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I always welcome a televised debate on issues of importance that our young democracy can flourish with information and the people can analyze the facts on these matters especially on the charges of corruptions. However, the opposition failure to show up and debate the charges they make against the ruling government is a failure on their part and a failure on the part of their constituents.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I strongly believe that Common Sense always beat Book sense. Abee Canecuttas nah gat book sense but we can smell a RAT from a thousand Miles.

That's neither Common Sense nor Book Sense, that's your top lip you smellin deh.

Oh Rass wan nada Lagubagu does stick his head up his Kakahole.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I strongly believe that Common Sense always beat Book sense. Abee Canecuttas nah gat book sense but we can smell a RAT from a thousand Miles.

That's neither Common Sense nor Book Sense, that's your top lip you smellin deh.

Oh Rass wan nada Lagubagu does stick his head up his Kakahole.

Now why do you call yourself a Lagubagu?

Tell us bud, being one of the so called Lagubagu, what's that really?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

No amount of Damage control done by cain, TK, and the whole cabal representing Nagamootoo, could convince the Guyanese Populace what he's speaking is gospel, Nagamootoo is speaking with a fork tongue of lies. It leaves one to wonder....does Nagamootoo has a conscience?


Mr Moses Nagamootoo could be President of Guyana. 

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Cain has no shame. He got baptized by the AFC for one loaf of stale bread. GR was the generous giver. I remember the old day when we use to get $5 and a loaf of bread to take in a suitable candidate to the daramsala. I never know the AFC use the same method to recruit.

I heard the PPP uses $100 bills and crack cocaine to recruit, dat true?

Oh yeah, they does also throw in a red t shirt and some fry chicken.

Y'all remember that shit in the weeks running up to the elections when they tried to bribe the "Populace"with T shirt an chicken?

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

No amount of Damage control done by cain, TK, and the whole cabal representing Nagamootoo, could convince the Guyanese Populace what he's speaking is gospel, Nagamootoo is speaking with a fork tongue of lies. It leaves one to wonder....does Nagamootoo has a conscience?


Mr Moses Nagamootoo could be President of Guyana. 

I pray to God that he grant us both to live long enough and to be witness to the fact that Moses will NEVER become president of GUYANA.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

No amount of Damage control done by cain, TK, and the whole cabal representing Nagamootoo, could convince the Guyanese Populace what he's speaking is gospel, Nagamootoo is speaking with a fork tongue of lies. It leaves one to wonder....does Nagamootoo has a conscience?


Mr Moses Nagamootoo could be President of Guyana. 

I pray to God that he grant us both to live long enough and to be witness to the fact that Moses will NEVER become president of GUYANA.

I bet you would never have said this a couple years ago, you would have bowed before the man and kissed his boot but just because he crossed over to the side of Truth and gave away the PPP's thiefin antics, he's now being called nasty names, HAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Them fellas trying to play down Nagas screwed up and save face. Long time done short time left.

 The man was paid for wages earned. That is not like Brazzington insider trading that caused his brother to end up with one half of Hand in hand. How about that pig eyed creep showing us the  deposit slip for 7.1 million dollars for Lenora? That would be nice. It is also convenient for it to disappear into a black hole in Skeldon. Could we see the credits and debits of the bank holdings for NICIL? I am going to be there as they put these suckers in manacles.



By Moses V. Nagamootoo

AFC Parliamentarian

The moribund PPP continues to target me for character assassination. The insane attack on my right to work and earn as a professional is a political response to my exposure of corruption, and the principled stand of the Alliance for Change that the billions being held by NICIL ought to be paid into the Consolidated Fund.

The latest attack is the banner Sunday Chronicle of February 3, headline “NAGAMOOTOO EXPOSED AGAIN – received millions from NICIL”. The rag stated that “for the period January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2008, Mr. Nagamootoo received $6.7M in legal fees from NICIL”.

But from the figures provided by NICIL and published in Chronicle, the alleged $6.7M sum was paid over a six-year period (2006 to 2011) on several contracts for legal service, a couple of which are still to be completed.

We know that the Chronicle has a fatal attraction for lies. But it is pathetic when a liar forgets his own lies.

In a previous front-page banner headline on Sunday, October 7, 2012, this government thing cited a single project (Berbice Bridge) and said that NICIL has paid me “almost $7M for processing of land transports” for relocated D’ Edwards residents.

I am an Attorney-at-Law. I am self-employed and independent. Since 2006 I rejected a million-dollar, monthly, sinecure appointment as Political Advisor or Ambassador under the Jagdeo presidency. I instead chose to do legal work for a living.

