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Nagamootoo pledges no AFC pre-election alliance with APNU against PPP

Nagamootoo pledges no AFC pre-election alliance with APNU against PPP

Alliance For Change, Presidential hopeful, Moses Nagamootoo, publicly expressed yesterday that his party will not enter a pre-election alliance with the A Partnership for National Unity. But he gave commitments that his party will work along with the APNU against the interests of the Government. 


Political pundits have long speculated on a possible alliance between the two parties against the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Administration. This was evident by the various attempts to ‘gang up’ against the Government in and out of the National Assembly.


Since the results of the 2011 general elections, the combined political Opposition, who controlled a one-seat majority in the National Assembly, have worked hand in hand against the interests of the elected Government and people of Guyana.


The combined Opposition have successfully cut billions of dollars from budgetary allocations for every year since they held a one seat majority in the National Assembly.
Projects which have fallen jeopardy to this informal coalition include the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) expansion, the Amaila Falls Hydroelectricity Project which would have seen Guyana making significant strides in the energy and manufacturing sectors respectively.


Similarly, the combined Opposition have blocked funding for a number of Government programmes including the $1B Amerindian Development Fund (ADF) and $450M for loan subventions to University of Guyana students.
The most recent actions by the Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh in restoring sections of the budget from the contingency fund had incurred the wrath of the combined Opposition.


Although the move by Dr. Singh is provided for in the Guyana Constitution as well as the 2003 Fiscal Management and Accountability Act, the combined Opposition have threatened to put him before the Privileges Committee and have since threatened to pass a No Confidence Motion against the Guyana Government.


This move would see the end of the 10th Parliament and throwing the nation into early general elections. President Donald Ramotar, operating within his powers, has since suspended the National Assembly in hope that the APNU-AFC combined Opposition will engage the Government in talks on the way forward.


Those talks have since been abandoned by the combined Opposition who are adamant that no talks would commence without the lifting of the suspension of the 10th Parliament.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

But he gave commitments that his party will work along with the APNU against the interests of the Government.


Does he understand the interest of the Govt is also dat of the people.  So he is telling the World that he is all about destroying the DREAMS and ASPIRATIONS of the Guyanese People.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PNC never trusted Moses Nagamootoo, but they are going to use him for their own agenda.

Rama, I have no problem with that. If he feels that is a good strategy for him to benefit then he is free to go that direction.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PNC never trusted Moses Nagamootoo, but they are going to use him for their own agenda.

Rama$k*nt please tell us why the PNC never trust Moses?


No tell us why the PNC Trust Jagdeo, Ramotar, Manni, Kwame, Lamumba, Hamilton, Bynoe, Nascimento & McClean. yuh $k*nt now leh abee hear.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

But he gave commitments that his party will work along with the APNU against the interests of the Minority PPP Government.


Does he understand the interest of the Govt is also dat of the people.....MINORITY....less than 50% 


So he is telling the World that he is all about destroying the DREAMS and ASPIRATIONS of the Guyanese People who support a Dictator and his Corrupt MINORITY Govt ..... and cling to Power because of Burnham Constitution.



Originally Posted by Nehru:

But he gave commitments that his party will work along with the APNU against the interests of the Government.


Does he understand the interest of the Govt is also dat of the people.  So he is telling the World that he is all about destroying the DREAMS and ASPIRATIONS of the Guyanese People.

dude, what manner of moron were we producing in the 'stupid' hatcheries of Guyana where u were born?


when did the "interest" of the PPP crime family become the "interest" of the Guyanese people?


huh . . . wtf?!

Originally Posted by Cobra:

But he gave commitments that his party will work along with the APNU against the interests of the Government.



Ask Lumumba, Kwame, Burtan, Joe Hamilton and the rest of the House of israel criminals who dem wukkin wid?


AFC cannot win an election. Moses and Ramjattan are ashame to join APNU and face the Indian voters. Moses declare his intention to hurt the PPP government and that's why the PPP is calling fresh election to put the AFC out of business.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

(1)AFC cannot win an election.(2)Moses and Ramjattan are ashame to join APNU and face the Indian voters. (3) Moses declare his intention to hurt the PPP government and (4) that 's why the PPP is calling fresh election to put the AFC out of business.

