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Let's explore the meaning of Neemakaram: This subject does not meant any disrespect to anyone or to the person who said it, but simply to give our viewers an understanding how certain usage of word(s) can turn against you when you least expected it, especially when you're a public figure.

Is there any decent person among us who can honestly tell the true meaning of the word in question? Neemakaram is a Hindi word means ungrateful to the lowest degree. Now, if you add a Guyanese man to the word neemakaram, we will eventually get an ungrateful son to the lowest degree. If you add a politician to the word in question, we will get a neemakaram politician to the lowest degree.

Now let me explain! We don't like neemakaram among our friends, our family, and most certainly we don't want a neemakaram in our government. However, we have people on this board who support a neemakaram in our government. If you support a neemakaram, you would have to be a neemakaram yourself. Am I right? Kari, Churchill and others who became anti-PPP because of a neemakaram need to lend an ear while I straightened out the neemakaram issue once and for all.

Here's the story...a politician with 40 years of public service to his country said that he would be a neemakaram to leave the PPP and join the AFC. After that famous speech in public, he gave the word neemakaram a whole new meaning.

Today, the same honorable politician who said that word about his adversaries joined ranks with them against his party of 40 years of his life's work. Now, who is the neemakaram? This neemakaram name is Moses Nagamootoo, and he's responsible for the PPP minority in parliament, and any future doldrums that Guyana may experience in the future under Donald Ramotar's presidency.

Does anyone know the phrase, don't cut your nose to spoil your face? The Romans would rather die with honor than to bring shame to his leader. Do you think Moses would have done what the Romans did? No! What honor does Moses has left? None! We're waiting patiently to see what other shame he will cast on Guyana on December 28. Now, this is what a real neemakaram means for all of us. Let's take this lesson to heart, and let not be a neemakaram to anyone or to our country.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Moses didn't hand the PPP a minority Government. he by himself couldn't have done it.

There other factors like TK, Sase singh, GR and other disgruntled Indians who didn't get a piece of the pie. This the question of the PPP's failure to control the Police Force which allowed the freedom fighters to plummage the country and butalize Indians..

There is question of why would the PPP take into their fold hooligans from the PNC.

Moses is only a victim of his own greed.
I would not call Moses greedy. He did not act in the interest of the Country for personal reasons. Bharat Jagdeo sidelined Moses for a very long time and his anger and frustration led him to make a terrible decision a month before a general Election. His long standing Leadership qualities will be questioned in the future, among other negatives he will face. Blaming Moses alone however, is veru unfair. Why was Moses not approached through the back channels by Mr ramoutar Contacts and work out a Post Election deal with Moses???? These are simple things that does not require much brain power to do.
God in his infinite wisdom moves men in the benefit of nations. A Prayer do reach His realm.

Guyana has a people's victory.

Robert Persaud was stunned that the PPP lost its majority in some regions by a mere six votes.

NO matter how many times they counted the ballots they could not tip it in their favour. Those six votes had the Holy Ghost fire on them. NO way could GECOM moved it for the PPP.

After 61 yeras, the arrogance of the Jagans, Burnham, Hoyte and Jagdeo have simply disappeared by the might of the people who gave the AFC 7 seats.

The nation has a fool for President -the creation of the PPP - Donald Ramotar. It is interesting how they destroyed themselves.

The Bible does claim however, it takes a fool to confound the wise. And the PPP will be confounded because Ramotar in his inadequacies will give Guyana through this parliament a truly peoples government.

Ramotar, will soon tell the Central Committee that their communist ways are over.

This parliament possess a minority government,
and a foolish President.

Moses Nagamootoo, Rupert Roopnarine, Raphael Trotman and Ramjattan are stalwarts in fighting for political democracies within Guyana's political systems.

Ramotar will be bent in their favour -an absolute plus for the citizens.

As for Granger and Corbin -their future is mired in a personal political fight.

The AFC will shine in the nations business, thereby attracting the support the APNU members in parliament.

Moses Nagamoottooo was too proud. His 50 years in the PPP made him into another Jagan. It is good they eventually done him in. He has been humbled - perhaps similar to Biblical Moses.

He will serve Guyana well.
Halleluja!!! Sweet Jesus.
Originally posted by seignet:
God in his infinite wisdom moves men in the benefit of nations. A Prayer do reach His realm.

Guyana has a people's victory.

Robert Persaud was stunned that the PPP lost its majority in some regions by a mere six votes.

