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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
. . . thanks to vocal people like M Maxwell.  Rather than engaging in the normal Guyanese practice of not criticizing the government which one supports, were very vocal about what they saw as potentially high handed actions by Granger.  Apparently their voices were heard.


Interesting that Granger actually commented on comments made by people like these, and we are now seeing more transparency with people being allowed to play the roles that they were expected to play.  He don't hear as much from Harmon.


Redux, this is actually a good thing when a gov't's supporters feel free to criticize it, and when that gov't actually responds to their comments.


Now imagine if we had the same thing under gov'ts dominated by the Jagans, Burnham, and Jagdeo where Guyana might be today!

Maxwell is a PPP; he is not a government supporter.  Not because he has a blackman name makes him APNU   This comment is going from memory if it's the same Maxwell we are talking about; but I think it is.

Originally Posted by VVP:
he is not a government supporter.  Not because he has a blackman name makes him APNU   This comment is going from memory if it's the same Maxwell we are talking about; but I think it is.

You see this is the problem with Guyana. Maxwell has been one of the most loyal and fervent supporters of the AFc since its beginning.  Because who dares to express certain concerns in public, now you try to condemn him as "anti-govt".


I suggest that you scroll through KN (maybe SN too) and see all the letters which Maxwell wrote in defense of the AFC.  Even in 2006 when many thought that they were mad to think that they would get any votes in a politically racially divided Guyana.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:
he is not a government supporter.  Not because he has a blackman name makes him APNU   This comment is going from memory if it's the same Maxwell we are talking about; but I think it is.

You see this is the problem with Guyana. Maxwell has been one of the most loyal and fervent supporters of the AFc since its beginning.  Because who dares to express certain concerns in public, now you try to condemn him as "anti-govt".


I suggest that you scroll through KN (maybe SN too) and see all the letters which Maxwell wrote in defense of the AFC.  Even in 2006 when many thought that they were mad to think that they would get any votes in a politically racially divided Guyana.

Well I could be wrong.  Let me take a look.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:
he is not a government supporter.  Not because he has a blackman name makes him APNU   This comment is going from memory if it's the same Maxwell we are talking about; but I think it is.

You see this is the problem with Guyana. Maxwell has been one of the most loyal and fervent supporters of the AFc since its beginning.  Because who dares to express certain concerns in public, now you try to condemn him as "anti-govt".


I suggest that you scroll through KN (maybe SN too) and see all the letters which Maxwell wrote in defense of the AFC.  Even in 2006 when many thought that they were mad to think that they would get any votes in a politically racially divided Guyana.

Arite looks like you are right.  My bad.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:
he is not a government supporter.  Not because he has a blackman name makes him APNU   This comment is going from memory if it's the same Maxwell we are talking about; but I think it is.

You see this is the problem with Guyana. Maxwell has been one of the most loyal and fervent supporters of the AFc since its beginning.  Because who dares to express certain concerns in public, now you try to condemn him as "anti-govt".


I suggest that you scroll through KN (maybe SN too) and see all the letters which Maxwell wrote in defense of the AFC.  Even in 2006 when many thought that they were mad to think that they would get any votes in a politically racially divided Guyana.

Well I could be wrong.  Let me take a look.

Maxwell has been very anti PPP and PNC.  I think that he might have even been hostile to the coalition, fearing that the ethos of the AFC (when it started in 2006) would be compromised.


Examine yourself.  Because he criticized the coalition, he is "anti gov't", so in your repressed Guyanese mind he must be a "PPP".  Under the PPP he would be a "PNC", and under the PNC he would be a "WPA".


Cherish the thought that a supporter of a party might actually want their party to be better and might criticize certain actions that it takes as a result.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Maxwell is one of the best contributors on Guyana politics. The man is a true patriot. The Governnent should find a place for a man like that in our polity.

I saw couple letters recently from him where he was complaining about everything.  Too many ministries; Granger taking Natural Resources ministry instead of giving it to Moses.  These were nonsensical arguments to me.  I thought he was "undercover PPP" to create mischief in the new admin.  However, I did look at the archives (per carib advice) and saw he used to fight with the PPP also.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Maxwell is one of the best contributors on Guyana politics. The man is a true patriot. The Governnent should find a place for a man like that in our polity.

