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Originally Posted by randolph:

Nagga get the first 'Shaft'


The first official Cabinet meeting convened by the new administration was not chaired by Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo as is stipulated under the Cummingsburg Accord signed by APNU and the AFC to contest the elections.

Lots more "shafting" will emerge as time progresses until there is only the PNC holding all the positions in government.


It will be similar to the 1970's when the PNC and the United Force were a unit in the government.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Nagga is Leader of Govt Business.  He is the boss (and Carib is sad).


When President is in the room, it is proper to defer to him.  That is ethical.


But they can both sit in front.  You don't have to have Nagga sitting at the side.  It's a partnership.

As a first step for all to see that he is really of no importance in the administration and in time he will be no longer around.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Nagga is Leader of Govt Business.  He is the boss (and Carib is sad).


When President is in the room, it is proper to defer to him.  That is ethical.


But they can both sit in front.  You don't have to have Nagga sitting at the side.  It's a partnership.

Nagga is PM.  Granger is PRESIDENT.  When Granger is in the room Nagga DEFERS to him.


Now I know that you are angry about this fact but this is a FACT.


Granger is the HEAD and Nagamootoo is NUMBER TWO!


Now go and cry that your take over plan of the coalition to have a 60% INDIAN cabinet failed.


Also understand this.  Over 90% of those who voted coalition were PNC supporters.  Just be glad that they accept only having 60% of the cabinet and 65% of coalition seats in parliament.


Your back door coup attempt was spotted and BLOCKED!

Originally Posted by caribny:

Your back door coup attempt was spotted and BLOCKED!


While I disagree terribly with your attempt to paint Jay specifically with this tar brush, I will however support you in the belief that many many Mosaic Cultists not-so-secretly thought they were using the PNC to engineer some kinda coup over the PNC whereby Granger was going to be relegated to military ceremonies and welcoming ambassadors while Moses and his brigade of brigands-in-waiting would have a free hand to run tings.


These people (not Jay) have a terribly low opinion of Blacks. Their typical Black is the urban or village poor Black not the educated and better class.


This is precisely why I could never ever trust them in a multiethnic coalition. They're just a bunch of clumsy racists and they're too stupid to know when they're being outsmarted because I doan think they believe they can ever be outsmarted by Blacks (politically or otherwise). I think you owe me an apology on this count and maybe some thanks for my anti-Moses Cult rants.


P.S...This is not Moses Nagamootoo. He is a decent man who I just vigorously disagree with politically but he is a better man still than his many supporters. His core supporters do him no justice.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

P.S...This is not Moses Nagamootoo. He is a decent man who I just vigorously disagree with politically but he is a better man still than his many supporters. His core supporters do him no justice.

I always fully say that Moses and the Moses cultists are NOT the same thing, and in fact the biggest problem that Moses will have will be his cultists.


Folks like Granger, Hughes and Trotman have no patience for country boo boo Indo racists.  These are multi generational upper middle class people, and in fact look down on some of those clowns as a bunch lf dummies with some cash.  What these Indo racists do not under stand is that black people of that ilk have been highly educated now for 100 years and didnt need either Burnham or Jagan to grant them access to opportunity.


I told Jay to be careful.  He called me a racist.  Now that the PNC Linden civil war is re-igniting the ground will become more treacherous for Moses in particular.  Linden has made no bones of hiding the fact that it is they who won the election for the coalition, because of their very high vote. 


Moses will be dragged into that confrontation between them and Granger, and can ill afford PPP refugee racists giving those who do not trust him (because he is a former PPP man) ammunition.


Jay is clumsy around black people, and its obvious that he only knows the simple, always smiling, kinds of blacks who frequent those evangelical churches to which he is connected.  His daily statements mainly confirm to the more sophisticated black middle class that PPP refugees need to be kept under close watch, and that some of them still carry that PPP racism under their finger nails, even as they pretend that they "love their black brothers and sisters".


Jay thinks he is being cute by avoiding discussion of why he considers the PPP more ethnically diverse than the coalition, even as 60% of the senior ministers in the PPP cabinet are Indian, when only 40% of the coalition cabinet are African.  All he is doing is exposing his ethnic bias.

Last edited by Former Member

Mr. Shaitaan is correct.  Thanks for showing such brilliance this time.


Carib, apparently, is not helpable.


WE cannot measure the Coalition by who is chairing meetings.  That's a minor matter.


WE have a country to build.  People need to stop stirring the Chairing issue. Let the leaders build relationships.


The Linden issue will be defused.  Everyone will get a share of the pie.  If Green can get award for being a freedom fighter, and all those unknowns became ministers, Sharma and Vanessa will get something eventually.  Don't think Granger is that hateful.


Let's hold hands (black and Indians and others) and build the country.


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