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I was on the phone last night with a young Indian trucker that lives in Mahaica and I inquired about the upcoming elections. tHE FIRST THING THAT CAME out of his mouth was about the  level of  corruption with the present Government. He is excited that the young people do not want to hear about Cheddi and Burnham. 

So it is my hope that the young people will make the change..

I also was in the company of two visiting Guyanese businessmen, both Indian. One who was die hard PPP is now so fed up that he will vote for change. The other is also fed up with the corruption and thieving but is afraid that Granger will shaft Nagamootoo. So as of now he is undecided.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Businessman seems to want to jump from the Frying Pan into the Fire or he wants to get rich quick on the backs of the Guyanese people, because he knows he will be able to do as he please with Bribes. Remember how it used to be??

That is exactly his concern that he is afraid to jump from the frying pan into a fire.



Chief, your feedback is not unusual. Last Sunday I posted here how people on the Essequibo coast have positive reactions to the APNU+AFC coalition.

I am in regular contact with friends and family back home, via emails and phone, and the general feedback is that it is time for the PPP to take a rest.
























Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Chief, your feedback is not unusual. Last Sunday I posted here how people on the Essequibo coast have positive reactions to the APNU+AFC coalition.

I am in regular contact with friends and family back home, via emails and phone, and the general feedback is that it is time for the PPP to take a rest.

























Coincidentally I received an email 40 mins ago from a youth in Guy saying he doubted me 2 years ago a pre election  multi ethnic alliance can work. He wrote to say I am looking like some kinda oracle...whatever that means :-). But they have lots of messaging they must do better.




"I might have doubted you earlier but you're looking more and more an oracle with your forward thinking proposal for a multiethnic , anti-PPP, pre electoral alliance. Will they be using your UHD manifesto?"


Results of the 1st OneVoice Guyana 2015 Elections online survey


We received a total of 1050 votes. 336 votes were discarded due to the reasons articulated above. Votes from regions 1,2,7,8 were discarded due to too few entries. Survey will be replicated during the 1st week of April and the 1st week of May, 2015.

Region 3

Region 4

Region 5

Region 6

Region 10


The chart below represents LAPOP data 2014. It shows internet usage by supporters of each party. This has to be taken into account for any relatively accurate internet poll. The analysis which further breaks out the data by region was too large to post. Inbox for more information.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Businessman seems to want to jump from the Frying Pan into the Fire or he wants to get rich quick on the backs of the Guyanese people, because he knows he will be able to do as he please with Bribes. Remember how it used to be??

That is exactly his concern that he is afraid to jump from the frying pan into a fire.


Well I STRONGLY believe in his right to decide. Should he jump into the Fire or play it safe knowing Guyana has been getting better yearly.  I think everyone should and must be concerned with Corruption and CRIME in Guyana. These are the two things that are harming the Guyanese People.  The Opposition did not help to reduce muchless solve these problems. Ther are too lazy and only get involved when an Election is near.


Lots of Indians since 2001 are always "undecided" about the PPP in the run up to every election. The also cuss out the PPP. Then they will hold their noses and cast their votes for the PPP and then cuss them out some more.


This is completely in line with Indian electoral behavior in Guyana. The real problem is the absolute (and justified) paranoia in the voting booth of "what if?" when it comes to a return of the PNC to Government.


I have yet to hear anything on this thread that I haven't heard around every single other election since 2001.



Those who practice Racism....

will be rolling all over ...

like Goat Shit.....


but the Indo, Afro and All other Guyanese

will speak loud and.......

with a clear voice on May 11 2015.





Coolieman/Blackman Racism in Guyana

Born Jan 1st 1950 - Kick-de-Bucket March 4th 2015


With Deep Sorrow & Grief

CaribJ join in announcing

the Unexpected & untimely Death of

Coolieman/Blackman Racism in Guyana

which occurred

of Morning of March 4 2015

at the Pegasus Hotel.


Coolieman/Blackman Racism in Guyana

had deep roots and bases

 in Buxton, Enmore,

Plasiance, Mackenzi, Enterprise,

Agricola, Georgetown, Berbice & Essequibo...


Coolieman/Blackman Racism in Guyana

had outside Relatives in India,Africa

Rodeshia & South Africa...

Harlem, Brooklyn & Richmond Hill....


Coolieman/Blackman Racism in Guyana

believed and Practice

 Jihaji-ism, Apan-Jaat,

Indo-Centric, Afro Centric and Black Power ...



The Late

Coolieman/Blackman Racism in Guyana

also had deep roots in the PPP & PNC



Wake & Celebration of Life for

Coolieman/Blackman Racism in Guyana

will be held by Indo & Black Goat Shit


and those interested can

contact CaribJ for Details...


The Late

Coolieman/Blackman Racism in Guyana

will be cremated/Buried

on Monday May 11th 2015

at all Polling Stations in Guyana.