I saw couple letters recently from him where he was complaining about everything.  Too many ministries; Grange taking Natural Resources ministry instead of giving it to Moses.  These were nonsensical arguments to me.  I thought he was "undercover PPP" to create mischief in the new admin.  However, I did look at the archives (per carib advice) and saw he used to fight with the PPP also.

 Nonsensical???   A Population of 700,000 really need all that Ministers, Ministers  within, Minister in the Office of and on and on??????????????

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Maxwell is one of the best contributors on Guyana politics. The man is a true patriot. The Governnent should find a place for a man like that in our polity.

Whether one agrees with him or not, he speaks from his heart.  He was there at the beginning of the AFC.   Never sought to suck soup, as did people like Harry Gill.  And will be the conscience of the AFC to ensure that it remains true to its 2006 ideals.


Maxwell is one of those mixed identified people, who doesn't see himself as part black, and therefore feels squeezed out of the Indo vs. Afro nature of Guyana's politics.  His role is to constantly remind Guyanese of the 30% of the population which identifies with neither group.  These people are now as large as the African identified, and by 2020 might even exceed the Indian identified populations.


And no government should NOT find a role for him.  I maintain that his letter (combined with those from David Hinds and others) has led to Granger being more cautious, not only in what he does, but how it appears to the population at large.  Though we are still to hear about this Ministry of Social Cohesion, that is aside from ensuring that a loyal PNC stalwart, Amna Ally, is rewarded.


He needs to remain outside of the party structure to allow himself the freedom to continue to praise them, when they deserve it, and also to criticize them when this is needed.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Maxwell is one of the best contributors on Guyana politics. The man is a true patriot. The Governnent should find a place for a man like that in our polity.

I saw couple letters recently from him where he was complaining about everything.  Too many ministries; Grange taking Natural Resources ministry instead of giving it to Moses.  These were nonsensical arguments to me.  I thought he was "undercover PPP" to create mischief in the new admin.  However, I did look at the archives (per carib advice) and saw he used to fight with the PPP also.

 Nonsensical???   A Population of 700,000 really need all that Ministers, Ministers  within, Minister in the Office of and on and on??????????????

See what I mean   Nehru comes out to defend Maxwell.  Bai it's not the number of ministers I am worried about it is the perks that I care about and if Guyana could afford it.  Ministry of Infrastructure has a lot of responsibilities so it not a bad idea to have 2 junior minister in that ministry.  The cabinet is just 15 ministers.  I don't know what Amma Ally doing in the cabinet because she seems like a dunce to me.  So let's say 14 in the cabinet 

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Maxwell is one of the best contributors on Guyana politics. The man is a true patriot. The Governnent should find a place for a man like that in our polity.

I saw couple letters recently from him where he was complaining about everything.  Too many ministries; Granger taking Natural Resources ministry instead of giving it to Moses.  These were nonsensical arguments to me.  I thought he was "undercover PPP" to create mischief in the new admin.  However, I did look at the archives (per carib advice) and saw he used to fight with the PPP also.

Typical Guyanese mentality.  He criticizes the coalition, so he must be a "PPP".  When he criticized the PPP he would have been a "PNC", were he not also vocal against the PNC.  During the Burnham era he would have been a "WPA".


All because he dared to be "anti government", and in Guyana that is treasonous at worst, or some one who is unfairly biased against the government at best.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:
.  I don't know what Amma Ally doing in the cabinet because she seems like a dunce to me.  So let's say 14 in the cabinet 

She was with the PNC and got called all sorts of names by Indians.  Give the old girl a reward by giving her a Ministry of which we are yet to hear what it is supposed to do. 


Ditto for Felix with his entire Ministry just to dish out passports.  Guess he being rewarded for flushing out Roger Khan.


These two ministries make no sense to me.  Any way Felix isn't part of the cabinet.


But it was nice for Granger to explain that cabinet will be only 15, with the 3 ministers linked to him, and the other 8 who are junior ministers, not being included.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Maxwell is one of the best contributors on Guyana politics. The man is a true patriot. The Governnent should find a place for a man like that in our polity.

I saw couple letters recently from him where he was complaining about everything.  Too many ministries; Granger taking Natural Resources ministry instead of giving it to Moses.  These were nonsensical arguments to me.  I thought he was "undercover PPP" to create mischief in the new admin.  However, I did look at the archives (per carib advice) and saw he used to fight with the PPP also.

