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Bibi Haniffa posted:

Look on the humorous side.  Besides you know Carib would find a racist answer for it anyway.  He will come up with all sorts of racist interpretations that have nothing to do with the subject.

And here we go.  Bibi thinks its funny that a statement implies that blacks are criminals.

If I objected to that statement, I become a racist.

Bibi you are desperately looking to find brown gyal KKK members, but you cannot, so you have with the boys instead.

yuji22 posted:

I want to see a united Guyana but it will never happen under the PNC.

The PPP was in power for 23 years ago and it didn't happen.

A sign that some one isn't racist is an ability to listen to others.  The vast majority of Afro Guyanese pointed out that the racism against them under the PPP, was as severe as that which you faced under the PNC.

You will note that I don't, and have never denied the racism that you claim that you have suffered under the PNC.

You refuse to listen to blacks, because fundamentally you don't respect them.  Over 95% have refused to support the PPP, so don't pretend as if its only a small group of disgruntled people who complained about PPP racism.

Last edited by Former Member

50 years ago/1966:

A Child cinema ticket for Pit cost 10 cents for the matinee show. An Adult cinema ticket cost 25 cents for Pit.

A return T&HD ticket from Uitvlugt to Georgetown cost 87 cents.

A daily Mirror newspaper cost 3 cents.

One pound sugar cost 6 cents.

One pound cassava cost 2 cents, and 2 pounds sold for 3 cents. 

One packet Broadway cigarettes cost 24 cents.

One bottle Banks beer cost 25 cents.

One Chico chewing gum cost 1 cent.

One exercise book with newsprint pages cost 9 cents and another with higher quality paper cost 11 cents.

One comic book cost 25 cents.


yuji22 posted:

Ok Folks,

Gil has one and only name on GNI and this is Gil. He is decent, honest and  a humble man of whom I have great respect.

At the right age, I will give up my material possessions and live a humble life.

We all have our political preferences and Gil has his. Gil and I are on opposite ends of the political spectrum but I will never lay a false claim against him.

I appeal to my fellow posters to desist from accusing Gil of having multiple handles.


Many thanks for your timely intervention, yuji22. I hold you up as a decent person too.

Free choice of a political party does not make one indecent or untrustworthy. Gilbakka has stressed in this forum that he is offering critical support to APNU+AFC and he has been honoring his words. Gilbakka does not need more nicknames to pursue that course. 

And, lastly, I will never say that a PPP supporter in this forum is untrustworthy because I cherish freedom of association as a human right. In fact, whenever a PPP supporter here makes a good point I don't hesitate to press the LIKE button. Doing so should not be interpreted to mean that I like the PPP but simply that I like the person's argument. 

Drugb posted:
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

My dear Anscale fish, I don't know if you have tilapia, basha, catfish, or lukanani brothers and sisters.  But I do know that your trustworthiness has been called into question hence the idea that you might be appearing as a ghost in other places.


I can assure you that Gil has only one nick. Early on GNI, Gil and I used to go head to head with him until I learnt that Gil is honest and trustworthy.

Yes, we have different political views but that never got in the way of my utmost respect for Gil.

Bibi, the minute you hit the political scene on GNI, things lit up. Keep up your excellent contribution to GNI.

How honest can he be if he threw in his lot with the PNC considering all they did to Indians in Guyana? 

Drugbelly, did you question Cheddi Jagan's honesty when he was willing to throw in his lot with the PNC in a coalition/national unity government in 1977 and again in 1984-85? You think Jagan did not consider Indians when he engaged in coalition talks with Burnham?

yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

My dear Anscale fish, I don't know if you have tilapia, basha, catfish, or lukanani brothers and sisters.  But I do know that your trustworthiness has been called into question hence the idea that you might be appearing as a ghost in other places.


I can assure you that Gil has only one nick. Early on GNI, Gil and I used to go head to head with him until I learnt that Gil is honest and trustworthy.

Yes, we have different political views but that never got in the way of my utmost respect for Gil.

Bibi, the minute you hit the political scene on GNI, things lit up. Keep up your excellent contribution to GNI.

Thanks Yugi.  I don't know if Gil has one or several nicks.  Frankly, I don't care.  However, I refuse to trust anyone who wishes evil on people and so I remain with my conviction.

Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

My dear Anscale fish, I don't know if you have tilapia, basha, catfish, or lukanani brothers and sisters.  But I do know that your trustworthiness has been called into question hence the idea that you might be appearing as a ghost in other places.


I can assure you that Gil has only one nick. Early on GNI, Gil and I used to go head to head with him until I learnt that Gil is honest and trustworthy.

