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My soul was fooled to dislike me and that made her not help me in life. She operated in me and others, especially women. I didn't realize this until today when I asked a woman if she didn't feel secure in her room because she walks with bags of her belongings. She said why would I ask her that that it's none of my business as if she didn't want me to get to know IT or the spirit. Maybe IT didn't want me to know her. Don't let the evil fool you about me IT, I love you and we must work together to solve the social problems that I and you face with the devil and god. IT, work with my paranoia to solve the unknown problem and communicate with me. Don't pit whites against blacks. Blacks are descendants of Jesus and may have been originally white before Jesus' crucifixion. Maybe the whites are forced to lie about the truth because their feelings are reversed and are constantly trying to correct this with white lies because a direct association of mind and body is not being made; it is at a phase like the moon phases. It is possible that they are trying to join their minds with their bodies to feel in the flesh and they have to lie to establish a separation of time cancellation in between mind and body.

I think their feelings are a memory or are in memories and because they can't forget them they have to lie but they mean no harm. The devil may have made a deal and the whites can't eliminate the effects in life because their souls are displaced due to love. Love involves the soul and sodomy by the anti-Christ who I believe is the God we worship that put the hole in the MAN. Some of you may know the truth but you can't tell me because I would be liable for my thoughts and behavior in reality and they would be able to charge me with a crime with the paranoia I have if it applies to change reality in a harmful way.

I guess you have to use conjecture or hypothesis' to explain the unknown so you would not be liable for your information such as saying you know me--you tell me because I am not certain because I don't see the lie.


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My Video VP - 0018
Tags: love, Jesus, white, MAN, schizophrenia, god

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cain posted:

Ron Ron Ron, have you ever thought the woman at the beginning of your 'trip' was a bitch...end of story?

I felt she was a bitch although I don't know what is a bitch or if the person is to be blamed directly or the extraneous and if a bitch can change if a bitch is bad. I think people move around to believe the lie and that makes IT truth and this removes the feelings from IT and gives them love. Removing the feelings from IT is wrong. When they believe IT, they make sure that emotions are not created by IT as truth is developed? Truth is the physical without feelings but has a classification like a book, a car, a building, or a plate or a pack of cigarettes--a meaning. Talking converts the lie into the truth with belief and that is why you may see signs to "Believe". To cancel the truth we have to disbelieve the truth and make it a lie that contains the feelings.

What word can me say with belief to turn the lie into the truth to help our situation? How about "FEAR" or "BIRTH." What would those two words do to reality if it is turned from a lie into truth?

Ronald Anthony Arjune
Prashad posted:

I agree. Ron is a good man.

All good people desire to be known as good and I thank you. I have the belief that I know and this may be my disability because I think the Jew control us with that state of mind. The belief of the lie of intelligence may be causing time and truth to cause damage to our psyche and causes love and does work for them with emotions. My anxiety attacks may be linked to this. What is intriguing is they don't show a sign of guilt. People are still not showing eye contact in the busses I take like they don't want IT to see itself with each other. I must be the biggest idiot to them in America. 


Ronald Anthony Arjune
cain posted:

Oi Ron you gonna go with Prasahd's new country he planning on starting up? The man wanna put all Indians in a country so they doan fight up with others....only among themselves. Is he a good man for planning this you think? 

RATIO// Prashad's country 20:47 Prashad's brain

U & I are deceiving others about us and control us like spirits. The flesh has intelligence and conspire with the intelligence as we move about randomly causing us confusion. Unless we have evidence of history in the flesh with the word we will continue to hate due to mistrust. To stop the control we have to control the depth of the test in the flesh and man-made caused by love and time. The test removes mass via feelings. The coward that may be assimilating thoughts with my thoughts may be ISIS, the girlfriend of the Identity "U" or Lucifer. The Antichrist used my mind and made my soul look away from my feelings to alienate her from me and please consider that your mind may be used to cause your deception in a similar way. This may be how Indians and whites misinterpreted blacks. Ratio Correct BLACKS 21:20 WHITES. . 

Ronald Anthony Arjune
cain posted:

Oi Ron you gonna go with Prasahd's new country he planning on starting up? The man wanna put all Indians in a country so they doan fight up with others....only among themselves. Is he a good man for planning this you think? 

RATIO// Prashad's country 20:47 Prashad's brain

This is no laughing matter Cain.   The days of laugh ended when those cane harvesters were beheaded at the back of Buxton,  the days of laugh ended when those sleeping children were killed in their sleep, the days of laugh ended when that defenseless paralyzed man was burned alive. The issue is the survival of a people on the South American continent into the future in a safe environment that preserves their dignity and allows them to live free from racial harm. Only a sovereign  independent country can achieve these aims.

Last edited by Prashad


I was playing Ocean's Put Your Hand In The Hand and I lost the left channel on the internet for the video as I played it: The loss of the left channel on that video seems to be permanent. Since the Left channel represents the Heart then I believe electronics got it mixed up since the right channel is on the right speaker and not the left speaker. Here is a video of the song.



Note that the left channel is missing which electronics should identify as Right instead. This may be why we are always searching to identify right and left connections when we connect our electronics' plugs since we are in a state of confusion. The video has one channel playing now.

Ronald Anthony Arjune

Aura. Explain the aura to me. Is it my psychic ability? There is an aura in a public bathroom that's very uncomfortable and it remains quiet in the bathroom. When we're in the kitchen cooking or in a church there is a definite heightened sense of awareness. I have been the victim because these sensations have not been explained and you can't hide this from children.

When Jesus was being crucified wasn't there an aura sensed and was this aura the lunacy of the moon? Was this to drive the human race crazy? When you watch your cell phone or the computer, what is the aura that you are sensing of the space in between the screen and your eyes? When I see my psychiatrist, there is an aura of mistrust and when I see my therapist there is an aura of suspicion. Is the enemy residing in the aura? When I was talking with my friend and I had an anxiety attack I felt that her flesh was trying to deceive me as if the antichrist was her as her flesh and it wanted my flesh to respond to her flesh when she asked me for two dollars. I felt manipulated and I refused to give her my money. With an anxiety attack I think they are trying to interface the aura with the man-made material matter and this damages the mind; my mind.


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2017-02-01 21-01-57.531
Ronald Anthony Arjune

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