Typical Guyanese mentality.  He criticizes the coalition, so he must be a "PPP".  When he criticized the PPP he would have been a "PPP", were he not also vocal against the PNC.  During the Burnham era he would have been a "WPA".


All because he dared to be "anti government", and in Guyana that is treasonous at worst, or some one who is unfairly biased against the government at best.

Are you sure you are not smoking something?  Make sense with your ramblings.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Maxwell is one of the best contributors on Guyana politics. The man is a true patriot. The Governnent should find a place for a man like that in our polity.

I saw couple letters recently from him where he was complaining about everything.  Too many ministries; Granger taking Natural Resources ministry instead of giving it to Moses.  These were nonsensical arguments to me.  I thought he was "undercover PPP" to create mischief in the new admin.  However, I did look at the archives (per carib advice) and saw he used to fight with the PPP also.

Typical Guyanese mentality.  He criticizes the coalition, so he must be a "PPP".  When he criticized the PPP he would have been a "PNC", were he not also vocal against the PNC.  During the Burnham era he would have been a "WPA".


All because he dared to be "anti government", and in Guyana that is treasonous at worst, or some one who is unfairly biased against the government at best.

Are you sure you are not smoking something?  Make sense with your ramblings.

My "ramblings" made perfect sense.  He wrote ONE or at the most two letters criticizing the coalition and was immediately branded the enemy. 


He said no more than many others said, including people like Hinds and Ogunseye who are within APNU.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Maxwell is one of the best contributors on Guyana politics. The man is a true patriot. The Governnent should find a place for a man like that in our polity.

I saw couple letters recently from him where he was complaining about everything.  Too many ministries; Granger taking Natural Resources ministry instead of giving it to Moses.  These were nonsensical arguments to me.  I thought he was "undercover PPP" to create mischief in the new admin.  However, I did look at the archives (per carib advice) and saw he used to fight with the PPP also.

Typical Guyanese mentality.  He criticizes the coalition, so he must be a "PPP".  When he criticized the PPP he would have been a "PNC", were he not also vocal against the PNC.  During the Burnham era he would have been a "WPA".


All because he dared to be "anti government", and in Guyana that is treasonous at worst, or some one who is unfairly biased against the government at best.

Are you sure you are not smoking something?  Make sense with your ramblings.

My "ramblings" made perfect sense.  He wrote ONE or at the most two letters criticizing the coalition and was immediately branded the enemy. 


He said no more than many others said, including people like Hinds and Ogunseye who are within APNU.

Those are the only letters I know of him, Maxwell.  I was not following letters in Guyana media for a long time.  I know David and Tacuma personally. I could only make conclusions based on what I know.  BUT YOU only see things through a Black man's eyes and all the coolies are out to get you and your kind.  I don't care a rat's ass about race that why I don't get into the drivel here.

Originally Posted by VVP:


Those are the only letters I know of him, Maxwell.  I was not following letters in Guyana media for a long time.  I know David and Tacuma personally. I could only make conclusions based on what I know.  BUT YOU only see things through a Black man's eyes and all the coolies are out to get you and your kind.  I don't care a rat's ass about race that why I don't get into the drivel here.

Maxwell has been one of the most prolific letter writers in the past 10 years.  Why did you jump to conclusions without first establishing the facts.


Also.  If I say that BOTH races are guilty of racism and BOTH races have suffered as a result.  That BOTH the PPP and the PNC have been guilty of racism and BOTh have exploited their grass roots base, how does that arise to a unilateral blaming of Indians.


What is funny is when I blame Burnham for severely damaging black people I get attacked for that too.


Such a barrel of confusion you and the other defenders of Indo racism are.  To the point where the mere mention of it, combined with similar manifestations of Afro racism, drives you all to insanity.


Now I know that you would wish that I remain silent when all the depradations of Burnham against Indians is mentioned, combined with a narrative which suggests that the 60s was only about savage blacks killing Indians......even as the narrative of PPP abuse of Afro Guyanese is IGNORED.  But not going to happen.


But I see the trend.  Folks can claim that the "Indo psyche is framed by how blacks treat them".  That Linden deserves what it got.  No reaction from you.  But when I say that Indians are EQUALLY culpable as are blacks in Guyana's racist mess, then HOWLS from you about how caribj is a racist!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

But I see the trend.  Folks can claim that the "Indo psyche is framed by how blacks treat them".  That Linden deserves what it got.  No reaction from you.  But when I say that Indians are EQUALLY culpable as are blacks in Guyana's racist mess, then HOWLS from you about how caribj is a racist!

