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Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

When people travelled to the city they always brought fruits and vegetables. To this day people say that when you travel to the city the Georgetowners would ask, “What you bring?” When they visit they asked, “What you got?”


I find the above statement most interesting. I can imagine Stormy arriving in GT with loads of Awara, Kukreet, and Kurus and guys like Carib on school lunch break huffing a few when his eyes turned. 

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!  I can't stop laughing!!!!!!!!!


I actually find it repulsive since it suggests that Blacks will instinctively resort to stealing.

You lack a sense humor and the heart to accept that GT boys like to do certain things for fun. GT boys are from different groups.  Don't get tie up. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Anybody remember writing on slate in school when there were no exercise books??? Remember that Phospherine bottle filled with water to wipe you slate clean???/

Were you involved in slate fights?  Very dangerous weapon. 

Lennox posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Anybody remember writing on slate in school when there were no exercise books??? Remember that Phospherine bottle filled with water to wipe you slate clean???/

Were you involved in slate fights?  Very dangerous weapon. 

No.  I will remember a short little bully in my class broke my slate. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Lennox posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Anybody remember writing on slate in school when there were no exercise books??? Remember that Phospherine bottle filled with water to wipe you slate clean???/

Were you involved in slate fights?  Very dangerous weapon. 

No.  I will remember a short little bully in my class broke my slate. 

One bully wanted to fight me after school and after he was beaten, he broke his slate and slashed me in the leg. Those things were dangerous.

Lennox posted:

Skelly, can I give you a small assignment to find out if slates are still used in Guyana's schools. 

I know they are not. I visit regularly and still go back and visit my primary school on Skeldon.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

No more slates.  They have exercise books with people's face on it!!

I remember going to look under the school when my pencil fell through the crack of the floor. The school was raised about 3 feet from the ground.

kp posted:

 People lived in harmony, they were content and happy. Those were the Good Old Days.

I know you aren't talking about 1964, which was the most violent year in Guyanese history.

So are you crediting the PNC/UF for accomplishing what you describe in just over a year?

Gilbakka posted:

50 years ago trains were running in West Demerara from Vreed-en-Hoop to Parika. Private blue buses ran from Vreed-en-Hoop to Canal #1 and 2 Polders. In Canal #2 hire cars were owned by Katchee, Cashew Bai and Brukup. In West Coast hire cars were run by Harry Kissoon, Betta, Bisessar and others. There was a yellow sawmill truck marked BUSHY PARK and a red sawmill truck marked RED LION. In Leonora lived a big strong Muslim named TIGER who sold wallaba wood and kerosene village-to-village on a dray cart. In Leonora a man nicknamed Dracula owned the Roxy Cinema. At the Uitvlugt Community Centre my relative Baljeet Ramdhin was the Welfare Officer. In Uitvlugt Estate Road there was a postal outlet and a BATA Shoe Store. Further down the road a black man named Braddax operated a hardware shop. On Stewartville Railway Line my other relative Jimmy Banerjee, BA, managed a private high school and a printery. In Ocean View Uitvlugt there was a pretty girl named Vidya Naipaul who married a British soldier and accompanied him to Britain after Independence Day. In Ocean View there was a talented Indian musician called Sumeran who one day gave Forbes Burnham a crash course in nagara drumming and dancing.

I remember everything you stated, What about the annual Fair at the Uitvlugt Center Ground, the cinema Orlo, Samlall Cake shop by the Train line and Samlall Rum Shop by Uitvlugt Front. So you know Vidya, I am good friends with her brothers Morris, Rabbi and Jai all in Toronto. Stating all that, don't you think those were good time.

caribny posted:
kp posted:

 People lived in harmony, they were content and happy. Those were the Good Old Days.

I know you aren't talking about 1964, which was the most violent year in Guyanese history.

So are you crediting the PNC/UF for accomplishing what you describe in just over a year?