NO matter how many times they counted the ballots they could not tip it in their favour. Those six votes had the Holy Ghost fire on them. NO way could GECOM moved it for the PPP.

After 61 yeras, the arrogance of the Jagans, Burnham, Hoyte and Jagdeo have simply disappeared by the might of the people who gave the AFC 7 seats.

The nation has a fool for President -the creation of the PPP - Donald Ramotar. It is interesting how they destroyed themselves.

The Bible does claim however, it takes a fool to confound the wise. And the PPP will be confounded because Ramotar in his inadequacies will give Guyana through this parliament a truly peoples government.

Ramotar, will soon tell the Central Committee that their communist ways are over.

This parliament possess a minority government,
and a foolish President.

Moses Nagamootoo, Rupert Roopnarine, Raphael Trotman and Ramjattan are stalwarts in fighting for political democracies within Guyana's political systems.

Ramotar will be bent in their favour -an absolute plus for the citizens.

As for Granger and Corbin -their future is mired in a personal political fight.

The AFC will shine in the nations business, thereby attracting the support the APNU members in parliament.

Moses Nagamoottooo was too proud. His 50 years in the PPP made him into another Jagan. It is good they eventually done him in. He has been humbled - perhaps similar to Biblical Moses.

He will serve Guyana well.
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Let's explore the meaning of Neemakaram: This subject does not meant any disrespect to anyone or to the person who said it, but simply to give our viewers an understanding how certain usage of word(s) can turn against you when you least expected it, especially when you're a public figure.

Is there any decent person among us who can honestly tell the true meaning of the word in question? Neemakaram is a Hindi word means ungrateful to the lowest degree. Now, if you add a Guyanese man to the word neemakaram, we will eventually get an ungrateful son to the lowest degree. If you add a politician to the word in question, we will get a neemakaram politician to the lowest degree.

Now let me explain! We don't like neemakaram among our friends, our family, and most certainly we don't want a neemakaram in our government. However, we have people on this board who support a neemakaram in our government. If you support a neemakaram, you would have to be a neemakaram yourself. Am I right? Kari, Churchill and others who became anti-PPP because of a neemakaram need to lend an ear while I straightened out the neemakaram issue once and for all.

Here's the story...a politician with 40 years of public service to his country said that he would be a neemakaram to leave the PPP and join the AFC. After that famous speech in public, he gave the word neemakaram a whole new meaning.

Today, the same honorable politician who said that word about his adversaries joined ranks with them against his party of 40 years of his life's work. Now, who is the neemakaram? This neemakaram name is Moses Nagamootoo, and he's responsible for the PPP minority in parliament, and any future doldrums that Guyana may experience in the future under Donald Ramotar's presidency.

Does anyone know the phrase, don't cut your nose to spoil your face? The Romans would rather die with honor than to bring shame to his leader. Do you think Moses would have done what the Romans did? No! What honor does Moses has left? None! We're waiting patiently to see what other shame he will cast on Guyana on December 28. Now, this is what a real neemakaram means for all of us. Let's take this lesson to heart, and let not be a neemakaram to anyone or to our country.
One of the things of being here long enough you see the same question asked or explored. Let me use that previously discovered understanding to explain the word in your context.

The word “namak” means "salt" and the word haram means forbidden or unclean. Gandhi used the term "Nimak Haram" or "against our salt" to label those who acted against his campaign to protest against the salt tax in India. Salt was a significant producer of income to the colonial treasury and it was Satyagraha or a fundamental and incorrigible truth, knowable innately by the soul that this tax was anti the community and represents British social injustice.

This tax cuts across the rich and poor demographics in Indian and they all know it immediately as unjust. He initiated his campaign with a protest against the salt tax because it brought people together by acting as a social cement between the classes in a fight against colonial oppression. Breaking the community trust by using British salt instead on the salt taken freely from the ocean was “Namak Haram” ie “against our salt” campaign.

The PPP choices are not our "salt" and disagreeing with them on as an organization, on process, or on procedure is not a breaking community trust. Having them in power is not Satyagraha. Actually, their choices are immoral and act aggressively against our basic needs ie our "salt". Nagamotto, to the contrary, was preserving our "Salt" or community integrity by bringing back a necessary compliance with basic honor to community and the necessary right to think freely according to ones own belief systems. He was saving our “salt” by giving us back our minds that was taxed excessively by the PPP’s need for us to be their non thinking sheep.

