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cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

Keith Elison is a good representative.

You are right at home with no blacks around you!

Wait till dem white boys burn a cross in your frontyard.

I live in a neighborhood with my 2 brothers, a Japanese ancestry family, a Chinese family, a Vietnamese family, an Indian family(from India) just moved in, the rest are whites. Don't worry about the white boys, I have lots of friends who are both white and black. The black Americans think differently from other blacks. You have to realise also, I carry hot steel.

What from, an old pecker wound?

Want fuh try sum?

Kari posted:
caribny posted:
Chief posted:


You are a disgrace to your race.


Chief when you learn to write sense then we can talk.

In the mean while get back to pretending as if Christians, Jews or Hindus are responsible for us having to strip before boarding planes or entering Federal buildings.

Chief is perfectly clear and makes sense.

My response to you is also the same.

If you cannot differentiate some one who calls all Muslims potential terrorists from another who says that Muslims need to remove from their religion clerics who brainwash people to commit violence.

Why YOU can practice your religion freely in Barbados while I might be killed it I attempt to do the same in Pakistan.   And then there is the whole tribalism of your religion led by the Bedouins of Saudi Arabia.

There is an intolerance in Islam that must be dealt with.  Learn to live and let live in majority Muslims lands as you demand from those in majority Christian lands.

And I say all of this because you want to fool yourself that the eradication of ISIS ends this problem, as if the problem didn't exist BEFORE ISIS!

You know what plays into the hands of Trump, Le Pen, and others. When people like YOU and Chief refuse to believe that there aren't issues with Islam that Muslims as a whole need to deal with.   In fact by denying this problem you are giving shelter to the lunatics who are destroying the image of Islam.

And I don't see what being black is all about this subject. Just talk to the black Christians of Nigeria who face SLAUGHTER at the hands of Muslims there, and not just Boko Haram either.   By and large Muslims in majority Christian regions like Lagos can operate usually undisturbed. Not true for Christians in Kano.  I am willing to bet that many Nigerians just wish that the Muslims in that country go join up with those in Niger!


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