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Yes Tola. It was also emotional watching Moses for me also. Moses and my father were extremely close friends. They both fought against the Burnhamite regime for the greater part of their adult life. When my father died in 1998, Moses wrote a heart felt three page letter to our family expressing the impact on my father's death had on him. I have never forgotten Moses class. As I have repeatedly said on GNI "Moses ain't no two cents coolie". He is a man of integrity.

With the PPP being denied a majority in 2011, the new government will not last one year. Moses will be the next President of Guyana. It's only a matter of time.

As I said it is a must watch video. Moses connects with the common man.

Vote for CHANGE ... Vote AFC.
After watching this video, I am certain even the most indoctrinated supporters of the PPP are having second thoughts in their quiet moments. I can understand and appreciate their dilemma and empathize with their reluctance in not being able to break free from a party and institution, which for decades was their beacon & sanctuary of Peace, Freedom, Justice and Equality. However, when such a place is festooned and desecrated by vermin and thieves, for those with a modicum of decency and conscience, there is perhaps two logical course of action :
1. A thorough top to bottom house cleaning and sanitizing to get rid of the termites, rats and cockroaches and their putrid stench.
2. Vacate the blighted place, tear down the crumbling, Vermin & termite infested edifice and rebuild anew.

This rot and infestation within the PPP is not an over night phenomena. My personal experience and observation tells me that even while Dr Jagan was still alive, there was visible signs of this malignancy and may have in fact contributed to his early demise due to stress.

With wolves still baying at the windows, I do understand and appreciate why so many from within and without were reluctant to openly criticize the intransigencies of 'comrades within their fold'. As an aside, many years ago, after experiencing the growing and unchecked hooliganism of PNC members at public meetings, a senior police officer remarked that Burnham was creating a monster that would soon get out of control. We have all witnessed that altruism and sadly, we are witnessing it again, but this time, a different monster that may, for obvious reason, escape detection by some. Everyone, including Moses bear some responsibility for this degenerative decline of the PPP, from a vanguard institution to a 'House Of Desecration'. However, it is better late than never and the first step in remediation is awareness. With awareness, come the obligation for action by those still imbued with a sense of decency and morality.

Understandably, some may not yet wake up from their deep slumber and others are easily pacify with sucre while the vermin are stashing away the bacon & cheese. Moses's evacuation of the 'House Of Desecration' may be a sign that the rot and stench at Freedom House is beyond cosmetic tinkering.
It seems like the PPP boys used a delaying tactic on giving Moses a final answer to whether or not he will lead the party leaving him with little time to lash out before the elections. They probably saw this coming from him, so they decided to announce Ramotar as presidential candidate less than two months before the elections. It is so clear that he left the party for one reason and not any of the things he is complaining about.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Bookman:
Originally posted by Churchill:
Moses will be the next President of Guyana. It's only a matter of time.

I firmly believe this !

What do you really mean?
Will Moses tell Ramjattan "screw you" and take over his position?
And then you take offence when others refer to his personal ambition. Frown

I do not take offence to references to Moses's ambitions....I take offense at the attempts to smear the name of a good man who has contributed so much to the struggle in Guyana...especially coming from those he has helped in the past....

The way things are evolving in Guyana we might end up with a national government and Moses is the only person who has the qualities including the integrity to head that government....there will be no need to tell Ramjattan " screw you " in such a scenario.....
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by Vanessa:
Moses was on Fire.
I love what I hear. Vote AFC !!!

Moses is an AFC/PNC goons' basket case!

And Joe Hamilton and Bynoe are the latest Patron Saints. Imagine your child kick you to the curb as soon as they grow up...then throw away all the values you taught and go sleep with the enemy.
Originally posted by Bookman:
Originally posted by Churchill:
Moses will be the next President of Guyana. It's only a matter of time.

I firmly believe this !

What do you really mean?
Will Moses tell Ramjattan "screw you" and take over his position?
And then you take offence when others refer to his personal ambition. Frown

I think Churchill have no regards for Trotman.

Reminds of Reepu asking me who the hell is Sam Hinds. I replied, "He is the Prime Minister." The response to comment was a suck teeth.
What bothers me is Moses waited so long before coming out with this tirade and to do it under the auspices of the AFC ? just hope for the sake of the AFC's future he does not turn this AFC election campaign into a Moses vs PPP tirade. Trotman had little to say, Ramjattan had none to say and Moses had everything to say. From the outside looking it appears as though Moses is using the AFC as a legitimate forum to bash the PPP and the AFC might be losing some ground with this as it may not appeal to PNCites who are looking at the AFC as an option. This is why I would have preferred Moses come out against the PPP on his own then perhaps join the AFC on national issues and concerns rather than all the jibe about PPP , Jagdeo and the Jagan legacy.
Correct again Kid. The AFC has to start telling the people what they plan on doing and don't bother with putting down the PPP, they're already in the hole no need to speak out against them.
The PPP has the monopoly for fighting in the outhouse no need for the AFC to follow their lead.

I have to say that Moses as well as Ramjattan do speak well.
Can't say much for the two PPP guys,sora and dora.
Originally posted by alena:
Moses will be the next President of Guyana. It's only a matter of time.

