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A $6 million offer by a Guyanese racist

I will be looking at the released MI5 files on the PPP in the fifties and sixties. It is impossible in any country, except Guyana, for such documents to not be analyzed for the education of the forthcoming generations. There are people in this country that would gladly let priceless, historical information die, and the country becomes intellectually poorer.
When national figures die, those who knew them offer wonderfully inspired eulogies, but the other side of the coin is never told. That of course is understandable. Eusi Kwayana and Moses Bhagwan did just that – offered glowing tributes to Miles Fitzpatrick. They were right to do so, because they highlighted the positives they knew about the man. It is for others to analyze the negatives they saw in Fitzpatrick.
This is where my pen comes in. I have an undying loyalty to Guyana, the land that gave me birth and the land I chose to spend my entire life in. Long after I am gone, those who make Guyana their home should be entitled to read about who was who in their country eighty years ago, and who and who shaped or developed or destroyed their country eighty years ago. In other words, history must be recorded. It is an undying passion in places like Europe and the US. It must be so for Guyana.
Unfortunately, we will miss great opportunities to inform the next generation about many things it needs to know. It has to be a display of the sickest mind steeped in racist miasma when one reads what one of the Shah sisters divulged recently. For over 40 years, the Shah sisters staged a dance show named Nrityageet, originally a performance of East Indian dances. As the show grew, it took on a more diverse flavour.
There were dance pieces that were not exclusively Indian in origin and non-Indians specializing in Indian classical dance performed. Two notable inclusions were Andre Subryan and Philip McClintock, the latter benefitting from a scholarship from the Indian government. The National Dance Company, whose performers were not East Indians, was a regular feature.Because of the inclusion of non-Indian performers, Ms. Sita Shah wrote that she was offered six million dollars if she excluded non-Indians from performing in her show. Lost forever is the name of that person or company that made the repulsive offer. One doubts Ms. Shah will want to identify him or her. Obviously, there is the libel threat.
Stop for a moment and think of what this person is made of. In a country where ethnic tensions and ethnic suspicions have destroyed this nation, and where there have been phenomenal attempts to heal this country, someone was willing to pay six million dollars just to keep a non-Indian from being part of a performance. How could someone have such a mind? Cultures must always reach out to each other, learn from each other, and help build tolerance. There could only have been one result if Nrityageet had incorporated diverse talent in its midst – diversity would have brought a better appreciation of the difference that separates people in Guyana.
What Ms. Shah wrote about that offer is so shocking that it numbs the mind to think that we have such types in the country. That person is a truly sick human that should not be part of a multi-racial country. I would like to ask Ms. Shah if she ever saw that person again, and if she ever asked for an apology and was the apology given.
There were more shocking revelations from Ms. Shah. In declaring that 2019 will see the last rites for Nrityageet that endured for forty years, she said the show over the years was decimated by boycotts from the Indian communities because they wanted it to be an all-Indian affair. She intoned that the mandirs didn’t offer support for that reason too.
What a tragic country we live in. When I read what Ms. Shah revealed and what Lincoln Lewis wrote about foreigners coming here to take our “economic greatness” (a subject I will return to in a forthcoming column), one must despair for the future. When I read these things, I think of the young ones who will not get a visa and will have to spend the rest of their lives here.
I wish Ms. Shah could reveal the identity to someone who can put it in context that will avoid libel. But such poisonous minds have no right to exist in this country. To think such minds that brought Trump to power dwell right among us here. I doubt God cares about Guy

Replies sorted oldest to newest

There is not a race of people or a nation that is void of racism. It is the persons freedom of expression. Trump has that right and to deny him his rights as the President of USA is to be on the side of a Dictatorship. What happens to those who shares his views?

Guyana is a racists country, and not today. For those of us who enjoyed growing up in a multi-ethnic community, it is a treasure. And I have encountered black racism, but that is in no way discounted my pleasure of growing and sharing with other black brothers.

Freddie always trying to paint Indians as hate-full ppl. He wants a tolerant society but he is going about it the wrong way. 

Freddie should give us a documentation of the Jubilee Celebrations-there were no Indians.



The PNC will one day shove a big stick up Freddie’s backside. 

Where was Freddie when Guyana celebrated it’s Blackman fete and wine down at the stadium which cost billions and is now falling apart ?


