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Ilhan Omar makes history with victory over long-serving Rep. Phyllis Kahn
She'll likely be 1st Somali-American legislator in U.S.
By J. Patrick Coolican and Mara Klecker Star Tribune AUGUST 10, 2016
Neighborhood activist Ilhan Omar made history Tuesday by winning a fiercely competitive DFL primary in a Minneapolis House district, which means she likely will become the nation’s first Somali-American legislator next year.

Her victory was all the more remarkable for beating DFL Rep. Phyllis Kahn, a historic figure in her own right who is tied for the longest-serving legislator in state history.


Born in Somalia, Omar, 33, and her family escaped civil war and lived for four years in a Kenyan refugee camp before ultimately moving to the Somali-American neighborhood of Cedar-Riverside, where she has lived for nearly two decades and is currently director of policy initiatives at Women Organizing Women.

Chants of “Ilhan” rung out as Omar walked in to a celebration Tuesday night, grinned, wiped away tears and held one of her three children close to her side on her way to a stage. Revelers had to be ushered off the stage.

“Tonight we made history,” Omar told the crowd. “Tonight marks the beginning of the future of our district, a new era of representation. Tonight is about the power of you.”

She choked up as she thanked her father, husband and children and her late grandfather, whom she credited for teaching her about representative democracy. Many in the audience wiped away tears.

Ilhan Omar, who defeated Rep. Phyllis Kahn in a DFL primary for a state House seat based in Minneapolis, was greeted by supporters on Tuesday night.

Ilhan Omar, who defeated Rep. Phyllis Kahn in a DFL primary for a state House seat based in Minneapolis, was greeted by supporters on Tuesday night.
“It is with tremendous gratitude that I accept the nomination. I pledge to represent you with integrity and humility,” she said, promising to be a progressive champion.

Afterward, she gave another victory speech in Somali.

Former Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak, who endorsed Omar earlier this year, applauded Omar. “From a refugee camp to the State Capitol with intelligence and insight,” he said. “This is a wonderful story to tell as Americans, and a great source of pride for the state of Minnesota’s open arms.”

Kahn praised Omar in what was a wide open and unpredictable battle where none of the three candidates seemed to have a lock. Omar also topped Mohamud Noor, a Somali-American computer scientist and activist.

“Ilhan obviously ran a very good campaign and mobilized a lot of people that we didn’t see before in previous elections,” Kahn said after the results were in.

She said that her own election in 1972 had been historic and “this is a new historic event ... our district is the home of historic events.”

In November, Omar will face Republican Abdimalik Askar, an educator and community activist.

Voters said they believed Omar could deliver change.

Hassan Abdi, 25, voted for the first time on Tuesday, driven to the polls by his concern for jobless young people and his belief that Omar can help. “We need leaders who can change our community,” said the resident of Cedar-Riverside, who works for UPS. “Too many young people are going around with no jobs.”

Abdi, originally from Somalia, also said he has rallied behind Omar for cultural reasons. “In my home country, men have the power,” he said. “This is an opportunity to show that women can do what a man can do.”

Omar’s dramatic victory threatened to overshadow another upset, this one from 24-year-old Fue Lee, who was born in a refugee camp in Thailand and currently works in the office of Secretary of State Steve Simon. He defeated 10-term incumbent Rep. Joe Mullery, DFL-Minneapolis.

Both upsets came in heavily DFL districts, which means they are virtually assured of victory in November.

Their victories illustrated the ascendance of minority populations in the DFL, as new immigrants and African-Americans demand a higher profile and a seat at the table of the party they call home.

Republicans also saw two long-serving legislators go down to defeat in their primaries.

Rep. Tom Hackbarth, R-Cedar, lost to Cal Bahr, who had been endorsed at the local GOP convention.

Sen. Sean Nienow, R-Cambridge, lost to Mark Koran.

DFL Rep. Phyllis Kahn at the endorsing convention in April.

Staff writers Maya Rao and Hannah Covington contributed to this report.




Replies sorted oldest to newest

Sorry to say you are the only one saying that the woman is a Muslim, where in the article states that the woman is Muslim . She could be a Christian Refugee coming from Somalia.