Who ask you to comment??This post can do without your hate and racism.

kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:

50 years ago trains were running in West Demerara from Vreed-en-Hoop to Parika. Private blue buses ran from Vreed-en-Hoop to Canal #1 and 2 Polders. In Canal #2 hire cars were owned by Katchee, Cashew Bai and Brukup. In West Coast hire cars were run by Harry Kissoon, Betta, Bisessar and others. There was a yellow sawmill truck marked BUSHY PARK and a red sawmill truck marked RED LION. In Leonora lived a big strong Muslim named TIGER who sold wallaba wood and kerosene village-to-village on a dray cart. In Leonora a man nicknamed Dracula owned the Roxy Cinema. At the Uitvlugt Community Centre my relative Baljeet Ramdhin was the Welfare Officer. In Uitvlugt Estate Road there was a postal outlet and a BATA Shoe Store. Further down the road a black man named Braddax operated a hardware shop. On Stewartville Railway Line my other relative Jimmy Banerjee, BA, managed a private high school and a printery. In Ocean View Uitvlugt there was a pretty girl named Vidya Naipaul who married a British soldier and accompanied him to Britain after Independence Day. In Ocean View there was a talented Indian musician called Sumeran who one day gave Forbes Burnham a crash course in nagara drumming and dancing.

I remember everything you stated, What about the annual Fair at the Uitvlugt Center Ground, the cinema Orlo, Samlall Cake shop by the Train line and Samlall Rum Shop by Uitvlugt Front. So you know Vidya, I am good friends with her brothers Morris, Rabbi and Jai all in Toronto. Stating all that, don't you think those were good time.

It was ERLO cinema; I remember the neon lettering well. A guy nicknamed GoadeeMan was the projector operator and poster paster. But by 1966 which is 50 years ago, the ERLO was history.

I remember the names you mention too. Also, there was a dry goods/fabric shop owned by a Hindu maharaj nicknamed Boiler Brush. In 1966 Dr Monamdee conducted a clinic where George Mahadeo's store used to be. The postman was an Indian Methodist preacher named Panaram. Sattaur and Azeez had 'salt goods' shops on the estate road. Sattaur's son Towheed started his own shop in Ocean View next to the Naipauls. In that same street was also a shop owned by Hardeo Gopie, father of the Arya Samaj pandit Satish. In 1966 Henry Ramkeerat was the scoutmaster at the community centre. 

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

50 years ago computers were more honest than people. Not so now. Example: Right now there is a white circle next to Gilbakka's name in GNI Political. I just hovered my cursor over the circle and a pop-up says "Gilbakka is offline." Baap ray baap.  

you in stealth mode,the computer can't see you.

He probably log in with one of the multiple handles of his personalities. 

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Mitwah and others propped up the current racist Afrocentric government.

His Afro brothers in Linden will embrace him. Let him go visit Linden in the night with some US dollars in his pocket and see what happens.

Bhai Yugi you probably never experience the kindness of the Afro brothers,one of them a good friend of mine [remigrate from England] a great fella,he had lots of contacts,will get anything done for me or other friends without having to fork out any dough,some times i am the only Indian with the crew having a drink at the bar in black neighborhoods.

Respected fella he will sit with us and eat from a purine leaf,we will always get a laugh he walks with his spoon.

Bhai Django,

I have no hard feeling for any Afro Guyanese. I just hate the PNC for the racism that I experienced under their rule and I see the PNC of today as no different than the PNC of yesterday. They are still the same.

I have utmost respect for my Afro Brothers. I attended high school where 80 percent of my friends were black and we are friends till this day. They respect my position on being an Indo Guyanese.

Indo Caribbean people are unique but not superior to anyone.

I fight to maintain our unique culture, dharma and lifestyle.

I am very liberal in my views on race, I am not against interracial marriages. 

My son's best friend is Afro and he is treated like my own son. He eats and drinks from the same plates and cups in my home and we take him to temple and every single occasion that we attend.

Many on GNI misrepresent my views on Guyanese politics. Only Gil understands that I just hate the PNC based on my experience.

I want to see a united Guyana but it will never happen under the PNC. Only a young generation will bring change.

And yes, I blast Bob Marley's music while driving.

Please do not confuse my quest in keeping a very unique identity in tact. We are not superior but unique.

Agree or disagree, as Prashad says, we are slowly becoming an endangered people.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

50 years ago computers were more honest than people. Not so now. Example: Right now there is a white circle next to Gilbakka's name in GNI Political. I just hovered my cursor over the circle and a pop-up says "Gilbakka is offline." Baap ray baap.  

you in stealth mode,the computer can't see you.