I was retained by the Guyana Government through NICIL, with full approval of Cabinet, to do specialized legal work. Since 2006, NICIL offered me contracts to:-

  1. Draft legal frame-work and negotiate compensation and relocation of D’Edwards home-owners for construction of the Berbice River Bridge.
  2. Negotiate and settle compensation with Sheet Anchor-Palmyra land owners for acquisition of the pasture east of the Berbice Bridge.
  3. Negotiate compensation package and re-location of homeowners, farmers and occupiers in Dochfour-Hope for the digging of the Hope Canal.
  4. Arbitrate as a quasi judge in a $600 million claim by NICIL against GNIC together with Messrs. Robin Stoby and Stephen Fraser.

The Arbitration Tribunal held over 50 sittings, but I get only a contract fee since 2009 and not a per diem.

With these vulgar public attacks and earlier release of cheques paid to me, in breach of all ethical and professional conduct, it seems that the PPP-NICIL want to run me off the Arbitration Tribunal. They want to take away my right to work, which is my right to life.

I am proud of the legal work I have done over several years. I am satisfied that D’Edwards Villagers received in excess of $90 million in compensation, for which they I had demanded that they pay no fees, and a  package that included:-

  • A house-lot for every home-owner who was removed from D’Edwards;
  • Payment of $1.00 (yes, one Guyana dollar) for a house-lot in Ketting (Cotton Tree);
  • Streets plus water, electricity and telephone services for the re-location area;
  • Extended time for affected residents to re-locate;
  • Assistance to remove their houses and structures.

On 16th October, 2012  PPP side-kick, Manzoor Nadir, “live” on state-owned National Communications Network (NCN), said that I was paid “$10 million, maybe $20 million fees” by the Chinese company that is involved in expansion work at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport.

On 17th October, 2012, the Guyana Chronicle reported the lie.

The truth is I have NOT worked for the Chinese airport company. I did assist another Chinese company that wanted to invest in Guyana. But I have NOT charged that Chinese company any fees.

The PPP is turning its guns on me for exposing the obscene $3 million a month in pension, benefits and other facilities package for past presidents. They are mad that I exposed the billions that NICIL, the government’s fat milking cow, rakes in that should go into the Treasury.

Let me say this: As a lawyer, I have helped many poor people as well as this blighted PPP government. For example, I prepared conveyance documents for government at a nominal fee of $2,500 for each transport passed to people on the Corentyne and in West Berbice. I helped a few NDCs to recover arrears in rates and taxes at a nominal fee of $500 for each legal notice, hardly enough to cover paper, ink and stamps!.

For several years, whilst I worked as a journalist, I donated the bulk of my salary to the PPP. I was never and I am not infected with the greed for money. My hands are clean!

And yes, I bitterly opposed in 2009 the vulgar move to pass the President Pension Package (with benefits and facilities) when it was rammed through the PPP as a Cabinet decision. I was not allowed a conscience vote on it in parliament. I had to vote along “party line”.

On this issue, Nandlall reportedly “nailed” me. That claim was made by Judas when Jesus was nailed to the cross!

The truth is, I opposed the 2009 bill. I gave so-called PPP leaders hell for it, and accused them of betraying principles of “revolutionary morality”. On November 4, 2011, Kaieteur News quoted me as saying “JAGDEO’S PENSION PLAN RATTLED MY SOUL”.

I explained then: “To my utter shame and regret I voted for it, because I was required to do so as a PPP MP”.

I have not lied on this issue. The PPP realized it was caught with its pants down, so it back-tracked and now try to discredit me in my profession.

But these attacks are not simply about my earnings. They are small potatoes compared to what government is paying their lawyer friends. What PPP wants is to tarnish me with their corruption brush. They want to buy my conscience, to silence me with their filthy money. No way, Jose!


6th February, 2013


Originally Posted by Churchill:


By Moses V. Nagamootoo

AFC Parliamentarian

The moribund PPP continues to target me for character assassination. The insane attack on my right to work and earn as a professional is a political response to my exposure of corruption, and the principled stand of the Alliance for Change that the billions being held by NICIL ought to be paid into the Consolidated Fund.

The latest attack is the banner Sunday Chronicle of February 3, headline “NAGAMOOTOO EXPOSED AGAIN – received millions from NICIL”. The rag stated that “for the period January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2008, Mr. Nagamootoo received $6.7M in legal fees from NICIL”.

But from the figures provided by NICIL and published in Chronicle, the alleged $6.7M sum was paid over a six-year period (2006 to 2011) on several contracts for legal service, a couple of which are still to be completed.