Where did I ever get into this kind of shit here?  I have better things to do with my time.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by caribny:

But I see the trend.  Folks can claim that the "Indo psyche is framed by how blacks treat them".  That Linden deserves what it got.  No reaction from you.  But when I say that Indians are EQUALLY culpable as are blacks in Guyana's racist mess, then HOWLS from you about how caribj is a racist!

Where did I ever get into this kind of shit here?  I have better things to do with my time.

Where did you ever condemn remarks like that from others.


You condemn me when I say that BOTH races are guilty of racism, yet the rant from others expressing foul ideas of blacks leads to no comments from  you.


The fact that you comment on me and not on them puts you in it because clearly you either agree with them, or are not disturbed by their comments.


I will NOT TOLERATE those who attempt to excuse the role that Indians have played in creating our ethnic tensions by pandering to those who scream that blacks are the only ones guilty of this.


Burnham's reign institutionalised racism because those were rigged years of oppression.  That's a fact not opinion. Most black people liked it like that until the WPA came along and really educated them that Burnham demonized black people by his oppression of Indian people.


The Jagdeo years institutionalized corruption, not racism.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Burnham's reign institutionalised racism because those were rigged years of oppression.  That's a fact not opinion. Most black people liked it like that until the WPA came along and really educated them that Burnham demonized black people by his oppression of Indian people.


The Jagdeo years institutionalized corruption, not racism.

please come again with a better effort than this lameass piece of sophistry . . . u are not making any bloody sense

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Burnham's reign institutionalised racism because those were rigged years of oppression.  That's a fact not opinion. Most black people liked it like that until the WPA came along and really educated them that Burnham demonized black people by his oppression of Indian people.


The Jagdeo years institutionalized corruption, not racism.

OK continue with the "baad black man, innocent Indo".


You are such an expert on how blacks experienced life under the PPP that you feel free to tell them that no racism existed.


So Jay why did so many blacks scream "the slow holocaust has finally ended", and "I can finally feel like a Guyanese again"?  Clearly this is a DIRECT reference to the exclusion which they felt as black people in what they considered to be an Indian dominated Guyana!


I suggest that you carry your news into the coalition that under the PPP blacks were in control and they faced no racism. 



BTW as a black man who lived under the PNC.  I didn't need the WPA to tell me that things were going wrong.  And I saw with my own eyes the condition that many blacks fell into when they couldn't buy bread.


But continue with your "baad black man, innocent Indo". Of course you will never admit how racist you are when you put all the blame on one race when BOTH races engaged in racism when they had the power to do so.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Burnham's reign institutionalised racism because those were rigged years of oppression.  That's a fact not opinion. Most black people liked it like that until the WPA came along and really educated them that Burnham demonized black people by his oppression of Indian people.


The Jagdeo years institutionalized corruption, not racism.

please come again with a better effort than this lameass piece of sophistry . . . u are not making any bloody sense

It seems obvious that Jay is a PPP mole.  He cannot stand it when any one speaks ill of the PPP.  He doesn't like Jagdeo, but aside from that, has no problems with the PPP.


I reject the notion that because the PNC had an apartheid regime during the rigged years, that we have to say the PPP was exactly the same, to make it balance out and seem fair.


Burnham's reign institutionalised racism because those were rigged years of oppression.The Jagdeo years institutionalized corruption, not racism.


Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

I reject the notion that because the PNC had an apartheid regime during the rigged years, that we have to say the PPP was exactly the same, to make it balance out and seem fair.


Burnham's reign institutionalised racism because those were rigged years of oppression.The Jagdeo years institutionalized corruption, not racism.


Jay go to Granger and tell him that there was no racism against Afro Guyanese under the PPP regime.


Yes go and tell Afro Guyanese when they said the slow holocaust is over, that they are wrong.


Jay you do know that many blacks claim that Burnham was not racist against Indians.  So continue to claim that you know more about what life was like as a black man under the PPP than Afro Guyanese know.  You will be no different than those blacks who claim that you as an Indian faced no racism under the Burnham regime.


Any way by August you will be back at the PPP screaming about "dem blackman"




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

I reject the notion that because the PNC had an apartheid regime during the rigged years, that we have to say the PPP was exactly the same, to make it balance out and seem fair.


