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Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by antabanta:
What I want to know is why are you assuming politics in Guyana shall perpetually remain as is, especially, I repeat, especially, in view of all the political upheavals world wide? Are you saying it shall always be as it is because of prejudice? Please word your response in simple terms as, as you've already ascertained, I'm not well-educated.


What you dont want to accept is the fact that as long as Guyana's politics is dominated by the 2 major parties a 3rd party like the AFC will stand close to zero chance of ever winning an election in Guyana.

The best performance by a 3rd party in a Guyana election was in 1964---The United Force received 12% of the votes; the PPP received 46% and the PNC 42%.

In the last 2 elections, the AFC received 8% of the votes in 2006 and 10.3% in 2011.

Now Banta you are free to engage in wishful thinking---hoping and wishing and dreaming that a 3rd party will one day emerge as an electoral winner in Guyana.


But right now the Rev cannot envision a scenario whereby a 3rd party wins an election and forms the government in Guyana.

What Anta does or doesn't want to accept or what the Rev can or cannot envision don't mean squat. Please answer the question. Are you saying it shall always be as it is because of prejudice?
Originally posted by antabanta:
What Anta does or doesn't want to accept or what the Rev can or cannot envision don't mean squat. Please answer the question. Are you saying it shall always be as it is because of prejudice?


The Rev being a man of numbers will answer your question in mathematical terms.

Over the next 100 years there is a 1% probability of a 3rd party like the AFC winning a general election in Guyana.

That means there is a 99% probability that one of the 2 major parties, either the PPP or APNU, will form the government over the next 100 years.

And the reason why the 2 major parties will continue to dominate Guyana's politics ?


Guyanese have grown accustomed to the 2 major parties---it has become habitual---those prejudiced in favor of the PPP will vote PPP; those prejudiced in favor of the PNC will vote PNC(apnu).


There is only a 1% probability of any 3rd party contesting a general election to emerge as the winner.

Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by antabanta:
What Anta does or doesn't want to accept or what the Rev can or cannot envision don't mean squat. Please answer the question. Are you saying it shall always be as it is because of prejudice?


The Rev being a man of numbers will answer your question in mathematical terms.

Over the next 100 years there is a 1% probability of a 3rd party like the AFC winning a general election in Guyana.

That means there is a 99% probability that one of the 2 major parties, either the PPP or APNU, will form the government over the next 100 years.

And the reason why the 2 major parties will continue to dominate Guyana's politics ?


Guyanese have grown accustomed to the 2 major parties---it has become habitual---those prejudiced in favor of the PPP will vote PPP; those prejudiced in favor of the PNC will vote PNC(apnu).


There is only a 1% probability of any 3rd party contesting a general election to emerge as the winner.

Aha!! Now I understand. So you're saying it's habitual prejudice and it shall always be so because it has always been so, merely because the prejudice is habitual?
Defections result in the formation of new political parties, for example in the 1970s, we saw the emergence of a string of parties including the WPA and in the 2000s, among others, the AFC. Unlike the WPA, a number of AFC leaders held prominent positions in both the PNC and the PPP and had firsthand experience of the corruption that drove them out. The AFC fought the elections on an anti-PPP ticket, with particular emphasis on the endemic level that corruption had reached during its time in office. A further difference is AFC has 7 seats in the Legislative Assembly and is in the position to bring about fundamental change in Guyanese politics.

Rev it would seem like enough disechanted PPP supporters' protest votes gave the AFC the 7 seats to bring about changes and to fight the PPP endemic level of corruption.

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