Nrityageet, originally a performance of East Indian dances

Like they said in the 70s. BLACK POWER is for black people. Nrityageet is for Indian people. Why double standard? This is Guyana we are talking about.


This is a silly article, Is Freddie "Short Sighted" just recent a government minister, Volda Lawrence, stated jobs must be given to PNC card holders, ie: our people, really Blacks. This happened 2019, why not Milk this incidence.

 Freddie cup is half full of lies, the other half untruths.

Django posted:

This  RACIST should be exposed, Ms.Shaw should reveal his identity.

Not important. Guyana has always had racial issues. Freddie somehow feels the need to suck up to the PNC and he has no qualms burning the entire Indian race in Guyana to do so. His articles have become very predictable and points to a person suffering from low self esteem.


McClintock was a good dancer of Indian classics.  My parents would go to see him.  I don’t agree with excluding based on race.  Indian dancing and the Hindu religion are two different matters.  

Today blacks wear Indian outfits to Indian ceremonies with pride.   Just ask Bibi how the Afro friends of my niece was decked in saris and kurtas out at her wedding in Florida.  

Indians need to stop being so racist.  

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Y’all don’t bother with FK.

Eh-eh ... What/who is FK ??

Freddie Kissoon.

I was thinking it was something else. 😀

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Y’all don’t bother with FK.  Big 9 day celebration coming up.  Guyana next President became a father today.  Five days after his birthday.

Do Muslims hold 9 day?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Y’all don’t bother with FK.

Eh-eh ... What/who is FK ??

Freddie Kissoon.

... Freddie Kissoon ...

Ahhhh so yet again, Fred Dieing to Kiss it Soon.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

A $6 million offer by a Guyanese racist

 There were dance pieces that were not exclusively Indian in origin and non-Indians specializing in Indian classical dance performed. Two notable inclusions were Andre Subryan and Philip McClintock, the latter benefitting from a scholarship from the Indian government.

In fact in the 70s he was regarded as one of the best male dancers of kathak.  And this at a time when few non Indians had the vaguest interest in any aspect of Indo culture, aside from eating dhal puri and curried dishes.

seignet posted:


Freddie should give us a documentation of the Jubilee Celebrations-there were no Indians.


He need do no such thing.  I personally know people who were involved in organizing the Jubilee celebrations and I know how much effort they made to do outreach to Indos.  Rickford Burke in fact was one of those.

They screamed "blackman in power and we nah gun celebrate".  Ditto in Guyana.

So if Indos were under represented in the Jubilee then that is because they wanted to be and in fact I recall the comments made by blacks citing this as evidence of Indo racism and clannishness. 

And on GNI the Indo Nazis were screaming about "wine down" and calling it the height of vulgarity, even though their favorite weekend activity is to get drunk in some RH rum shop and then try to big themselves up by picking a fight.

Baseman posted:

McClintock was a good dancer of Indian classics.  My parents would go to see him.  I don’t agree with excluding based on race.  Indian dancing and the Hindu religion are two different matters.  

Today blacks wear Indian outfits to Indian ceremonies with pride.   Just ask Bibi how the Afro friends of my niece was decked in saris and kurtas out at her wedding in Florida.  

Indians need to stop being so racist.  

Funny they scream exclusion and then when others try to be inclusive by celebrating the full range of Guyana's cultural heritage the same ones scream " we nah want no blackman in dis!"

In Trinidad a Indo racist woman called a TV station which had mainly Indo programming when they had some chutney show that had blacks involved.  She called in screaming "she don't want no dutty Rowley PNM ni99ers" on the show.  I guess the customer service reps voice was a little high pitched so she didn't know that he was black. 

Next thing her personal info was leaked and then she got threats.  She then called the same "dutty Rowley PNM" begging for help.

seignet posted:

There is not a race of people or a nation that is void of racism. It is the persons freedom of expression. Trump has that right and to deny him his rights as the President of USA is to be on the side of a Dictatorship. What happens to those who shares his views?

Are you insane? Racism is an atrocity committed against someone for no valid reason. It is not a right. It is not freedom of expression for the simple reason that racism in itself denies others their freedom of expression. Prejudice has no boundary once started. Did Hitler have a right to kill Jews or was he just using his freedom of expression that Jews should be murdered? Did white people have a right to enslave blacks? Did white people have a right to commit countless atrocities in India and other colonies? How can any intelligent human being post such crap?

seignet posted:

There is not a race of people or a nation that is void of racism. It is the persons freedom of expression. Trump has that right and to deny him his rights as the President of USA is to be on the side of a Dictatorship. What happens to those who shares his views?