Let us examine what this low Breed PPP soup Drinker is saying......


(1)AFC cannot win an election.

The Last elections show us no party can win an election....because none has a Majority.....they are all below 50%.

Since that last elections.... 

PPP has been caught and exposed to the world for Thiefing, Crime, Drug Trafficing, Money Laundering & Corruption. Many will move over and support the AFC.....

As Guyanese continue to learn more about Jagdeo & Ramotar Presidency the PPP 48% could be slashed in half.


PNC leadership has been experiencing internal fights and poor management which has resulted in gaping holes in their structure.... Many will move over and support the AFC.

PNC Internal problems can result in many from their 41% rushing over to the AFC as Guyanese see the Good work the Combines opposition has done to expose the Jagdeo & Ramotar Corruption.


AFC continues to win support and recognition for Leading the Combined Opposition assult and continued exposure of Jagdeo & Ramotar Corruption.


(2)Moses and Ramjattan are ashame to join APNU and face the Indian voters.

AFC has stated that they will not Join or be a Part of any of the "Old Race Politices" that is practiced by PPP & PNC.



(3) Moses declare his intention to hurt the PPP government and

Cobra sound like de son of a market Fish Vendor.

The PPP is Hurting because of Kwame, The  BlackThugs & Their Buggery Team + Thiefing + Crime + Drug Trafficing + Money Laundering + Corruption.


(4) that 's why the PPP is calling fresh election to put the AFC out of business.

The PPP scared to call fresh Elections......because the PPP will be voted out of office.



Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nagamootoo pledges no AFC pre-election alliance with APNU against PPP

Nagamootoo pledges no AFC pre-election alliance with APNU against PPP

Alliance For Change, Presidential hopeful, Moses Nagamootoo, publicly expressed yesterday that his party will not enter a pre-election alliance with the A Partnership for National Unity. But he gave commitments that his party will work along with the APNU against the interests of the Government. 


Political pundits have long speculated on a possible alliance between the two parties against the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Administration. This was evident by the various attempts to ‘gang up’ against the Government in and out of the National Assembly.


Since the results of the 2011 general elections, the combined political Opposition, who controlled a one-seat majority in the National Assembly, have worked hand in hand against the interests of the elected Government and people of Guyana.


The combined Opposition have successfully cut billions of dollars from budgetary allocations for every year since they held a one seat majority in the National Assembly.
Projects which have fallen jeopardy to this informal coalition include the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) expansion, the Amaila Falls Hydroelectricity Project which would have seen Guyana making significant strides in the energy and manufacturing sectors respectively.


Similarly, the combined Opposition have blocked funding for a number of Government programmes including the $1B Amerindian Development Fund (ADF) and $450M for loan subventions to University of Guyana students.
The most recent actions by the Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh in restoring sections of the budget from the contingency fund had incurred the wrath of the combined Opposition.


Although the move by Dr. Singh is provided for in the Guyana Constitution as well as the 2003 Fiscal Management and Accountability Act, the combined Opposition have threatened to put him before the Privileges Committee and have since threatened to pass a No Confidence Motion against the Guyana Government.


This move would see the end of the 10th Parliament and throwing the nation into early general elections. President Donald Ramotar, operating within his powers, has since suspended the National Assembly in hope that the APNU-AFC combined Opposition will engage the Government in talks on the way forward.


Those talks have since been abandoned by the combined Opposition who are adamant that no talks would commence without the lifting of the suspension of the 10th Parliament.

So it will be 'post election' instead of 'pre election'.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nagamootoo pledges no AFC pre-election alliance with APNU against PPP

Nagamootoo pledges no AFC pre-election alliance with APNU against PPP

Alliance For Change, Presidential hopeful, Moses Nagamootoo, publicly expressed yesterday that his party will not enter a pre-election alliance with the A Partnership for National Unity. But he gave commitments that his party will work along with the APNU against the interests of the Government. 


Political pundits have long speculated on a possible alliance between the two parties against the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Administration. This was evident by the various attempts to ‘gang up’ against the Government in and out of the National Assembly.