“In my home country, men have the power,” he said. “This is an opportunity to show that women can do what a man can do.”


Chief posted:

The media will focus that she is a Muslim more than her Somalian background.

This could be a good thing in that it shows Muslims are assimilating...on the other hand, you don't want those who have extreme views


She is of Somali descent. She is in a neighborhood infested with ISIS sympathizers. Hope they can control the fund raising for ISIS and Al Shabab. More than a dozen of their children went o Syria and Somalia to fight. A dozen more or so were caught trying to go to Syria and thrown in Jail.

skeldon_man posted:

She is of Somali descent. She is in a neighborhood infested with ISIS sympathizers. Hope they can control the fund raising for ISIS and Al Shabab. More than a dozen of their children went o Syria and Somalia to fight. A dozen more or so were caught trying to go to Syria and thrown in Jail.


RiffRaff posted:
Chief posted:

The media will focus that she is a Muslim more than her Somalian background.

This could be a good thing in that it shows Muslims are assimilating...on the other hand, you don't want those who have extreme views

We have been assimilating, weren't you a PTA President?

Now we are getting to elected office.

Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

She is of Somali descent. She is in a neighborhood infested with ISIS sympathizers. Hope they can control the fund raising for ISIS and Al Shabab. More than a dozen of their children went o Syria and Somalia to fight. A dozen more or so were caught trying to go to Syria and thrown in Jail.


You are getting like Donald Trump,I said, "She could be a Christian Refugee", the operative word is, could be,In other words if she is BAD then she is a Christian ,and if GOOD then she is a Muslim in your WORLD.You are no different than ISIS, be it you are a Muslim and all others are INFIDELS.

kp posted:
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

She is of Somali descent. She is in a neighborhood infested with ISIS sympathizers. Hope they can control the fund raising for ISIS and Al Shabab. More than a dozen of their children went o Syria and Somalia to fight. A dozen more or so were caught trying to go to Syria and thrown in Jail.


You are getting like Donald Trump,I said, "She could be a Christian Refugee", the operative word is, could be,In other words if she is BAD then she is a Christian ,and if GOOD then she is a Muslim in your WORLD.You are no different than ISIS, be it you are a Muslim and all others are INFIDELS.

You old muslim hater shut the fouck up!

It is difficult for you to digest that a Muslim woman got elected to State Office.

The easiest thing that can come out of your bigoted mouth is that  we are all ISIS.

You and your fellow haters are like glass!

Last edited by Chief

In the end, we need to keep a sharp eye on all fullahs, especially those from terror territories.  We have to ensure the black flag does not get close to the White House.  When Barak Hussain leaves, we need to untangle the web of deceit he allowed to develop and threaten the nation!

Last edited by Former Member

Most Muslims running or holding high office in the United States do convert to Christians. Barrack Hussein Obama said he is Christian, but Chief love him as a Muslim brother. With all seriousness, it doesn't matter what faith a person practice or believes in, as long as you strive for greatness, respect and honor the American way of life, you will be respected.


Trump should draw the attention of Black Americans, telling dem dat

they are being marginalized by educated muslims immigrants. They could be enslaved again by the Africans in dem country. They have already assisted in the election of a half black person whose father is not an American. Watch the trend. He also is a sympathetic muslim.

End-time prophecies right on target.

Chief posted:
kp posted:
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

She is of Somali descent. She is in a neighborhood infested with ISIS sympathizers. Hope they can control the fund raising for ISIS and Al Shabab. More than a dozen of their children went o Syria and Somalia to fight. A dozen more or so were caught trying to go to Syria and thrown in Jail.


You are getting like Donald Trump,I said, "She could be a Christian Refugee", the operative word is, could be,In other words if she is BAD then she is a Christian ,and if GOOD then she is a Muslim in your WORLD.You are no different than ISIS, be it you are a Muslim and all others are INFIDELS.

You old muslim hater shut the fouck up!

It is difficult for you to digest that a Muslim woman got elected to State Office.

The easiest thing that can come out of your bigoted mouth is that  we are all ISIS.

You and your fellow haters are like glass!

You old muslim hater shut the fouck up!