The type of prosecutorial morality practiced against its detractors by the PPP is a new inquisition heaped on us by those pretending they alone know the truth and all others are haram. Well that is not Satyagraha or a fundamental truth knowable by our souls. What is fundamentally knowable is that we are free to make our own choices. We are not to be anybody’s sheep. Now that is Halal as opposed to Haram.
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
This matter worth the cause of asking if loyalty can be bought and sold or is something you ought to die for. Former President Jagdeo went through enormous scrutiny during his time in office, and Moses will have to answer about his treachery of the PPP. It's that simple!

Moses did exactly what Lord Krishna instructed Arjuna to do in the Bhagvada Gita... this is not easy for the intellectualy challenged to comprehend.
Jai Shree Ram. partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
This matter worth the cause of asking if loyalty can be bought and sold or is something you ought to die for. Former President Jagdeo went through enormous scrutiny during his time in office, and Moses will have to answer about his treachery of the PPP. It's that simple!

Moses did exactly what Lord Krishna instructed Arjuna to do in the Bhagvada Gita... this is not easy for the intellectualy challenged to comprehend.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Let's explore the meaning of Neemakaram: This subject does not meant any disrespect to anyone or to the person who said it, but simply to give our viewers an understanding how certain usage of word(s) can turn against you when you least expected it, especially when you're a public figure.

Is there any decent person among us who can honestly tell the true meaning of the word in question? Neemakaram is a Hindi word means ungrateful to the lowest degree. Now, if you add a Guyanese man to the word neemakaram, we will eventually get an ungrateful son to the lowest degree. If you add a politician to the word in question, we will get a neemakaram politician to the lowest degree.

Now let me explain! We don't like neemakaram among our friends, our family, and most certainly we don't want a neemakaram in our government. However, we have people on this board who support a neemakaram in our government. If you support a neemakaram, you would have to be a neemakaram yourself. Am I right? Kari, Churchill and others who became anti-PPP because of a neemakaram need to lend an ear while I straightened out the neemakaram issue once and for all.

Here's the story...a politician with 40 years of public service to his country said that he would be a neemakaram to leave the PPP and join the AFC. After that famous speech in public, he gave the word neemakaram a whole new meaning.

Today, the same honorable politician who said that word about his adversaries joined ranks with them against his party of 40 years of his life's work. Now, who is the neemakaram? This neemakaram name is Moses Nagamootoo, and he's responsible for the PPP minority in parliament, and any future doldrums that Guyana may experience in the future under Donald Ramotar's presidency.

Does anyone know the phrase, don't cut your nose to spoil your face? The Romans would rather die with honor than to bring shame to his leader. Do you think Moses would have done what the Romans did? No! What honor does Moses has left? None! We're waiting patiently to see what other shame he will cast on Guyana on December 28. Now, this is what a real neemakaram means for all of us. Let's take this lesson to heart, and let not be a neemakaram to anyone or to our country.
One of the things of being here long enough you see the same question asked or explored. Let me use that previous discovered understanding to explain the word in your context.

The word “namak” means "salt" and the word haram means forbidden or unclean. Gandhi used the term "Nimak Haram" or "against our salt" to label those who acted against his campaign to protest against the salt tax in India. Salt was a significant producer of income to the colonial treasury and it was Satyagraha or a fundamental and incorrigible truth, knowable innately by the soul that this tax was anti the community and represents British social injustice.

This tax cuts across the rich and poor demographics in Indian and thjey all know it immediately as unjust. He initiated his campaign with a protest against the salt tax because it brought people together by acting as a social cement between the classes in a fight against colonial oppression. Breaking the community trust by using British salt instead on the salt taken freely from the ocean was “Namak Haram” ie “against our salt” campaign.

The PPP choices are not our "salt" and disagreeing with them on as an organization, on process, or on procedure is not a breaking community trust. Having them in power is not Satyagraha.

Actually, their choices are immoral and act aggressively against our basic needs ie our "salt". Nagamotto, to the contrary, was preserving our "Salt" or community integrity by bringing back a necessary compliance basic community honor and right to think freely. He was saving our “salt” by giving us back our minds that was taxed excessively by the PPP’s need for us to be their non thinking sheep.

The type of prosecutorial morality practiced against its detractors by the PPP is a new inquisition heaped on us by those pretending they alone know the truth and all others are haram. Well that is not Satyagraha or a fundamental truth knowable by our souls. What is fundamentally is that we are free to make our own choices. We are not to be anybody’s sheep. Now that is Halal as opposed to Haram.