Since the results of the 2011 general elections, the combined political Opposition, who controlled a one-seat majority in the National Assembly, have worked hand in hand against the interests of the elected Government and people of Guyana.


The combined Opposition have successfully cut billions of dollars from budgetary allocations for every year since they held a one seat majority in the National Assembly.
Projects which have fallen jeopardy to this informal coalition include the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) expansion, the Amaila Falls Hydroelectricity Project which would have seen Guyana making significant strides in the energy and manufacturing sectors respectively.


Similarly, the combined Opposition have blocked funding for a number of Government programmes including the $1B Amerindian Development Fund (ADF) and $450M for loan subventions to University of Guyana students.
The most recent actions by the Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh in restoring sections of the budget from the contingency fund had incurred the wrath of the combined Opposition.


Although the move by Dr. Singh is provided for in the Guyana Constitution as well as the 2003 Fiscal Management and Accountability Act, the combined Opposition have threatened to put him before the Privileges Committee and have since threatened to pass a No Confidence Motion against the Guyana Government.


This move would see the end of the 10th Parliament and throwing the nation into early general elections. President Donald Ramotar, operating within his powers, has since suspended the National Assembly in hope that the APNU-AFC combined Opposition will engage the Government in talks on the way forward.


Those talks have since been abandoned by the combined Opposition who are adamant that no talks would commence without the lifting of the suspension of the 10th Parliament.

So it will be 'post election' instead of 'pre election'.

Yes, Moses think Guyanese Stupid, in a few months he will be a fulltime Attorney.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nagamootoo pledges no AFC pre-election alliance with APNU against PPP

Nagamootoo pledges no AFC pre-election alliance with APNU against PPP

Alliance For Change, Presidential hopeful, Moses Nagamootoo, publicly expressed yesterday that his party will not enter a pre-election alliance with the A Partnership for National Unity. But he gave commitments that his party will work along with the APNU against the interests of the Government. 


Political pundits have long speculated on a possible alliance between the two parties against the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Administration. This was evident by the various attempts to ‘gang up’ against the Government in and out of the National Assembly.


Since the results of the 2011 general elections, the combined political Opposition, who controlled a one-seat majority in the National Assembly, have worked hand in hand against the interests of the elected Government and people of Guyana.


The combined Opposition have successfully cut billions of dollars from budgetary allocations for every year since they held a one seat majority in the National Assembly.
Projects which have fallen jeopardy to this informal coalition include the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) expansion, the Amaila Falls Hydroelectricity Project which would have seen Guyana making significant strides in the energy and manufacturing sectors respectively.


Similarly, the combined Opposition have blocked funding for a number of Government programmes including the $1B Amerindian Development Fund (ADF) and $450M for loan subventions to University of Guyana students.
The most recent actions by the Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh in restoring sections of the budget from the contingency fund had incurred the wrath of the combined Opposition.


Although the move by Dr. Singh is provided for in the Guyana Constitution as well as the 2003 Fiscal Management and Accountability Act, the combined Opposition have threatened to put him before the Privileges Committee and have since threatened to pass a No Confidence Motion against the Guyana Government.


This move would see the end of the 10th Parliament and throwing the nation into early general elections. President Donald Ramotar, operating within his powers, has since suspended the National Assembly in hope that the APNU-AFC combined Opposition will engage the Government in talks on the way forward.


Those talks have since been abandoned by the combined Opposition who are adamant that no talks would commence without the lifting of the suspension of the 10th Parliament.

So it will be 'post election' instead of 'pre election'.

Yes, Moses think Guyanese Stupid, in a few months he will be a fulltime Attorney.

But he gave commitments that his party will work along with the APNU against the interests of the Government. 


What is he saying here? PPP will be the government and the opposition will remain the opposition? Glad he has accepted defeat.


Dem Low Breed cannot hide.

They Conveniently forgetting Ramjattan & AFC made an offer to the PPP how to solve this Problem....and the Buggermen at Freedom house rejected it.

So why they Complaining now?


Shelly like de rest of dem low breed cowards. They have very shallow memory, the PPP and Jagdeo has a low breed brigade that barely have any high school education. 


All dem doing is sitting around whole day wid a tub a vaseline fuh grease dung whole day....





