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First, my condolences to the family on this heinous act of banality.

Second, there must be venting of outrage. But at the end of the day, we simply cannot support the actions of the protesters who now turn their attention to harming PPP supporters (namely Indians). This must be condemned in the strongest term and the PPP have an obligation to protect its supporters.  There were many innocent Indians whose homes and vehicles were robbed and broken into. This part of the event seems to be ignored by the media....and GNI members. 

There is no question in my mind of the following:

a. This criminal act was committed to incite racial violence.

b. Given the level of depravity and extent of the perpetrator's rage, this criminal act seems "designed" and concocted to allocate blame on the 7 men (not all Indos) currently in custody and being questioned. Given what we now know about the owner of the coconut farm, and the owner, it seems impossible that they could have been so depraved to commit this act. 

c. I would not put this act of criminality beyond the PNC (given their history). I will not blame them without evidence, but the PNC has a history of violence also, and some people on social media have hinted this much.  

d. Mr Granger and Mr Harmon both went to the village to console the victim's family. But their language were also designed to incite their supporters, particularly at a time when no one know what actually transpired. Others are using this opportunity to invoke the Black Lives Matter phrase to suggest that this is a targeted attack against Afros in Guyana. A simple question to ask is "Who will benefit from this act?" 

From where I am standing, its not members of the current administration.

GNIers should not engage in drinking the COOL-AID to spread further rumors. 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@VishMahabir posted:

First, my condolences to the family on this heinous act of banality.

Second, there must be venting of outrage. But at the end of the day, we simply cannot support the actions of the protesters who now turn their attention to harming PPP supporters (namely Indians). This must be condemned in the strongest term and the PPP have an obligation to protect its supporters.  There were many innocent Indians whose homes and vehicles were robbed and broken into. This part of the event seems to be ignored by the media....and GNI members. 

There is no question in my mind of the following:

a. This criminal act was committed to incite racial violence.

b. Given the level of depravity and extent of the perpetrator's rage, this criminal act seems "designed" and concocted to allocate blame on the 7 men (not all Indos) currently in custody and being questioned. Given what we now know about the owner of the coconut farm, and the owner, it seems impossible that they could have been so depraved to commit this act. 

c. I would not put this act of criminality beyond the PNC (given their history). I will not blame them without evidence, but the PNC has a history of violence also, and some people on social media have hinted this much.  

d. Mr Granger and Mr Harmon both went to the village to console the victim's family. But their language were also designed to incite their supporters, particularly at a time when no one know what actually transpired. Others are using this opportunity to invoke the Black Lives Matter phrase to suggest that this is a targeted attack against Afros in Guyana. A simple question to ask is "Who will benefit from this act?" 

From where I am standing, its not members of the current administration.

GNIers should not engage in drinking the COOL-AID to spread further rumors. 

Well said    

@VishMahabir posted:

First, my condolences to the family on this heinous act of banality.

Second, there must be venting of outrage. But at the end of the day, we simply cannot support the actions of the protesters who now turn their attention to harming PPP supporters (namely Indians). This must be condemned in the strongest term and the PPP have an obligation to protect its supporters.  There were many innocent Indians whose homes and vehicles were robbed and broken into. This part of the event seems to be ignored by the media....and GNI members. 

There is no question in my mind of the following:

a. This criminal act was committed to incite racial violence.

b. Given the level of depravity and extent of the perpetrator's rage, this criminal act seems "designed" and concocted to allocate blame on the 7 men (not all Indos) currently in custody and being questioned. Given what we now know about the owner of the coconut farm, and the owner, it seems impossible that they could have been so depraved to commit this act. 

c. I would not put this act of criminality beyond the PNC (given their history). I will not blame them without evidence, but the PNC has a history of violence also, and some people on social media have hinted this much.  

d. Mr Granger and Mr Harmon both went to the village to console the victim's family. But their language were also designed to incite their supporters, particularly at a time when no one know what actually transpired. Others are using this opportunity to invoke the Black Lives Matter phrase to suggest that this is a targeted attack against Afros in Guyana. A simple question to ask is "Who will benefit from this act?" 