He probably log in with one of the multiple handles of his personalities. 

Completely inaccurate, sir. Gilbakka is a one-man show, no need for more names.

Lennox posted:
Drugb posted

He probably log in with one of the multiple handles of his personalities. 


'Wow' is how I reacted too. Drugb imagines too much. Admin has my consent to confirm that Gilbakka does not have other nicks in this forum.

Gilbakka posted:
Lennox posted:
Drugb posted

He probably log in with one of the multiple handles of his personalities. 


'Wow' is how I reacted too. Drugb imagines too much. Admin has my consent to confirm that Gilbakka does not have other nicks in this forum.

Maybe the software can't recognize you because you are a ghost or have one foot in the grave? My circle is green when I am online. 

Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Lennox posted:
Drugb posted

He probably log in with one of the multiple handles of his personalities. 


'Wow' is how I reacted too. Drugb imagines too much. Admin has my consent to confirm that Gilbakka does not have other nicks in this forum.

Maybe the software can't recognize you because you are a ghost or have one foot in the grave? My circle is green when I am online. 

For whatever reason, sir, you have a caustic and callous way to address me. Anyway, to answer your question, I'm using a small Dell netbook with Windows 7. It has some deficiencies but they don't bother me. My original post on that white circle stands but, truly, I don't care if it is green or yellow or red. Thanks for your interest but I really don't care for your curiosity.

Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Lennox posted:
Drugb posted

He probably log in with one of the multiple handles of his personalities. 


'Wow' is how I reacted too. Drugb imagines too much. Admin has my consent to confirm that Gilbakka does not have other nicks in this forum.

Maybe the software can't recognize you because you are a ghost or have one foot in the grave? My circle is green when I am online. 

As I was reading this thread, I thought something was funny.  I guess some of his nicks are right here on this thread talking to each other and staring at us.  

Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Lennox posted:
Drugb posted

He probably log in with one of the multiple handles of his personalities. 


'Wow' is how I reacted too. Drugb imagines too much. Admin has my consent to confirm that Gilbakka does not have other nicks in this forum.

Maybe the software can't recognize you because you are a ghost or have one foot in the grave? My circle is green when I am online. 

You seh you does do some kind a software job,me have a feeling you is what we does call a kanta,it appears you are not aware of some features of hoopla.

Lennox posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Lennox posted:
Drugb posted

He probably log in with one of the multiple handles of his personalities. 


'Wow' is how I reacted too. Drugb imagines too much. Admin has my consent to confirm that Gilbakka does not have other nicks in this forum.

Maybe the software can't recognize you because you are a ghost or have one foot in the grave? My circle is green when I am online. 

As I was reading this thread, I thought something was funny.  I guess some of his nicks are right here on this thread talking to each other and staring at us.  

Rather than guess, please clear your doubt with Admin. 

Lennox posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Lennox posted:
Drugb posted

He probably log in with one of the multiple handles of his personalities. 


'Wow' is how I reacted too. Drugb imagines too much. Admin has my consent to confirm that Gilbakka does not have other nicks in this forum.

Maybe the software can't recognize you because you are a ghost or have one foot in the grave? My circle is green when I am online. 

As I was reading this thread, I thought something was funny.  I guess some of his nicks are right here on this thread talking to each other and staring at us.  

It didn't take you too long to clone yourself.  

Gilbakka posted:
Lennox posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Lennox posted:
Drugb posted

He probably log in with one of the multiple handles of his personalities. 


'Wow' is how I reacted too. Drugb imagines too much. Admin has my consent to confirm that Gilbakka does not have other nicks in this forum.

Maybe the software can't recognize you because you are a ghost or have one foot in the grave? My circle is green when I am online. 

As I was reading this thread, I thought something was funny.  I guess some of his nicks are right here on this thread talking to each other and staring at us.  

Rather than guess, please clear your doubt with Admin. 

Gilly, Lennox is not a newbie. I know who she is.

Mitwah posted:
Gilly, Lennox is not a newbie. I know who she is.

Really, Mits, I'm not bothered who is new or old, fresh or washed out, or whatever. I responded to that person only because he suggested an untruth about Gilbakka. I have no more time to waste over this nonsense.

Gilbakka posted:
Mitwah posted:
Gilly, Lennox is not a newbie. I know who she is.