Originally Posted by Nehru:

But he gave commitments that his party will work along with the APNU against the interests of the Government.


Does he understand the interest of the Govt is also dat of the people.  So he is telling the World that he is all about destroying the DREAMS and ASPIRATIONS of the Guyanese People.

Does he understand the interest of the Govt is also dat of the people.  So he is telling the World that he is all about destroying the DREAMS and ASPIRATIONS of the Guyanese People.


Rass.....Nehru is now an expert on and an arbiter of the DREAMS and ASPIRATIONS of the Guyanese people. Wow, I did not know this poster on this here GNI forum had all this intelligence locked up. We have in our midst a genius on a people's hopes and longing. Here is a truly perceptive mind. How come we did not know one of us was this exalted?!

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

But he gave commitments that his party will work along with the APNU against the interests of the Government.


Does he understand the interest of the Govt is also dat of the people.  So he is telling the World that he is all about destroying the DREAMS and ASPIRATIONS of the Guyanese People.

Does he understand the interest of the Govt is also dat of the people.  So he is telling the World that he is all about destroying the DREAMS and ASPIRATIONS of the Guyanese People.


Rass.....Nehru is now an expert on and an arbiter of the DREAMS and ASPIRATIONS of the Guyanese people. Wow, I did not know this poster on this here GNI forum had all this intelligence locked up. We have in our midst a genius on a people's hopes and longing. Here is a truly perceptive mind. How come we did not know one of us was this exalted?!

And he can do that from the latrine in a rum shop in Queens without having lived in Guyana since the last millennium.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nagamootoo pledges no AFC pre-election alliance with APNU against PPP

Nagamootoo pledges no AFC pre-election alliance with APNU against PPP

Alliance For Change, Presidential hopeful, Moses Nagamootoo, publicly expressed yesterday that his party will not enter a pre-election alliance with the A Partnership for National Unity. But he gave commitments that his party will work along with the APNU against the interests of the Government. 


Political pundits have long speculated on a possible alliance between the two parties against the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Administration. This was evident by the various attempts to ‘gang up’ against the Government in and out of the National Assembly.


Since the results of the 2011 general elections, the combined political Opposition, who controlled a one-seat majority in the National Assembly, have worked hand in hand against the interests of the elected Government and people of Guyana.


The combined Opposition have successfully cut billions of dollars from budgetary allocations for every year since they held a one seat majority in the National Assembly.
Projects which have fallen jeopardy to this informal coalition include the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) expansion, the Amaila Falls Hydroelectricity Project which would have seen Guyana making significant strides in the energy and manufacturing sectors respectively.


Similarly, the combined Opposition have blocked funding for a number of Government programmes including the $1B Amerindian Development Fund (ADF) and $450M for loan subventions to University of Guyana students.
The most recent actions by the Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh in restoring sections of the budget from the contingency fund had incurred the wrath of the combined Opposition.


Although the move by Dr. Singh is provided for in the Guyana Constitution as well as the 2003 Fiscal Management and Accountability Act, the combined Opposition have threatened to put him before the Privileges Committee and have since threatened to pass a No Confidence Motion against the Guyana Government.


This move would see the end of the 10th Parliament and throwing the nation into early general elections. President Donald Ramotar, operating within his powers, has since suspended the National Assembly in hope that the APNU-AFC combined Opposition will engage the Government in talks on the way forward.


Those talks have since been abandoned by the combined Opposition who are adamant that no talks would commence without the lifting of the suspension of the 10th Parliament.

So it will be 'post election' instead of 'pre election'.

Not sure what the point of the man is.  Only a pre-election alliance is possible but then the AFC will get 2%.  Post election alliance is not possible, at least not to form a Govt but only to do as they are doing now, and that is not going very well either.  The AFC just cannot thread the needle.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

But he gave commitments that his party will work along with the APNU against the interests of the Government.


Does he understand the interest of the Govt is also dat of the people.  So he is telling the World that he is all about destroying the DREAMS and ASPIRATIONS of the Guyanese People.

Does he understand the interest of the Govt is also dat of the people.  So he is telling the World that he is all about destroying the DREAMS and ASPIRATIONS of the Guyanese People.