Burnham's reign institutionalised racism because those were rigged years of oppression.The Jagdeo years institutionalized corruption, not racism.


Jay go to Granger and tell him that there was no racism against Afro Guyanese under the PPP regime.

Unless you alone have the babbling rights constantly saying "Blacks and Indians suffered equally under PNC Burnham regime" I don't see anything wrong giving you a dose of your own medicine...

Yes go and tell Afro Guyanese when they said the slow holocaust is over, that they are wrong.


Jay you do know that many blacks claim that Burnham was not racist against Indians. Yeah. you still do..

  So continue to claim that you know more about what life was like as a black man under the PPP than Afro Guyanese know.  You will be no different than those blacks Caribny who claim that you as an Indian faced no racism under the Burnham regime.


Any way by August you Caribny will be back at the PPP screaming about "dem blackman" Nah get hire in private sector...  





Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

We need change not exchange.  Coalition has to be quite diversity sensitive or they will lose at LGE and be a 1-term Govt.  Right now, they are not quite sensitive.  I am giving free, good advice.

They must be diverse, but you must cast aside your racist notion that the PPP offers an example of diversity.

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
.  You will be no different than those blacks Caribny who claim that you as an Indian faced no racism under the Burnham regime.



OK.  I see the PPP foolishness setting in.  In the same thread where I claim that BOTH engaged in racism and suffered from it, you now want to claim that I deny that Indos suffered racism under Burnham.


Here is your issue.  You are tied to the myth that only racism in Guyana comes from blacks.  The only victims of it are Indians and that caribj is a racist for saying otherwise.


Any way the AFC Indians will soon learn when they spout this nonsense to AFC and APNU blacks.  You cannot chat unity, and then refuse to listen to the experiences of others.


If blacks aren't getting hired by the private sector, with APNU being the dominant group, then they need to take it up with APNU.  If APNU does nothing, then they should stay home next time.


But I suspect that this isn't going to be the case as the private sector folks will not want to earn the ire of APNU as government is a major source of business in Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Prashad:
He has two options either become Arther Chung or walk the plank. Why would he walk the plank when he can have the luxury of being a ceremonial Prime Minister. Plus them Afc people hungry for government jobs. Moses staying put.

you have absoluely no idea what is going on, but the dark bigot in you compels


like some roaming wild daag, u remain stupid but retain the capability to pee

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
He has two options either become Arther Chung or walk the plank. Why would he walk the plank when he can have the luxury of being a ceremonial Prime Minister. Plus them Afc people hungry for government jobs. Moses staying put.

you have absoluely no idea what is going on, but the dark bigot in you compels


like some roaming wild daag, u remain stupid but retain the capability to pee

ROTFL...bhai you does hit hard.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
.  You will be no different than those blacks Caribny who claim that you as an Indian faced no racism under the Burnham regime.



OK.  I see the PPP foolishness setting in.  In the same thread where I claim that BOTH engaged in racism and BOTH suffered from it, you now want to claim that I deny that Indos suffered racism under Burnham.

No, you moron. As coolie, you are saying to me that I shoul'dnt  complain because you a blackman suffer the same racism as me from PNC under Burnham[doesn't matter you are black]. I am saying to you to take dose of your own "your both engage both suffer logic" and tell me how it feel...punk


Here is your issue.  You are tied to the myth that only racism in Guyana comes from blacks.  The only victims of it are Indians and that caribj is a racist for saying otherwise.


Any way the AFC Indians will soon learn when they spout this nonsense to AFC and APNU blacks.  You cannot chat unity, and then refuse to listen to the experiences of others.

If you think unity means watch your pole dance with a thong to denied AFC contribution keep dreaming..


If blacks aren't getting hired by the private sector, with APNU being the dominant group, then they need to take it up with APNU.  If APNU does nothing, then they should stay home next time.

You have high hopes that for a return of a Idi Amin/ Burnham type Granger but I have a feeling President Granger  will be a 'Desmond Persaud/ Obama type' gona leave ayuh rass white mouth...HHAHA


But I suspect that this isn't going to be the case as the private sector folks will not want to earn the ire of APNU as government is a major source of business in Guyana.


Last edited by sachin_05
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
.  You will be no different than those blacks Caribny who claim that you as an Indian faced no racism under the Burnham regime.