They are all imbeciles and should be treated as such.


Freddie should give us a documentation of the Jubilee Celebrations-there were no Indians.

Yeh right,as if they wanted to be there. I remember well, it is a Guyanese thing but most of the Indo KKK clan posted crap against it. I guess they do not view themselves as Guyanese unless it has something specifically of Indian origin.



cain posted:


Yeh right,as if they wanted to be there. I remember well, it is a Guyanese thing but most of the Indo KKK clan posted crap against it. I guess they do not view themselves as Guyanese unless it has something specifically of Indian origin.



they, and sadly many other Indos who aren't necessarily bigots, see themselves as Indians born in Guyana, so see no reason to support any Guyanese endeavor unless it is under Indian leadership.  Some even describe themselves as being on a sojourn from India, with a mere stop off in Guyana enroute to North America.

If the PPP was in power, even if they bad talked Jagdeo Afro Guyanese would have seen it as their duty as a Guyanese and would have demanded inclusion if there was any attempt to exclude.  They see themselves as Guyanese who happen to be black and are almost always ambivalent about Africa.


Until we stop being PC and discuss the fact that Indians and non Indo Guyanese have a very different attitude to their ethnic identity and how it relates to being Guyanese we will not get to the bottom of our ethnic angst.


Freddie likes Shit, he likes to stir shit that is why people throw shit on him. He put out some Shit article without evidence and proof just to see witch shit hole will run with it, obviously they gave it a long running. 

caribny posted:

they, and sadly many other Indos who aren't necessarily bigots, see themselves as Indians born in Guyana, so see no reason to support any Guyanese endeavor unless it is under Indian leadership.  Some even describe themselves as being on a sojourn from India, with a mere stop off in Guyana enroute to North America.

If the PPP was in power, even if they bad talked Jagdeo Afro Guyanese would have seen it as their duty as a Guyanese and would have demanded inclusion if there was any attempt to exclude.  They see themselves as Guyanese who happen to be black and are almost always ambivalent about Africa.

You are the worse bigot here.  IndoG affinity for Indian culture has a lot to do with bollywood movies and religious traditions which sustained the connection well past a century after indentureship.  Meanwhile you seem to have forgotten Forbes and the dashiki days. Maybe you too have a dashiki from pnc days in your wardrobe hidden away. I don't blame Afros for not holding on to their African root, they converted to Christianity en masse, severing any religious connection to the motherland. In addition, who would want affinity to a continent where you see starving people daily on TV begging for money, dictators and civil wars. 


Prashad was very fortunate to see and meet Phillip Mcclintock. It was this great man that introduced Prashad to Manna Dey the singer who Philip Mcclintock knew from his studies in India.

Last edited by Prashad

People like Philip Mcclintock and the Mighty Enchanter are our brothers. When we leave we take our brothers and sisters with us. Our Independent sovereign country must never be about race but about protecting our culture on the South American continent for generations to come.

caribny posted:
seignet posted:


Freddie should give us a documentation of the Jubilee Celebrations-there were no Indians.


He need do no such thing.  I personally know people who were involved in organizing the Jubilee celebrations and I know how much effort they made to do outreach to Indos.  Rickford Burke in fact was one of those.

They screamed "blackman in power and we nah gun celebrate".  Ditto in Guyana.

So if Indos were under represented in the Jubilee then that is because they wanted to be and in fact I recall the comments made by blacks citing this as evidence of Indo racism and clannishness. 

And on GNI the Indo Nazis were screaming about "wine down" and calling it the height of vulgarity, even though their favorite weekend activity is to get drunk in some RH rum shop and then try to big themselves up by picking a fight.

Carib you don't wine down.  You use Mash as a perfect place to wine up on those black girls.  Their husbands should buss your behind with lash.

Drugb posted:

You are the worse bigot here.  IndoG affinity for Indian culture has a lot to do with bollywood movies and religious traditions which sustained the connection well past a century after indentureship.  Meanwhile you seem to have forgotten Forbes and the dashiki days. Maybe you too have a dashiki from pnc days in your wardrobe hidden away. I don't blame Afros for not holding on to their African root, they converted to Christianity en masse, severing any religious connection to the motherland. In addition, who would want affinity to a continent where you see starving people daily on TV begging for money, dictators and civil wars. 

