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Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I've read you a long time ago and concluded you have no love for Indos.

BRG many Indos no longer have love for the PPP. You have lost almost 50,000 votes since 2001. Fool yourself that the PPP and the Indo population =100%. More Indians are now escaping that plantation...interestingly a few also seeing the racism of the PPP towards AfroGuyanese. Much as some Afros became aware of Burnham's hostility towards Indians 30 years ago.

Berbicians ran behind Naga or didnt vote PPP because they were angry with that party's arrogant attitudes and blatant corruption.

The PPP lost almost 25% of their votes this year compared to 2006. Instead of engaging in ignorant behavior ask yourself why after billions of dollars of taxpayer money and 100% control over much of the media.

One thing I have noticed though is how none of you PPPites pretend that the PPP is aparty of national unity with broad based multi ethnic support anymore. Strident Indianism from the mouths of the PPP.
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Does Moses move to abandon the PPP and offer allegiance to the AFC actually paid off? If so, where is Moses and what position has he held for being a turncoat? Four decades of service is a great part of one's life to give up for nothing. This silence is very puzzling.

When you mention "turncoat" you've already made up your mind about Moses Nagamootoo; so why ask the question? And more so since you assert that he's given up 40 years of his life for :nothing". Just open a thread and write all the nastiest things you can about Moses Nagamootoo. That would be more worthy of you. Otherwise go learn to be part of the human race.
When you mention "turncoat" you've already made up your mind about Moses Nagamootoo; so why ask the question? And more so since you assert that he's given up 40 years of his life for :nothing". Just open a thread and write all the nastiest things you can about Moses Nagamootoo. That would be more worthy of you. Otherwise go learn to be part of the human race.

Moses did one thing wrong to leave the PPP and join the AFC. He went against everything he believed in and cuddle with his foes against the people. In his 40 years of public service to his country, I wouldn't have anything nasty to say about him, rather I would like to know if his 40 years of service went in vain. Moses is only human, and he's entitled to make mistakes. Being a turncoat is one of the biggest mistakes he made against his political career. I don't have to join the human race to speak against a public figure. I am a human with democratic principles. With that being said, I would like to know what principle you hold in your political belief.
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Does Moses move to abandon the PPP and offer allegiance to the AFC actually paid off? If so, where is Moses and what position has he held for being a turncoat? Four decades of service is a great part of one's life to give up for nothing. This silence is very puzzling.

Moses will be in the forefrunt of all discussion about the issues affesting Guyanese.

He will be requesting the AFC to change their sysytem to elect their Leader.
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Does Moses move to abandon the PPP and offer allegiance to the AFC actually paid off? If so, where is Moses and what position has he held for being a turncoat? Four decades of service is a great part of one's life to give up for nothing. This silence is very puzzling.

I notice there is a sense of uneasiness among the PPP fateful since Moses joined the AFC. You all are worried about what he is going to do with all that knowledge about how the PPP operated. You can try to black ball him but the truth will come out. Stay tuned and try to untangle your bukta in the meantime. I congratulate Nagamotoo to have the strength and courage to be whisleblower.
Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Does Moses move to abandon the PPP and offer allegiance to the AFC actually paid off? If so, where is Moses and what position has he held for being a turncoat? Four decades of service is a great part of one's life to give up for nothing. This silence is very puzzling.

I notice there is a sense of uneasiness among the PPP fateful since Moses joined the AFC. You all are worried about what he is going to do with all that knowledge about how the PPP operated. You can try to black ball him but the truth will come out. Stay tuned and try to untangle your bukta in the meantime.

Intelligence is not having lots of information. It is how you used it that will make you smart amd Moses is definitely not smart or intelligent. Foe fifty years he was associated with the communists and was their propaganda minister. After he quit to read law, he did absolutely nothing to show that he is smart.
He wenr back to the PPP and demanded leadership or nothing. he got nothing.

Moses is an Indian. The PNC said thgat the only good indian is a dead one.
Moses himself is having second thoughts about what he did, now dat his passion and anger has diminished. Read my THESIS on the Ramesh Maharaj factor and MOSES!!!!
Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Does Moses move to abandon the PPP and offer allegiance to the AFC actually paid off? If so, where is Moses and what position has he held for being a turncoat? Four decades of service is a great part of one's life to give up for nothing. This silence is very puzzling.

I notice there is a sense of uneasiness among the PPP fateful since Moses joined the AFC. You all are worried about what he is going to do with all that knowledge about how the PPP operated. You can try to black ball him but the truth will come out. Stay tuned and try to untangle your bukta in the meantime. I congratulate Nagamotoo to have the strength and courage to be whisleblower.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Moses himself is having second thoughts about what he did, now dat his passion and anger has diminished. Read my THESIS on the Ramesh Maharaj factor and MOSES!!!!
Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Does Moses move to abandon the PPP and offer allegiance to the AFC actually paid off? If so, where is Moses and what position has he held for being a turncoat? Four decades of service is a great part of one's life to give up for nothing. This silence is very puzzling.