OK.  I see the PPP foolishness setting in.  In the same thread where I claim that BOTH engaged in racism and BOTH suffered from it, you now want to claim that I deny that Indos suffered racism under Burnham.

No, you moron. As coolie, you are saying to me that I shoul'dnt  complain because you a blackman suffer the same racism as me from PNC under Burnham[doesn't matter you are black]. I am saying to you to take dose of your own "your both engage both suffer logic" and tell me how it feel...punk


Here is your issue.  You are tied to the myth that only racism in Guyana comes from blacks.  The only victims of it are Indians and that caribj is a racist for saying otherwise.


Any way the AFC Indians will soon learn when they spout this nonsense to AFC and APNU blacks.  You cannot chat unity, and then refuse to listen to the experiences of others.

If you think unity means watch your pole dance with a thong to denied AFC contribution keep dreaming..


If blacks aren't getting hired by the private sector, with APNU being the dominant group, then they need to take it up with APNU.  If APNU does nothing, then they should stay home next time.

You have high hopes that for a return of a Idi Amin/ Burnham type Granger but I have a feeling President Granger  will be a 'Desmond Persaud/ Obama type' gona leave ayuh rass white mouth...HHAHA


But I suspect that this isn't going to be the case as the private sector folks will not want to earn the ire of APNU as government is a major source of business in Guyana.


Sachin go ahead and prove my case that folks like you blame all the racism in Guyana on blacks, claim Indians are innocent of this.  You all also claim that there has NEVER been any racism directed towards blacks.



Now here is what the AFC says about this.




Now go and run off to the PPP and scream at how racist the AFC is for daring to complain about PPP racism.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

I reject the notion that because the PNC had an apartheid regime during the rigged years, that we have to say the PPP was exactly the same, to make it balance out and seem fair.


Burnham's reign institutionalised racism because those were rigged years of oppression.The Jagdeo years institutionalized corruption, not racism.


well, the "notion" you "reject" has no basis in fact other than the "fact" that you and baseman seem to find useful and have fastened on the word "apartheid" and spend much of y'all idle time scotch taping that nonsense to blackman rule in Guyana for all the obvious ignoble reasons


i'll tell u what i think; i think y'all are fully aware of the evil perpetrated in the name of Indo-Guyanese by the PPP these past 15+ years; y'all are concerned  and understand the need for a sound[er] intellectual basis to mitigate the horrendous Jagdeo era crimes and shore up bitter-ender support for the openly tribal PPP y'all midwiving


enter the fantasist notion of "apartheid" and "Indo-slavery" and "genocide" . . . this vileness, this LIE without shame being sold to an underinformed generation about Indian existence under PNC dictatorship rule


framed thusly, everything evil is permitted by the 'Indian' party to defend the "Indian presence" in Guyana; even the most unspeakable acts MUST be excused in the eliminationist 'war' vs. blackman!


intelligent examination of this foolishness is stymied by slandering truth tellers as defenders of Burnhamite racism and naive supporters of Indian oppression and dispossession in Guyana


sounds like a plan, eh? after all this stuff is existential, rite


and, oh yes . . . Indian "dispossession" is now being framed by y'all s*unts as any attempt to claw back the people's assets from the nouveau class of PPP mega bandits who raped the country without conscience under tiefman-in-chief Dr5 barat


indeed u ignorant klown, repeating the below shit over and over does not make it any more intelligible, any less dunce:


Jay Bharrat: "Burnham's reign institutionalised racism because those were rigged years of oppression.The Jagdeo years institutionalized corruption, not racism."



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Jalil:


de Brown Nose



Good fuh U

Yuh get Brown Nose like Donald


Look how Brown Noses

Spreading in the PPP

Manni give Bharrat

Bharat Give Donald

Donald Give Kwame

Kwame Give Randolph

Kwamee owns Randolph. What's dat brown stuff on Randolph's nose?

An Randolph give it to Grainiger and then tun ova the fust Chinee ooman and give the cross way ting long way el a 90 deg An dem a halla murda

Originally Posted by Jalil:


de Brown Nose



Good fuh U

Yuh get Brown Nose like Donald


Look how Brown Noses

Spreading in the PPP

Manni give Bharrat

Bharat Give Donald

Donald Give Kwame

Kwame Give Randolph

Rano give it to the Soulda Bhai and then hop and skip across and give it to the fust Chinee ooman Cross way

Last edited by randolph

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