From where I am standing, its not members of the current administration.

GNIers should not engage in drinking the COOL-AID to spread further rumors. 

My take on this. You talking sheer piss Knucklehead. Let the police do their investigation and stop floating knucklehead theories. You're instigating as much violence as the people on the ground acting irresponsibly. 

@sachin_05 posted:

Are you sure you won’t delete?

you better be careful what you ask for, am still stuck here in Guyana and will post workers videos from the paddy truck mayhem....remember you ask for it..

Nope wouldn't  ,credible source needed to be provided ,also if you can ,post the incident reported by News Room in Mahaica Area. Bear in mind Fact Check can be done to reveal propaganda.

I know you are on the ground ,wanted to ask you to provide some details.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

This thread will be featured post all the atrocities against East Indians with SOURCES on the current turmoil in the country.

VishMahabir  ,back up  the theory ,the floor is open.

The problem with the atrocities against Indians is that they are not reported...I am in touch with people in Guyana who say that the police and army personnel  were in full view of the stopping of cars along the west Berbice road and the robbing of citizens. So, if its not in the newspapers, its difficult to document those by evidence. If we go by previous behavior of the incidents on the west coast, and look at previous behavior by Afros in places like Buxton, it is a reasonable assumption that this type of assault on innocent civilians were taking place. Besides, this event will continue to play out over the next few days. It is a reasonable assumption that people will also be afraid to travel to and away Cotton Tree. 

The incident reported by the PNC statement indicate that another individual "Orlando" in Berbice was another victim. There is no proof that this is a racial incident because it has not been reported as such and the PNC could not have gotten that information before the police investigated the event. It is an attempt by the PNC to create an impression in the minds of Afros that they are being targeted by the PPP government.  

What needs to be done here is a forensic investigation, particularly since we have instigation by the PNC, (Granger, Harmon, Rickford Burke, etc) that this blames is squarely at the feet of the PPP. They are attempting to gain political mileage.

Regarding evidence and source, look at the speech by Harmon who noted that "two Black boys" were killed and Granger, who is now calling on citizens to protect themselves...and never once mentioned that an Indian was killed by his own police following the election.

@Mars posted:

My take on this. You talking sheer piss Knucklehead. Let the police do their investigation and stop floating knucklehead theories. You're instigating as much violence as the people on the ground acting irresponsibly. 

OK Knucklehead....tell the protesters to stop burning vehicles and houses and stop beating up innocent people....or you need evidence for that too?

Should they not wait for a proper investigation also, as called for by the parent of Henry? Or do you want to ignore that?

@VishMahabir posted:

OK Knucklehead....tell the protesters to stop burning vehicles and houses and stop beating up innocent people....or you need evidence for that too?

Should they not wait for a proper investigation also, as called for by the parent of Henry? Or do you want to ignore that?

And while we at it....tell the leaders of the PNC to stop floating their BS about this being a plan to eliminate Afros by a government that came to power "fraudulently" with help from the US and the ABCs. Are they willing to wait for the forensic investigation???

@VishMahabir posted:

OK Knucklehead....tell the protesters to stop burning vehicles and houses and stop beating up innocent people....or you need evidence for that too?

Should they not wait for a proper investigation also, as called for by the parent of Henry? Or do you want to ignore that?

Moron, I already stated that people on the ground are acting irresponsibly.  Did I ever deny that? You and other jackasses like yourself on Social Media making up all kinds of stupid nonsense and making the situation worse that it already is. You're raising the level of hatred with your stupid knucklehead theories. Grow the ***k up. This is a serious situation and no time for dumbasses like you pouring gasoline on the fire.

@VishMahabir posted:

The problem with the atrocities against Indians is that they are not reported...I am in touch with people in Guyana who say that the police and army personnel  were in full view of the stopping of cars along the west Berbice road and the robbing of citizens. So, if its not in the newspapers, its difficult to document those by evidence. If we go by previous behavior of the incidents on the west coast, and look at previous behavior by Afros in places like Buxton, it is a reasonable assumption that this type of assault on innocent civilians were taking place. Besides, this event will continue to play out over the next few days. It is a reasonable assumption that people will also be afraid to travel to and away Cotton Tree. 