I notice there is a sense of uneasiness among the PPP fateful since Moses joined the AFC. You all are worried about what he is going to do with all that knowledge about how the PPP operated. You can try to black ball him but the truth will come out. Stay tuned and try to untangle your bukta in the meantime. I congratulate Nagamotoo to have the strength and courage to be whisleblower.

When last did you speak to Nagamottoo? Maharaj did the right thing. Panday was corrupt and needed to be exposed. The evidence proved him to be right. I suspect a "coolie" should not rat on a "collie" govt. I 'll tell you what those day are slowly coming to an end.
Originally posted by Nehru:
HEHEHE You dont give up eh?/ Well continue to embarass yourself. xmas4 xmas4 xmas5 xmas6 xmas6
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Originally posted by D2:
Now Amral, what makes this thread worthy of standing and the posters still here while Farouk did no less than they are doing?

For the simple fact that we are concerned over a former PPP member who's political faith is unknown to this day. This thread was not meant to cause trouble or to disrespect anyone. This forum is designed for discussion, and we're discussing something of concern over a public servant of Guyana.
There is no simple fact here. There is just the muck a couple of trolls seem content to wade through. Discussions are not started on air. They are started from a substantive position. Trolling does not meet that bar.
The truth is not embarrassing. Muckrakers and snipers scare no one. Further, you and your stupid one liners that one can cut and past endlessly would more be a candidate for embarrassment if only you had some sense.
Moses made his decision in peril and he would have to live with that. I am more worried for the Chap. I am not against him making any decision. However, every decision has a consequence.
Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by FC:
When last did you speak to Nagamottoo?
Last time when he was counting sheep and realised Moses had left the pasture. Good_night

Good one Nuff. These people cannot get over the loss of Nagas.
Originally posted by caribj:

Well Afros took the sweeties and free concerts and voted AFC.

You can't just come online these days making outlandish claims when many more people in Guyana have internet access now than before. That statement is a figment of your racist imagination.
The AFC did worst on this occasion than it did in 2006 in the PNC strong areas. In fact they came behind the PPP in these PNC strongholds in 2011. Check Linden, South Georgetown etc
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Nehru:
Moses made his decision in peril and he would have to live with that. I am more worried for the Chap. I am not against him making any decision. However, every decision has a consequence.[QUOTE]Originally posted by FC:
QUOTE]Don't you think he's had 40 years to think about his decision? That's 2/3 of his life.

He decided to leave the crooks and go honest. What's difficult to understand about that? He himself stated so. Do you like hanging with crooks?
Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by FC:
When last did you speak to Nagamottoo?
Last time when he was counting sheep and realised Moses had left the pasture. Good_night

Good one Nuff. These people cannot get over the loss of Nagas.

Moses didn't do anything for the PPP in ten years.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

Moses didn't do anything for the PPP in ten years.
But he sure did something big for the AFC when he exposed PPP corruption and who would know better to expose them than a 40 year card bearing PPP stalwart. . Big Grin

he was promissed the vice presidency if he did that.
Moses used to lead the fight in the streets for the PPP against the PNC regime. Now he is doing to the PPP what he once did for them. he is good at that.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

he was promissed the vice presidency if he did that.
Moses used to lead the fight in the streets for the PPP against the PNC regime. Now he is doing to the PPP what he once did for them. he is good at that.
Really ... and he honestly believed the AFC would get a landslide victory and knock off the PPP and APNU and make him VP?

Rama .... puleeeeeze!
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

he was promissed the vice presidency if he did that.
Moses used to lead the fight in the streets for the PPP against the PNC regime. Now he is doing to the PPP what he once did for them. he is good at that.
Really ... and he honestly believed the AFC would get a landslide victory and knock off the PPP and APNU and make him VP?

Rama .... puleeeeeze!

He did jump at the offer. I laffed at it. he was looking for an excuse to bolt from the PPP.
In similar circumstances most people would have done what he did.
Originally posted by Nuff:
I don't buy that argument. Try again.

I believe the man left the PPP because he saw a party deviate from its initial charter one which was seduced by greed and corruption to the point where a handful picked Jagdeo's successor.

I don't agree with your argument. It would have been OK if the CC gave him the Leadership. He argued for years that Jagan hand pick him and he is entitled to it. Donald had a better working relationship with the CC. he lost.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by FC:
When last did you speak to Nagamottoo?
Last time when he was counting sheep and realised Moses had left the pasture. Good_night

Good one Nuff. These people cannot get over the loss of Nagas.