Afro Caribbean people have rich cultural traditions that we are proud of and that the world recognizes.  So we dont have to go running behind Africans begging for validation like some of you do towards Indians. 

The people say that they find you all strange, and that you all act too much like black people for them.  Learn to love yourselves and accept that in 2019 you are now as much a product of the Caribbean as we are.

And as to Christianity.  You better check to see how many Christian Indians are running around these days.  More and more are becoming Christians and it isnt even evident how many Hindus are actively involved in their religion outside of holidays, weddings and funerals.  I see too many of you all eating beef.

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:


Carib you don't wine down.  You use Mash as a perfect place to wine up on those black girls.  Their husbands should buss your behind with lash.

And the Guyanese one beat the Trini win. At least in my opinion.

This from Indo Trinidad.  Take a look at that fine girl with the blue shirt and red shorts.

Show this to some one from India.  You all need to come join us and celebrate that you are now a CARIBBEAN people!

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

This is RACISM from the top, you might think this photo was taken in Africa.

Yes and your PPP gatherings look like they are in India.  How many blacks were being considered for the presidential position?

Prashad posted:

People like Philip Mcclintock and the Mighty Enchanter are our brothers. 

And this is what Guyana, Trinidad and maybe Suriname are all about.

But you want to run off to India. Sad!

As much as many of you all seek India for your validation that horse left the barn long ago.  Just accept that you all are creatures of the Caribbean and stop stressing yourselves out. 

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
kp posted:

This is RACISM from the top, you might think this photo was taken in Africa.

Yes and your PPP gatherings look like they are in India.  How many blacks were being considered for the presidential position?

Same amount of non blacks considered for the PNC Presidential position.

Bibi Haniffa
yuji22 posted:
kp posted:

This is RACISM from the top, you might think this photo was taken in Africa.

Guyana, a land of six races !

Guyana land of six races and yet the PPP can only select one race for its leadership!  You really shouldn't talk.

Now run along like a good little boy and show us all of those Indo women who were screaming to be Pre K teachers but were prevented by "evil" blackman!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
kp posted:

This is RACISM from the top, you might think this photo was taken in Africa.

Yes and your PPP gatherings look like they are in India.  How many blacks were being considered for the presidential position?

Same amount of non blacks considered for the PNC Presidential position.

And did I deny that the PNC doesnt have a racist component?

Never did, but you scream that Jagdeo loves black people.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
kp posted:

This is RACISM from the top, you might think this photo was taken in Africa.

Yes and your PPP gatherings look like they are in India.  How many blacks were being considered for the presidential position?

Same amount of non blacks considered for the PNC Presidential position.

And did I deny that the PNC doesnt have a racist component?

Never did, but you scream that Jagdeo loves black people.

And he has couple black pickney to prove it.  Do you have any coolie pickney?

Bibi Haniffa

Which Guyanese Indo would give away 6 million bucks for anything?  Wealthy Indos would not give away 6 dollar for cup of mauby much less giving away 6 million dollars.  I don't believe this one.  Freddie loves to rile up people with his controversial writings.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
yuji22 posted:

Only Blackman live in Guyana !

Based on who turned out for the Jubilee you are correct. Not sure where the rest of you all live but apparently celebrating Guyana isnt your thing.

Bibi Haniffa posted:


And he has couple black pickney to prove it.  Do you have any coolie pickney?

Old time white slave massa used to have black pickney too and used to hide them just as Jagdeo hides his.  That is if he does have them.  Just proved my point that Jagdeo is a racist.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Which Guyanese Indo would give away 6 million bucks for anything?  Wealthy Indos would not give away 6 dollar for cup of mauby much less giving away 6 million dollars.  I don't believe this one.  Freddie loves to rile up people with his controversial writings.

He wrote this to excite small minds like Carib and GNI’s slop can crew.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Only Blackman live in Guyana !

Based on who turned out for the Jubilee you are correct. Not sure where the rest of you all live but apparently celebrating Guyana isnt your thing.

Carib never talks about the abuse Indians suffer at the hands of Afros everyday in that country.  Just talk to an Indo taxi or mini bus driver about what they have to endure daily at the hands of black policemen who demand bribes and use racial insults. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
yuji22 posted:

Yes, your dream of a Blackman only country is finally coming through !