Really, Mits, I'm not bothered who is new or old, fresh or washed out, or whatever. I responded to that person only because he suggested an untruth about Gilbakka. I have no more time to waste over this nonsense.

That's her MO.


My dear Anscale fish, I don't know if you have tilapia, basha, catfish, or lukanani brothers and sisters.  But I do know that your trustworthiness has been called into question hence the idea that you might be appearing as a ghost in other places.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

My dear Anscale fish, I don't know if you have tilapia, basha, catfish, or lukanani brothers and sisters.  But I do know that yourtrustworthiness has been called into question hence the idea that you might be appearing as a ghost in other places.

That's the mantra of the new breed,if you don't take the bait you are deemed not to be trustworthy.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:

My dear Anscale fish, I don't know if you have tilapia, basha, catfish, or lukanani brothers and sisters.  But I do know that your trustworthiness has been called into question hence the idea that you might be appearing as a ghost in other places.

You lack credibility which is like virginity. You lost it a long time ago.

Mitwah posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Lennox posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Lennox posted:
Drugb posted

He probably log in with one of the multiple handles of his personalities. 


'Wow' is how I reacted too. Drugb imagines too much. Admin has my consent to confirm that Gilbakka does not have other nicks in this forum.

Maybe the software can't recognize you because you are a ghost or have one foot in the grave? My circle is green when I am online. 

As I was reading this thread, I thought something was funny.  I guess some of his nicks are right here on this thread talking to each other and staring at us.  

Rather than guess, please clear your doubt with Admin. 

Gilly, Lennox is not a newbie. I know who she is.

Isn't it funny that this woman would mention multiple nicks when she had about 10 in the last few years. Now she reincarnates as a man.


Ok Folks,

Gil has one and only name on GNI and this is Gil. He is decent, honest and  a humble man of whom I have great respect.

At the right age, I will give up my material possessions and live a humble life.

We all have our political preferences and Gil has his. Gil and I are on opposite ends of the political spectrum but I will never lay a false claim against him.

I appeal to my fellow posters to desist from accusing Gil of having multiple handles.


Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

My dear Anscale fish, I don't know if you have tilapia, basha, catfish, or lukanani brothers and sisters.  But I do know that your trustworthiness has been called into question hence the idea that you might be appearing as a ghost in other places.


I can assure you that Gil has only one nick. Early on GNI, Gil and I used to go head to head with him until I learnt that Gil is honest and trustworthy.

Yes, we have different political views but that never got in the way of my utmost respect for Gil.

Bibi, the minute you hit the political scene on GNI, things lit up. Keep up your excellent contribution to GNI.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

My dear Anscale fish, I don't know if you have tilapia, basha, catfish, or lukanani brothers and sisters.  But I do know that your trustworthiness has been called into question hence the idea that you might be appearing as a ghost in other places.


I can assure you that Gil has only one nick. Early on GNI, Gil and I used to go head to head with him until I learnt that Gil is honest and trustworthy.

Yes, we have different political views but that never got in the way of my utmost respect for Gil.

Bibi, the minute you hit the political scene on GNI, things lit up. Keep up your excellent contribution to GNI.

How honest can he be if he threw in his lot with the PNC considering all they did to Indians in Guyana? 

kp posted:
caribny posted:
kp posted:

 People lived in harmony, they were content and happy. Those were the Good Old Days.

I know you aren't talking about 1964, which was the most violent year in Guyanese history.

So are you crediting the PNC/UF for accomplishing what you describe in just over a year?

Who ask you to comment??This post can do without your hate and racism.

OK so no chatter about Wismar in 1964.  I suggest that you cease whining about that.

Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

When people travelled to the city they always brought fruits and vegetables. To this day people say that when you travel to the city the Georgetowners would ask, “What you bring?” When they visit they asked, “What you got?”


I find the above statement most interesting. I can imagine Stormy arriving in GT with loads of Awara, Kukreet, and Kurus and guys like Carib on school lunch break huffing a few when his eyes turned. 

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!  I can't stop laughing!!!!!!!!!


I actually find it repulsive since it suggests that Blacks will instinctively resort to stealing.

Oh no. The racist statement on GNI isn't the assumption that blacks are criminally oriented. Its the fact that some one condemns it.


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