Yes, we have different political views but that never got in the way of my utmost respect for Gil.

Bibi, the minute you hit the political scene on GNI, things lit up. Keep up your excellent contribution to GNI.

How honest can he be if he threw in his lot with the PNC considering all they did to Indians in Guyana? 

Drugbelly, did you question Cheddi Jagan's honesty when he was willing to throw in his lot with the PNC in a coalition/national unity government in 1977 and again in 1984-85? You think Jagan did not consider Indians when he engaged in coalition talks with Burnham?

Both Jagan and Burnham were idiots, brainwashed by ideology and people much smarter than them.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Both Jagan and Burnham were idiots, brainwashed by ideology and people much smarter than them.

Miss Haniffa, without Jagan and Burnham you wouldn't have a PPP to love today. Both were founding fathers of the party along with Ashton Chase, Janet Jagan, Jocelyn Hubbard, Boysee Ramkarran and others. 

Your heroes of today's PPP veered far away from the stated ideals of its founding fathers, and that is one of the issues the older party stalwarts have with the leadership. 

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

My dear Anscale fish, I don't know if you have tilapia, basha, catfish, or lukanani brothers and sisters.  But I do know that your trustworthiness has been called into question hence the idea that you might be appearing as a ghost in other places.


I can assure you that Gil has only one nick. Early on GNI, Gil and I used to go head to head with him until I learnt that Gil is honest and trustworthy.

Yes, we have different political views but that never got in the way of my utmost respect for Gil.

Bibi, the minute you hit the political scene on GNI, things lit up. Keep up your excellent contribution to GNI.

How honest can he be if he threw in his lot with the PNC considering all they did to Indians in Guyana? 

Drugbelly, did you question Cheddi Jagan's honesty when he was willing to throw in his lot with the PNC in a coalition/national unity government in 1977 and again in 1984-85? You think Jagan did not consider Indians when he engaged in coalition talks with Burnham?

Never had much respect for Cheddi, he was a weak land ineffective eader and didn't accomplish much in his short time as president. With regards to PNC, they are only good as a coalition member is they are being led, not being the leaders.

Lennox posted:

Someone told me Indo-Guyanese Commies/KGBers run this site.

This site used to be known as an anti black racist site, and was blocked by some employers as a hate site.

The vast majority of blacks, who used to post here, left in disgust at the blatant racism which used to be tolerated.

I began to post here when some one posted a picture of a black Buxton girl, who was ridiculed as ugly, nasty, stupid, by many posters, with other commentary typical of what one would see on a KKK site.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Both Jagan and Burnham were idiots, brainwashed by ideology and people much smarter than them.

Miss Haniffa, without Jagan and Burnham you wouldn't have a PPP to love today. Both were founding fathers of the party along with Ashton Chase, Janet Jagan, Jocelyn Hubbard, Boysee Ramkarran and others. 

Your heroes of today's PPP veered far away from the stated ideals of its founding fathers, and that is one of the issues the older party stalwarts have with the leadership. 

In fact when the PPP started its initial membership had a huge dominance of middle class black and colored people.

This is why Janet began to hate blacks, when she and her husband allowed apaan jhat to take over the PPP, which led to blacks fleeing that party en masse. 

She took it personally, and didn't understand why blacks didn't kiss her feet the way that so many rural Indians did.

caribny posted:
Lennox posted:

Someone told me Indo-Guyanese Commies/KGBers run this site.

This site used to be known as an anti black racist site, and was blocked by some employers as a hate site.

The vast majority of blacks, who used to post here, left in disgust at the blatant racism which used to be tolerated.

I began to post here when some one posted a picture of a black Buxton girl, who was ridiculed as ugly, nasty, stupid, by many posters, with other commentary typical of what one would see on a KKK site.

Congratulations, you are the David Duke of Guyanese Blacks, here to defend the rights of all AfroGs. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Lennox posted:

Someone told me Indo-Guyanese Commies/KGBers run this site.

This site used to be known as an anti black racist site, and was blocked by some employers as a hate site.

The vast majority of blacks, who used to post here, left in disgust at the blatant racism which used to be tolerated.

I began to post here when some one posted a picture of a black Buxton girl, who was ridiculed as ugly, nasty, stupid, by many posters, with other commentary typical of what one would see on a KKK site.

Congratulations, you are the David Duke of Guyanese Blacks, here to defend the rights of all AfroGs. 

Hmmm.  OK so because I don't applaud while you wail about blacks as criminals, I am David Duke.

Its really amazing that on this site we can have people screaming that blacks are jungle animals, and yet I am the racist.




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