I thought that was your dream when you boycotted Jubilee and begged the Indians to get an Indian passport, because you weren't Guyanese.

I do recall the screams from you all when the PPP revealed that Moses Nagamootoo on a trip to India revealed that he was a GUYANESE and not an Indian. 

Notable is that these comments were made when he was still in the PPP, which just goes to show the lengths that the PPP will go to create ethnic havoc and divisiveness.

So if Indians aren't Guyanese why your stress about that picture?

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Only Blackman live in Guyana !

Based on who turned out for the Jubilee you are correct. Not sure where the rest of you all live but apparently celebrating Guyana isnt your thing.

Carib never talks about the abuse Indians suffer at the hands of Afros everyday in that country.  Just talk to an Indo taxi or mini bus driver about what they have to endure daily at the hands of black policemen who demand bribes and use racial insults. 

Do you ever discuss Indo racism towards blacks? NO!

And in fact I have FREQUENTLY stated that BOTH groups have displayed racism.

FYI black taxi men also suffer from the same fate.

FYI Indo policemen also demand bribes.

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Only Blackman live in Guyana !

Based on who turned out for the Jubilee you are correct. Not sure where the rest of you all live but apparently celebrating Guyana isnt your thing.

Carib never talks about the abuse Indians suffer at the hands of Afros everyday in that country.  Just talk to an Indo taxi or mini bus driver about what they have to endure daily at the hands of black policemen who demand bribes and use racial insults. 

Do you ever discuss Indo racism towards blacks? NO!

And in fact I have FREQUENTLY stated that BOTH groups have displayed racism.

FYI black taxi men also suffer from the same fate.

FYI Indo policemen also demand bribes.

FYI black taxi men are targeted way less than an Indo and a lesser amount of money is extorted from them..  10k is demanded from Indo while 1k or 2k from blacks.  For this reason, many Indos mini bus owners employ blacks as their drivers. 

Your charge of racism have a little merit when it came to appointments of ambassadors.  Blacks make up 85% of those employed by government and hold the most of the top jobs in management.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:


FYI black taxi men are targeted way less than an Indo and a lesser amount of money is extorted from them..  10k is demanded from Indo while 1k or 2k from blacks.  For this reason, many Indos mini bus owners employ blacks as their drivers. 

Your charge of racism have a little merit when it came to appointments of ambassadors.  Blacks make up 85% of those employed by government and hold the most of the top jobs in management.  

1. Furnish the survey which states that black taxi men are harassed less than Indos.  And when the police harass the vendors they are harassing Indians?  How many Indos are vendors?

2. There were NO blacks who were appointed as ambassadors under Jagdeo and very few who were heads of state owned corporations, or commissions.  Even GT Hospital had Indos in # 1 and 2 positions as did the airport.

Please dont scream otherwise because even Roger Luncheon admitted that blacks were under represented in top slots because they were too stupid to occupy those roles.

Prashad posted:

East Indian men will salt and rice to save a dollar. The East Indian man who is ready to give 6 million for nonsense may have not been serious.

Racism is a powerful motivator.  That woman herself is a known racist screaming how vulgar black women are.  So I would expect her associates to be of like mind.

Skeldon and Yuji would pay their granddaughters to stay away from blackman.  Loud in screams of how disgraceful this will be to the family and how insulting it is to make a suggestion that this might happen.  they might do that just to give the old men a good fright just like the white girls do.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

You are the worse bigot here.  IndoG affinity for Indian culture has a lot to do with bollywood movies and religious traditions which sustained the connection well past a century after indentureship.  Meanwhile you seem to have forgotten Forbes and the dashiki days. Maybe you too have a dashiki from pnc days in your wardrobe hidden away. I don't blame Afros for not holding on to their African root, they converted to Christianity en masse, severing any religious connection to the motherland. In addition, who would want affinity to a continent where you see starving people daily on TV begging for money, dictators and civil wars. 

Afro Caribbean people have rich cultural traditions that we are proud of and that the world recognizes.  So we dont have to go running behind Africans begging for validation like some of you do towards Indians. 

The people say that they find you all strange, and that you all act too much like black people for them.  Learn to love yourselves and accept that in 2019 you are now as much a product of the Caribbean as we are.

And as to Christianity.  You better check to see how many Christian Indians are running around these days.  More and more are becoming Christians and it isnt even evident how many Hindus are actively involved in their religion outside of holidays, weddings and funerals.  I see too many of you all eating beef.