Thanks D2. You beat me to it. I was busy looking for a verse in the BG. Big Grin
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That is Ghandi's Ji definition. There is also a definition on Tape. You can check it out on Youtube. partybanana partybanana yippie yippie
Originally posted by Nehru:
Jai Shree Ram. partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
This matter worth the cause of asking if loyalty can be bought and sold or is something you ought to die for. Former President Jagdeo went through enormous scrutiny during his time in office, and Moses will have to answer about his treachery of the PPP. It's that simple!

Moses did exactly what Lord Krishna instructed Arjuna to do in the Bhagvada Gita... this is not easy for the intellectualy challenged to comprehend.

Shree Krishna Arpan!!! Big Grin

Bhaiji, we had a wonderful Xmas get-together for the the matured folks over 50 at the temple. There were smiles and tears on their faces. They really do miss Guyana at this time. Each of them received a gift and a little spending money. They extremely enjoyed the local music and enjoyed the sumptious food which they pot lucked themselves. Big Grin xmas7
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Let's explore the meaning of Neemakaram: This subject does not meant any disrespect to anyone or to the person who said it, but simply to give our viewers an understanding how certain usage of word(s) can turn against you when you least expected it, especially when you're a public de President

Is there any decent person among us who can honestly tell the true meaning of the word in question?
Neemakaram is a Hindi word means ungrateful to the lowest degree.
Now, if you add an @ntiman.... a Guyanese man to the word neemakaram, we will eventually get an ungrateful son to the lowest degree.
If you add a politician President Fagdeo to the word in question, we will get a neemakaram politician to the lowest degree.

Now let me explain! We don't like neemakaram among our friends, our family, and most certainly we don't want a neemakaram in our government. However, we have people on this board who support a neemakaram in our government.
If you support a neemakaram, you would have to be a neemakaram yourself. Am I right?

Kari, Churchill and others who became anti-PPP because of a neemakaram Fagdeo need to lend an ear while I straightened out the neemakaram issue once and for all.

Here's the story...a politician Fagdeowith years of neemakaram service to the PNC Under Desmond Hoyte his country said that he would be a neemakaram and Hijack the PPP and import all the worst PNC killers and Thugs who beat and Murder Indians and Rig Electins.

To apperar Presidential......he needs to get an innocient Hindu Girl is conned into a scam wedding as a wife.
After that famous Hindu Wedding and going around de bamboo in public, he gave the word neemakaram a whole new meaning.

Today, the same ****** who said that word about Indians in the PNC joined ranks with them and help to destroy the PPP by Importing all the worst Black PNC thugs, hooligans and Indian Killers to join him and occupy the office of the President.
Ramotar cannot function with these parasites and Indian killers around.

Now, who is the neemakaram? This neemakaram name is Bhaaaa-Rat, and he's responsible for the PPP minority in parliament, and any future doldrums that Guyana may experience in the future under Donald Ramotar's presidency.

Donald to his Credit....has taken some urgent action....Two of Bhaaa-Rat PNC Killers & Thugs Kwame and Lamumba have been hauled befre the court with serious charges.
Bhaaaa-Rats Commissiner of Police has been charged for Raping a woman from the East Coast.

Does anyone know the phrase, don't cut your nose to spoil your face? The Romans would rather die with honor than to bring shame to his leader.

Do you think Moses would have done what the RAT did? No!

What honor does De Rat has left? None!

We're waiting patiently to see what other shame the RAT will cast on Guyana on December 28.
Lets see how Donald will continue to deal with this stink Rat.

Now, this is what a real neemakaram means for all of us.

Let's take this lesson to heart, and let not be a neemakaram to anyone or to our country.
Dat is the REAL Christmas Spirit. We dont have to be christians to feel the Christmas Spirit. GOD BLESS them ALL. Donald would welcome them in Guyana anytime. xmas6 xmas6
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Jai Shree Ram. partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
This matter worth the cause of asking if loyalty can be bought and sold or is something you ought to die for. Former President Jagdeo went through enormous scrutiny during his time in office, and Moses will have to answer about his treachery of the PPP. It's that simple!

Moses did exactly what Lord Krishna instructed Arjuna to do in the Bhagvada Gita... this is not easy for the intellectualy challenged to comprehend.

