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April 5, 2015 1:02 PM

Home > TOP STORY > Nagamootoo’s padded resume exposed as falsehoods
Moses Nagamootoo
Moses Nagamootoo

Nagamootoo’s padded resume exposed as falsehoods


CHARACTER, policies and a track record ought to constitute the benchmarks against which political players are judged, heading into the upcoming May 11 General and Regional Elections.
People’s Progressive Party/ Civic member, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, expressed this view at a news conference held at Freedom House, where he responded to the litany of positive traits with which Moses Nagamootoo crowned himself.
The prime ministerial candidate of A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) coalition, at a rally held at Whim, Region 6 (East Berbice Corentyne) claimed, among other things, that he was nominated twice for national awards by the late former president, Dr. Cheddi Jagan.
“I declined the nominations and I said to Dr. Jagan and to the leadership of the PPP that when my public life is over, then I shall think whether or not I deserve to be honoured by my nation,” he said.


Dr Leslie Ramsammy

Nagamootoo claimed that he refused salary increases, since public servants earned less.
“I was the first Minister who refused to accept increase in my salary unless, as I said to the Cabinet, the Government could pay more to nurses and teachers,” he said.
The APNU+AFC prime ministerial candidate also chatted about decisions he took which favoured the interest of the Guyanese people, when he chaired Cabinet.
Nagamootoo also touted the fact that he resigned as part of the governing party’s ranks, drawing references to national interests.

These were only some of the claims he made at Whim, according to Dr Ramsammy, who dismantled them all.
According to him, Nagamootoo did resign twice from the party, first in 1995 and then in 1997; however, Dr. Ramsammy made it clear that resignations were the result of an ultimatum given to him by the party’s leadership.
The PPP/C member explained that in 1995, Nagamootoo wanted to maintain his ministerial post and complete his degree at the University of Guyana, but he was asked by Dr Jagan to make a choice, since he could not do both full-time simultaneously.
“He resigned,” Dr. Ramsammy said.
Two years later, under the late former president, Mrs. Janet Jagan, he was given a similar ultimatum when he wanted, again, to hold the post of Minister of Local Government and attend the Hugh Wooding Law School.
“He resigned again,” the PPP/C member said.
On the question of chairing Cabinet, Dr. Ramsammy was adamant that there are no records this ever happened, as was the case with the acceptance of salary increases.
Nagamootoo was Minister of Information in 1992 to 1996 and in 1995 salaries were increased from $25,000 to $65,000, one dollar above what the permanent secretary was earning.
The PPP/C member noted that the Ministry of Finance records of the Parliamentary payroll can attest to the fact that be benefited from the increased salary.
As for the issue of nominations for national awards, he stated that he is unaware of this.
Dr. Ramsammy observed that in asking the Guyanese people for their votes, one’s character, policies and track records are open for scrutiny
“I did not raise these issues. He (Nagamootoo) did…he is asking the Guyanese people for their votes…I am asking questions,” he posited.

By Vanessa Narine



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Home > LETTERS > Opposition is a lying seditious bunch

Opposition is a lying seditious bunch


WELL, it is official knowledge that the combined opposition in Parliament is a lying, seditious bunch. I would rather use a harsher toned word for “bunch”, a word that aptly fits the group, but diplomacy and decorum suggest otherwise, so I’ll settle for bunch.
This unholy alliance of disgraces have teamed up once again to first deceive themselves into believing that their lies will work a way out for them and secondly, that those lies will make the PPP/C government look bad.
Like death row convicts, you consistently


tell yourself that you didn’t do it and will eventually believe the lie.
That’s the place our parliamentary convicts have arrived at. Self- deception of the worst kind, where your lies have solemnly caught up with you, and shamefully you try to worm your way out of it. But try as Moses (such a noble name for a lying prophet) would, he could not evade the Attorney General’s keen scrutiny.

Minister Nandlall came to Parliament well armed with the Hansard which exposed this vulgar liar and thus, he vainly tried to mitigate his sorry circumstances. Now that Moses and by extension the opposition had been exposed, what do you think the people of this country are saying? What do you think is their evaluation of you guys? Well, the answer is a foregone conclusion.
I believe the people of Guyana are just about at the place where their minds are being made up and will speak in no uncertain terms come the next opportunity afforded them. They are tired of the lies, tired of the deception and most of all fed-up with the stagnated state of the country’s affairs. While the opposition lie and argue over nonsensical issues, the people’s business is stagnated and the country is at a standstill. This irresponsible behaviour has become offensive to the audience out there.
An opposition who are so corrupt and blatantly irresponsible has finally self- destructed.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Home > LETTERS > Opposition is a lying seditious bunch

Opposition is a lying seditious bunch


WELL, it is of...blas bla bla




YOU REALLY GROVELING IDIOT BOY.  2013..try for something from 1925 while you at it too nuh.

Orlando Acgusa Florida's photo.


Dear Editors: ...  KING LIARS: LIE, YOU HEAR LIES?


LIE NO. 6:


Jagdeo repeatedly said that I lied on Janet Jagan as she never promised that I should be Vice-President of Guyana.

MORE LIES: Twice when this issue came up, Ms. Jagan said she could not remember.

At 80 plus, it is fine not to remember.

But she never denied.

She never said that I lied on her. 

Mere days before her death, Ms. Jagan, my mentor as journalist, on 5th March, 2009, in her own handwriting, sent a note to me, with words of appreciation and fraternal affection. She took pain to scribble that note, telling me that her hand was in cast as she had broken her shoulder.

Would she have done that

if she felt that I had lied on her?

She had done so on many previous occasions, embracing my work as she did on 27th May, 2008 when she lauded my tribute to militant women in the Guyanese struggle: “I’m glad they were remembered, to take their rightful places in our political history,” she wrote to me.


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