We know that the Chronicle has a fatal attraction for lies. But it is pathetic when a liar forgets his own lies.

In a previous front-page banner headline on Sunday, October 7, 2012, this government thing cited a single project (Berbice Bridge) and said that NICIL has paid me “almost $7M for processing of land transports” for relocated D’ Edwards residents.

I am an Attorney-at-Law. I am self-employed and independent. Since 2006 I rejected a million-dollar, monthly, sinecure appointment as Political Advisor or Ambassador under the Jagdeo presidency. I instead chose to do legal work for a living.

I was retained by the Guyana Government through NICIL, with full approval of Cabinet, to do specialized legal work. Since 2006, NICIL offered me contracts to:-

  1. Draft legal frame-work and negotiate compensation and relocation of D’Edwards home-owners for construction of the Berbice River Bridge.
  2. Negotiate and settle compensation with Sheet Anchor-Palmyra land owners for acquisition of the pasture east of the Berbice Bridge.
  3. Negotiate compensation package and re-location of homeowners, farmers and occupiers in Dochfour-Hope for the digging of the Hope Canal.
  4. Arbitrate as a quasi judge in a $600 million claim by NICIL against GNIC together with Messrs. Robin Stoby and Stephen Fraser.

The Arbitration Tribunal held over 50 sittings, but I get only a contract fee since 2009 and not a per diem.

With these vulgar public attacks and earlier release of cheques paid to me, in breach of all ethical and professional conduct, it seems that the PPP-NICIL want to run me off the Arbitration Tribunal. They want to take away my right to work, which is my right to life.

I am proud of the legal work I have done over several years. I am satisfied that D’Edwards Villagers received in excess of $90 million in compensation, for which they I had demanded that they pay no fees, and a  package that included:-

  • A house-lot for every home-owner who was removed from D’Edwards;
  • Payment of $1.00 (yes, one Guyana dollar) for a house-lot in Ketting (Cotton Tree);
  • Streets plus water, electricity and telephone services for the re-location area;
  • Extended time for affected residents to re-locate;
  • Assistance to remove their houses and structures.

On 16th October, 2012  PPP side-kick, Manzoor Nadir, “live” on state-owned National Communications Network (NCN), said that I was paid “$10 million, maybe $20 million fees” by the Chinese company that is involved in expansion work at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport.

On 17th October, 2012, the Guyana Chronicle reported the lie.

The truth is I have NOT worked for the Chinese airport company. I did assist another Chinese company that wanted to invest in Guyana. But I have NOT charged that Chinese company any fees.

The PPP is turning its guns on me for exposing the obscene $3 million a month in pension, benefits and other facilities package for past presidents. They are mad that I exposed the billions that NICIL, the government’s fat milking cow, rakes in that should go into the Treasury.

Let me say this: As a lawyer, I have helped many poor people as well as this blighted PPP government. For example, I prepared conveyance documents for government at a nominal fee of $2,500 for each transport passed to people on the Corentyne and in West Berbice. I helped a few NDCs to recover arrears in rates and taxes at a nominal fee of $500 for each legal notice, hardly enough to cover paper, ink and stamps!.

For several years, whilst I worked as a journalist, I donated the bulk of my salary to the PPP. I was never and I am not infected with the greed for money. My hands are clean!

And yes, I bitterly opposed in 2009 the vulgar move to pass the President Pension Package (with benefits and facilities) when it was rammed through the PPP as a Cabinet decision. I was not allowed a conscience vote on it in parliament. I had to vote along “party line”.

On this issue, Nandlall reportedly “nailed” me. That claim was made by Judas when Jesus was nailed to the cross!

The truth is, I opposed the 2009 bill. I gave so-called PPP leaders hell for it, and accused them of betraying principles of “revolutionary morality”. On November 4, 2011, Kaieteur News quoted me as saying “JAGDEO’S PENSION PLAN RATTLED MY SOUL”.

I explained then: “To my utter shame and regret I voted for it, because I was required to do so as a PPP MP”.

I have not lied on this issue. The PPP realized it was caught with its pants down, so it back-tracked and now try to discredit me in my profession.

But these attacks are not simply about my earnings. They are small potatoes compared to what government is paying their lawyer friends. What PPP wants is to tarnish me with their corruption brush. They want to buy my conscience, to silence me with their filthy money. No way, Jose!


6th February, 2013


Churchill, I sent you a private message.  Make sure you read it.