The incident reported by the PNC statement indicate that another individual "Orlando" in Berbice was another victim. There is no proof that this is a racial incident because it has not been reported as such and the PNC could not have gotten that information before the police investigated the event. It is an attempt by the PNC to create an impression in the minds of Afros that they are being targeted by the PPP government.  

What needs to be done here is a forensic investigation, particularly since we have instigation by the PNC, (Granger, Harmon, Rickford Burke, etc) that this blames is squarely at the feet of the PPP. They are attempting to gain political mileage.

Regarding evidence and source, look at the speech by Harmon who noted that "two Black boys" were killed and Granger, who is now calling on citizens to protect themselves.

..and never once mentioned that an Indian was killed by his own police following the election.

The post went good until the last sentence ,upon reflection the lad attacked the police which caused his life. There are videos where people had the Police in retreat.

The PPP started on the wrong footing after declared as winner ,there are many faults as usual it's swept under the rug. Just over a month the country in turmoil .

Last edited by Django
@Mars posted:

Moron, I already stated that people on the ground are acting irresponsibly.  Did I ever deny that? You and other jackasses like yourself on Social Media making up all kinds of stupid nonsense and making the situation worse that it already is. You're raising the level of hatred with your stupid knucklehead theories. Grow the ***k up. This is a serious situation and no time for dumbasses like you pouring gasoline on the fire.

I am going to ignore the cuss down and buse down because it look like this is a Guyanese thing with people with limited vocabulary.

Yes, we can agree on one this - this is a serious situation which can plunge the country further into a deep end.  What make you think any of us are making light of it?. We see the protest and turmoil that this has created so far.. I am reporting some of what is being noted out there, and sharing my opinion like those on other threads on this site. I note a possible political motive above.

So, Take you head out of your *8# and go and look at the apnu, James Bond, Benschop, Rickford Burke sites and see the crap being peddled haul your @#&... 

@Django posted:

The post went good until the last sentence ,upon reflection the lad attacked the police which caused his life. There are videos where people had the Police in retreat.

The PPP started on the wrong footing after declared as winner ,there are many faults as usual it's swept under the rug. Just over a month the country in turmoil .

You agree with most of the narrative but you are saying that the PPP was on the wrong foot after a month. You miss the big picture. 

I am not saying this was justified, but the coalition created the conditions for this, they refused to acknowledge they loss and they held the nation for ransom for 5 months and create this situation. 

Based on what the coalition (PNC) did then and in the past, you and Mars have to be in la la land not to even consider that there is a slight possibility that there might be some truth to the conspiracy....this perception is held by many Indos. 

@VishMahabir posted:

You agree with most of the narrative but you are saying that the PPP was on the wrong foot after a month. You miss the big picture. 

I am not saying this was justified, but the coalition created the conditions for this, they refused to acknowledge they loss and they held the nation for ransom for 5 months and create this situation. 

Based on what the coalition (PNC) did then and in the past, you and Mars have to be in la la land not to even consider that there is a slight possibility that there might be some truth to the conspiracy....this perception is held by many Indos. 

Quite interesting with the big picture and perception.

The propaganda starts.



Images (1)
  • Propaganda
Last edited by Django
@VishMahabir posted:

First, my condolences to the family on this heinous act of banality.

Second, there must be venting of outrage. But at the end of the day, we simply cannot support the actions of the protesters who now turn their attention to harming PPP supporters (namely Indians). This must be condemned in the strongest term and the PPP have an obligation to protect its supporters.  There were many innocent Indians whose homes and vehicles were robbed and broken into. This part of the event seems to be ignored by the media....and GNI members. 