Shree Krishna Arpan!!! Big Grin

Bhaiji, we had a wonderful Xmas get-together for the the matured folks over 50 at the temple. There were smiles and tears on their faces. They really do miss Guyana at this time. Each of them received a gift and a little spending money. They extremely enjoyed the local music and enjoyed the sumptious food which they pot lucked themselves. Big Grin xmas7
Jalil:To apperar Presidential......he needs to get an innocient Hindu Girl is conned into a scam wedding as a wife.
After that famous Hindu Wedding and going around de bamboo in public, he gave the word neemakaram a whole new meaning.

Janam janam kaa saath hai nibhaane ko.... Just a reminder to the Hindus when you go around the Sacred fire (Agni Devata as the most Sumpreme witness of the marriage) you are making vows that you will share your lives together for the next 7 janams and even in death your ashes or souls would intermingle.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
This matter worth the cause of asking if loyalty can be bought and sold or is something you ought to die for. Former President Jagdeo went through enormous scrutiny during his time in office, and Moses will have to answer about his treachery of the PPP. It's that simple!

Moses did exactly what Lord Krishna instructed Arjuna to do in the Bhagvada Gita... this is not easy for the intellectualy challenged to comprehend.

the bhagwat Gita is a fabled nancy story..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
This matter worth the cause of asking if loyalty can be bought and sold or is something you ought to die for. Former President Jagdeo went through enormous scrutiny during his time in office, and Moses will have to answer about his treachery of the PPP. It's that simple!

Moses did exactly what Lord Krishna instructed Arjuna to do in the Bhagvada Gita... this is not easy for the intellectualy challenged to comprehend.

the bhagwat Gita is a fabled nancy story..

Hindus pay attention to what De Bandit Pepu Nephew is saying.....How could you follow these Neemakaram?????
Originally posted by Jalil:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
This matter worth the cause of asking if loyalty can be bought and sold or is something you ought to die for. Former President Jagdeo went through enormous scrutiny during his time in office, and Moses will have to answer about his treachery of the PPP. It's that simple!

Moses did exactly what Lord Krishna instructed Arjuna to do in the Bhagvada Gita... this is not easy for the intellectualy challenged to comprehend.

the bhagwat Gita is a fabled nancy story..

Hindus pay attention to what De Bandit Pepu Nephew is saying.....How could you follow these Neemakaram?????

go and worship your rats...
Originally posted by Jalil:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
This matter worth the cause of asking if loyalty can be bought and sold or is something you ought to die for. Former President Jagdeo went through enormous scrutiny during his time in office, and Moses will have to answer about his treachery of the PPP. It's that simple!

Moses did exactly what Lord Krishna instructed Arjuna to do in the Bhagvada Gita... this is not easy for the intellectualy challenged to comprehend.

the bhagwat Gita is a fabled nancy story..

Hindus pay attention to what De Bandit Pepu Nephew is saying.....How could you follow these Neemakaram?????

Ramakant Paado worships laad Shivas regal, even though he kant afford it. Big Grin
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
This matter worth the cause of asking if loyalty can be bought and sold or is something you ought to die for. Former President Jagdeo went through enormous scrutiny during his time in office, and Moses will have to answer about his treachery of the PPP. It's that simple!

Moses did exactly what Lord Krishna instructed Arjuna to do in the Bhagvada Gita... this is not easy for the intellectualy challenged to comprehend.

the bhagwat Gita is a fabled nancy story..

Mitwah is sicken, he equates Moses, the lowlife with God. Big Grin don't let them loser, mithwah gets to you.
Originally posted by Burhamson:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
This matter worth the cause of asking if loyalty can be bought and sold or is something you ought to die for. Former President Jagdeo went through enormous scrutiny during his time in office, and Moses will have to answer about his treachery of the PPP. It's that simple!

Moses did exactly what Lord Krishna instructed Arjuna to do in the Bhagvada Gita... this is not easy for the intellectualy challenged to comprehend.

the bhagwat Gita is a fabled nancy story..

Mitwah is sicken, he equates Moses, the lowlife with God. Big Grin don't let them loser, mithwah gets to you.
We understand you cannot read well. What Mitwah said stands on its own.
Originally posted by Burhamson:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
This matter worth the cause of asking if loyalty can be bought and sold or is something you ought to die for. Former President Jagdeo went through enormous scrutiny during his time in office, and Moses will have to answer about his treachery of the PPP. It's that simple!

Moses did exactly what Lord Krishna instructed Arjuna to do in the Bhagvada Gita... this is not easy for the intellectualy challenged to comprehend.

the bhagwat Gita is a fabled nancy story..