Who talking about Afro Carib? Restrict yuh conversation to AfroG, almost nothing from Africa survived, which is a shame.  Except fuh Kwe Kwe, which you don't partake, all else fell to the wayside. And now a hateful dog like you despise Indos for holding on to what little they could from their ancestral land despite attempts by the British to purge the culture and religion from the indentured servants.  

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:


FYI black taxi men are targeted way less than an Indo and a lesser amount of money is extorted from them..  10k is demanded from Indo while 1k or 2k from blacks.  For this reason, many Indos mini bus owners employ blacks as their drivers. 

Your charge of racism have a little merit when it came to appointments of ambassadors.  Blacks make up 85% of those employed by government and hold the most of the top jobs in management.  

1. Furnish the survey which states that black taxi men are harassed less than Indos.  And when the police harass the vendors they are harassing Indians?  How many Indos are vendors?

2. There were NO blacks who were appointed as ambassadors under Jagdeo and very few who were heads of state owned corporations, or commissions.  Even GT Hospital had Indos in # 1 and 2 positions as did the airport.

Please dont scream otherwise because even Roger Luncheon admitted that blacks were under represented in top slots because they were too stupid to occupy those roles.

Not only stupid but unqualified. Just look at the present government , many in high position with just high school education if that much, go see for yourself.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Only Blackman live in Guyana !

Based on who turned out for the Jubilee you are correct. Not sure where the rest of you all live but apparently celebrating Guyana isnt your thing.

Carib never talks about the abuse Indians suffer at the hands of Afros everyday in that country.  

Yes he does. It is most of the Indos here who never speak against their own because dem soooo perfect.


Cain would do anything to get a pat on the head from a black brother even a racist one. Cain go and read some self esteem books and try to develop good self esteem and pride in yourself.

Last edited by Prashad
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

East Indian men will salt and rice to save a dollar. The East Indian man who is ready to give 6 million for nonsense may have not been serious.

Racism is a powerful motivator.  That woman herself is a known racist screaming how vulgar black women are.  So I would expect her associates to be of like mind.

Skeldon and Yuji would pay their granddaughters to stay away from blackman.  Loud in screams of how disgraceful this will be to the family and how insulting it is to make a suggestion that this might happen.  they might do that just to give the old men a good fright just like the white girls do.

If I had a daughter. Before paying, I will might have done an honor killing. Many so-called coolie non-racists on this BB would not want their daughters to have any type of relationship with a black man. If they say anything differently, they are barefaced liars. 

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

East Indian men will salt and rice to save a dollar. The East Indian man who is ready to give 6 million for nonsense may have not been serious.

Racism is a powerful motivator.  That woman herself is a known racist screaming how vulgar black women are.  So I would expect her associates to be of like mind.

Skeldon and Yuji would pay their granddaughters to stay away from blackman.  Loud in screams of how disgraceful this will be to the family and how insulting it is to make a suggestion that this might happen.  they might do that just to give the old men a good fright just like the white girls do.

If I had a daughter. Before paying, I will might have done an honor killing. Many so-called coolie non-racists on this BB would not want their daughters to have any type of relationship with a black man. If they say anything differently, they are barefaced liars. 

Skel, we must refrain from statements like these. There are good and bad in every race. Among the honorable Guyanese blacks are Walter Rodney, Sam Hinds, Shirley Field-Ridley, Fat boy's sister Jessie who wrote the book 'Beware my brother Forbes,' etc.


Leonora. I think you should also read what Carib wrote and rightfully respond. 

No bloody idiot like Carib should tell my children or future grandchildren what to do or who to choose. Carib is a POS. 

He is proud Blackman and I am a proud Indo. 

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

East Indian men will salt and rice to save a dollar. The East Indian man who is ready to give 6 million for nonsense may have not been serious.

Racism is a powerful motivator.  That woman herself is a known racist screaming how vulgar black women are.  So I would expect her associates to be of like mind.

Skeldon and Yuji would pay their granddaughters to stay away from blackman.  Loud in screams of how disgraceful this will be to the family and how insulting it is to make a suggestion that this might happen.  they might do that just to give the old men a good fright just like the white girls do.

If I had a daughter. Before paying, I will might have done an honor killing. Many so-called coolie non-racists on this BB would not want their daughters to have any type of relationship with a black man. If they say anything differently, they are barefaced liars. 

