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Originally Posted by TI:

All mestizos have origins.

 You are talking sheer s.hit. Everyone has origins. The Indian caste system has a narrative about origins and it is no less bullshi.t  than the Spanish caste system. If you were to go into New Mexico you would see those fools there practicing it. For that reason one admires the Mexicans who call themselves cholos. This man was born of a highland tribe who still live in their tribal ways. I doubt anyone looking at him will call him anything other than a native.


The hypocrisy of your bullshit is exemplified only last week in your calling Trayvon black. He was not then mixed or having "an origin". You are full of crap these days. What the hell is your origin since you are not Indian ( by your accounting) as there was no damn India until recently.

Originally Posted by TI:

No shame in being a mestizo. Not all can claim a pure Amerindian bloodline like you, hehehe



 Dude, the idea of a bloodline is clearly bull crap. An Amerindian is so designated only on account of geolocation and no damn "origins". A people are what they call themselves. You do not get to assign them a cultural label simply because you can. That is simply being presumptuous is not demonstrably ignorant.  If you can look at quintana and call him mestizo what of these? Note they all call themselves Amerindians.


By the way, do you know there are many words in my mothers language that are clearly spanish? Does that mean there are no Luconos?



Brazilian Tribes



Brazilian Tribes - 4š Jogos Indígenas da Aldeia Velha valoriza cultura PataxÃģ





Originally Posted by chameli:

some of dem look Chinese-ish

that is the point. some have blue eyes and are still amerind culturally. Some as the saramaccans speak both lucono and are culturally lucono but they black. The Garafunas are cultural caribs and they are black. People are not fitted in boxes prepared for them. They get in the box that they select for themselves.

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by TI:

Mr Quintana deserves credit for his effort.



No problem with that. But it was the first time an African won that tour. So it should not be overlooked.

The white people chasing him made him ride faster


congratulations to him!

He is a white African. The British gave him a British passport so that they could claim he is British. They did the same thing last year when a Belgian won the Tour. He too got a British passport and even a knoghthood.

Froome was accused of using drugs since no White man has been able to win the Tour de France without using drugs.

Originally Posted by TI:

Mr Quintana deserves credit for his effort.

For decades now we have been waiting to see D2 on his expensive machine on the Tour De France. With his skill and cycling acumen, he is sure to win!



You have not seen the race; clearly so. Quintana was hired as a mountain helper or as they say a "domestique" for Alejandro Valverde Belmounte. Valverde's bike broke a wheel on a mountain stage and even though all his team came back to help, he lost 10 minutes and any chance of placing on the podium in Paris.


Nairo was behind Valverde in time since he was always supposed to be by his side as long as he can so he became the GC ( general contender) biker for Movistar. Valverde became his helper and he was an unselfish helper, almost killing himself to keep him high in the placings.


I do not ride road bikes. I seldom ever get faster than 7 mph except downhill. We ride only around 20 to 30 miles and that takes two to three hours. We ride in the dirt where a road bike would not survive the first kilometer. 


Also, our bikes are not as expensive. Those tour bikes are in the 15 to 20 K. I ride single track and technical trails on  a Trek Remedy 9.8 and a Treak Slash 8. I get the bikes at a discount since we are an amateur team and wear their logos and gear.


We do not ride to win prizes or accolades  but to do it as fast as we can so you can sit in the local pub at the end of it and sample their home brew and talk crap

Originally Posted by Sunil:

Quintana is a good rider, he was over here last year for the Olympics, I'm not sure if he participated or was only doing promo. He is quite a small fellow, about 5'5" and 120-130 lbs.

Climbers cannot be big. The best power to weight ratio is for these riders is around 135 lbs. He has to put out some 430 watts at 60 to 80 revs per minute for over an hour to climb Mount Ventoux.  Big guys heart would give out. I can get 75 revs a min for 15 min stints with an output of 380 watts not more. I would never get to the top unless I ride a granny gear and do 35 revs a min.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by TI:

Mr Quintana deserves credit for his effort.



No problem with that. But it was the first time an African won that tour. So it should not be overlooked.

The white people chasing him made him ride faster


congratulations to him!

He is a white African. The British gave him a British passport so that they could claim he is British. They did the same thing last year when a Belgian won the Tour. He too got a British passport and even a knoghthood.

Froome was accused of using drugs since no White man has been able to win the Tour de France without using drugs.

Froom was putting out a lots of watts for 30 mins straight in that high cadence of his and the suspicions arises that it exceeds what would be a statistical average for his VO2max. I think he is doing it because he was born in the high mountains like Quintana. 


I also have a different view of EPO etc. I think we are augmenting our bodies in everyday possible and it is where we have to go to survive as a specie. What is is wrong with activating increase red blood cells. We do it by eating proteins and carbs to get the muscle and energy to ride so why not improve the blood that carries these enhancements in food to the muscles. We are already using the drug to help sick people.

Originally Posted by chameli:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by chameli:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by chameli:

some of dem look Chinese-ish

[]People are not fitted in boxes prepared for them. They get in the box that they select for themselves.


Yu mean getting in the box?

somehow, I started to think funeral with all this mntion of box!!!



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