There is no question in my mind of the following:

a. This criminal act was committed to incite racial violence.

b. Given the level of depravity and extent of the perpetrator's rage, this criminal act seems "designed" and concocted to allocate blame on the 7 men (not all Indos) currently in custody and being questioned. Given what we now know about the owner of the coconut farm, and the owner, it seems impossible that they could have been so depraved to commit this act. 

c. I would not put this act of criminality beyond the PNC (given their history). I will not blame them without evidence, but the PNC has a history of violence also, and some people on social media have hinted this much.  

d. Mr Granger and Mr Harmon both went to the village to console the victim's family. But their language were also designed to incite their supporters, particularly at a time when no one know what actually transpired. Others are using this opportunity to invoke the Black Lives Matter phrase to suggest that this is a targeted attack against Afros in Guyana. A simple question to ask is "Who will benefit from this act?" 

From where I am standing, its not members of the current administration.

GNIers should not engage in drinking the COOL-AID to spread further rumors. 

This is nothing but speculation and it is very dangerous.  Two Black youths were mercilessly murdered and you are insinuating that the PNC did it to stir up racial trouble.  Are you sane?  Are you so biased not to see the humanity of the murdered men and their race?  Are we to believe that IndoGuyanese are so saintly that they are not capable of murder? The police are investigating and it appears as if they are making good progress.  In the meanwhile peaceful protest is justified. 

Last edited by Totaram

All the rioting is politically motivated by the PNC. People are killed/murdered every day in Guyana, but nah, them choose this one to express their election loss.

 The police acted very fast to make seven arrests, now let the court handle the rest. But as for the PNC, this is a GOOD occasion to cause civil unrest. If this continue, president Ali must enforce a State of emergency, if not the Dogs of War will kill many innocent lives.

@VishMahabir posted:

I am going to ignore the cuss down and buse down because it look like this is a Guyanese thing with people with limited vocabulary.

Yes, we can agree on one this - this is a serious situation which can plunge the country further into a deep end.  What make you think any of us are making light of it?. We see the protest and turmoil that this has created so far.. I am reporting some of what is being noted out there, and sharing my opinion like those on other threads on this site. I note a possible political motive above.

So, Take you head out of your *8# and go and look at the apnu, James Bond, Benschop, Rickford Burke sites and see the crap being peddled haul your @#&... 

Limited vocabulary? I could eat a can of alphabet soup and shit out better words than you know. Unlike you, I've been properly educated. You'd be better off picking up your books and see if you can complete your B.S. degree before you turn an old man, rather than talking piss here. You're not making light of a very serious situation. You're inflaming it more and it is already at an uncontrollable level. The APNU folks peddling crap are just as injudicious as you are. You're just assh0les on opposite sides of the bonfire pouring gasoline on it. You're reporting nonsense that is being peddled by other morons like yourself. Accusing people of bludgeoning their own kind in the most gruesome manner to start a race war. This is highly irresponsible behavior since you fools have no clue as to what evidence the police have already unearthed. Dial down the inflammatory rhetoric and let the police do their job.

Last edited by Mars

I was expecting this sort of violence to occur during election time. I was happy it didnt. After the transition of power I told myself with a few hiccups here an there, things will proceed as normal. But then this shit happened. It is my belief and only my belief that somebody is trying to start a race war. And I'm at at loss as to why.

@Mars posted:

Limited vocabulary? I could eat a can of alphabet soup and shit out better words than you know. Unlike you, I've been properly educated. You'd be better off picking up your books and see if you can complete your B.S. degree before you turn an old man, rather than talking piss here. You're not making light of a very serious situation. You're inflaming it more and it is already at an uncontrollable level. The APNU folks peddling crap are just as injudicious as you are. You're just assh0les on opposite sides of the bonfire pouring gasoline on it. You're reporting nonsense that is being peddled by other morons like yourself. Accusing people of bludgeoning their own kind in the most gruesome manner to start a race war. This is highly irresponsible behavior since you fools have no clue as to what evidence the police have already unearthed. Dial down the inflammatory rhetoric and let the police do their job.

Its a BA the B.S. for what you are saying. If you want inflammatory rhetoric go and look at the sites I mention. 

 Guyana has a chequered history and conspiracy theories abound. 

In the meantime, you are willing to ignore what the PNC is doing. Its not just "peddling crap", its inflammatory and setting the stage for large political designs...another chance at delegitimizing the elected government.  

You are making an assumption that the police are also capable to solving this crime. Crum Ewing and Monica Reese still remains unsolved.