May his soul rest in Peace


No wreaths by request


De New AFC/ APNU Alliance

is promising all Guyanese

to end racially divisive politics for the first time since the 1950s

and root out corruption, crime and bad governance.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Lots of Indians since 2001 are always "undecided" about the PPP in the run up to every election. The also cuss out the PPP. Then they will hold their noses and cast their votes for the PPP and then cuss them out some more.


This is completely in line with Indian electoral behavior in Guyana. The real problem is the absolute (and justified) paranoia in the voting booth of "what if?" when it comes to a return of the PNC to Government.


I have yet to hear anything on this thread that I haven't heard around every single other election since 2001.

And I have to agree with you!

This is my fear that Indians will vote race and vote PPP.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Lots of Indians since 2001 are always "undecided" about the PPP in the run up to every election. The also cuss out the PPP. Then they will hold their noses and cast their votes for the PPP and then cuss them out some more.


This is completely in line with Indian electoral behavior in Guyana. The real problem is the absolute (and justified) paranoia in the voting booth of "what if?" when it comes to a return of the PNC to Government.


I have yet to hear anything on this thread that I haven't heard around every single other election since 2001.

And I have to agree with you!

This is my fear that Indians will vote race and vote PPP.


The fact that substantial Indians use the word "undecided" should be worrisome to the Coalition. An "undecided" Indian is code for "I'm gonna cuss and vote PPP."


A Coalition voter will proudly proclaim his intention to vote Coalition. Anything less is unreliable.


I've seen this movie before. It's been playing since 2001.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Baap ray baap. Tomarra marning at Babu Jaan, Jagdeo and Rammo gon cuss down dem makachoddo and neemakharam who mek da pie mostly blue. Wait and see. Spark and spit gon fly wild.

I suggest that the coalition do the work that it must do and not get excited by polls.   This is the trap that the AFC has fallen for before and its votes have always fallen far short of the projections.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Baap ray baap. Tomarra marning at Babu Jaan, Jagdeo and Rammo gon cuss down dem makachoddo and neemakharam who mek da pie mostly blue. Wait and see. Spark and spit gon fly wild.

I suggest that the coalition do the work that it must do and not get excited by polls.   This is the trap that the AFC has fallen for before and its votes have always fallen far short of the projections.

This is an unscientific online poll that butchered even the little data they collected.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Lots of Indians since 2001 are always "undecided" about the PPP in the run up to every election. The also cuss out the PPP. Then they will hold their noses and cast their votes for the PPP and then cuss them out some more.


This is completely in line with Indian electoral behavior in Guyana. The real problem is the absolute (and justified) paranoia in the voting booth of "what if?" when it comes to a return of the PNC to Government.


I have yet to hear anything on this thread that I haven't heard around every single other election since 2001.

how is "asolute paranoia" regarding a "what if?" predicated on malicious war propaganda justified again?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Lots of Indians since 2001 are always "undecided" about the PPP in the run up to every election. The also cuss out the PPP. Then they will hold their noses and cast their votes for the PPP and then cuss them out some more.


This is completely in line with Indian electoral behavior in Guyana. The real problem is the absolute (and justified) paranoia in the voting booth of "what if?" when it comes to a return of the PNC to Government.


I have yet to hear anything on this thread that I haven't heard around every single other election since 2001.

And I have to agree with you!

This is my fear that Indians will vote race and vote PPP.

  There is a problem with polling in Guyana.  People answer polls with logic and then vote with fear.  A consistent feature is how poorly the PNC performs relative to actual vote, and how well the AFC performs in polls relative to the actual vote.   The PPP usually grabs most of the undecided votes in the closer to the election.



1. It appears as if most of the undecided voters are people who know that the PPP is bad, but who fear the return of the PNC if they split their vote.


2.  It appears as if many who vote PNC, might sympathize with the AFC, but cannot take the chance of wasting their vote on a party which stands no chance of beating the PPP, or at least getting enough votes to have some sort of impact.



This election is different for a number of reasons.


1.  The AFC and APNU are combined.


2.  Ramotar is a very weak candidate and Jagdeo's reputation is now worse than when he was president.  The PPPs corruption has become blatant, and the arrogance unbearable.  They now admit that they never had serious private investors for the Marriott, having lied before. 



So what will be the dynamic.


1.  Will those in PNC strongholds be motivated to vote as they detect that a coalition victory is possible if they do so?


2.   Will PPP supporters vote with the heads (ridding Guyana of the corrupt PPP) or with fear (Granger shafting Nagamootoo)?



APNU AFC has to work hard to overcome the cynicism within the African/mixed, and Amerindian communities, and among the youth of all races, who didn't vote in 2006 and 2011  (votes declined by 60k vs. 2001 levels).   This because they didn't see what use voting will be for them.


APNU AFC has to work hard to assure the Indian disaffected that there will be no re run of 1968 when Burnham tossed out D'Aguiar, eventually establishing a dictatorship after 1973.