That coming from the same mouth that you read the Qu'ran. This woman being elected was a shock to you, because in your books they should not hold elected office. Presently there are several woman of all races and religion holding much higher offices in USA and a few are Hindus. It took Indira Gandhi the first Hindu leader to rule the Largest Democracy in the world. So jump up and shout and be happy for a Black Muslim makes your DAY. Oh, I don't HATE you, I'm sorry for you, I will pray tomorrow for you.

Prince posted:

Most Muslims running or holding high office in the United States do convert to Christians. Barrack Hussein Obama said he is Christian, but Chief love him as a Muslim brother. With all seriousness, it doesn't matter what faith a person practice or believes in, as long as you strive for greatness, respect and honor the American way of life, you will be respected.


kp posted:

You old muslim hater shut the fouck up!

That coming from the same mouth that you read the Qu'ran. This woman being elected was a shock to you, because in your books they should not hold elected office. Presently there are several woman of all races and religion holding much higher offices in USA and a few are Hindus. It took Indira Gandhi the first Hindu leader to rule the Largest Democracy in the world. So jump up and shout and be happy for a Black Muslim makes your DAY. Oh, I don't HATE you, I'm sorry for you, I will pray tomorrow for you.

Don't buss a vein.

Stay calm!


Chief posted:
Prince posted:

Most Muslims running or holding high office in the United States do convert to Christians. Barrack Hussein Obama said he is Christian, but Chief love him as a Muslim brother. With all seriousness, it doesn't matter what faith a person practice or believes in, as long as you strive for greatness, respect and honor the American way of life, you will be respected.


Keith Ellison, a congressman from Minneapolis is a Muslim.  If Ilhan Omar wins in November, she will be a state representative for her district in the Minnesota legislature.

skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:
Prince posted:

Most Muslims running or holding high office in the United States do convert to Christians. Barrack Hussein Obama said he is Christian, but Chief love him as a Muslim brother. With all seriousness, it doesn't matter what faith a person practice or believes in, as long as you strive for greatness, respect and honor the American way of life, you will be respected.


Keith Ellison, a congressman from Minneapolis is a Muslim.  If Ilhan Omar wins in November, she will be a state representative for her district in the Minnesota legislature.

Skeldon man when I read the article this morning you first came to my mind.

Are you in their district?

seignet posted:

Trump should draw the attention of Black Americans, telling dem dat

they are being marginalized by educated muslims immigrants. They could be enslaved again by the Africans in dem country. They have already assisted in the election of a half black person whose father is not an American. Watch the trend. He also is a sympathetic muslim.

End-time prophecies right on target.

Are you talking about the same black people he branded as uneducated, unemployed and unambitious along with being unlawful and violent?

Chief posted:

The media will focus that she is a Muslim more than her Somalian background.

And why not?  Usually the world "Muslim" is accompanied by "suicide bomber, 20 dead". I would think that you would want another narrative.

kp posted:

. She could be a Christian Refugee coming from Somalia.


Somalia..........Christian. Dear Sir that isn't allowed? In Trinidad and Tobago Muslims can pray in peace.   Even though they are less than 10% of the population.

seignet posted:

Trump should draw the attention of Black Americans, telling dem dat


Seignet you are a slave who longs to be whipped by Trump and other white racists.

Blacks will leave you to enjoy your jollies.  We don't plan to join you.



You are a disgrace to your race.

No decent Blackman support the foolish Islam bashing you are brainwashed into.

A few minute's ago I just saw on YouTube a piece by Will Smith debunking the nonsense about Islamphobia.

For the most part you have always been on the wrong side of the fence.

ksazma posted:

Are you talking about the same black people he branded as uneducated, unemployed and unambitious along with being unlawful and violent?

Yes he is.   Seignet thinks that blacks share this opinion that he and Trump have of them.

Chief posted:


You are a disgrace to your race.


Chief when you learn to write sense then we can talk.

In the mean while get back to pretending as if Christians, Jews or Hindus are responsible for us having to strip before boarding planes or entering Federal buildings.

caribny posted:
Chief posted:

The media will focus that she is a Muslim more than her Somalian background.

And why not?  Usually the world "Muslim" is accompanied by "suicide bomber, 20 dead". I would think that you would want another narrative.

