anyone else her can intimidate her? Or you're hoping to bring her personal harm by doing this?

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Mrs. Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mrs. Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Please note this is NOT Gerhard Ramsaroop. 


My point is that Harry Gill's comment sparked this comment.  Hence my comment.


Mrs Ramsaroop i've said it already and i'll say it again if the violence your husband and his colleagues instigated in Linden spills over to georgetown then i'll be the first to descend on 3rd st alexander village

blessed are the peacemakers!

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Mrs. Gerhard Ramsaroop:

I hope this is not what Harry Gill meant by appropriate actions?


Surita Ramlakhan they should have burn down Gerhard ramsaroop house stupid fool he is been used ................he forget he also have a home with a family..............ass


Dear me! which one of these is the tantaria wanting to burn people out of their homes?

You think by posting a picture of this woman you or anyone else her can intimidate her? Or you're hoping to bring her personal harm by doing this?

 Did I threaten her? I am not into threats.  You are. 


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