What you are saying ,the majority of Indians would agree but are too scared to  verbalize. Educated Black women would prefer to marry another race, if given an opportunity , even many successful Black men aim for White women as a trophy of success.

Leonora posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

East Indian men will salt and rice to save a dollar. The East Indian man who is ready to give 6 million for nonsense may have not been serious.

Racism is a powerful motivator.  That woman herself is a known racist screaming how vulgar black women are.  So I would expect her associates to be of like mind.

Skeldon and Yuji would pay their granddaughters to stay away from blackman.  Loud in screams of how disgraceful this will be to the family and how insulting it is to make a suggestion that this might happen.  they might do that just to give the old men a good fright just like the white girls do.

If I had a daughter. Before paying, I will might have done an honor killing. Many so-called coolie non-racists on this BB would not want their daughters to have any type of relationship with a black man. If they say anything differently, they are barefaced liars. 

Skel, we must refrain from statements like these. There are good and bad in every race. Among the honorable Guyanese blacks are Walter Rodney, Sam Hinds, Shirley Field-Ridley, Fat boy's sister Jessie who wrote the book 'Beware my brother Forbes,' etc.

I know there are some good blacks. I know Sam Hinds and thinks the world of him. Like coolies and any other race, there are bad ones. It seems though that there are too many bad ones in the African race. I would call and have called my own coolies the "N" word and have done so in front of their faces. My wife gives me crap all the time for my feelings towards every race.

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

What you are saying ,the majority of Indians would agree but are too scared to  verbalize. Educated Black women would prefer to marry another race, if given an opportunity , even many successful Black men aim for White women as a trophy of success.

Ow KP, how about Indians who marry whites to move up in society?  

Remember the British Raj: many Europeans slept with or married Indian women. Bollywood moguls hired these pale-skinned mixed bloods to star in their movies. Many ran to British Colonies as indentured servants to avoid death, dismemberment, being treated as outcasts, etc.   

Leonora posted:
kp posted:

What you are saying ,the majority of Indians would agree but are too scared to  verbalize. Educated Black women would prefer to marry another race, if given an opportunity , even many successful Black men aim for White women as a trophy of success.

Ow KP, how about Indians who marry whites to move up in society?  

Remember the British Raj: many Europeans slept with or married Indian women. Bollywood moguls hired these pale-skinned mixed bloods to star in their movies. Many ran to British Colonies as indentured servants to avoid death, dismemberment, being treated as outcasts, etc.   

Does this include coolies too?

Leonora posted:
kp posted:

What you are saying ,the majority of Indians would agree but are too scared to  verbalize. Educated Black women would prefer to marry another race, if given an opportunity , even many successful Black men aim for White women as a trophy of success.

Ow KP, how about Indians who marry whites to move up in society?  

Remember the British Raj: many Europeans slept with or married Indian women. Bollywood moguls hired these pale-skinned mixed bloods to star in their movies. Many ran to British Colonies as indentured servants to avoid death, dismemberment, being treated as outcasts, etc.   

In today's society, there are too many Beautiful Indian Women and Successful also. Even the Whites are reaching for the Beautiful Indian Women, as far back with Michael Cain, George Clooney and now Priynka Chopra. Indians born with a nice tan, which the Whities would kill for, I have a few relatives that married White, that combination produce beautiful kids.

 The Indians did not run to the British Colonies, they were fooled into getting a better life, don't forget many returned after serving their indenture contract and the majority remained to work to pay off their debt. The Indians did the same work as the Black slaves, the difference was that they got paid and treated much better.

Drugb posted:

Who talking about Afro Carib? Restrict yuh conversation to AfroG, almost nothing from Africa survived, which is a shame.  Except fuh Kwe Kwe, which you don't partake, all else fell to the wayside. And now a hateful dog like you despise Indos for holding on to what little they could from their ancestral land despite attempts by the British to purge the culture and religion from the indentured servants.  

You put Afro Gs among other Afro Caribs and we are 100% part of this community. We have the same culture, heritage, perspectives and traits.  Enter a room with Afro Caribs and you wouldn't know the Guyanese unless you hear them speak.

You enjoy Afro Carib vegetables and I bet the Afro G ones as well so go relax yourself.  Maybe that's why you need your bag as you tried more than you could handle.

skeldon_man posted:

If I had a daughter. Before paying, I will might have done an honor killing. Many so-called coolie non-racists on this BB would not want their daughters to have any type of relationship with a black man. If they say anything differently, they are barefaced liars. 