The truth is that the real reason US politicians play the Muslim card is the same reason non-Muslims in Guyana used to call Muslims scamps. So far this election season, all the Muslim violence around the world has rendered it unnecessary to whip out any mosque building controversy or Qur'an burning orgies.

ksazma posted:

The truth is that the real reason US politicians play the Muslim card is the same reason non-Muslims in Guyana used to call Muslims scamps.

If you hung out more with blacks you would know that their problem that they have with Indians is actually with Hindus. That is a Hindu vs Muslim thing that you are talking about.


OK folks,

Please permit me to chime in.

Firstly, let me congratulate Ilhan Omar. We must not bash her because of her religion since some people will try to divide us based on religion.

It is great to see muslims who are a fast growing community of Americans as part of the political system.

Unlike France where muslims are segregated and little is done to integrate them, America is doing the right thing by integrating Muslims into the political system, It is only fair and just to do so.

America is a democracy and it best serves the USA in having Americans of all races and religions represented in a multi racial democracy. 

Kudos to her, may she serve her country with distinction. 


caribny posted:
Chief posted:


You are a disgrace to your race.


Chief when you learn to write sense then we can talk.

In the mean while get back to pretending as if Christians, Jews or Hindus are responsible for us having to strip before boarding planes or entering Federal buildings.

Chief is perfectly clear and makes sense. When you Caribny stop being an ideologue then you can begin to have a common sense conversation about Islam and its problems. Right now you sound very Trumpian when it comes to Islam and in particular the personage of Muslims.

yuji22 posted:

OK folks,

Please permit me to chime in.

Firstly, let me congratulate Ilhan Omar. We must not bash her because of her religion since some people will try to divide us based on religion.

It is great to see muslims who are a fast growing community of Americans as part of the political system.

Unlike France where muslims are segregated and little is done to integrate them, America is doing the right thing by integrating Muslims into the political system, It is only fair and just to do so.

America is a democracy and it best serves the USA in having Americans of all races and religions represented in a multi racial democracy. 

Kudos to her, may she serve her country with distinction. 


Are you sure? Donald Trump said the system is rigged and I believed him. The man is on something and we will find out soon.

Prince posted:

Are you sure? Donald Trump said the system is rigged and I believed him. The man is on something and we will find out soon.

We know! The something he is on is called, Stupid.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
Prince posted:

Are you sure? Donald Trump said the system is rigged and I believed him. The man is on something and we will find out soon.

We know! The something he is on is called, Stupid.

Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:
Prince posted:

Most Muslims running or holding high office in the United States do convert to Christians. Barrack Hussein Obama said he is Christian, but Chief love him as a Muslim brother. With all seriousness, it doesn't matter what faith a person practice or believes in, as long as you strive for greatness, respect and honor the American way of life, you will be respected.


Keith Ellison, a congressman from Minneapolis is a Muslim.  If Ilhan Omar wins in November, she will be a state representative for her district in the Minnesota legislature.

Skeldon man when I read the article this morning you first came to my mind.

Are you in their district?

This Somali woman is not in my district. We have no Africans living around us. However, I have always voted for Keith Ellison for US House of
Representatives. This Somali woman is in a district that has a majority of Somalis. These Somalis do not want to intermingle with other cultures. They seem happy by themselves. Whenever their sons get in to trouble with the law, they always cry discrimination. They are being watched closely by the authorities.



Ilhan Omar: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Ilhan Omar won a Democratic-Farmer-Laborer primary Tuesday against longtime state Rep. Phyllis Kahn, and as a heavy favorite to win in November, could make history by becoming the first Somali-American lawmaker in Minnesota — and maybe in U.S. — history.

Omar is 33, a mother of three and works as the Director of Policy Initiatives at Women Organizing Women Network, where she works to “empower women, specifically first– and second-generation immigrants, regardless of political affiliation, to become engaged citizens and community leaders,” the organization states.

Omar defeated a 44-year veteran of the Minnesota House of Representatives and is gaining national recognition for her feat.