Originally Posted by nehru:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA
Oh, this is very embarrassing to watch. The honorable Moses Nagamootoo lied on candid camera and his party leader bows his head in shame.  
Moses is a lawyer by profession and if the (AG) is falsely accusing him why Moses didn't file a libel suit against Mr Nandlal?

Nehru.....yuh still want we replace De Duck......with Nandababa


Enjoy the Music......



Guaranteed Organic....

Straight from de Crack...


Bibi Rahaman Guyana News and Information Discussion Forums Political ... (3)Stolen Govt Passports beeing Distributed by Bibi Rahaman.Nandaall's Mother-In-Law. ... [ ]



Ramotar, Nandalal & "The Lady in Red" GDF Old Years Nite Party.


Carry de Cocain in she Crack.....


Serious got fools who thinking like that.....Nehru think this gon be them choice






Let me first commend you for your sterling contributions over years to the party and your unyielding stand as a traditional Jaganite. As you, I stood up for the PPP since the early 1950s. I marched with Cheddie and Janet across Guyana and familiarized myself with so many people. Back in the sixties I met many comrades in Berbice including the Ms. Araya Tantani of West Berbice. She was woman incredible abilities even though she never seen door of high school.  Do you know if she still around?


Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Let me first commend you for your sterling contributions over years to the party and your unyielding stand as a traditional Jaganite. As you, I stood up for the PPP since the early 1950s. I marched with Cheddie and Janet across Guyana and familiarized myself with so many people. Back in the sixties I met many comrades in Berbice including the Ms. Araya Tantani of West Berbice. She was woman incredible abilities even though she never seen door of high school.  Do you know if she still around?


Arai is still around but in frail health....a group of us recognised her and others residing in NY/NJ for their stirling contributions to the struggle for independence, free and fair elections, and restoration of democracy....Arai herself was in the forefront of the struggle for womens' rights and social justice.... 

Nagamootoo is guilty of duplicitous conductPDFPrintE-mail
Friday, 08 February 2013 20:34

SOME politicians will always be branded as hypocritical, because of the natural double standard that they display. The particularly well known characteristic of this brand of wannabe is that they are daily talkers, always consistently promoting themselves as paragons of virtue – the “I don’t do this, or that” category.
This is their strategy, becoming their forte eventually, since they need to remind themselves of an integrity which is beyond their natural self,  and in the process, to deceive their followers.
Immediately, Moses Nagamootoo comes to mind, for he easily fits this category. After playing bravado by walking away from the PPP/C, an action which he must now surely regret, he has been among the chief parliamentary  bottle washers, leading the choral attacks of corruption against the government. One would believe that this chameleon is whiter than an angel’s night gown, as the saying goes. But there is a saying, “you can’t fool all of the people all the time.” This aptly applies to Nagamootoo, for he has once again been seriously exposed.   
Of course, he did support the president’s pension and other benefits Bill. How can he utter otherwise in the august assembly of the House, when he is on record as voting with his former party and colleague MPs. What a desperate attempt at lying, with his usual rhetoric: “It rattled my soul.”  He kept up this charade all during the 2011 election campaign, as this particular issue was the main agenda of his party, the Alliance For Change ( AFC).
Then there is the other big deception, and perfidious treachery, of bitter criticism of the National Industrial Commercial and Investments Limited, an important state entity that had retained his services, paying him millions of dollars in the process. How could he, as a sworn member of the National Assembly, and a people’s representative indulge in such gross dishonesty and duplicitous conduct, of receiving fees while  being among the leaders of highly sustained daily attacks on NICIL? Never did he disclose that he was receiving monies for legal services from this institution.  
But Nagamootoo’s behaviour, reflects the now exposed double standards and conundrum of his party. With great fanfare, this grouping was presented to the public as one of change, with a new brand of politics, that preached and promised honesty and integrity and principled governance among its many outpourings. But time is always a fair revelator and judge, as it is with so many aspects of daily life, including political leaders.
Sometime ago, there was an angry  complaint from a well-known member of the Berbice  branch of the AFC, levelled against another, of conduct which  the complaining member deemed to be seriously inappropriate. The party’s executive was silent in its response, until the complainant decided to  publicise the matter.  How many times has not this party sung about the need for openness!  
So this is the level of hypocrisy and double standard which has been the sin qua non of this party, and by extension, one of its leading members, Moses Nagamootoo. He has always touted himself as a disciple of the late Father of the Nation and President of the Republic, the  revered Dr. Cheddi  Jagan. Such claim is a grave desecration to this great Guyanese hero, who never subscribed to such dishonesty.
But this is vintage Nagamootoo, now finally seen for who he really is.

Extracted from the Guyana Chronicle


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