APNU AFC will need to assemble every vote that they can get from which ever corner that they can get it.  The PPP is desperate and will stop at nothing to avoid defeat, even flying in overseas Guyanese to do so.   They will tamper with voting lists, disrupt the counting process (to stuff votes).  They will buy votes.  They will engage in the nastiest battle of race baiting seen since the early 60s.  They will also have folks vote on behalf of the dead and the migrated, whose names remain on the lists.


They will do every thing to bring doubt about the AFC and the PNC in order to ensure that those who cannot vote PPP simply not vote.


So APNU AFC must show force by indicating mass support to give confidence to the cynical and undecided.  I hope that they are going through voters' lists in opposition strongholds to ensure that they are complete.  The last thing that we will need is what happened in the Burnham era when people were not allowed o vote because their names weren't on the list.


They also have to have an election day apparatus to ensure nothing goes wrong during polling hours and that every ballot cast is accounted for until the final count.


I get very anxious when I hear people talking about an inevitable PPP defeat because it breeds complacency, and neither APNU nor the AFC are known to be as aggressive and as hungry as they need to be to win elections.

Originally Posted by caribny:
There is a problem with polling in Guyana.  People answer polls with logic and then vote with fear.  A consistent feature is how poorly the PNC performs relative to actual vote, and how well the AFC performs in polls relative to the actual vote . . .

what does this mean . . . and whose polls are we talking about?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Lots of Indians since 2001 are always "undecided" about the PPP in the run up to every election. The also cuss out the PPP. Then they will hold their noses and cast their votes for the PPP and then cuss them out some more.


This is completely in line with Indian electoral behavior in Guyana. The real problem is the absolute (and justified) paranoia in the voting booth of "what if?" when it comes to a return of the PNC to Government.


I have yet to hear anything on this thread that I haven't heard around every single other election since 2001.

how is "asolute paranoia" regarding a "what if?" predicated on malicious war propaganda justified again?


WTF are you talkin about chap?


I made an observation based on a significant amount of personal experience with anti-PPP Indian voters in the context of a campaign in Guyana.


Do you have any actual experience with this type of voter? In this instance, I do claim some degree of expertise on the subject of the anti PPP Indian voter in Guyana.


I recall instances where committed staunch ROAR paid canvassers personally cast a vote for the PPP with the explanation afterwards "I just couldn't do it. I just couldn't risk the PNC winning"

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Lots of Indians since 2001 are always "undecided" about the PPP in the run up to every election. The also cuss out the PPP. Then they will hold their noses and cast their votes for the PPP and then cuss them out some more.


This is completely in line with Indian electoral behavior in Guyana. The real problem is the absolute (and justified) paranoia in the voting booth of "what if?" when it comes to a return of the PNC to Government.


I have yet to hear anything on this thread that I haven't heard around every single other election since 2001.

how is "asolute paranoia" regarding a "what if?" predicated on malicious war propaganda justified again?


WTF are you talkin about chap?


I made an observation based on a significant amount of personal experience with anti-PPP Indian voters in the context of a campaign in Guyana.


Do you have any actual experience with this type of voter? In this instance, I do claim some degree of expertise on the subject of the anti PPP Indian voter in Guyana.


I recall instances where committed staunch ROAR paid canvassers personally cast a vote for the PPP with the explanation afterwards "I just couldn't do it. I just couldn't risk the PNC winning"

re-read my post (don't skim like u have no schooling)  . . . there is a reason "justified" is in bold/red

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
There is a problem with polling in Guyana.  People answer polls with logic and then vote with fear.  A consistent feature is how poorly the PNC performs relative to actual vote, and how well the AFC performs in polls relative to the actual vote . . .

what does this mean . . . and whose polls are we talking about?

The polls also include the AFC polls.  EVERY poll in Guyana has shown the PNC underperforming relative to how they finally perform.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
There is a problem with polling in Guyana.  People answer polls with logic and then vote with fear.  A consistent feature is how poorly the PNC performs relative to actual vote, and how well the AFC performs in polls relative to the actual vote . . .

what does this mean . . . and whose polls are we talking about?

The polls also include the AFC polls.  EVERY poll in Guyana has shown the PNC underperforming relative to how they finally perform.


and EVERY poll in Guyana tends to show Indian dissatisfaction with the PPP and significant support for third parties along with a large amount of "undecided"


ROAR used to poll a minimum of 7 to as high as 12-14 seats in Parliament. Then Indians would walk into the polling booth and remember the PNC's existence. Story done!

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Baap ray baap. Tomarra marning at Babu Jaan, Jagdeo and Rammo gon cuss down dem makachoddo and neemakharam who mek da pie mostly blue. Wait and see. Spark and spit gon fly wild.

Gilly, don't worry bhai. This poll taker probably was taking poles while he was taking this poll. All data can be manipulated to show skewed results. I strongly believe this poll man was being poled.  

This skewed poll would only rile up the PPP supporters in region 6 and give them more incentive to go out and vote PPP. 

Last edited by Former Member

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