Rass.....Nehru is now an expert on and an arbiter of the DREAMS and ASPIRATIONS of the Guyanese people. Wow, I did not know this poster on this here GNI forum had all this intelligence locked up. We have in our midst a genius on a people's hopes and longing. Here is a truly perceptive mind. How come we did not know one of us was this exalted?!

Banna, try to help Obama out of his quagmire.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Shelly like de rest of dem low breed cowards. They have very shallow memory, the PPP and Jagdeo has a low breed brigade that barely have any high school education. 


All dem doing is sitting around whole day wid a tub a vaseline fuh grease dung whole day....





Harse a see like yuh supportin AFc again. Hey hey hey. Gee Rosie and Sase wan hug and kiss foh meh. Hey hey hey...

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Shelly like de rest of dem low breed cowards. They have very shallow memory, the PPP and Jagdeo has a low breed brigade that barely have any high school education. 


All dem doing is sitting around whole day wid a tub a vaseline fuh grease dung whole day....





Harse a see like yuh supportin AFc again. Hey hey hey. Gee Rosie and Sase wan hug and kiss foh meh. Hey hey hey...

Haas_Man is Sase. Ask JB.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Shelly like de rest of dem low breed cowards. They have very shallow memory, the PPP and Jagdeo has a low breed brigade that barely have any high school education. 


All dem doing is sitting around whole day wid a tub a vaseline fuh grease dung whole day....





Harse a see like yuh supportin AFc again. Hey hey hey. Gee Rosie and Sase wan hug and kiss foh meh. Hey hey hey...

Haas_Man is Sase. Ask JB.

Like you seein Sase jumbie? 


Naga stymied the PPP in 2011. His party's role in the parliament clearly put them in the same picture with the hated PNC. He has alienated himself from those who crossed party line and voted AFC. Are these people going to sympathize with him again for his past record with the PPP and vote AFC?  Are they going to decide his faith base on his recent political role with the AFC? The AFC IS ON TRIAL. The Fight for Guyana's Freedom.

A new Chapter in the nation's history will be written.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Cobra:


Nagamootoo pledges no AFC pre-election alliance with APNU against PPP

Alliance For Change, Presidential hopeful, Moses Nagamootoo, publicly expressed yesterday that his party will not enter a pre-election alliance with the A Partnership for National Unity. But he gave commitments that his party will work along with the APNU against the interests of the Government. 


Political pundits have long speculated on a possible alliance between the two parties against the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Administration. This was evident by the various attempts to ‘gang up’ against the Government in and out of the National Assembly.


Since the results of the 2011 general elections, the combined political Opposition, who controlled a one-seat majority in the National Assembly, have worked hand in hand against the interests of the elected Government and people of Guyana.


The combined Opposition have successfully cut billions of dollars from budgetary allocations for every year since they held a one seat majority in the National Assembly.
Projects which have fallen jeopardy to this informal coalition include the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) expansion, the Amaila Falls Hydroelectricity Project which would have seen Guyana making significant strides in the energy and manufacturing sectors respectively.


Similarly, the combined Opposition have blocked funding for a number of Government programmes including the $1B Amerindian Development Fund (ADF) and $450M for loan subventions to University of Guyana students.
The most recent actions by the Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh in restoring sections of the budget from the contingency fund had incurred the wrath of the combined Opposition.


Although the move by Dr. Singh is provided for in the Guyana Constitution as well as the 2003 Fiscal Management and Accountability Act, the combined Opposition have threatened to put him before the Privileges Committee and have since threatened to pass a No Confidence Motion against the Guyana Government.


This move would see the end of the 10th Parliament and throwing the nation into early general elections. President Donald Ramotar, operating within his powers, has since suspended the National Assembly in hope that the APNU-AFC combined Opposition will engage the Government in talks on the way forward.


Those talks have since been abandoned by the combined Opposition who are adamant that no talks would commence without the lifting of the suspension of the 10th Parliament.

And what is your problem about this?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nagamootoo pledges no AFC pre-election alliance with APNU against PPP

Nagamootoo pledges no AFC pre-election alliance with APNU against PPP

Alliance For Change, Presidential hopeful, Moses Nagamootoo, publicly expressed yesterday that his party will not enter a pre-election alliance with the A Partnership for National Unity. But he gave commitments that his party will work along with the APNU against the interests of the Government. 


