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Oh i remember this 1..whn i sad down on chairs..i like to shake my legs which upset my mom a lot..she used to ask me if i want her to i think ifu shook yr legs, then u calling for yr mother to die??


Whn u come home  late  at nights , u had to enter backwards so that jumbie dont follow u into the house.

-same thing if u go funeral or viewing at parlor n if u have lil baby in d house

whn my maa came from a funeral she used to bathe..if not she wud wash her feel before stepping into the house but i dont know the reason


Oh, my mom used to fret if we opened umbrella in the house..i think it meant that u ‘calling sickness in d house’

oR if  we put pointer broom to ‘stand up’ ( it had to be laid flat on the floor) otherwise ‘it bring quarrel in d house’

@cain posted:

Here is another weird thing.Two sisters are married to two of my relatives. Many years ago both sisters dreamt within a couple days of each other, I had kicked the bucket.

I would usually have strange things occur with me to which I chalked up to coincidence until I took an angel course during my holistic health studies. The lady giving the course walked into the room the first day where we were all seated in a circle (about 20 of us) she pointed toward me and told me I had a strong spirit guide.

At one point she went to each of us, told us a bit about our guide, we were then given a small sheet of paper with the name of the guide but we were not to open it until the name came to us. When she got to my daughter who was standing next to me, my daughter was asked if she was involved in holistic work to which my daughter said no but I did (at the time I was doing a bit of work on my daughter..she was also my first case study along with my wife)

The instructor spoke a bit with her then came my turn where she looked over my shoulder, nodded then said the name David as though acknowledging a presence, that was my spirit guide's name. I was the only one not handed the hidden name. During the workshop about half the group came up with the names she had provided on the sheets of paper. Some claimed they heard whispers...some had a feeling.

I can write a book on some of what I came across during those times and still do. The strange part about this...I was never a believer in angels, natural health, energy work (Reiki etc), absolutely not, I popped pills even before I had pain, sucked back the booze before it got spoiled, smoked two packs filterless cigarettes a day, didn't walk away from a good scrap and partied like there was no tomorrow.

Cainstah, that’s an interesting event in your life…wow

what made you do such a complete  change in your life…to no alcohol, no cigs etc? Was it that class?

I believe in a lot of things and am sceptical about lots

i believe that if u put hot pepper into the hand of another you two will quarrel…seen it with the non believers 😁


What about you have to put a bowl of rice in front the door and ol’higue will have to count each grain before she can come in the house, or mark big X ….and the big ball of fire far in the backdam is  fireass which turn into olhigue

@Lynn posted:

Oh, my mom used to fret if we opened umbrella in the house..i think it meant that u ‘calling sickness in d house’

oR if  we put pointer broom to ‘stand up’ ( it had to be laid flat on the floor) otherwise ‘it bring quarrel in d house’

Heard about umbrella but not about the broom. My pointer brooms are both standing behind doors…I don’t think I ever laid them down


what was mermaid called in Guyana? Femaid?

I am trying t remember some myths about mermaid


oh what about myths about big toe and second toe…

if your second toe is longer you will rule your life partner😁😁



luring young men to go to them..then she will plunge in by the koker where currrent is strong ..if any boys jumped in afterher..he drowned..

iheard ‘stories’ only..dont know if this actually happened..but the way mermaids stories were told, it made us, as kids, believe that it was true story

@Wildflower posted:

Cainstah, that’s an interesting event in your life…wow

what made you do such a complete  change in your life…to no alcohol, no cigs etc? Was it that class?

I believe in a lot of things and am sceptical about lots

i believe that if u put hot pepper into the hand of another you two will quarrel…seen it with the non believers 😁

I got a feelin that pepper one is funny..hehe.

About quitting, no, that was before getting into natural health etc. I quite smoking cold turkey after watching an ad where they showed a child with small lungs in the company of parents whi smoked and it grossed me out to me. I grossed me out..threw out my cigarette pack and said.."I don't smoke" I never said that I was always, "I don't" and I never craved a cigarette.

I quit drinking after having one drink in Caddys at Egl/McCowan..I believe someone droooed something in my drink because I rode home then attacked a tree in the backyard. I did the same..promised wifey I was done..threw out my booze and said I don't drink..I have never craved it.

Last edited by cain

a relative was a heavy smoker and drinker. when his wife was pregnant she explained to him how he was harming himself and the baby. he stopped cold turkey and never went back to those habits

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My hubby friend used to smoke since he was in high sch, heavy smoker , several pks daily. His daughter was abt5 n she told him he stinks n tgat she didnt want to hug him. He stopped cold turkey..he was stunned hearing that from his only kid.  That kid is 21 now n he hasnt smoked since that day


Im sure ive done the pepper thing.. like passing the pepper sauce !

my sis never did since she was a teen. She used to insist it was put down before she picked it up

recently i laughed because i gave pepper to my cuz n as he was putting on his shoes he asked his wife to hold the bag.. she said ‘na na na . im not taking pepper fron u .. i dont want to fight whn we get home”


Guyanese people dem had nuff nuff time on their hands fo come up with sheer stoopidness yo know.