Mitwah is sicken, he equates Moses, the lowlife with God. Big Grin don't let them loser, mithwah gets to you.

If you say so then it must be so. Note What I said about about intellectualy challenged. Wink
If you say so then it must be so. Note What I said about about intellectualy challenged.

Burnhamson is correct in his statement that you cannot compare Moses Magamootoo to God. He may be your God, but he's not our God. Furthermore, he changes the true meaning of neemakaram and has to live like one for being a turncoat. Do you know why Ganesh gets a trunk like an elephant?
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
If you say so then it must be so. Note What I said about about intellectualy challenged.

Burnhamson is correct in his statement that you cannot compare Moses Magamootoo to God. He may be your God, but he's not our God. Furthermore, he changes the true meaning of neemakaram and has to live like one for being a turncoat. Do you know why Ganesh gets a trunk like an elephant?

You lack basic comprehension. Where did I compare Moses to God?
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
If you say so then it must be so. Note What I said about about intellectualy challenged.

Burnhamson is correct in his statement that you cannot compare Moses Magamootoo to God. He may be your God, but he's not our God. Furthermore, he changes the true meaning of neemakaram and has to live like one for being a turncoat. Do you know why Ganesh gets a trunk like an elephant?

You lack basic comprehension. Where did I compare Moses to God?

Moses did exactly what Lord Krishna instructed Arjuna to do in the Bhagvada Gita... this is not easy for the intellectualy challenged to comprehend.

Moses was not instructed by a higher authority to be ungrateful to the PPP. He did it for greed.
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
If you say so then it must be so. Note What I said about about intellectualy challenged.

Burnhamson is correct in his statement that you cannot compare Moses Magamootoo to God. He may be your God, but he's not our God. Furthermore, he changes the true meaning of neemakaram and has to live like one for being a turncoat. Do you know why Ganesh gets a trunk like an elephant?

You lack basic comprehension. Where did I compare Moses to God?

Moses did exactly what Lord Krishna instructed Arjuna to do in the Bhagvada Gita... this is not easy for the intellectualy challenged to comprehend.

Moses was not instructed by a higher authority to be ungrateful to the PPP. He did it for greed.

Thanks for helping me certify that you are indeed intellectualy challenged.

Since when your God is not my God or vice versa?
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Let's explore the meaning of Neemakaram: This subject does not meant any disrespect to anyone or to the person who said it, but simply to give our viewers an understanding how certain usage of word(s) can turn against you when you least expected it, especially when you're a public figure.

Is there any decent person among us who can honestly tell the true meaning of the word in question? Neemakaram is a Hindi word means ungrateful to the lowest degree. Now, if you add a Guyanese man to the word neemakaram, we will eventually get an ungrateful son to the lowest degree. If you add a politician to the word in question, we will get a neemakaram politician to the lowest degree.

Now let me explain! We don't like neemakaram among our friends, our family, and most certainly we don't want a neemakaram in our government. However, we have people on this board who support a neemakaram in our government. If you support a neemakaram, you would have to be a neemakaram yourself. Am I right? Kari, Churchill and others who became anti-PPP because of a neemakaram need to lend an ear while I straightened out the neemakaram issue once and for all.

Here's the story...a politician with 40 years of public service to his country said that he would be a neemakaram to leave the PPP and join the AFC. After that famous speech in public, he gave the word neemakaram a whole new meaning.

Today, the same honorable politician who said that word about his adversaries joined ranks with them against his party of 40 years of his life's work. Now, who is the neemakaram? This neemakaram name is Moses Nagamootoo, and he's responsible for the PPP minority in parliament, and any future doldrums that Guyana may experience in the future under Donald Ramotar's presidency.

Does anyone know the phrase, don't cut your nose to spoil your face? The Romans would rather die with honor than to bring shame to his leader. Do you think Moses would have done what the Romans did? No! What honor does Moses has left? None! We're waiting patiently to see what other shame he will cast on Guyana on December 28. Now, this is what a real neemakaram means for all of us. Let's take this lesson to heart, and let not be a neemakaram to anyone or to our country.

I agree with you ABIDHA, that Churchill turned out in the end to be a big neemakaram Benedict Arnold.
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
And you guys in the PPP are saying that the blacks who dint vote for the PPP are namak harams. Roll Eyes

I didn't hear anyone said that. Who said it and where? The election is over, no need for propaganda.

I hang out with the PPP boys. Wink BTW, by your definition, an anti-man is a namak haraam too. Smile

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