Political pundits have long speculated on a possible alliance between the two parties against the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Administration. This was evident by the various attempts to ‘gang up’ against the Government in and out of the National Assembly.



Less than 3 months ago this was what Nagamootoo said and now he does differently.



People can be excused to wonder about what message he is spinning here.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nagamootoo pledges no AFC pre-election alliance with APNU against PPP

Nagamootoo pledges no AFC pre-election alliance with APNU against PPP

Alliance For Change, Presidential hopeful, Moses Nagamootoo, publicly expressed yesterday that his party will not enter a pre-election alliance with the A Partnership for National Unity. But he gave commitments that his party will work along with the APNU against the interests of the Government. 


Political pundits have long speculated on a possible alliance between the two parties against the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Administration. This was evident by the various attempts to ‘gang up’ against the Government in and out of the National Assembly.



Less than 3 months ago this was what Nagamootoo said and now he does differently.


People can be excused to wonder about what message he is spinning here.

so, he changed his mind as circumstances warranted in the national interest


it's called, ahmmmm, "leadership" . . . look it up and learn something

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nagamootoo pledges no AFC pre-election alliance with APNU against PPP

Nagamootoo pledges no AFC pre-election alliance with APNU against PPP

Alliance For Change, Presidential hopeful, Moses Nagamootoo, publicly expressed yesterday that his party will not enter a pre-election alliance with the A Partnership for National Unity. But he gave commitments that his party will work along with the APNU against the interests of the Government. 


Political pundits have long speculated on a possible alliance between the two parties against the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Administration. This was evident by the various attempts to ‘gang up’ against the Government in and out of the National Assembly.



Less than 3 months ago this was what Nagamootoo said and now he does differently.


People can be excused to wonder about what message he is spinning here.

so, he changed his mind as circumstances warranted in the national interest


it's called, ahmmmm, "leadership" . . . look it up and learn something

So what happened in 3 months.  Clearly he needs to tell Guyanese this if he wishes their support.  Being a leader requires RESPECTING people and being TRANSPARENT about one's actions. 


That is unless you subscribe to the Janet Jagan, Burnham and Jagdeo notion of what leadership is.  You know demanding that followers must do as they are told and shouldn't be involved in the decision making process.  I do believe that Guyana has seen its fill of those types.



So why in November no way, but in Feb a sudden change.  Maybe the realization that the AFC lacks the votes so wants to piggy back on APNU?  One can certainly be forgiven for thinking that unless Nagamootoo explains why, and while he is at it why only the AFC black leaders at that protest, if indeed he is above ethnic considerations in how he strategizes.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nagamootoo pledges no AFC pre-election alliance with APNU against PPP

Nagamootoo pledges no AFC pre-election alliance with APNU against PPP

Alliance For Change, Presidential hopeful, Moses Nagamootoo, publicly expressed yesterday that his party will not enter a pre-election alliance with the A Partnership for National Unity. But he gave commitments that his party will work along with the APNU against the interests of the Government. 


Political pundits have long speculated on a possible alliance between the two parties against the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Administration. This was evident by the various attempts to ‘gang up’ against the Government in and out of the National Assembly.



Less than 3 months ago this was what Nagamootoo said and now he does differently.


People can be excused to wonder about what message he is spinning here.

so, he changed his mind as circumstances warranted in the national interest


it's called, ahmmmm, "leadership" . . . look it up and learn something

So what happened in 3 months.  Clearly he needs to tell Guyanese this if he wishes their supporter.  Being a leader requires RESPECTING people and being TRANSPARENT about one's actions.


Or does he feel that he can change his mind for his own reasons, and demand that people follow him because  he says they must.

first, at the end of the day, it's a party decision


in the coming weeks, boh APNU and AFC, i am sure, will share their reasonings with the people


i'm curious, is there some special requirement that all be known within 24 hrs?


your shyte is just plain silly . . . wtf dude?

Last edited by Former Member


David Hinds opines on an APNU/AFC coalition.  Note his commentary that in order to allay Indian fears Nagamootoo will have to show that he can "control" the PNC.