But he is not the Presidential Candidate. dunno

The Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal will not get a majority in Parliament in 2011. This means the new government will not last. There will be general elections again within two years in Guyana.
Originally posted by Wally:
The AFC is on the move. The PPP leadership is probably thanking God the election is at the end of November.

My thoughts precisely Wally. The AFC has the momentum. Moses is lighting Region 6 on fire. No way the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal can get a majority.

Jagdeo is desperate ....that is why he behaving like a school yard bully who is being challenged. He is breaking down.
Originally posted by Wally:
The PPP strategy was to use Joey to counter attack Moses. But Joey does his own thing.

Joey dont have the ability to counter attack anyone, he is not even close to the league of Moses, to even be noticed.
What has the PPP got: foam-mouth Jagdeo whose cuss down is causing more harm than good and Ramotar who need to go to public speaking school.
The rest are too preoccupied with their wealth after the PPP goes down.

Too bad Jagdeo made his government a one-man show, now others are afraid to act without his direction and he is left to act alone.
I am sure PPP ministers have a plan B for their families and employment.
What is happening in the campaign is that the AFC and APNU are not running against Donald they are running against Jagdeo. Donald has got to come out and fight head on. Everytime Jagdeo/Joey/Sam is at the meetings it is giving the impression that Jagdeo/Sam are running but it is Donald who is running. These guys should just stay in the background and let Donald do his thing.
Wally, thru family and friends connection with the Jagans, we spent a lot of time at their house at PM. As you know their life style was very simple. Last time me see Oudit, he curried spika birds with rice and we all helped ourself with the food on top of his gas cooker.
You are so right that it will be beyond the comprehension of the Jagans to talk about the car loan with Jagdeo, that Moses talked about.

Jagdeo is turning out to be a control freak, he cant let go of the power....if Ramotar is elected, he might have a difficult time making decisions, contrary to those of Jagdeo, which might further destroy the internal organs of the PPP.
Jagdeo is not showing any indication of allowing Ramotar to have a free reign.
Originally posted by Wally:
I agree the Jagans were very simple people with simple needs. Joey once said when his father died he had nothing. I believe that. I may not like Janet's bad temper and other things but I admire her modest life. Same thing with Dr.Cheddi. I think all Guyanese should try to live like that.

The American/Canadian influence is driving many people to live above their means.
I remember a domestic-worker single-mother with five children, asked an NGO for assistance to build a house in a cemetary in Berbice. Two weeks later she had a mouthful of gold teeth.
Originally posted by cain:
Correct again Kid. The AFC has to start telling the people what they plan on doing and don't bother with putting down the PPP, they're already in the hole no need to speak out against them.
The PPP has the monopoly for fighting in the outhouse no need for the AFC to follow their lead.

I have to say that Moses as well as Ramjattan do speak well.
Can't say much for the two PPP guys,sora and dora.

The AFC is going off course! The AFC leading members should be making Donald Duck look bad , Jagdeo look evil and illuminate their plans for the future but is seems they are falling prey to the PPP type campaign with Moses at their helm.
An interesting point Kidmost. I have this other view. At this stage in the campaign I think the strategy of the AFC is to hit at the weakness in the PPP that being Jagdeo's massive house and other dealings so when people go to vote they would forget about Ricky Jai and think about that massive house and other deals.
Originally posted by kidmost:
Originally posted by cain:
Correct again Kid. The AFC has to start telling the people what they plan on doing and don't bother with putting down the PPP, they're already in the hole no need to speak out against them.
The PPP has the monopoly for fighting in the outhouse no need for the AFC to follow their lead.

I have to say that Moses as well as Ramjattan do speak well.
Can't say much for the two PPP guys,sora and dora.

The AFC is going off course! The AFC leading members should be making Donald Duck look bad , Jagdeo look evil and illuminate their plans for the future but is seems they are falling prey to the PPP type campaign with Moses at their helm.

kidmost, the Indians in Region 6 are not voting for a Presidential candidate. They are voting for an entity i.e. the PPP. Jagdeo, today, best symbolizes what the PPP today stands for. As such, it makes a lot of sense to go after Jagdeo. The man on the street knows that Ramotar is just a proxy for Jagdeo.

If you study a detained analysis of the votes in 2006 and understand how seats are allocated in Guyana the AFC strategy makes a lot of sense. Erode the PPP voting base in Berbice and West Coast Demerara and Guyana will definitely have a minority government in 2011.

The Indians in Georgetown are VERY CONSCIOUS and know exactly what is happening. Campaigning in GT is preaching to the choir.
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
If you study a detained analysis of the votes in 2006 and understand how seats are allocated in Guyana the AFC strategy makes a lot of sense. Erode the PPP voting base in Berbice and West Coast Demerara and Guyana will definitely have a minority government in 2011.

The Indians in Georgetown are VERY CONSCIOUS and know exactly what is happening. Campaigning in GT is preaching to the choir.

Originally posted by Wally:
An interesting point Kidmost. I have this other view. At this stage in the campaign I think the strategy of the AFC is to hit at the weakness in the PPP that being Jagdeo's massive house and other dealings so when people go to vote they would forget about Ricky Jai and think about that massive house and other deals.
the people do not know much about ramotar,if this man had to stand alone without barrat.he will not get no support.the ppp make a mistake when they make this man a presidental candidate, moses was the man and the ppp would have win easy.ramotar is a moran,a moran duck

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