But I will respect what you said...if this is inflaming them I will leave this as my last comment.

@Totaram posted:

This is nothing but speculation and it is very dangerous.  Two Black youths were mercilessly murdered and you are insinuating that the PNC did it to stir up racial trouble.  Are you sane?  Are you so biased not to see the humanity of the murdered men and their race?  Are we to believe that IndoGuyanese are so saintly that they are not capable of murder? The police are investigating and it appears as if they are making good progress.  In the meanwhile peaceful protest is justified. 

What world you living in????    "In the meanwhile peaceful protest is justified".....this is all peaceful protests??? 

No one is saying that Indos are incapable of committing such act....lets wait and find out....hopefully soon. AND, whoever committed these acts, regardless of color, race etc, they should be condemned and face the same penalty.


@VishMahabir posted:

What world you living in????    "In the meanwhile peaceful protest is justified".....this is all peaceful protests??? 

No one is saying that Indos are incapable of committing such act....lets wait and find out....hopefully soon. AND, whoever committed these acts, regardless of color, race etc, they should be condemned and face the same penalty.


Do not twist my words to fit your preconceived ideas.  Isn't peaceful protest justified ?  As a matter of fact , under the circumstances peaceful protest is imperative, a sacred duty.  Perhaps the residents of  Enmore  and Unity should engage in peaceful protest calling for justice for the Henry cousins.  Now, that's the world in which I live.

@Sheik101 posted:

Where does it say that these are APNU supporters. And where is Granger and Harmon calling on these people? I don't see them.

These people are angry. And venting their anger which is rightfully so. Doesn't necessarily make the APNU supporters.

Is it OK to spread the word on social media to kill all coolie children, many may take it as call to action. If someone is threatened to be killed, that is a crime.

@kp posted:

Is it OK to spread the word on social media to kill all coolie children, many may take it as call to action. If someone is threatened to be killed, that is a crime.

Once again. People are angry and reacting to a terrible deed which was perpetrated on two young souls. They are giving way to emotional impulses. There actions and words may not be the best of choices. But if some idiots didn't do what they did, none of this would have happened.

@Totaram posted:

Do not twist my words to fit your preconceived ideas.  Isn't peaceful protest justified ?  As a matter of fact , under the circumstances peaceful protest is imperative, a sacred duty.  Perhaps the residents of  Enmore  and Unity should engage in peaceful protest calling for justice for the Henry cousins.  Now, that's the world in which I live.

Not twisting your words. If I felt this thread was inflaming I would ask the Moderator to delete the entire thread...

I dont know if you are living in Guyana, but you cant fail to notice the many tv shows and Anil Nandall's appeal for protesters to protest peacefully. So by your definition, peaceful protests means burning privately owned cars and trucks, harassing innocent travellers, robbing  people, blocking the main road, etc.  

From your tone, you are willing to excuse all of this. I agree the residents of Enmore and Unity (Indian villages, I presume) and all Guyanese should be engaged in peaceful protests and justice for the Henry cousins. 

You seem to excuse those political leaders who are creating an inflamed atmosphere with their rhetoric. Regardless of his this investigation end, someone will have to create the political mess they have created by pumping their supporters and using this event to gain political mileage I said, logically, the ruling PPP has nothing to gain from this...and certainly they are not inflaming the situation....gwan suh.



@Django posted:

Nope wouldn't  ,credible source needed to be provided ,also if you can ,post the incident reported by News Room in Mahaica Area. Bear in mind Fact Check can be done to reveal propaganda.

I know you are on the ground ,wanted to ask you to provide some details.

Just as I thought, no video from sources other than news media would be credible enough. I would not waste my time and effort posting any here. With almost every one walking around with video camera the youths caught in the videos might very well end up like Ms Brooms...

@Sheik101 posted:

Once again. People are angry and reacting to a terrible deed which was perpetrated on two young souls. They are giving way to emotional impulses. There actions and words may not be the best of choices. But if some idiots didn't do what they did, none of this would have happened.

and leaders who know that this can easily get way out of hand should exercise caution with their rhetoric....take a look at Anil Nandalall's interview today.


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