Here’s what you need to know about Omar:

1. Omar Is the First Somali-American to Win a Seat in Minnesota, Maybe in the U.S.

Before moving to Minneapolis’ Cedar-Riverside neighborhood in 1997, Omar and her family lived in Somalia and then fled to a refugee camp in Kenya, her bio states. At 14, she began interpreting Democratic caucuses for her grandfather, sparking an interest in politics.

Now she’s the first elected Somali-American to a legislative seat in Minnesota — and possibly in the U.S. At the very least, it’s likely she’s the first Muslim, east African female to hold elected office, according to the Guardian.

“All of these identities that I carry are going to be an obstacle,” Omar told the Guardian. “I wear a hijab and that’s going to be a problem, but once one person is able to do that, it then allows other people to dream too.”


2. Omar Will Face Another Somali-American, a Republican, in the General Election in November

Omar will go toe-to-toe in November with another Somali-American immigrant for her legislative seat. The first Republican-endorsed Somali-American, Abdimalik Askar, will try to defeat Omar in a heavy-Democratic neighborhood of Minneapolis. Kahn, who held the seat since 1972, has won with as much as 77 percent of the vote there.

While Omar is expected to win, Askar, who ran for Somalia’s presidency, said he “will work to find constructive solutions to the education, health care, environmental and employment challenges facing our communities.”

3. Omar’s Positions Are Progressive & Address Minorities’ Concerns, Police Shootings

In a recent Democratic debate with Omar, Kahn and Mohamud Noor, the discussion turned to police shootings.

“What I’m also going to push for is an independent prosecutor to be involved when we have police shootings and I’m also going to propose a ban on grand juries,” Omar said, according to KARE11.

Her campaign website adds: “Another step is to ban stops for vehicle violations, such as expired license plate tags, broken taillights and cracked windshields. Instead, we should institute a policy where police car dash cams be used to assign tickets objectively. If such a law were in place, Philando Castile would still be alive.”

Other positions of Omar’s platform included criminal justice reform, protecting the environment, advancing “equity for all,” and building an economy for all, which includes mandated paid sick leave and a $15 per hour minimum wage.

Her Twitter profile states she is an “Intersectional feminist, mom, part-time social justice crusader, full-time political junkie…”

4. Omar Was Attacked During a 2014 Democrat Caucus That Left Her With a Concussion

ilham omar, mn, mn dfl, somali, somalian, history, phyllis kahn, minneapolis, minnesota

Ilham Omar was attacked during a 2014 Democratic caucus. Now she’s on her way to becoming the first Somali-American female in elected state office. (Facebook)

A 2014 caucus left Omar with a concussion after she was attacked by a group of people, she told Fusion. The MinnPost reported then that the caucus turned violent after emotions flared over two primary candidates — Kahn and Noor — and she tried to enforce caucus voting rules.

She told Fusion in March:

And so I started sobbing and I knew that no matter how much pain I was in and that fact that I suffered a concussion and could barely remember my name that I needed to go to work the next day — for the people who were involved in this process, who worked with me at city hall. I was very adamant that I went to work and I sat in the committees and made sure that they saw me and that they knew that they couldn’t silence me, and that I was stronger than they think I am.

5. Omar Is Married to Her Husband, Ahmed Hirsi, & They Have 3 Kids

Omar is married to Ahmed Hirsi, and the couple has three children.

Chief posted:

Keith Elison is a good representative.

You are right at home with no blacks around you!

Wait till dem white boys burn a cross in your frontyard.

I live in a neighborhood with my 2 brothers, a Japanese ancestry family, a Chinese family, a Vietnamese family, an Indian family(from India) just moved in, the rest are whites. Don't worry about the white boys, I have lots of friends who are both white and black. The black Americans think differently from other blacks. You have to realise also, I carry hot steel.

skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

Keith Elison is a good representative.

You are right at home with no blacks around you!

Wait till dem white boys burn a cross in your frontyard.

I live in a neighborhood with my 2 brothers, a Japanese ancestry family, a Chinese family, a Vietnamese family, an Indian family(from India) just moved in, the rest are whites. Don't worry about the white boys, I have lots of friends who are both white and black. The black Americans think differently from other blacks. You have to realise also, I carry hot steel.

What from, an old pecker wound?

Last edited by cain

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