Moses didn't do anything for the PPP in ten years.

Wrong Uncle Rama! The best thing Moses could have done for the PPP and by extension , the people of Guyana is the exposition of thievery & corruption within the party.
Originally posted by Mara:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by FC:
When last did you speak to Nagamottoo?
Last time when he was counting sheep and realised Moses had left the pasture. Good_night

Good one Nuff. These people cannot get over the loss of Nagas.

Moses didn't do anything for the PPP in ten years.

Wrong Uncle Rama! The best thing Moses could have done for the PPP and by extension , the people of Guyana is the exposition of thievery & corruption within the party.

he could have done it but he didn't do it. He got rich under the PPP. He can only expose himself. So we are back to Moses didn't do anthing for the people of guyana in ten years.
Originally posted by Mara:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Mara:

Wrong Uncle Rama! The best thing Moses could have done for the PPP and by extension , the people of Guyana is the exposition of thievery & corruption within the party.

Damn Damn Damn ... I actually agree with you. Big Grin

... and now I am really frightened Wink
I guess a lil time off does mek people mellow out. Big Grin
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mara:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by FC:
When last did you speak to Nagamottoo?
Last time when he was counting sheep and realised Moses had left the pasture. Good_night

Good one Nuff. These people cannot get over the loss of Nagas.

Moses didn't do anything for the PPP in ten years.

Wrong Uncle Rama! The best thing Moses could have done for the PPP and by extension , the people of Guyana is the exposition of thievery & corruption within the party.

he could have done it but he didn't do it. He got rich under the PPP. He can only expose himself. So we are back to Moses didn't do anthing for the people of guyana in ten years.
how he get rich under the ppp,every body under the ppp thief.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

Moses didn't do anything for the PPP in ten years.

he could have done it but he didn't do it. He got rich under the PPP. He can only expose himself. So we are back to Moses didn't do anthing for the people of guyana in ten years.[/QUOTE]
What / where are the riches Moses got under the PPP? Last time I checked, he was no where near Pradoville 1 & 11, but was still residing in his modest home near the Railway Embankment at Patterson / Liliandaal. In this instance, his non performance within the PPP may in time prove to be one of his best contribution to the nation. Trimming the spurs of fowl cocks and clipping the wings of a lame duck is indeed a feat by itself. The corruption, nastiness and arrogance was becoming unbearable and too much for those imbued with a sense of fairness, justice and a conscience.
Originally posted by Mara:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

Moses didn't do anything for the PPP in ten years.

he could have done it but he didn't do it. He got rich under the PPP. He can only expose himself. So we are back to Moses didn't do anthing for the people of guyana in ten years.

What / where are the riches Moses got under the PPP? Last time I checked, he was no where near Pradoville 1 & 11, but was still residing in his modest home near the Railway Embankment at Patterson / Liliandaal. In this instance, his non performance within the PPP may in time prove to be one of his best contribution to the nation. Trimming the spurs of fowl cocks and clipping the wings of a lame duck is indeed a feat by itself. The corruption, nastiness and arrogance was becoming unbearable and too much for those imbued with a sense of fairness, justice and a conscience.[/QUOTE]

R U saying that he didn't get the perks and was pi$$ed off? Moses is not a saint. He begged for the Leadership, but they found out in time what kind of a person he is. Like Peter Ramsaroop, Moses will abscond for the AFC.
This is a new administration. Tell when one of them is guilty of Corruption.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mara:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

Moses didn't do anything for the PPP in ten years.

he could have done it but he didn't do it. He got rich under the PPP. He can only expose himself. So we are back to Moses didn't do anthing for the people of guyana in ten years.

What / where are the riches Moses got under the PPP? Last time I checked, he was no where near Pradoville 1 & 11, but was still residing in his modest home near the Railway Embankment at Patterson / Liliandaal. In this instance, his non performance within the PPP may in time prove to be one of his best contribution to the nation. Trimming the spurs of fowl cocks and clipping the wings of a lame duck is indeed a feat by itself. The corruption, nastiness and arrogance was becoming unbearable and too much for those imbued with a sense of fairness, justice and a conscience.

R U saying that he didn't get the perks and was pi$$ed off? Moses is not a saint. He begged for the Leadership, but they found out in time what kind of a person he is. Like Peter Ramsaroop, Moses will abscond for the AFC.
This is a new administration. Tell when one of them is guilty of Corruption.[/QUOTE]this is a new administration,are you a moron.if you cannot read what your president say, ask fat albert,and i think peter is a ppp member

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