And here is what an Indo Nazi is.   I will scroll down to see who condemns this bigotry.

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
skeldon_man posted:

If I had a daughter. Before paying, I will might have done an honor killing. Many so-called coolie non-racists on this BB would not want their daughters to have any type of relationship with a black man. If they say anything differently, they are barefaced liars. 

Skel, we must refrain from statements like these. There are good and bad in every race. Among the honorable Guyanese blacks are Walter Rodney, Sam Hinds, Shirley Field-Ridley, Fat boy's sister Jessie who wrote the book 'Beware my brother Forbes,' etc.

The man is just a typical PPP old man.  Rohee's daughter screamed similar nonsense, and her father didn't see what she said that was racist.

Then you all want to know why 95% of blacks reject the PPP. SMH!

skeldon_man posted:

I know there are some good blacks. I know Sam Hinds and thinks the world of him. Like coolies and any other race, there are bad ones.

Typical.  Its only the self hating Uncle Toms who grovel to their Indo massas who you like.  I bet if you told him this to his face he would have given his slavish grin and said nothing.

yuji22 posted:

Leonora. I think you should also read what Carib wrote and rightfully respond. 

No bloody idiot like Carib should tell my children or future grandchildren what to do or who to choose. Carib is a POS. 

He is proud Blackman and I am a proud Indo. 

In your books Carib is a "racist" because he reminds you that one of your grand kids might marry a black man.  You scream that if you find out you would kill her.  Supposed you did this and then it was one of Sam Hinds' relatives.  

But then he isn't good enough for you either as no one wants to marry into their slave's family.

But thanks for your honesty as you have revealed why you think that I am racist and yet ironically think that you aren't.

And all of those who object to my use of the term Indo Nazi need to challenge you, but of course will never do so.

kp posted:

Educated Black women would prefer to marry another race, if given an opportunity , even many successful Black men aim for White women as a trophy of success.

In the USA 87% of married educated black women are with blacks.  In Guyana the vast majority as well.

You are a racist who hates blacks but keep that ignorance to your Indo Nazi meetings.  Yes you, yuji, skeldon_man, dave, ksazma, billy ramgoat and the rest.  You can discuss how to go about indulging in an "honor killing" without getting arrested.

skeldon_man posted:
 My wife gives me crap all the time for my feelings towards every race.

Good for your wife.  So when you go about doing your "honor killing" she will report you to the cops.

caribny posted:

And the Guyanese one beat the Trini win. At least in my opinion.

This from Indo Trinidad.  Take a look at that fine girl with the blue shirt and red shorts.

Show this to some one from India.  You all need to come join us and celebrate that you are now a CARIBBEAN people!

Poor Yuji will have a heart attack seeing who these girls most likely dance with.  Skeldon too.

Topic for today's Indo Nazi meeting "Preventing Indo girls from dancing like this and then marrying black men".  Second item on the agenda, "honor killing".

caribny posted:
kp posted:

Educated Black women would prefer to marry another race, if given an opportunity , even many successful Black men aim for White women as a trophy of success.

In the USA 87% of married educated black women are with blacks.  In Guyana the vast majority as well.

You are a racist who hates blacks but keep that ignorance to your Indo Nazi meetings.  Yes you, yuji, skeldon_man, dave, ksazma, billy ramgoat and the rest.  You can discuss how to go about indulging in an "honor killing" without getting arrested.

Maybe that 87% is too UGLY.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
 My wife gives me crap all the time for my feelings towards every race.

Good for your wife.  So when you go about doing your "honor killing" she will report you to the cops.

What you talkin' about Willis?

kp posted:
caribny posted:
kp posted:

Educated Black women would prefer to marry another race, if given an opportunity , even many successful Black men aim for White women as a trophy of success.

In the USA 87% of married educated black women are with blacks.  In Guyana the vast majority as well.

You are a racist who hates blacks but keep that ignorance to your Indo Nazi meetings.  Yes you, yuji, skeldon_man, dave, ksazma, billy ramgoat and the rest.  You can discuss how to go about indulging in an "honor killing" without getting arrested.

Maybe that 87% is too UGLY.

Indo Nazis in action and yet Chief is bawling out my name.  Hmmm!


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