Good that those fellas quit bad habits... 👍

Nothing wrong with a lil drink one one time but not all the dam time. I had a cous who smoked one or two cigarettes a week, even that is better than alllll de dam time.

Last edited by cain

Why sunrise musnt ketch u in bed??

Also whn we sleep..our feet r not supposed to be pointing in certain direction..i dont rem exactly but my mom used to make us change sleeping position..saying u’yuh foot nah muss point dat side’


If u sit down on the floor or lie down..nobody must jump ovah u? U have to walk around that person?  I dont rem wht was the believe..maybe ifit is a kid..he or she wont ‘grow’ anymore??

Ifis big people..i dont know wht it meant..bad luck???

@Lynn posted:

If u sit down on the floor or lie down..nobody must jump ovah u? U have to walk around that person?  I dont rem wht was the believe..maybe ifit is a kid..he or she wont ‘grow’ anymore??

Ifis big people..i dont know wht it meant..bad luck???

Simple...they could fall pon yo groin. (I was gonna say fall pon yo nuts but women doan have that...hmm.then again these days)

Last edited by cain

N. If a lady getting baby n feel like eating a certain food/fruit n she nah get fuh eat it..den the baby born with a mark in the shape of that food

well..i wanted to eat catfish daughter did born with a very light brown mark on her calve but it doesnt look like a fish..hahaha

1 of my bro had a huge mark acroos his navel..looking a bird with spreaded wings..well.  My mother was a vegetarian!!

@cain posted:

Simple...they could fall pon yo groin. (I was gonna say fall pon yo nuts but women doan have that...hmm.then again these days)

Lol..u rite!! Hear this thing

in washroom at work , i often  see ‘water’ infront of the toilet bowl ..

n me does wonder if some man does go in deh n pee..!!’

is weh d watah come from!!  Lol

place wet wet deh..

1 person tell me some ladies does tek watah inside fuh wash ..

me nah know bout that as me nevah evah see anybody go in with a bowl or bottle or bag..

1 ting cross me mind..if dem lady does climb up n squat like how we used to do pun d latrine in GY …


@Lynn posted:

Why sunrise musnt ketch u in bed??

Also whn we sleep..our feet r not supposed to be pointing in certain direction..i dont rem exactly but my mom used to make us change sleeping position..saying u’yuh foot nah muss point dat side’

In the 80's we were living in NY and an aunt visited from Guyana. 6am on a Saturday she asked loudly why we weren't getting up. mom told her over here we sleep late on weekends because we wake early all week to hurry to subway to catch train to get to work

Last edited by Former Member
@Lynn posted:

wHn  u preggy , if u hate anyone, yuh baby guh resemble that person..hehehehe

Maybe that’s why I look like my mother….that lady tell me nuff time that she did not want me and she hated herself for having me….don’t judge though…I understand her very well. Her marriage was arranged and she was unhappy


Hey Lynn, that thing about water on the floor in toilet…

u got Indian ppl there? My Indian coworker used to climb up and squat

also my Muslim coworker used to wash before doing her prayers. There was a butter dish in the cupboard for this purpose (which I found out after I tidies up and threw it out)

@Lynn posted:

Whn we spilled salt ( in primary sch i did this) on ground, we pulled out 2 eyelashes n threw  on salt , but why? I dont rem  d reason

Omg…lol I never heard about this and quite a few more on here

@Wildflower posted:

Omg…lol I never heard about this and quite a few more on here

I asked my cuz..( i rem doing this in primary sch) who visited me.. if u spill salt… whn u die , u will have to pick up with yr eyelashes.  ..told ya it had to do with something whn u die!!

lord  have mercy.. maybe it was fear tactic that kids wont waste salt?? Lol

@Wildflower posted:

Hey Lynn, that thing about water on the floor in toilet…

u got Indian ppl there? My Indian coworker used to climb up and squat

also my Muslim coworker used to wash before doing her prayers. There was a butter dish in the cupboard for this purpose (which I found out after I tidies up and threw it out)

Plenty.. i think it might b 1st as we dont have cupboards n ive never seen anyone going into stalls with bowl or bottle!!
it took me a long time to think abt the i used to think abt trans!

@Wildflower posted:

Heard about umbrella but not about the broom. My pointer brooms are both standing behind doors…I don’t think I ever laid them down

My cuz came to visit last weekend..she saw y pointer brooms staning up in the garage n kitchen..she told me that isnt good thing to told her i don't believe in i have always put them to stand up!

She said quarrel will be in the home..i wonder which home doesnt have quarrels!!

@Lynn posted:

Why 6 o clock must not  ketch u at ‘door mouth’?  Ie sitting halfway inside n halfway outside …

Asked my cuz abt has something  to do with Hindu story..i forget all that she half animal n half was hard to kill..but eventually killed at 6 pm ..sitting at the doormouth ..

something like


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