Now how can he show that when Granger is the big dog and has final say on just about every thing that the AFC is allowed to do?

Originally Posted by redux:

first, at the end of the day, it's a party decision


in the coming weeks, boh APNU and AFC, i am sure, will share their reasonings with the people


i'm curious, is there some special requirement that all be known within 24 hrs?


your shyte is just plain silly . . . wtf dude?

Of yes the infamous PARTY decision, so I guess next thing those of us who don't agree will be demonized for opposing.  How Janet Jagan, Forbeds Burnham and Bharat Jagdeo.



And yes the AFC can take all the time in the world to explain, even as the PPP started up their spin on AFC=PNC, even as Nagamootoo denied that this will occur, and now are mounting an "I told you so campaign".


No wonder the AFC always finishes so far behind where their propaganda tells them where they will land.


The PPP are like the GOP.  They speak to people's fears and so win.  Let the AFC engage in some intellectual debate and its only the KN and SN letter writers who will bother with them.


After being told as recently as November that the PNC is toxic now the AFC will take its sweet time to exclaim that, no the PNC is quite healthy and everyone ought to try them too!


Redux from the minute that this deal was signed the AFC should have been hitting the streets telling people why?  But now they have given many people many hours to form an opinion, and will have to spend many hours moving people away from this opinion.


APNU need to nothing because they retain the upper hand so their supporters need have nothing to worry about.  When they cast their vote it will be for Granger, so nothing changes.


AFC supporters will now be told to vote Granger, an anathema to many of them, and something that they cannot believe that they are being asked to do.


The best that we can hope for is that APNU gets it its voters, excited about the prospect of victory, however ill founded.  And that  many Indians stay home, confused about the whole thing.  Because I just don't see large numbers of Indians voting for Granger of all people.  A GDF man from an era when they were used as tools of Burnham's oppressive regime.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

first, at the end of the day, it's a party decision


in the coming weeks, boh APNU and AFC, i am sure, will share their reasonings with the people


i'm curious, is there some special requirement that all be known within 24 hrs?


your shyte is just plain silly . . . wtf dude?

Of yes the infamous PARTY decision, so I guess next thing those of us who don't agree will be demonized for opposing.  How Janet Jagan, Forbeds Burnham and Bharat Jagdeo.


People have free will and will be sure to indicate what they think at the polls.  It is up to Nagamootoo can explain why in November he was against a coalition and why in February he so favors it that he has basically surrendered the AFC to APNU.


It shows ill of you that you so arrogantly scream that people don't have a right to that information but must blindly support because it is a PARTY decision.

are you going mad . . . where did i say "people don't have a right to that information"?


read my 2nd paragraph (previous) . . . smh

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

are you going mad . . . where did i say "people don't have a right to that information"?


read my 2nd paragraph (previous) . . . smh

So why this decision and don't say that people will find out because once folks make up their minds its too late.  In this day of electronic media it should have already been up, on TV and quick forums organized in PPP strongholds.

Originally Posted by caribny:


David Hinds opines on an APNU/AFC coalition.  Note his commentary that in order to allay Indian fears Nagamootoo will have to show that he can "control" the PNC.


Now how can he show that when Granger is the big dog and has final say on just about every thing that the AFC is allowed to do?

i respect David Hinds, but his recommendations are conservative and ill-suited to the PPP situation we face today


David Hinds has been known to make broad based statements rejected by even his own party the WPA.


Is David Hinds also upset because he feels the WPA has been diminished in importance by the AFC?


The WPA feels they are a jilted lover? could it be?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

are you going mad . . . where did i say "people don't have a right to that information"?


read my 2nd paragraph (previous) . . . smh

So why this decision and don't say that people will find out because once folks make up their minds its too late.  In this day of electronic media it should have already been up, on TV and quick forums organized in PPP strongholds.

the negotiations have been front page news these past couple of weeks


the Sunday papers and television will carry extensive coverage and interviews with the principals; this will continuie at least all week long, i suspect


and i am sure that the AFC will have something up on their website in labba time


how much more wrong on this issue do you need to be?

Last edited by Former Member

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