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Rippling his muscles and flashing a toothless grin a former Mr Universe known as the 'Pocket Hercules' celebrates his 100th birthday.


And what has been the key to long life for the super-fit centenarian who has battled poverty, a stint in prison and a minor stroke - not taking life too seriously.



Heyday: The muscular Manohar Aich shortly after being crowned as Mr Universe back in 1952

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This page is unquestionably the single most iconic comic book advertisement of all time. It ran in comics for sixty years in one form or another, starting in the '40s and continuing until at least a few years ago, when I saw one plastered on the back cover of Savage Dragon. They managed to outlive even Atlas himself, and the only real change was the addition of the URL for, where you can learn the first few secrets of Dynamic Tension for free. As far as comic book imagery goes, this thing's right up there with Superman's cape, a word balloon and a big ol' burst that says "POW


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