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* Burnham once said, "If I don't rig they(PPP and coolies) will rule us."


* That rotten sleazebag should have dropped dead from the time he started rigging elections in Guyana. Anyway, Karma finally caught up with him.


* Today, the PPP HATERS are hoping for another PNC RIGGER David Granger to lead Guyana. That will never happen.



Originally Posted by Rev:

* Burnham once said, "If I don't rig they(PPP and coolies) will rule us."


* That rotten sleazebag should have dropped dead from the time he started rigging elections in Guyana. Anyway, Karma finally caught up with him.


* Today, the PPP HATERS are hoping for another PNC RIGGER David Granger to lead Guyana. That will never happen.



You setting a good tone here  Rev...When Jagdeo and Ramotar passes on, I will remember to say the same about them.

Originally Posted by Tola:

You setting a good tone here  Rev...When Jagdeo and Ramotar passes on, I will remember to say the same about them.

* The DIRTY INDIANS and PPP HATERS who come here showering the rotten Forbes Burnham with praise and adoration are the most wretched, repulsive, despicable, and disgusting Guyanese you'd ever find.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Tola:

You setting a good tone here  Rev...When Jagdeo and Ramotar passes on, I will remember to say the same about them.

* The DIRTY INDIANS and PPP HATERS who come here showering the rotten Forbes Burnham with praise and adoration are the most wretched, repulsive, despicable, and disgusting Guyanese you'd ever find.



Rev...Your hatred reflects well, the leaders and members of the PPP.

And it will be your downfall. 

Originally Posted by Tola:

Rev...Your hatred reflects well, the leaders and members of the PPP.

And it will be your downfall. 



* You are a PPP HATER and so you will blame every sin under the Guyana sun on the PPP.


* But the PPP never rigged general elections in Guyana like that rotten slimeball Forbes Burnham, his replacement Desmond Hoyte and their murderous PNC.


* The good people of Guyana will always choose the PPP over the worthless PNC/AFC in any general election.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

As I  have always maintained...from my very first post here ( on the inclination)l t he only desire I  have to remember Burnham is as a reminder to piss on his grave the first chance I get


ha ha ha ha ha


* Why you have to hurt the feelings of PNC man and Burnham lover Tola ?



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

As I  have always maintained...from my very first post here ( on the inclination)l t he only desire I  have to remember Burnham is as a reminder to piss on his grave the first chance I get


ha ha ha ha ha


* Why you have to hurt the feelings of PNC man and Burnham lover Tola ?




Typical PPP, when they run our of words, they try to get the person down to their low level.


Jagdeo like Burnham did a lot of things that hurt  a lot of people in Guyana.

Including a program to assist youth who are committing suicide in large numbers, by the likes of Mutt and Jeff, who Jagdeo trained.

You reflect the hate what Guyana does not  need at the moment, or the whole country goes down the drain.  


If you hold on to the anger after a persons passes on, guess who gets hurt, the dead person don't give a shit.

I would suggest you read more about ANIMOSITY AND ITS CONSEQUENCES.

You are too far gone....   

Originally Posted by Mars:
Burnham was a two bit Commie Dictator not worth remembering in a positive way. Jagan would have given us the same policies such as nationalization which led to the destruction of Guyana's economy. He voted for it and supported it wholeheartedly. Today, the PPP are ten times worse than Burnham and Jagan.

Jagan would have had us so deep up the soviets rear end we would still be tunneling our way out.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by warrior:

burham give the ppp the gift of life,the constitution 

The Constitution serves both the PNC in the past and PPP now in power.


Of course, the changes to the Constitution require the approval of, at least, two-thirds of the MPs in parliament.

the tool for two evil

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by warrior:

burham give the ppp the gift of life,the constitution 

* Even Charles Manson, the devil, and Satan did one or two good deeds.


* That Burnham constitution will keep the PPP in power




evil never live for ever,it only have a time frame,its destiny that it destroy it self.we are seeing this in the ppp

Originally Posted by Tola:

Not different from Jagdeo or Ramotar, Burnham had his unique way of governing Guyana.

Unfortunately, they all favour only part of the population.

Others can bitch all they want... he is still  part of Guyana's history.

History is neither right or wrong, but what occurred.

RIP Comrade Linden. 



Well said Tola.

Everyone is entiled to their own opinion and we should respect that even though some sound wierd. D2 want to piss on the man's grave, others like me and you , feel that even though he was not the best of leader, he was our leader and deserves respect.



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